Sep 16, 2020 ~ After Democrats on the Minneapolis City Council defunded the police, all crimes are up including assaults, robberies, homicides, property crimes, burglaries, auto thefts, etc. Now, they stupidly ask, 'Where are the police?' Over 100 have quit, more than twice the normal rate. [Crime, Police] Sep 16, 2020 ~ Recall, in addition to being a self proclaimed Marxist, Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza said we have to 'abolish capitalism' for black lives to matter. 'It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it’s under capitalism.' Says that on website too [BLM, Economics] Sep 16, 2020 ~ McEnany slams the Fake News and Pelosi for ignoring Middle East Peace. 'I did not receive a single question about. That was the first time it’s happened in a quarter of a century.' 'If Obama and Biden had achieved this, it would look a lot different.' [Fake News, Israel] Sep 16, 2020 ~ San Francisco announced a new program to provide financial support for women expecting a child both during the pregnancy and for six months after the baby is born. This program is only available for black women. [Racism] Sep 16, 2020 ~ CBS is caught stealing a photo from a Latinos for Trump rally in Phoenix. They captioned it 'Biden Pitches Crucial Latino Voters During Florida Campaign Stop.' There is no way Biden could have such a crowd so CBS could not show Biden's actual low energy crowd. #FakeNews [Fake News] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Ryan Mills, 'Climate Change Focus Obscures Complexities of Wildfires' Before settlers millions of acres a year kept the forests from building up tinder. Since 1910 we've been aggressively fighting fires letting it all build up. 3 things came together. 2019 fire season was dead. [Climate Change, Environment] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Skidmore College Professor David Peterson is fighting for his job and reputation after students attempted to cancel him for being seen in the vicinity of a 'Back the Blue' rally. He's glad this didn't happen to an untenured person. 'It would’ve been devastating for their career.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Old John Kerry quote surfaces saying that what Trump just accomplished with the Abraham Accords was impossible. 'There will be no advance and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that.' [Israel, Trump Win] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Three months of rioting, perpetrated by Democrats and denied by other Democrats will exceed $2 Billion in damage and many lives lost. Democrats want you to believe that $2 Billion in damage either didn't exist or was 'mostly peaceful.' [Violent Left] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz sues CNN for spreading #FakeNews about him. $300 million defamation suit. Said they 'doctored the tape' to make it sound like he claimed the President could break the law at will as long as it helped him get elected. The lies did serious damage to his reputation. [Fake News, Impeachment] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Black Pastor Darrell Scott said 'He’s done more for the black community than any other president in my lifetime.' 'He’s exceeded expectations, he has surprised his critics, and he stepped up to the plate with one home run after another.' [2020 Election, Politics, Race, Trump Win] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Calvin Robinson "Every time I’ve spoken out against BLM using CRT, they attack me with racially derogatory terms." "Apparently, black people must all think the same way. If we go off-script, we’re race-traitors, Bounties, and coons. BLM doesn't support racial equality after all." [BLM, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Silencing] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Luis Moreno, Jr. who has been the Spanish-language broadcaster for the Carolina Panthers for the past 10 years had to resign simply for supporting President Trump. They said he could not support Trump even in his personal life and remain the Panther's announcer. #CancelCulture. [Cancel Culture, Silencing] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Great example of what happens when mob justice tries to replace police. In Milwaukee, the mob heard missing girls were at a house. 'the police don’t do shit... is us taking our own shit into our own hands.' They burned the house down, people were shot. The girls were never there. [Police, Violent Left] Sep 17, 2020 ~ BLM mob in Milwaukee surrounds a house with a Trump flag and American flag. They harass the man inside. Shine bright lights into the windows, yell menacing things. He holds his gun inside his house without pointing it at them. They call the police and homeowner is arrested. [BLM, Silencing, Violent Left] Sep 17, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob has moved on to book burnings. They are making a show of burning the very liberal J.K. Rowling's books because of alleged 'transphobia', 'fatphobia', 'racism', 'valorization of supremacists' (you couldn't make this up). #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing, Trans] Sep 17, 2020 ~ John Daniel Davidson, 'Why Trump Deserves Credit For Brokering Mideast Peace Deals' Under a Democratic President, it would have been celebrated. 