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Mar 27, 2024 ~ Biological male Vicki Piper won the Woman's Masters National Weightlifting Championship (71K category) in Reno, NV. He also set the event record. It was the first woman's championship he entered. Shame on USA Weightlifting for turning women's weightlifting into a farce. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ More info is revealed about Nex Benedict's suicide. She killed herself shortly after her father, who was sent to prison for sexually abusing her for years, was being sent back to prison. Her death had nothing to do with her trans identification or @libsoftiktok. But the left and the #FakeNews push false narratives as always. They said she was beaten to death by people who attacked her because she was 'non-binary.' Then when it was ruled a suicide, they said she was driven to suicide by conservative trans bullies. She did have a fight the previous day which she admitted to police that she started. [Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Trans]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ "Jon Stewart benefited by 829% 'overvalue' of his NYC home even as he labels Trump's civil case 'not victimless'" Jon Stewart looks like the fool that he is. After gloating about Trump's absurd and unjust fine, we see he overvalued his home by over $16M. That's his right of course. Buyer beware and buyers do their own appraisals just like Trump's lenders did their own appraisals. There's no crime in either case. Just corrupt and disgraceful prosecutors, judges and political hacks. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Mar 28, 2024 ~ Koran 9:5, known in Islamic jurisprudence as the “Verse of the Sword” tells Muslims to kill all non-believers.   "[K]ill the mushrikin [pagans, idolaters, in short, non-Muslims] wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way."   The Islamic State (ISIS, which just killed 133 people in a Moscow theater) explains the meaning of the verse in more detail: "Chase your preys whether Jewish, Christian or their allies, on the streets and roads of America, Europe, and the world. Break into their homes, kill them and steal their peace of mind by any means you can lay hands on. ... [D]etonate explosives, burn them with grenades and fiery agents, shoot them with bullets, cut their throats with sharp knives, and run them over with vehicles. ... Come at them from every door, kill them by the worst of means, turn their gatherings and celebrations into bloody massacres, do not distinguish between a civilian kaffir [infidel], and a military one, for they are all kuffar [infidels] and the ruling against them is one." [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Gunshot-Detection Tech Has Saved Hundreds of Lives. The Left Says It’s Racist' ShotSpotter is a technology that detects gunshots and dispatches help. Its saved 100s of lives but some on the left are calling it 'racist' for dispatching police to minority neighborhoods. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The French report titled 'Rapport La Transidentification Des Mineurs' said the practice of sexually ‘transitioning’ children will be remembered as one of the “greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine.” And there is "no evidence" the drugs or surgeries improve quality of life. [Anti-Science, Trans]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The EU opens antitrust investigations into Apple, Google & Meta over 'DMA compliance.' The US DOJ opens an antitrust suit against Apple for some other BS. The EU and DOJ should be ashamed of themselves. Their primary source of funding is the periodic shakedown of these companies. [Regulations, Witch Hunt]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Temporary Insanity' Societies sometimes go through temporary insanities like during the witch trials. We're in one since George Floyd. Crazy beliefs like black people can't be racist but white people can't not be. If you disagree you can lose everything. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, George Floyd]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Occupied Gaza' Victor Davis Hanson summarizes the Israel-Gaza situation as only VDH can. "Israel risks the lives of its soldiers to prevent civilian deaths. Hamas risks the lives of its civilians to prevent terrorists' deaths. Israel considers it a failure, and Hamas considers it globally advantageous when more civilians die than its soldiers." [Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Only Democrats Get to Lie on NBC News' Ronna McDaniel was hired then fired immediately by #FakeNews @NBCNews because employees like Chuck Todd had a hissy fit. NBC hires all kinds of pundits like Jen Psaki. Psaki explains that her case is different because its "truth versus lies." Harsanyi gives a LONG but partial list of all of Psaki's lies. [Fake News, Politics]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ The principal of the Lycée Maurice-Ravel school in France was forced to resign after an angry mob of Muslims repeatedly threatened his life. He enforced the no headscarf rule and started getting threats on his life. France takes these threats seriously after having other teachers beheaded and journalists killed by Muslims who don't allow criticism of Islam. [Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Color-Blindness Is America’s Most Transgressive Idea' Coleman Hughes advocates for a 'colorblind society' which enrages racists like Sunny Hostin who hate the idea "that people should be treated equally regardless of their race." MLK believed that but Democrats do not. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Mark Judge: Dems Pressured Me to Destroy Kavanaugh Confirmation' Including "extortion and direct threats." We already know they threatened and pressured Leland Keyser as well. They knew it was a lie all along and demanded everyone play along. [Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'The New Racism is Poisoning America' Positions all over the economy that can only be filled by certain races. Programs to give only black people $40k for a home down payment. Special treatment in medicine. Different standards for different races. #DIE. [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Mar 31, 2024 ~ 'Rogan Praises DeSantis For Leading The Fight Against Home Squatters: ‘Every State’ Should Do This' Incredibly, 'Squatter Rights' are a thing in blue states. DeSantis says not in Florida. Why do Democrats allow it? They always side with criminals. [Politics]
