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Jan 8, 2021 ~ Dems call for Trump's impeachment or 25th Am. for inciting the violence at the Capitol but he called for a peaceful protest. 'I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard... I'll be with you.' [2020 Election, Capitol Riot, Impeachment, Politics, Violent Right]
Jan 8, 2021 ~ The great purge has begun. Twitter and Facebook bans Trump and others. Apple and Google are banning Parler app. The #WalkAway movement has been banned from Facebook along with their thousands of testimonials. #Silencing [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 9, 2021 ~ Greg Gutfeld, 'Vandalism and looting, whether it’s in D.C. or Portland, SoHo, Kinosha, Minneapolis, Seattle. It’s all bad no matter who’s doing it. So we must remain consistent. That’s what makes us different from the rest. We don’t play favorites with mobs. The other side does.' [Antifa, BLM, Capitol Riot, Politics, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 9, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, "An Unarmed Woman Was Shot By Police In The Capitol. The People Who Scream About ‘Police Brutality’ Don’t Care." Because they are pushing a false narrative that it only happens to black people and isn't justified in almost of all cases they protest over. [BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, Joe Biden and Dems falsely called the Capitol police racists 'while one of them lay dying.' 'There isn’t a Republican who didn’t condemn what happened Wednesday. There isn’t a Democrat who has condemned the months of riots from BLM-ANTIFA. One side is consistent.' [Antifa, Biden, Capitol Riot, Derek Hunter, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Christopher Skeet, "When Joe Biden says 'unity,' he means 'all white people are racist'" In 521 riots by #BLM and dems, one rioter was killed by police. In the 1 riot by Trump supporters, 1 rioter was killed by police. Police told to stand down for BLM even as buildings occupied. [Biden, BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Rep. Hank Johnson falsely claims the Capitol attack was 'nothing but a race war.' 'they were about was to lynch some people' People who 'looked like' him 'would wave been swinging from those railings.' All 100% false. It had 0 to do with race and they were upset at Pence, Pelosi. [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Violent Right]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Apple, Google and Amazon shut down the Parler app, the only real competitor to Twitter and Facebook. This goes far beyond Twitter, Facebook censoring their own sites. Now big tech is shutting down independent sites. FYI Twitter has always allowed calls for Trump to be killed. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Facebook and Twitter engaged in an ideological purge, forcing conservatives to Parler. At which point Apple, Amazon, and Google teamed up to kneecap Parler and drive the heretical voices out of the public square completely.' I.e. alternative sites also banned. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Militant jihadists killed at least 24 people, abducted 20 more, and torched a church in two Christmas Eve attacks in northeast Nigeria' Militants from Islamic State West Africa Province called the attack a "Christmas Present" in the video they made of it. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Thomas D. Williams, 'Islamic State Gunmen Kill Eleven Coal Miners in Pakistan' 'The militants blindfolded the miners and tied their hands behind their backs before shooting them, police video revealed.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Biden promises an administration based on race and gender discrimination and preferences, "Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses." [Biden, Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ The House will Impeach Trump for the 5th time, this time for calling for peaceful protests. Alan Dershowitz, 'to impeach a president for having exercised his First Amendment rights would be so dangerous to the Constitution. It would lie around like a loaded weapon' for either party. [Free Speech, Impeachment, Silencing]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Lawyer Lin Wood is one of the reasons Parler has been canceled by big tech. Made posts such as this: 'Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST.' Calls to violence should never be allowed. The post was removed by Parler. Twitter is no better or faster at removing threats. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship, Violent Right]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ For years, people have told conservatives who complained about censorship on FaceBook and Twitter to build their own platform. So they built Parler but then Apple, Google and Amazon conspired to shut down Parler. Bottom line is that Big Tech will not allow conservatives to speak. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Nancy Pelosi is the next Democrat to lie about there being a racial component to people protesting the election results, 'there are people in our country, led by this President, for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy.' It had zero to do with 'whiteness.' [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Alexey Navalny on banning Trump, 'We have seen many examples  in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state's best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship... This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world.' [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Nancy Pelosi promoted false claims about the 2016 election, 'Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.' Also some democrats objected to certifying the 2016 election results in the Senate. [2020 Election, Fake News, Politics, Russia Hoax]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Joe Biden picks an extreme racist to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division. She wrote about 'the genetic differences between Blacks and whites.' 