'It would have dominated the headlines all week.' Dems and the #FakeNews media downplay it because Trump achieved what they could not. [Fake News, Israel, Trump Win] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Jonathan Zimmerman, 'If USC can punish Greg Patton, free speech on campus really is dead'. Most of 'academia' is cowering under their desks afraid to defend an obviously innocent man lest the #CancelCulture mob come for them. 'any of us could be purged... no matter' the truth. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Leaked emails show the Nashville Dem Mayor’s office lied to hide the true number of cases being spread by bars and restaurants because they were very low. Would have undermined the reason for the shutdown that hurt so many. Emails show the deliberately withheld the information. [Coronavirus] Sep 17, 2020 ~ FaceBook has censored many conservative ads recently. Brit Hume. 'Most political ads are arguably true and arguably false. Always have been. Now we have big tech censors shutting down speech on the basis of highly arguable fact checks.' They're not equipped to be truth arbiters. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias] Sep 17, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh: 'The divide in America right now is basically between the reasonable man in this video and the insane woman berating him.' Woman claims its an 'act of violence' to call the police on a black person who is committing a crime. Manager is supposed to allow stealing. [Crime, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police] Sep 18, 2020 ~ People on the left continue to smear Nicholas Sandmann. ACLU staffer Samuel Crankshaw says its a 'stain' on a college just to except him. 'This kid clearly is a provocateur in training with no intention of learning. He exists only to troll, intimidate and play victim.' Disgusting [Cancel Culture, Covington, Loathsome Left, Silencing] Sep 18, 2020 ~ The Pittsburgh Steelers put Antwon Rose Jr.’s name on their helmet but some have removed it after learning the details. Rose was trying to flee officers who were trying to arrest him for a drive by shooting. [BLM, Crime, Police] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Lyin Joe Biden claimed 'If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I’m not making this up. Just look at the data.' This absurd statement does not even resemble the truth. Biden would have done worse [Coronavirus, Fake News] Sep 18, 2020 ~ 91% of the 637 U.S. riots between May 26 and Sept. 12 were linked to Black Lives Matter #BLM, according to analysis by the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University. [BLM, Violent Left] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Isaiah Cantrell was arrested for destroying a 90 year old statue of Jesus in El Paso because 'skin color of the statue was the wrong color,' said Cantrell. Yesterday also a statue of Mary was torn down in New York City (motive unknown). [Race, Religion, Violent Left] Sep 18, 2020 ~ 13 year old Omar Farouq was sentenced in Nigeria to 10 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam for using 'foul language toward Allah in an argument with a friend.' Muslims in countries like this must live in fear of saying one errant word or stepping one toe off the line. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing] Sep 18, 2020 ~ ‘Monty Python’ Star Eric Idle repeatedly compares Trump to Hitler. He calls Trump rallies 'Nazi Rallies'. He's called Melania Trump a 'twat' and called Ivanka Trump a 'witch' 'may we burn her?' Thinks he's on the side of 'good people.' 'Trump and his cesspit' are the 'assholes.' [Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Don Brown, 'Who Killed George Floyd?' Great article explaining how Floyd OD'ed on a 'lethal dose' of fentanyl mixed with meth and pot. Enough fentanyl for an OD ruling by itself. Mix with meth causes severe breathing problem. Said 'I can't breathe' 6 times before being touched. [Drugs, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Right on time for an October Surprise Amy Dorris accuses Trump of sexually assaulting her 23 years ago at US Open. Boyfriend who was with her denied. Others said that bathroom was in full view of entire box. Everyone would have seen. Dems already said Tara Reade is lying. [2020 Election, Me Too, Politics] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Biden repeats a lie that in parted ended a previous Presidential campaign. Said he was the 'the first in my family to go to college'. This quote was one of many that he was caught plagiarizing and related to other claims he lied about like graduating in the top half of his class. [Biden, Fake News] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Another day, another violent Democrat attacks Trump voters unprovoked. 'Alvin Gary Shaw was arrested for punching an 84 year old woman in the face after he vandalized her Trump sign. Democrats commit political violence almost every single day. All one sided. #DontBecomeThem [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left] Sep 18, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Secret Life of Joe Biden' Even before he went senile, Biden told many stories about 'his' life that were totally false. Sometimes he will say stuff like 'God’s truth, my word as a Biden' about a story he told where not one single part of it was remotely true. [Biden, Fake News] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan, 'people literally burning Harry Potter books, like latter-day Nazis, in the cause of transgender liberation. It’s safe to say, I think, that many of these people have lost their minds... And they not only think they’re perfectly sane; they think they’re heroes.' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans] Sep 18, 2020 ~ Sam Rutzick, 'Federal Regulations Have Made Western Wildfires Worse' 'Controlled, prescribed burns can stop wildfires from spreading. Too bad they are effectively prohibited by rules like the Clean Air Act.' Need 5000 pages on 'every single conceivable [environmental] impact.' [Environment, Regulations] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at 87. Dan McLaughlin, 'History Is on the Side of Republicans Filling a Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020' Historically, the President made a nomination in 29 of the 29 times a vacancy arose during a presidential election year. [Politics, SCOTUS] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Biden in 2016: 'Article 2 of the Constitution clearly states whenever there is a vacancy in one of the courts created by the Constitution itself ... the president shall, not may, the president shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy with the advice and consent of the Senate.' [Biden, SCOTUS] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Democrats and the #FakeNews claim that McConnell is being hypocritical for wanting to confirm a Trump SCOTUS pick in an election year when the refused to vote on Garland in 2016. But the Senate never confirms in an election year if majority is opposite party than the President. [Politics, SCOTUS] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Democrats are promising violence (as usual) if Trump and McConnell try to confirm a Supreme Court Justice before the election. So many examples. Reza Aslan, 'If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down.' After Democrats burned and destroyed all summer. [Loathsome Left, SCOTUS, Violent Left] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Marshall University professor Jennifer Mosher said to her students about Trump supporters, ' I hope they all die before the election. That’s the only saving hope I have right now.' 'I hope they all get it [COVID19] and die.' [College, Coronavirus, Loathsome Left] Sep 19, 2020 ~ A package containing the highly-toxic poison ricin was mailed to President Trump. FBI and Secret Service is investigating. [Violent Left] Sep 19, 2020 ~ J. Robert Smith, 'The Biden Hoax' 'Biden’s nomination is... the most audacious gaslighting in American history.' Everyone 'can see that Biden is suffering early onset dementia.' 'crudest of the hoaxes yet perpetrated by Democrats' Playing 'the last card in their deck of hoaxes.' [Biden] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Obama on SCOTUS vote in an election year, 'When there is a vacancy on the SCOTUS, the President is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination... There's no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That's not in the Constitution text.' [Politics, SCOTUS] Sep 19, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton on SCOTUS vote in an election year, 'The Senate has a constitutional responsibility here that it cannot abdicate for partisan political purposes.' [Politics, SCOTUS] Sep 20, 2020 ~ .@ElijahSchaffer, shows video of a mob of Antifa thugs who decided a guy is a 'fascist' and forced him out. Mob screaming 'Get the fuck out of here.' Destroy his car with him and his dog in it. The dog was stepping on broken glass. Dent his doors, break windows. Call him a Nazi. [Antifa, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Sep 20, 2020 ~ In 2016 Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Scalia's seat needed to be filled because '8 is not a good number.' 'An equal division is essentially the same as a denial of review. Eight, as you know, is not a good number for a multi-member court.' [SCOTUS] Sep 20, 2020 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'It’s looking like Sweden’s herd immunity strategy worked' 'few countries drew as much scrutiny and frequent criticism as Sweden during the early days.' 'as much of Europe is experiencing a second surge in cases, Sweden has some of the lowest numbers in all of Europe.' [Coronavirus] Sep 20, 2020 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'Systemic Racism? Make Them Prove It.' Heather Mac Donald, 'Conformity to a Lie' Both observe that while institutions from higher ed. to criminal justice are declared 'systemically racist', concrete examples of such are never provided other than unequal results. [Fake Racism] Sep 20, 2020 ~ Now #BLM 'protesters' are blocking cars and making the occupants say 'Black Lives Matter' and raise a fist to pass. 'Say Black Lives Matter. It lets us know that you're cool.' 'Put the fist up. You gotta say Black Lives Matter.' 'SAY IT! RIGHT NOW!' 'Thank you.' [BLM, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Sep 20, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman, "Why the ‘Biden Rule’ Doesn’t Apply in 2020". Biden said SCOTUS vote should be put off until President decided and McConnell agreed in 2016 but that is only when the Senate and the President are different parties. [Biden, SCOTUS] Tag Cloud
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