Mar 31, 2024 ~ The National Organization of Women (NOW) completely embarrasses itself with this post somehow linking opposing males in female sports to something called the "white supremacist patriarchy" LOL! They say, "Repeat after us: Weaponizing womenhood against other women is white supremacist patriarchy at work. Making people believe there isn't enough space for trans women in sports is white supremacist patriarchy at work." It would be impossible to parody this garbage. Its a satire of a parody. You're a 'white supremacist' if you think males should not compete in female sports? How much woke-crack would you have to smoke before that starts to make sense? And sure throw the 'patriarchy' in there. Clowns... [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 31, 2024 ~ Jonathan Haidt on why the trans/non-binary phenomenon in young girls is due to 'social contagion.' "Because it happens in clusters of girls. It happens in clusters of girls who had no previous gender dysphoria when they were young. So it’s very different from the kinds of gender dysphoria cases that we’ve known about for decades. I mean, it is a real thing. But what happened, especially when girls got, was YouTube and Instagram early, but then especially TikTok, girls just, you know, girls get sucked into these vortices and they take on each other’s purported mental illnesses." "Girls are connecting on social media, where it just turns out in many communities, the more anxious and depressed you are, the more you get support. The more extreme your symptoms, the more you get likes and followers. You know, of course it’s good to destigmatize social, mental illness. We don’t want people to be ashamed. But boy, is it a terrible idea to valorize it, to tell young people, ‘You know what? The more you have this, the more popular you’ll be, the more support you’ll get.’ And so you get this explosion, not just of anxiety – anxiety is in part, I think, spread sociogenically, it’s called, from social causes, not from internal causes – but we get it for dissociative identity disorder. And it seems to be the case for gender dysphoria as well." [Trans]
Mar 31, 2024 ~ 'Megan Rapinoe Leads Cancel Mob Aimed at Christian Player Who Posted Detransition Video' 20 year old Korbin Albert faces intense pressure after Rapinoe opposes a retweet Albert made. Albert forced to make a grovelling apology: "I promise to do better." [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Apr 3, 2024 ~ 'Trans athlete "was suspended for leering at girl on rowing team"' "'The male athlete was caught staring openly at one of the female athletes while she changed her clothes in the women’s locker room and remarked, "oooh t*tties!"' 'When a female athlete nearby asked if it was the first time he had seen female breasts, the male responded, "uhh yeah" with a laugh. The male athlete was suspended for this incident.' "He injured three opponents in basketball game before other team gave up. The student competed as female in rowing, volleyball, hurdles, shot put and tae kwon do."   'Our daughters have stayed quiet because they are afraid. We tried to speak up for them, and we were shut down. We tried to speak to leadership at all levels. [But] name-calling and the threat of mental health is being used as emotional blackmail to keep us all quiet while women are harmed and devalued.' 'The rowing team also required the male athlete to room with them on trips. The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male,' via @MailOnline [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 5, 2024 ~ Robert Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr said Joe Biden "is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech or censor his opponent." [Biden, Free Speech, Politics, Silencing]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'What Comes after Transgender? Doctor Amputates Man's Healthy Fingers' It was inevitable. As soon as you start surgically cutting off the body parts of transgender patients, other forms of Body Identity Integrity Disorder BIID would follow. [Trans]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ "France: 14-Year-Old Girl Beaten and Put in Coma for 'Anti-Islamic' Behavior" The Muslim girl just wanted to assimilate a little into her new country. A little make up, clothes, no veil. Other Islamic immigrants beat her nearly to death. Hundreds of millions of Muslims are kept in line by seeing what happens to anyone who deviates from Islam even slightly. These people (almost all who are born into it) have no choice about it and will have no choice but to raise their own families the same way. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ If you are on the fence about whether climate change alarmism is a religion or not, consider that people are now blaming earthquakes on climate change. (Its bad enough that EVERY storm is blamed on it even though the frequency and magnitude of those storms are the same as they have ever been.) Senate candidate Christina Khalil said "The climate crisis is real" after an earthquake hit NJ, which is on a fault line. [Anti-Science, Climate Change]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ You could never imagine what the woke are going to call 'racist' next but its something new (and inane) every day. Today the Utah Royals soccer team is criticized for being sponsored by the "America First Credit Unit." Critics claim America First means "racism, fascism and hateful ideology." Community Notes points out that the word First is the 2nd most common word in the names of banks and credit unions. