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Aug 16, 2020 ~ Netanyahu, 'Thanks to President Trump and the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, we're making history.' 'This peace unites two of the most advanced economies in the world.' Other Arab nations realize they 'cannot be held hostage' to the Palestinian refusal to embrace peace. [Trump Win, Israel]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, on Israel deal 'The region has changed for the better. In more honest times, Trump administration officials who brokered this breakthrough would be up for the Nobel Peace Prize' 'The first important breakthrough in the Middle East in three decades just took place.' [Trump Win, Ben Shapiro, Israel]
Aug 20, 2020 ~ With violent Democrats rioting, looting, attacking and injuring innocent people and cops nightly in democrat run cities like Chicago, Seattle, New York, and Portland, Trump warns voters what would happen if Democrats ran the whole country, 'Imagine the mayhem coming to your town' [Violent Left, Politics]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Peace with Israel continues to spread throughout the Middle East under President Trump's leadership. Not only has Kosovo become the next Muslim-majority nation to recognize Israel and normalize relations, but a peace has been formalized between Serbia and Kosovo after decades. [Trump Win, Israel]
Sep 4, 2020 ~ Trump bans federal dollars from being spent on 'training' involving the 'divisive, false, and demeaning propaganda of the critical race theory movement', 'white privilege', the US is an inherently racist or evil country or that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism, Trump Win]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ The Kingdom of Bahrain is the latest Muslim majority nation to normalize relations with Israel. Peace is spreading throughout the middle east under President Trump's leadership. Trump gets his 2nd Nobel Peace Prize nomination. Pelosi calls all of this a 'distraction'. [Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ A #BLM 'protester' walks up to a police car in Compton and shoots 2 officers in the head, one a mother. Videos show people celebrating. BLM at the hospital where the officers are fighting for life, 'We hope they die.' 'Y`all gonna die one by one.' Block the emergency room doors. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ President Donald Trump hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan and Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani at the White House to sign the Abraham Accords celebrating the new peace. [Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ PM Benjamin Netanyahu thanks Trump for his leadership: "For thousands of years, the Jewish people have prayed for peace. For decades, the Jewish state has prayed for peace. And this is why today we're filled with such profound gratitude. I am grateful to you, President Trump." [Israel, Trump Win]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones article, 'Trump Did More for Black Americans in 4 Years Than Biden Has in Over 40' Jones details Biden's racist and harmful to black people past and says, 'President Trump is Biden’s polar opposite.' First Step, record black employment, and more. [Economy, First Step, Race, Trump Win]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ President Trump nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. She says, 'I love the United States, and I love the United States Constitution.' She says she shares Scalia's 'judicial philosophy' 'A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policymakers.' [SCOTUS, Trump Win]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ Joe Biden aide Ron Klain during the Obama administration in 2019 said ‘We did every possible thing wrong. And 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time.’  This means that if H1N1 had the same death rate as #COVID19, Obama/Biden would have lost about 2.5 million people. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Oct 12, 2020 ~ Newsweek, 'Poll Shows 45% of Queer Men Backing Trump' Richard Grenell, the first openly gay cabinet member in U.S. history said, 'President Trump is the best President the gay and lesbian community has ever had.' @realDonaldTrump called the pro-Trump LGBT group, Outspoken. #LGBT [LGBT, Trump Win]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ .@JoeBiden says most voters shouldn't vote for him. Was asked, Gallup, '56% of Americans said they were better off today than they were four years ago... So why should people who feel they are better off today... vote for you?' 'Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.' [Biden, Trump Win]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ @NYT, “Experts are saying, with genuine confidence, that the pandemic in the United States will be over far sooner than they expected... Operation Warp Speed... working with remarkable efficiency. If handled like the Spanish Flu or H1N1, there would be "2 million dead today." [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ A teacher in a high school outside Paris was de-capitated for showing cartoons of Muhammed in a lesson on free speech.  Education Minister Blanquer. "the monstrosity of Islamist terrorism." Macron, He "was murdered today because he taught the freedom to believe or not believe." [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Oct 19, 2020 ~ The DOE Office of Civil Rights informed Franklin Pierce University. that their policies violate Title IX. 'The first victory for college female athletes being forced to compete on an unfair playing field against males claiming transgender status and competing in women’s sports.' [College, Education, Gender, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win]
