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Sep 13, 2019 ~ Trump agreements and tariff threats have greatly reduced illegal immigration by gaining Guatemala's and Mexico's cooperation. Apprehensions are down 62% since the peak in May. Mexico deployed its National Guard, installed new checkpoints and conducted raids to avoid new tariffs. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ U.S. Border Patrol have arrested almost 1000 gang members this year trying to sneak in including 445 from MS-13. Trump is keeping his promise to MS-13, 'We will find you, we will arrest you, we will jail you, we will throw you the hell out of the country.' Dems want to abolish. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ The Trump economy continues to produce impressive stats. U.S. Census data shows the poverty rate is at 11.8%, the lowest since 2001. 1.4 million less people in poverty vs. 2017. 2.3 million more full time workers since 2017. 6.3 million people off food stamps since 2017. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Beto proves that mainstream democrats really do want to take away guns from law abiding citizens. Beto proudly exclaims 'Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15!' Other dems use the euphemism 'mandatory gun buyback'. No one believes AR-15 is the only gun they will confiscate. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Jonathan S. Tobin, 'Trump's starting to win big on controlling the southern border'. Trump was mocked when he said Mexico would pay for the wall but he has gotten Mexico to devote significant resources to reducing illegal immigration. '21,600 police and troops', more checkpoints. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Former NFL player Edawn Coughman caught staging another fake hate crime designed to smear Trump supporters. Vandalized his own restaurants. Graffiti written include 'MAGA', N-word, 'Monkey' and swastikas. Police quickly solved before celebs and politicians could demand justice! [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Leland Keyser, the high school friend of Christine Blasey Ford who says Keyser was present at her assault previously said she doesn't know Kavanaugh and does not remember any such party. Now says, 'I don't have any confidence in the story,' and 'it just didn't make any sense.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Leland Keyser elaborates on why Blasey Ford's story 'just didn't make any sense.' 'It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she's getting home.' 'I don't have any confidence in the story.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Witness tampering bombshell. Leland Keyser 'felt pressure by both Gonella and Ford's friend Monica McLean to change her story' 'I was told behind the scenes that certain things could spread about me if I didn't comply.' Text 'let everyone in the public know what her condition is' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ CBS News, 'Now all four people that Ford identified as being at that high-school party in the summer of 1982 have now said no such party occurred.' 'Christine Ford's close HS friend told the FBI Ford's allies pressured her, threatened her with a smear campaign to say otherwise.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ MSNBC analyst Jason Johnson on the latest fake accusation. Explains, 'He is the fifth guy in the gang rape. He's the guy who comes in after he is drunk because everybody else encourages him and he can get away with it... despicable misogynist attitude'. No pushback from MSNBC. [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ Trump presents Mariano Rivera with the 2019 Medal of Freedom award. Rivera, perhaps the best closer ever, is a Panamanian immigrant. Rivera says he's 'proud to be an American'. Trump, 'he has lived the American Dream and shines as an example of American greatness for all to see.' [Trump Win, Immigration]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ The Women's March cut ties with three of its co-founders: Linda Sarsour, Bob Bland, and Tamika Mallory over issues of anti-Semitism. They also dismissed Zhara Billoo who denounced 'all terrorism, including all that regularly committed by the US military and Al Qaeda, the Israeli Defense Forces and ISIS.' [Women's March, Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 17, 2019 ~ New book 'The Trayvon Hoax' demonstrates that the trial of Trayvon Martin was fraudulent. A key witness was supposed to be Diamond Eugene who was on the phone with Martin. But she would not testify to prosecution's lies so they substituted Rachel Jeantel to pretend to be Diamond [Fake News]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dems trying to turn a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal. In Feb 2014 Joe Biden was named 'point man' on Ukraine. Months later Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian gas co. Burisma for $600K a year. Burisma investigated for corruption. JB demands investigating prosecutor be fired. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Biden brags about getting the prosecutor investigating his son fired. 'I said "You're not getting the billion. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money." Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.' Exactly the pro quo they accused Trump of. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ A 'whistleblower' claims Trump withheld aid unless Ukraine investigates Biden. Pelosi starts Impeachment Inquiry without ever seeing the statement nor the phone call transcript. Turns out he's not a real whistleblower. All 2nd hand info and almost everything he said was wrong. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Trump releases the transcript proving no quid pro quo. Never mentioned foreign aid. Ukrainian president says there was no pressure. 'I think we had a good phone call. It was normal and we spoke about many things. You read it. Nobody pushed.' Dem's latest pretext falls apart. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dems look ridiculous again but already started impeachment before the facts were in. They end up falsely accusing Trump of doing exactly what Quid Pro Joe actually did. If you tried to write this as fiction, you would be criticized for making the story too absurd and implausible. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Flashback, Vanity Fair article from December 2016 before Trump sworn in titled 'Democrats Are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump'. Kevin Williamson, 'Democrats had long ago decided to try to impeach Trump, and they decided to do so in December 2016 - because he won.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Kevin Williamson]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Flashback, Washington Post article from January 20, 2017, the day Donald Trump is inaugurated, 'The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun'. They never hid the fact that they were going to impeach him because they lost the election. This has nothing to do with Ukraine. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ New DHS policy ends the catch and release loophole acting as a magnet to illegal immigration. 'DHS will no longer be releasing family units from Border Patrol Stations into the interior.' 'This is a vital step in restoring the rule of law and integrity to our immigration system.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 24, 2019 ~ More than 500 scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have sent a 'European Climate Declaration to the UN. Disputes the alarmism about 'hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters' 'There is no climate emergency. Therefore... no cause for panic' [Climate Change]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ Since the actual call transcript with Zelensky was a bust, Adam Schiff decided to read a fake transcript that he totally made up. 'you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.' Schiff widely criticized. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Geraldo Rivera says 'this poor president, his whole tenure in office has been marked by snitches and rats and backstabbers. It's amazing how he functions at all.' 'This is the Russia collusion illusion delusion 2.0' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Bill Maher on Hunter Biden, 'This kid was paid $600,000 because his name is Biden, by a gas company in Ukraine, in this super corrupt country. They just had a revolution to get rid of corruption.' 'if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Andrew McCarthy details 'extensive evidence that in 2016, the Obama administration's law-enforcement agencies pressured their Ukrainian counterparts to revive a dormant corruption investigation of Paul Manafort.' I.e. pressured Ukraine to investigate 2016 political opponents. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Trans Cycling 'Champion' Rachel McKinnon declares that 'Genital preferences are transphobic.' and furthermore, 'Any sexual orientation other than pan is immoral because sexual genital preferences immoral'. All non bisexuals must be transphobic and immoral then. [Trans, LGBT, Gender]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Wilfred Reilly of KSU, author of 'Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War' has documented MORE THAN 400 HATE CRIME HOAXES IN THE PAST 5 YEARS ALONE. 'most of the highly publicized hate crime incidents in the recent past have in fact turned out to be hoaxes' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Federal Judge rules in favor of Harvard and their current admission criteria. So its official. Asians have terrible personalities! Harvard would not lie in order to rig the system. Asians have the worst personalities. Black people have the best. White personalities are just 'ok'. [Affirmative Action, Race, College]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Natalia Mateo discovers that climate change is even more serious than alarmists warned. The media reports, 'The entire planet is warming at twice the rate as the rest of the planet.' Mateo documents news reports where 'experts' make that claim about regions all over the globe. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 9, 2019 ~ Ronan Farrow's new book reveals that 'Weinstein also attempted to leverage his long-term relationship with Hillary Clinton to pressure Farrow' into not doing the expose on Weinstein. Clinton would not do an interview with Farrow because Weinstein story is a 'concern for us.' [Me Too]
Oct 9, 2019 ~ Tony Heller releases stunning video exposing how many well known climate graphs that show alarming trends in everything from heat waves, sea level, wild fires, arctic sea ice show that only because of carefully chosen starting dates. Effects DISAPPEAR with earlier starting dates. [Climate Change]