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ "A prestigious Boston hospital stops reporting maternal drug abuse because of ‘racism’" Wokism poisons everything. They found out more black mothers than white were addicted so they stopped reporting endangering countless children of drug addicted mothers. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'NYC Agrees To Pay Out Millions After Muslim Women Told To Remove Hijabs For Mug Shots'  $17.5 MILLION!!! paid out to 2 women who had to remove their hijab for mug shots. A totally reasonable requirement considering identification is the point. Apparently NYC was not bankrupting itself fast enough with all of its woke policies. It had to accelerate the process with more stupidity. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ "UC Berkeley accused of segregation 'ban whites from community farm'" White people were not allowed on the Gill Tract Community Farm farm on Saturdays. Berkeley also has People of Color housing "to avoid white violence and presence." "White guests are not allowed in common spaces." DIE has ushered in naked, out in the open racism into society. They don't even try to hide it. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ Just like the left and the #FakeNews has to find and hammer new fake examples of 'racism' every day, they also have to find and hammer new fake examples of climate change every day. The Independent headline: 'How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ Charlamagne Tha God @cthagod correctly calls Diversity Inclusion and Equity (DIE), 'bullshit.' “The truth about DEI is that although it’s well-intentioned, it’s mostly garbage, okay? It’s mostly like the black little mermaid. Just because racists hate it, doesn’t mean it’s good. And you know I’m right because everyone one of you has sat through one of those diversity training sessions and thought, this is some bullshit.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ Noted atheist Richard Dawkins calls himself "a cultural Christian." "I'm not a believer. But there is a distinction between being a believing Christian and being a cultural Christian. And so you know I love hymns and Christmas carols, and I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos. I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense." And he says Christianity is a "fundamentally decent religion in a way that I think Islam is not." [Islam, Religion]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'USA Today Publishes Racist Column About Women’s Basketball' Caitlin Clark is thrilling basketball fans but some racists hate that she's white. #FakeNews @USATODAY writes article 'Women's basketball needs faces of future to be Black.' [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ '24 Women Quit Aussie Soccer League After Trans Athletes Injure Players, Dominate League' "Two dozen young women have quit an Australian soccer league after officials allowed one team [Flying Bats] to add five transgender athletes, some of whom went on to injure girls on other teams." And the team with 5 males is unsurprisingly dominating. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ Just when you think wokeness could not get more absurd and racist, UCLA blames 'whiteness' for the opiod crisis. UCLA health advertised an event with professor Dr. Helena Hansen titled, “Beyond Magic Bullets: Whiteness as a Structural Driver of the Opioid Crisis.” [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'The Intellectual Wasteland of Our American College Campuses' Lieutenant Colonel Allen West continues to get shouted down and heckled at Universities by left wing children. They call him a 'racist' and 'fascist.' The usual garbage. They always refuse to debate. He need a police escort off campus once because of violent #BLM protesters. "It appears to me, and perhaps you as well, that our American college campuses are becoming intellectual wastelands. Sure, there are awesome students who are getting solid educations in specific fields of study, but for the most part, these campuses are nothing more than illogical, radical indoctrination centers." [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 7, 2024 ~ Trump Derangement Syndrome #TDS is back in time for the election year. Here's actress Jenifer Lewis: "If that man gets in, as soon as he takes the oath, he will have generals walk down the steps of the Capitol. He will take a hammer and break the glass where the Constitution is, and he will tear it up in our faces and say, 'Now I'm the king of the fucking world. You will bow down, bitches.' He will punish everybody that didn't vote for him." "This motherfucker is Hitler. He didn't come to play." "That motherfucker will have us in camps." Sigh... This is what we're going to have to deal with for 8 months. [Holocaust Denial, Politics, TDS]
Apr 7, 2024 ~ 'California Triggers Bloodbath By Raising Minimum Wage To $20 An Hour' Democrats have to keep making the same mistake. CA raised the fast food minimum wage (except for big Newsom donors) to $20. Predictable mass layoffs, hours cut and closings followed. Restarants are ordering self service kiosks so fast that there is a temporary shortage. [California, Economics, Minimum Wage]
Apr 7, 2024 ~ 'Alleged Financial Benefits of Diversity Vanish Under Scrutiny, Study Shows' Contrary to the DIE narrative, "The researchers — Jeremiah Green, an associate professor of accounting at Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, and John Hand of the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School — found there were no statistically significant correlations between the racial and ethnic diversity of a company’s executive team and its financial success." No real surprise. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics]
