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May 11, 2020 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States' Alexander demolishes this common democrat myth. Blue states receive more federal money per capita. And when money does go to 'red states' it goes 'overwhelmingly' to democrats. [Entitlements, Fake News]
May 11, 2020 ~ Allen Guelzo, '1619 and the Narrative of Despair' Another historian debunks falsehoods masquerading as the new history of America. The Project claims 'everything that has truly made America exceptional' was due to slavery. But 25X as many slaves went to South. America vs. the US. [Slavery, Fake News]
May 11, 2020 ~ Newsbusters 'The Death of #MeToo: 95 Celebs Who Smeared Kavanaugh are Silent on Biden' Stunning hypocrisy exposed for Alyssa Milano, Bette Midler, Debra Messing, Jimmy Kimmel, Patricia Arquette, Amy Schumer, Ellen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lady Gaga, Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore etc. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
May 12, 2020 ~ Biden caught in another lie, 'I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn. This is all about diversion.' After George Stephanopoulos reminded him he was on record as being at the meeting where the investigation was discussed. Biden forced to admit 'I was aware'. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Biden]
May 12, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager is smeared again. After being falsely accused of mocking Anne Frank and claiming 'slavery was not that bad', several outlets accuse him of 'bemoaning' that he can 'no longer using racist language coined during eras of slavery and segregation' Totally false as usual. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
May 13, 2020 ~ John Stossel on how the unintended consequences of the Americans with Disabilities Act may have harmed people with disabilities more than it helped them by making employers afraid to hire them. 'Before the ADA passed, 59% of disabled men had jobs.' 48% after, now less than 30%. [John Stossel, Economics]
May 13, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal on Adam Schiff, 'Newly released documents show he knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion.' Schiff told the American people at least 12 times he saw evidence of Russia-Trump collusion after Clapper, Yates and Lynch told him otherwise. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 13, 2020 ~ Biden is doubly busted for this lie, 'I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn.' Yesterday he had to admit 'I was aware'. Today we find out he was one of the unmaskers! President Trump asks, 'How do you know nothing if you're one of the unmaskers?' #SpyGate [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Biden]
May 13, 2020 ~ Newly released documents reveal that among the Obama administration officials that asked for the unmasking of General Flynn were Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Samantha Power and Obama Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough. #SpyGate [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Biden]
May 13, 2020 ~ Rand Paul said 'This is Vice President Biden using the spying powers of the U.S. to go after a political opponent and he is caught red-handed here. eavesdropping on a political opponent's phone calls.' 'This is exactly what they were accusing President Trump of. He was acquitted' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Biden]
May 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald on Bill Carter STILL being all in on the Russia Hoax 'This person worked at the NYT for two decades and now (needless to say) works at CNN as an "analyst." Tells you all you need to know. Look at how completely unhinged they are. Why don't people trust the media?' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Fake News]
May 14, 2020 ~ Alexandra Petri, 'I just remembered Joe Biden is fine' 'don't show me any footage of Joe Biden saying or doing things. Or of me saying or doing things about Joe Biden, pointing out what I erroneously thought were major and obvious flaws in his candidacy. I forgot: They were not.' [Biden]
May 14, 2020 ~ Biden selects Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be the co-chair of his Climate Change Taskforce along with John Kerry. AOC thinks the world will end in 12 years (now 11) unless we implement her Green New Deal which will destroy the economy while having exactly 0 impact on the climate. [Biden, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Climate Change, Green New Deal]
May 14, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'Teen Girls vs. 'Trans' Athletes'. Two transgender athletes (biological males) 'have, between them, claimed 15 women's state-championship titles and deprived countless more girls of the opportunity to participate in races and compete for scholarships.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 14, 2020 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Liberal Privilege in Two Tweets' Someone tweets 'What would happen if protesters of color acted this way to police?' Yelling. Audra McDonald responded 'We'd all have been shot dead.' Nothing like that has happened since 1965. Police stand by as cities are destroyed. [Fake Racism, Police]
May 14, 2020 ~ Alyssa Milano, says Trump is trying to get people killed. 'The covid-19 "guidelines" that were released by the CDC/Trump administration can only mean one thing - he's purposely trying to get people killed' Both De Niro and Behar, 'He doesn't even care about how many people die.' [Coronavirus, TDS]