'Human mental processes are controlled by melanin--that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.' [Anti-Science, Biden, Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Joe Biden picks a racist and Anti-Semite to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division. She invited Anti-Semite and Holocaust Denier Tony Martin to speak at Harvard. 'Professor Martin is an intelligent, well-versed Black intellectual who bases his information on indisputable fact.' [Anti-Semitism, Holocaust Denial, Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Andrew McCarthy, Democrat's article of impeachment, 'incitement of insurrection' is bogus. He didn't incite violence. He called for peaceful protest to make voices heard. The attack was not really even insurrection. And the same Democrats excused and enabled FAR worse violence. [Capitol Riot, Impeachment, Violent Left]
Jan 12, 2021 ~ PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller recorded by Project Veritas. 'Trump is close to Hitler' 'Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails' Trump voters 'intolerant horrible people' 'Americans are so fucking dumb' 'What's great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states' [Coronavirus, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 12, 2021 ~ Twitter 'strongly condemns' censorship in Uganda.  Especially ahead of an election. Also Twitter: Negative stories about Joe Biden ahead of the US Presidential Election are banned on our site. And we'll shut down the account of any News organization writing any such stories. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 13, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, 'If you are not responsible for a crowd burning down a police station after you told them that racist cops are hunting and killing black people, then Trump is not responsible for [the Capitol riot]. There is no getting around this. You can't have it both ways.' [BLM, Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 13, 2021 ~ Robert Cherry, '2020’s Spike in Urban Homicides Should Not Be a Mystery' 'In 2020, homicides increased by 35% from 2019 across the 50 largest urban areas, reaching levels... not seen for more than 20 years.' Proving police pullbacks due to #BLM got 100s of black people killed. [BLM, Crime, Police]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Jacob Blake Interview on @GMA leaves out that he knew he had a warrant. Police not allowed to let him go. Was trying to leave. He never dropped the knife after many orders and tased 3 times. Admits he had the knife contrary to his lawyer, 'I shouldn’t have picked it up.' #BLM [BLM, Fake Racism, Police]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Ryan Bomberger, 'PolitiFact Lies, Fake News Denies, and BLM Thrives' #BLM and Dems have #BlackPrivilege and #LiberalPrivilege. Biden calls Capitol rioters 'a mob of thugs' but #BLM are called 'mostly peaceful protesters' while they destroy city after city and injure 2000+ cops. [BLM, Capitol Riot, Police, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Trump's longest and strongest supporters are done with him. Emmett Tyrrell, 'I can no longer support him... Too much wreckage has accumulated around him. Too many reputations have been destroyed by him.' Demands loyalty but is loyal to no one. Not the same person he was. [Politics]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Most Disloyal Man in History Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting For' Another big supporter is done with him. Tweeted, 'Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done' as the Capitol was being stormed at which point they chanted 'Hang Pence.' [2020 Election, Capitol Riot, Politics, Violent Right]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Dem's latest impeachment already falls apart. They claim Trump incited the riot with his Jan 6 speech but investigators found it was planned long before the speech, the rioters could not hear the speech (were already at the Capitol during) and Trump called for peaceful protest. [2020 Election, Capitol Riot, Impeachment, Politics, Violent Right]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Elise Stefanik was kicked off the Senior Advisory Committee of the Harvard Kennedy School. Her crime, 'Elise has made public assertions about voter fraud in November’s presidential election that have no basis in evidence.' You can't be just wrong. Must be canceled. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Antifa violently shuts down a Portland bookstore that dared to try to sell Andy Ngo's book about them 'Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy' "We will shut down the store every day!" say the violent thugs proving the truth of the book they are trying to ban. [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Michael Brown, 'Arnold Schwarzenegger, There Is a Massive Difference Between Kristallnacht and the Storming of the Capitol' Arnold comparison doesn't hold. Kristallnacht was widespread, had large support. This was one location, few people, 'and drew almost universal condemnation' [Capitol Riot, Violent Right]