Apr 7, 2024 ~ The left plays the race card (falsely) every single day. You might think its all they have. NY Firefighters booed Attorney General Letitia James for her corrupt and baseless witch hunt against Trump. But OF COURSE, many fools claim the criticism was due to, wait for it, 'racism.' [Fake Racism, Witch Hunt]
Apr 8, 2024 ~ 'Does The New York Times Actually Care About Mass Shootings?' Another mass shooting the #FakeNews doesn't mention race because the shooters are black. Coulter shows that this happens all the time while they always report race report if shooter is white. "A Times' compilation of some of the mass shootings in 2022 listed 25 gunmen in 19 separate incidents. Of the 25 mass shooters, 17 were black, five were white (one nonbinary and one in a dress), one was Asian and one was Hispanic. The Times gave the race of only two of the perpetrators." The white ones. White people do not commit the majority of mass shootings but the selective reporting allows other #FakeNews orgs to make the following false claims: -- The Chicago Tribune: "Why are mass shooters overwhelmingly white men?" -- Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper: "Mass Shooters Are Almost Always White Men." -- The Conversation: "[M]ass shooters tend to be young white men." Leave it to NBC News to dress up the lie with gratuitous insults: -- NBC: "'White heterosexual male entitlement fuses with downward mobility, subordinated masculinity, and other disappointing life course events' to lead mass shooters to carry out their attacks." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake News, Racism]
Apr 9, 2024 ~ Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman continues to forget that he is a Democrat. First he supports Israel instead of Hamas. Then he supports law abiding people instead of criminals by being tough on crime and says "squatters have no rights. How can you even pretend that this is anything other than you’re just breaking the law? It’s wild, that if you go away on a long trip, for 30 days, and someone breaks into your home and suddenly they have rights. This is crazy. Like if somebody stole your car, and then they held it for 30 days, then somehow you now have some rights?" Then on crime in general: "If you have those kinds of established records, It doesn’t serve any greater goal to allow people that are offending, offending, offending and allow them to not be held accountable. We have to be very smart and aggressive on crime. I have gone to police funerals. If this individual is convicted, then he should spend the rest of his life and in prison, and never have an opportunity to get out." This guy has too much sense to be a Democrat... [Crime, Politics]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ 'The Cass Report Should Be the End of Gender-Affirming Care' The Cass Report is a bombshell exposing the lie called 'gender affirming care.' The harm of that 'care' was obvious to many who were shouted down and silenced by bullies and virtue signalers to the detriment of countless children "left sterilised, inorgasimic, lifelong patients." Cass says "There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour." "The former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health said there was no evidence the drugs “buy time to think” or “reduce suicide risk”... Dr Cass stated there was “concern that [puberty blockers] may change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity development” with most patients going on to take cross-sex hormones as a result. She said the NHS should exert “extreme caution” in giving out cross-sex hormones to under-18s as the research carried out by her review concludes there is “a lack of high-quality research” on their effectiveness." "Dr Cass said it was “extremely disappointing” to find World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH) guidelines which were taken as an industry standard and adopted very widely internationally, 'were very, very poorly evidence-based.'" Cass: ""The guidelines that recommend puberty blockers are not doing so on the basis of evidence... The guidelines that are most based on the evidence are the Swedish and the Finnish guidelines and they suggest a much more conservative approach, similar to our recommendations because the evidence isn't there. And genuinely I can't think of another area of pediatric care where we give young people a potentially irreversible treatment and have no idea what happens to them in adulthood." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 10, 2024 ~ After the Cass Report debunked so-called 'gender affirming care' JK Rowling went OFF on the trans activists who have been pushing this barbary on children for years and bullying any critics into silence and cancellation. "Over the last four years, Hilary Cass has conducted the most robust review of the medical evidence for transitioning children that's ever been conducted. Mere hours after it was released to the press and public, committed ideologues are doubling down. These are people who've deemed opponents 'far-right' for wanting to know there are proper checks and balances in place before autistic, gay and abused kids - groups that are all overrepresented at gender clinics - are left sterilised, inorgasmic, lifelong patients. I understand that the review's conclusions will have come as a seismic shock to those who've hounded and demonised whistleblowers and smeared opponents as bigots and transphobes, but trying to discredit Hilary Cass's work isn't merely misguided. It's actively malign. Even if you don't feel ashamed of cheerleading for what