May 14, 2020 ~ Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia writes article, 'Wikipedia Is Badly Biased' 'The original policy long since forgotten, Wikipedia no longer has an effective neutrality policy.' [Fake News, Tech Bias]
May 14, 2020 ~ Maxine Waters says Trump rallies are 'White Power Rallies' 'Trump doesn't care about the 80,000+ people who've died from #Coronavirus! He only wants to open up the economy so he can go back to having his white power pep rallies!' Constant despicable lies and smears. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, TDS]
May 14, 2020 ~ Not only has Biden been accused by now 8 women of inappropriate behavior, a former Secret Service agent said 'Biden's lack of consideration was even more stunning when it came to female agents, who were offended that the vice president bizarrely swam naked in front of them.' [Biden, Me Too]
May 14, 2020 ~ Helen Lewis "Why I've Never Believed in 'Believe Women'" '"Believe women" isn't just a terrible slogan for the #MeToo movement; it is a trap.' 'This absolutism is wrong, unhelpful, and impossible to defend.' 'The slogan should have been... 'Due process is great.' You don't say... [Biden, Me Too, Due Process]
May 15, 2020 ~ Leonard Pitts proves that any criticism of Obama will STILL be met with false charges of racism, 'Dear Mitch McConnell: Why don't you just go ahead and call Barack Obama the n-word? You know you want to.' McConnell said Obama shouldn't be criticizing administrations following him [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
May 15, 2020 ~ After dems tried to deny, silence and bury the Tara Reade story, many decided to just admit, they believe Reade but plan to vote for Biden anyway. Now Biden says, 'If they believe Tara Reade, they probably shouldn't vote for me. I wouldn't vote for me if I believe Tara Reade.' [Biden, Me Too]
May 15, 2020 ~ In addition to the 8 women who accuse Biden of inappropriate behavior and the secret service women who had to watch him swim nude, PBS interviewed former staffers 'He was always massaging somebody's shoulders. 'hugged' 'touched' 'stroking women's hair' 'made people uncomfortable' [Biden, Me Too]
May 16, 2020 ~ Paul Driessen, 'The Real Climate Science Deniers' Melting glaciers and rising sea level is nothing new. Sea levels have risen '400 feet since the Pleistocene ice age.' Driessen cites numerous civilizations that have been found buried in the current ice. Their Earth was warmer. [Climate Change, Anti-Science]
May 16, 2020 ~ Democrat Ron Kim on the NY nursing home scandal, 'The fact we maintained and pushed Covid-positive patients into facilities that were not equipped to handle them, it was a fatal error.' NY has 5400+ nursing home deaths, leading the nation. But Cuomo gets better press than Trump? [Coronavirus, Fake News]
May 16, 2020 ~ Brandon Tatum ('Officer Tatum') debunks the false narrative about the shooting of Breonna Taylor. They claim the police had the wrong address and did not have a warrant. False. They had a no knock warrant and she was on it. She and/or her boyfriend was shooting at the cops. [Fake News, Police]
May 17, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal, 'FBI Discovers al Qaeda Ties in Pensacola Shooter's iPhones' This is unsurprising considering Saudi airman Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani quoted Osama bin Laden hours before his shooting spree that killed 3 people. [Islam, Terrorism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
May 17, 2020 ~ Robert S. Tesh is arrested for making 'credible threats' including 'death threats' against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel. Tesh faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. Tesh proves the left doesn't 100% own political violence and threats. [Violent Right, Terrorism]
May 17, 2020 ~ Ben Smith 'Is Ronan Farrow Too Good to Be True?' Debunks Farrow's 2018 'attention-grabbing headline "Missing Files Motivated the Leak of Michael Cohen's Financial Records."' which 'set off a frenzied reaction' 'Two years after publication, little of Mr. Farrow's article holds up' [Russia Hoax, Fake News]
May 17, 2020 ~ Columbia University professor and Deputy Chair of the political science department Jeffrey Lax called a conservative student @Baron_Montalvo a 'Neo-nazi murderer lover' and said 'Why don't you just drop dead, you neo-nazi enabler' bc Montalvo defended Trump's handling of COVID19. [TDS, Loathsome Left, College, Holocaust Denial, Silencing]
May 17, 2020 ~ Law & Order actor Chris Meloni compared two children wearing Trump shirts to Nazis and compared Trump to Hitler. 'So. CUTE! Not since watching Nazi Youth newsreel footage have I felt this way. Heil Trump!' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
May 18, 2020 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'Obama's United Nations Amb. Samantha Power testified that she had no recollection of even a single such request to unmask Flynn. She made at least seven. When Sessions said that he had "no recollection", Democrats called for his prosecution for perjury...' [Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 18, 2020 ~ Stephen King says 'Hey, MAGA fans! Almost 90,000 dead on your boy's watch. Is it enough yet, or do you need even more?' What an ass. Claiming Trump is responsible for a global pandemic that started in China. Many countries have higher per capita death rates. Textbook #TDS [Coronavirus, TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 18, 2020 ~ Sarah Silverman calls Trump 'a smelly, smelly penis hole of a man'. She has previously called him a 'cunt', a 'twat', a 'fucking pussy' and a 'fuck'. 'you are a smelly penis hole with balls that touch water. Eat shit' Supposedly Trump is uncivil and Obama was treated poorly. #TDS [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 18, 2020 ~ Ibram X. Kendi says 'Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. They were birthed together from the same unnatural causes, and they shall one day die together from unnatural causes.' Nonsense. Capitalism is simply an economic system based on liberty. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics, Fake Racism]