Jan 15, 2021 ~ American Thinker apologizes, "These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about... massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently... completely false." [2020 Election, Fake News, Politics]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Bjorn Lomborg, 'Biden rejoining the Paris agreement will solve very little at a high cost. Even if all ­nations live up to all their Paris promises, they will reduce global temperature by less than 0.09°F (0.05°C) by 2100. We need a smarter way to tackle climate change.' [Climate Change]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob is demanding that the degrees of Rep. Elise Stefanik, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw be revoked by Harvard. Stefanik was kicked off of the Harvard Institute of Politics Senior Advisory Committee. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Roger Stone’s wife Nydia was viciously attacked by a violent Democrat while walking her dog in her neighborhood. The cowardly thug on a bicycle blindsided her unprovoked. She ended up in the emergency room and will require knee surgery as a result of the attack. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Biden names Anita Dunn to be one of his senior advisors. Dunn listed Mao Zedong as one of her two “favorite political philosophers". Mao was a genocidal maniac responsible for 45 million deaths. Even Obama wasn't dumb enough to keep her around after her comments. But not Joe. [Biden, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Initial reports that the Capitol rioters intended “to capture and assassinate elected officials” appear to be wrong. The DOJ is now saying 'officials have not found “direct” evidence of a kill-capture plot.' [Capitol Riot, Fake News, Violent Right]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Chase Strangio absurdly claims that opposition to biological males competing against females in sports is 'rooted in misogyny and white supremacy.' He also claims biological males have no advantages in sports which is not only anti-science but everyone knows its false. EVERYONE. [Anti-Science, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Kamala Harris is caught plagiarizing an MLK anecdote. Tells of how she was a toddler in a civil rights march who fell out of a stroller. Was fussing, and when asked what she wanted, she said she said ‘Fweedom.' MLK told same story. Harris is the perfect VP for plagiarizing Biden. [Biden, Harris]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Amazon suspends donations to lawmakers who voted against Biden certification. Big tech monopolies like Amazon, Google and Apple are using their enormous power to shut down competition like Parler and canceling politicians they disagree with. #CancelCulture [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Andy Ngo captures another mob of antifa that assault a small group of conservatives in San Diego, CA waving an #antifa flag. Left wing violence continues to happen almost constantly. Outweighs right wing violence 1000 to 1. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo, 'A Cupertino elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.”' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ CNN's Don Lemon says if you voted for Trump you are with the Klan, Nazis, the Capitol rioters, for slavery, for putting people in concentration camps, etc. Very small minority. The overwhelming majority of people doing political violence are Democrats. 1000 to 1. [Holocaust Denial, Slavery, TDS, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 20, 2021 ~ While many dems falsely link the Capitol riot to 'white supremacy', Hillary and Pelosi imagine false Russian connections. Hillary thinks phone records would show he was calling Putin. Pelosi, 'I don't know what Putin has on him...  what happened last week was a gift to Putin. [Capitol Riot, Fake Racism, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Jan 20, 2021 ~ Joe Biden is inaugurated. Washington Post does not publish article called 'The Campaign to Impeach President Biden Has Begun'. Vanity Fair does not publish article called 'Republicans Are Paving the Way to Impeach Joseph Biden' Republicans do not destroy property all over the US. [Biden, Impeachment, Violent Left]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Welcome to the Resistance!' Time to reflect their own behavior back to the Democrats. Introduce articles of impeachment repeatedly. Leak private conversations. Harass Dem politicians in restaurants, airports. Call Biden Hitler, his supporters racists and fascists. [Derek Hunter, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ NYT's Mara Gay, "Racism is at the heart of what allowed Donald Trump free rein to terrorize the American people for four years." Says Trump presidency "would not have been possible without white supremacy and without racism." Dems have to say 'white supremacy' every 5 minutes... [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ A mob of #antifa thugs rioted in Portland and Seattle. Chanted "Fuck Joe Biden", set fires, broke windows, other damage. Don Lemon says Antifa is good because they fight fascists. That's why they're called Antifa, duh! Therefore, Joe Biden is a fascist because Antifa would know. [Antifa, Biden, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]

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