now looks like severe medical malpractice, even if you don't want to accept that you might have been wrong, where's your sense of self-preservation? The bandwagon you hopped on so gladly is hurtling towards a cliff. And if I sound angry, it's because I'm bloody angry. I read Cass this morning and my anger's been mounting all day. Kids have been irreversibly harmed, and thousands are complicit, not just medics, but the celebrity mouthpieces, unquestioning media and cynical corporations. The consequences of this scandal will play out for decades. You cheered it on. You did all you could to impede and misrepresent research. You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain. The #CassReview may be a watershed moment, but it comes too late for detransitioners who've written me heartbreaking letters of regret. Today's not a triumph, it's the laying bare of a tragedy." [Anti-Science, Health Care, Trans]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'Iran Launches Attack on Israel, U.S. Downs Drones' The Islamic Republic of Iran "launched 185 drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles" at Israel. Left wingers and other anti-semites cheer but their joy was short lived as 99% of the projectiles and drones were intercepted the the Iron Dome with assist from the US the UK, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The military help from Arab nations was made possible by President Trump's Abraham Accords. David Strom: "In a just world, Donald Trump would have gotten the Nobel Prize for the Abraham Accords. Unfortunately, we live in a world where Barack Obama got it for merely existing and knowing how to dress well." https://www.nationalreview.com/news/iran-launches-attack-on-israel/ [Iran, Islam, Israel, Terrorism]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ Biological male Aayden Gallagher won the Girls 200m Varsity race in Sherwood, Oregon. He set a new record for the girls race. Once again, misogynists and their coward enablers have allowed males to not only take victories but actual female records in the record books. Shameful. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ '4 Teens In Germany Arrested For Allegedly Planning Islamic Terror Attack On Christians, Jews' Pledged loyalty to ISIS. Charged with "declaring themselves ready to commit murder and manslaughter and preparing a serious act of violence." Had weapons ready. [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'Try to Keep Up - Another Round of Vote-Buying Student Loan Billion Bucks Bail Outs Announced This Morning' Its hard to keep up but he just forgave another $7.4 Billion after just forgiving $153 Billion. Defying the SCOTUS, the constitution and Congress. [Biden, Politics, Student Loans]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'The Media Nominates Their New George Floyd' #BLM has to lie about every shooting. They protested in their usual way over the death of Dexter Reed. Reed was awaiting trial for three counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and one count of possession of a firearm with a revoked ID. Reed was pulled over by cops wearing a ski mask. He did not cooperate. They told him to unlock the door and he would not. They told him to roll the windows down but he rolled the windows up. The windows had illegal tinting making it harder to see what he was doing. He then started firing at the officers getting off 11 rounds, hitting one of the officers. The officers returned fire, killing Reed. Most of the #FakeNews did what they always do: write a misleading headline about how cops killed a black man for a traffic violation, focusing on how many times he was shot. @WashingtonPost headline: “Police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing Black man during traffic stop.” You have to read far into the article to find out the officers were under fire if that apparently irrelevant detail is mentioned at all. #BLM did what they always do, lie about him being "killed for not wearing a seat belt", demanding 'justice' and stirring up unrest. Ben Crump will be on the scene any minute to ringlead the circus... https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-media-nominates-their-new-george-floyd [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'OJ and CRT' OJ Simpson is dead. Antisemitic, race hustling Professor Marc Lamont Hill reminds us that OJ's verdict was correct because the system is 'racist' so black people should be able to kill white people. "His acquittal for murder was the correct and necessary result of a racist criminal legal system." This is essentially what members of the jury said too. They knew he was guilty but acquitted him because he is black and the victims were white and it was close in time to Rodney King. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police, Race, Racism]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ Congresswoman Maxine Waters says she is a victim of racist attacks because people disagree with her. "They don't say racist things, but they do say that they don't like something I said." And because they approach her in public. She says if she were "not black [she] would not be approached that way." She LITERALLY told people to approach and harass Trump officials in public! "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." And people on her side approach and harass (she was not harassed) Republicans ALL THE TIME and most of them are white. When Democrats play the race card (and they still do every day), its a lie 100% of the time. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ "‘Honour-Based‘ Crimes Soar by 60 Per Cent over Two Years in England" As Muslims immigrate to Europe, they bring their treatment of women with them. These crimes are up 193% over the last six years. Assaults, raps and FGM on young girls. [Crime, Islam]

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