May 19, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi calls Trump 'morbidly obese' which is ridiculous. You have to have a BMI of over 40 to be classified as morbidly obese. After that comment, #PlumpTrump started trending on Twitter. Fat shaming and putting down peoples looks is now OK as long as its Trump or his orbit [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 19, 2020 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Arts of Government Criminality'. The Fake News is trying to downplay the latest #Spygate revelations but it was a massive abuse of power plus coverup. Spying, Falsifying, Doctoring Documents, Destroying Evidence, Lying under Oath, Leaking Classified Docs [Spygate, Fake News]
May 19, 2020 ~ National Review, 'The ACLU's Absurd Title IX Lawsuit' 'That the ACLU is suing the federal government in the hope of weakening its due-process standards is headline news for the ages.' The sad irony is that 'Civil Liberties' have been strengthened, restored even. The C, L in ACLU. [Due Process, College]
May 19, 2020 ~ Christopher Paslay, 'You're Nonessential - Keep Your Mouth Shut'. State governors have split people into essential and non-essential. People declared non-essential are not allowed to make a living. Working to support one's family is declared to be 'selfish' and 'irresponsible'. [Coronavirus]
May 19, 2020 ~ NBC 'Seeking to secure the nation's supply of critical medications, the Trump admin. has signed a $354M contract that would create the nation's first strategic stockpile of key ingredients needed to make medicines' Navarro 'onshore its pharmaceutical production and supply chains' [Trump Win, Health Care]
May 20, 2020 ~ Biden steps in it saying 'Trump's international failures have cleared a path for Cuba to join the U.N. Human Rights Council' Ted Cruz responds, 'am glad you agree that' would be a bad thing. 'That's why Trump pulled the US out.' Cuba elected 3 times to it under Obama, Biden. [Biden]
May 20, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Massive Trump Coronavirus Supply Effort that the Media Loves to Hate' The Fake News can't admit Trump has done anything well. Led 100s of millions of respirators, masks, face shields, surgical gowns, and gloves delivered. 'None of this happened by accident.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win, Rich Lowry]
May 20, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Where Does Ron DeSantis Go to Get His Apology?' 'the disaster so widely predicted hasn't materialized.' 'DeSantis was being made into a villain, while Cuomo was being elevated as a hero' FL got 'COVID-19-positive people out of nursing homes, while NY put them in.' [Coronavirus, Rich Lowry]
May 20, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald on the Fake News 'Resistance Media' 'It is this "resistance journalism" sickness that caused U.S. politics to be drowned for three years in little other than salacious and fact-free conspiracy theories about Trump and his family members and closest associates.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
May 20, 2020 ~ Megan Rapinoe, referred to the president as a "white nationalist," during a recent interview. 'We have a white nationalist in the White House'. Absurd. [TDS, Fake Racism]
May 20, 2020 ~ Joe Biden forgets the word 'Coronavirus' 'Thousands of meatpacker - workers got sick, got cona- uh, uh, got the virus and some died'. He called it 'the virus' when he couldn't think of the word just like he says 'the last guy' when he can't remember President Obama's his name. [Biden, Coronavirus]
May 20, 2020 ~ New info revealed about the Ukrainian quid pro quo that Biden was involved in. 'If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Poroshenko, 'we didn't have any corruption charges, we don't have any information about him doing something wrong' but fired him for $1B. [Biden, Ukraine Hoax]
May 20, 2020 ~ Newly declassified docs reveal Susan Rice wrote a 'cover their behinds' memo on her last day at the direction of the White House. Discussed withholding 'sensitive information' about Russia from the new Admin. Made sure to blame Comey and stress all is being done 'by the book'. [Spygate, Russia Hoax]
May 20, 2020 ~ Times of India 'Toll climbs to 9, cops on HCQS spared the worst' '10,000 policemen over the age of 40 years were to be given the drug hydroxychloroquine'. '4,500 of the policemen are taking the medicine diligently'. No deaths, mild symptoms in HCQS group. 9 deaths in other group. [Coronavirus]
May 21, 2020 ~ White man Joe Biden says to black Americans, 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'. Senator Tim Scott, 'Joe Biden's comments are the most arrogant and condescending thing I've heard in a very long time.' #YouAintBlack trends. [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics]

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