Oct 26, 2020 ~ The Senate confirms Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Barrett was sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas. Congratulations Justice Barrett and President Donald Trump! [SCOTUS, Trump Win]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Laura Hollis, 'Obesity: The American Health Crisis We Should Be Talking About' The differences in #COVID19 death rates in populations correlate with obesity. 42% of Americans are obese. 4.7% of South Koreans. Among Americans, death rates correlate well with race obesity rates. [Coronavirus, Health, Race]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Biden didn't just promise to ban fracking, he said 'I guarantee, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels'. Fossil fuels have enabled everything in the modern world. There ARE NO realistic alternatives. The benefits outweigh the harm by about a million to one. Insanity. [Biden, Energy, Environment]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ The Trump economy roars back at record pace. 3rd quarter annualized GDP was 33.1%, more than double the previous record quarterly GDP growth. [Economy, Trump Win]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Moderna becomes the second company to announce a COVID19 vaccine developed under President Trump's WarpSpeed program. The effectiveness is an astounding 94.5%. [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Dec 2, 2020 ~ AG Bill Barr on the FBI, DOJ, DHS election investigations. "We have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election... the claim that machines were programmed to skew the election results... we haven’t seen anything to substantiate that." [2020 Election, Politics]
Dec 28, 2020 ~ Rodney Stevens, 'Racism is no longer systemic in the United States. Trust me.' Dems 'fail to acknowledge how much has improved with regard to race in this country.' 'racism still exists but it is no longer systemic. Those who claim that racism is everywhere today are delusional.' [Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Jan 6, 2021 ~ Trump supporters violently stormed the Capitol building, fighting with police, breaking windows, and vandalizing. In other words, Republicans were acting like Democrats for the first time. Dems were outraged. Demand the police be refunded. No longer claim violent protest is good. [Capitol Riot, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 9, 2021 ~ Greg Gutfeld, 'Vandalism and looting, whether it’s in D.C. or Portland, SoHo, Kinosha, Minneapolis, Seattle. It’s all bad no matter who’s doing it. So we must remain consistent. That’s what makes us different from the rest. We don’t play favorites with mobs. The other side does.' [Antifa, BLM, Capitol Riot, Politics, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Facebook and Twitter engaged in an ideological purge, forcing conservatives to Parler. At which point Apple, Amazon, and Google teamed up to kneecap Parler and drive the heretical voices out of the public square completely.' I.e. alternative sites also banned. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ For years, people have told conservatives who complained about censorship on FaceBook and Twitter to build their own platform. So they built Parler but then Apple, Google and Amazon conspired to shut down Parler. Bottom line is that Big Tech will not allow conservatives to speak. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 20, 2021 ~ Joe Biden is inaugurated. Washington Post does not publish article called 'The Campaign to Impeach President Biden Has Begun'. Vanity Fair does not publish article called 'Republicans Are Paving the Way to Impeach Joseph Biden' Republicans do not destroy property all over the US. [Biden, Impeachment, Violent Left]
Jan 25, 2021 ~ Abigail Shrier on Biden's trans athlete executive order. 'This order spells the destruction of women's sports. Its probably the greatest blow to women's rights we've seen in decades.' 'A world in which Allison Felix [the greatest ever female sprinter] doesn't even make the team.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ Guy Benson, 'Confirmed: Stolen Election Claims Depressed GOP Turnout, Handed Democrats Georgia Senate Seats' As was obvious, the numbers now confirm that Trump's false claims depressed GOP turnout. “What good would it have done to vote? They have votes that got changed.” [2020 Election]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ President Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. It never made any sense to impeach him for telling supporters to peaceably protest and for doing things almost every Democrat has done: Saying 'fight like hell' and questioning election results. [Capitol Riot, Impeachment, Trump Win]
Feb 19, 2021 ~ There was Rush Limbaugh and there was everybody else far in the distance. He single handedly created alternative media.  As usual, he was nothing like the hateful left and the Fake News Media is portraying him. The opposite is closer to being true. RIP Rush. [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Mar 13, 2021 ~ Being overweight is found to be more predictive of severe COVID-19 illness than any factor with the exception of age. 78% of those hospitalized were overweight or obese. 9 out of 10 deaths in countries with high obesity rates. Tracks across demographics withing counties also. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Health]