Oct 10, 2019 ~ Zelensky reiterated, 'There was no blackmail.' regarding call with Trump. 'I had no idea the military aid was held up. When I did find out, I raised it with Pence at a meeting in Warsaw. I told him please help to resolve it. And after our meeting America unblocked the aid.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Oct 14, 2019 ~ Project Veritas exposes CNN as having anti-Trump policies from Zucker on down. Employees say Zucker 'has a personal vendetta against Trump' and he 'blatantly hates Trump' Cooper, Lemon, Cuomo, Tapper too. 'Our Democratic interviews are like softballs, compared to the Republicans' [TDS, Fake News]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Democrat Rep. Sean Casten says Dan Crenshaw opposes voting by non-citizens 'because you are a racist.' Crenshaw responds, 'When you can't articulate a coherent argument, you resort to calling your political opponents racist... Just another day... with the Democrat Party.' [Fake Racism]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ ICE identifies 100s of fraudulent families and 50 of fraudulent unaccompanied minors in El Paso alone. 'These children are being dangerously used as pawns by criminals to take advantage of loopholes in our immigration laws and avoid being detained by U.S. immigration authorities' [Illegal Immigration]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Trump Administration negotiates a 'permanent ceasefire agreement' between Turkey and the Kurds in Syria. The Kurdish commander thanks Trump, 'We THANK President Trump for his tireless efforts that stopped the brutal Turkish attack and jihadist groups on our people.' [Trump Win, Syria, Islam]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ President Trump receives the 2019 'Bipartisan Justice Award' at historically black Benedict College for his work on The First Step Act. Award presented by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center, a group founded by twenty black Republicans and twenty black Democrats. 'Highest Honor'. [Trump Win, Race, Crime, First Step]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ US Forces kill leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in daring Syria raid. Operation in planning since the summer. Coordination with Russia, Syria and the Turkey. Dems upset they were not informed but reason is they leak like a sieve. 'Schiff is the biggest leaker in Washington' [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 28, 2019 ~ Katie Hill resigns from congress. Admitted to an affair with 22 year old campaign staffer and ethics investigation opened after evidence of an affair with a congressional staffer as well. Dems and celebs including A. Milano look ridiculous claiming some kind of 'double standard'. [Me Too, Fake Sexism]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ The house overwhelmingly passes resolution to recognize and condemn the Ottoman Empire's genocide of 1.5 million Armenians. Rep. Ilhan Omar was one of the few who would not vote for the resolution. Perhaps because this genocide was committed by Turkish Muslims against Christians. [Islam]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Obama criticizes cancel culture. 'This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that? to be as judgmental as possible. If all you're doing is casting stones, you're probably not going to get very far.' [Cancel Culture]
Nov 1, 2019 ~ Black unemployment rate continues to set new record lows. Now at 5.4% which again is the lowest level ever recorded. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 4, 2019 ~ Saritha Prabhu pens '10 Reasons I Like Donald Trump, From A Female, Former-Democrat Immigrant'. One of the reasons 'He loves America'. Significant only in contrast to democrats who clearly don't. They hate our past and think we are currently a deplorable, racist & unfair country. [Trump Win, Politics]
Nov 6, 2019 ~ Whistleblower lawyer Mark Zaid 2017 tweets reveal the impeachment farce has been part of the plan since 2017. 'Coup has started? Impeachment will follow ultimately' 'We will get rid of him' 'I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 10, 2019 ~ To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a statue of former President Ronald Reagan was unveiled and dedicated at the U.S. embassy in Berlin. On June 12, 1987, President Reagan told Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." [Reagan]
Nov 10, 2019 ~ Alan Dershowitz accuses democrats of 'making up crimes'. 'Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican you should be frightened by efforts to try to create crimes out of nothing' 'the Democrats are now making up crimes' Beria to Stalin, 'Show me the man, and I'll find you the crime' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 12, 2019 ~ Hillary Clinton writes book 'Gutsy Women'. Long list includes Greta Thunberg. Leaves out 'Iron Lady' Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister. Clinton is hard at work on her next book 'Brilliant Scientists'. Includes Bill Nye, the science guy. Leaves out Einstein. [Hillary]
Nov 12, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson article 'Ten Reasons Impeachment Is Illegitimate' Unlike previous impeachments, this is not based on a special council investigation. Also, dems have been trying to impeach since 2016. Unless they were psychic in 2016, this can't be about a Ukraine phone call. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]

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