Mar 15, 2021 ~ David A. Lieb, AP, 'Virus tolls similar despite governors’ contrasting actions' Article acknowledges the fact that the death tolls in CA, which had strict lockdowns and mask mandates and FL, which didn't were just about exactly the same. And FL even had higher elderly population. [Coronavirus]
Mar 24, 2021 ~ Sidney Powell now says 'no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact' Referring to her claims that the election was stolen by hacking the Dominion voting machines. She also said she was just doing her job advocating for her client. [2020 Election]
Apr 3, 2021 ~ The UK’s health advisory board, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) says 'The evidence for using puberty blocking drugs to treat young people struggling with their gender identity is “very low.”' NICE says also true of “gender affirming” hormonal “treatment” [Trans]
May 10, 2021 ~ John McWhorter, 'CAN WE PLEASE DITCH THE TERM "SYSTEMIC RACISM"?' The systemic racism of the 60s is 'long gone' but it instilled an anti-school 'attitudinal' issue in the black community. So, addressing current 'racism' is unhelpful, even harmful because that's not the problem. [Education, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
May 27, 2021 ~ Bombshell University of Louisville study reveals that *using* (not just mandating) masks DID NOT slow the spread of #COVID19. 'Using data from the CDC covering multiple seasons, reports that "mask mandates AND USE are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states.' [Coronavirus]
May 31, 2021 ~ #BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors called for the end of Israel during a 2015 Harvard panel. 'If we don't step up boldly and courageously to end the imperialist project that's called Israel, we're doomed.' Cullors had to step down from BLM after buying several homes with BLM money. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Israel]
Jun 3, 2021 ~ New York Times reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones says that "Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence." Ideas like this help explain why Democrats and the #FakeNews claim that riots burning down and looting our cities are "peaceful protests." CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, "And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful." [BLM, Fake News, George Floyd, Violent Left]
Jun 13, 2021 ~ Andrew Sullivan 'The Grim Trade-Off Of BLM?' #COVID did not cause the huge murder spike in the US. Murder is down all over the world. Its #BLM getting the police defunded. 'The final legacy of BLM... a huge increase in the numbers of innocent black lives lost to civilian murder.' [BLM, Coronavirus]
Jul 1, 2021 ~ Dr. Susan Berry, 'Science Says Transgender Hormones and Surgeries Do Not Prevent Suicides' Parents are told that their kids will commit suicide if they don't give them 'gender affirming' treatments but "suicide rates remain markedly elevated after' affirmation interventions.' [Trans]
Jul 4, 2021 ~ Jesse Kelly on modern Democrats "Democrats hate America. The entire Party is centered around America hatred. The entire Democrat base is a conglomerate of groups who hate America. The media and Hollywood, in an attempt to help Democrats, spread the message that America sucks." [Loathsome Left]
Jul 5, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald on Democrat's constant false accusations. "Liberals accuse others of being "white supremacists" with such casualness and frequency that they barely even need a pretense any longer for doing it. They say it or type it almost as a reflex, the way other people sneeze." [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 7, 2021 ~ 5 years ago today Black Lives Matter 'protester' Micah Johnson shot 12 Dallas cops, killing 5. We remember Senior Cpl. Lorne Ahrens, Sgt. Michael Smith, Officer Michael Krol, Officer Patrick Zamarripa, and Officer Brent Thompson. #BLM and Democrats continue to villify the police. [BLM, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 14, 2021 ~ The Cuban people protest in the streets against Communism and for freedom ("libertad") waving the American Flag. Democrats and the #FakeNews who love socialism and Cuban dictators but hate the American Flag lie, saying the protest is about #COIVD19. Biden does not support them. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Socialism]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ Smiling is now 'racist'. The joyless, race hustling fraud, Robin DiAngelo says that White people smiling at Black people is "a way for white people to maintain moral integrity.' allowing 'white people to mask an anti-Blackness that is foundational to our very existence as white.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 17, 2021 ~ The Biden Admin unconstitutionally censors. Jen Psaki, "we’ve increased disinformation research and tracking... We're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation." Wants people silenced everywhere. "you shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others." [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Jul 25, 2021 ~ Shelby Steele "All the things that we protested back then are over with. We are as free as you can possibly be free." "This is not a systemically racist society. It is a systemically goodwill toward black people society. People... are rooting for us. They are not holding us back" [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]

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