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May 27, 2018 ~ Trump Has Secured the Release of Another American Prisoner Overseas, Joshua Holt being held for bogus reasons in Venezuela for 2 years [Trump Win]
May 28, 2018 ~ United Technologies announced that they will take advantage of the GOP Tax Cuts to invest $15 billion in the US, repatriating cash from overseas to create 35,000 jobs - Dems still trying to sell 'crumbs' idea [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
May 28, 2018 ~ 32 percent of federal prisoners are aliens, and that over 90 percent of those are in the country illegally. Most illegals are not criminals but its undeniable that illegal immigration brings in a lot of crime. That crime can be minimized by border enforcement with vetting. [Illegal Immigration, Crime]
May 28, 2018 ~ Eleanor Goldberg, '80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.' - very dangerous for them to make the trip - one reason its important to shut down the border and that trafficking. This is why Trump connected illegal immigration to rape during campaign. [Illegal Immigration]
May 28, 2018 ~ Black woman Sherita Dixon-Cole claimed White Texas trooper assaulted her, threatened her, and RAPED her - Shaun King promoted the story - ginned up tons of outrage all over the country - body cam footage shows she made it ALL up. Every bit of it. Police often falsely accused. [Fake Racism, Police]
May 28, 2018 ~ Prosecutors have charged three migrants from Palestine and Syria for fire-bombing a Jewish synagogue and cars parked there in Gothenburg, Sweden - anti-Semitic attacks on the rise in countries taking on Islamic migrants [Islam, Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, Immigration]
May 28, 2018 ~ Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who 'identifies as' a black woman is now charged with welfare fraud - did not report significant income while accepting welfare - the left thinks if you 'identify as' something, you 'are' that thing. [Race, Trans, Anti-Science]
May 28, 2018 ~ New York Times Columnist Joe Blow says it is a 'settled fact' at this point that President Donald Trump 'is a racist and white supremacist'. It's Democrat fiction. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
May 28, 2018 ~ George Harbison, 'The Evil that Must Not Be Named on Campus' - the evils of Socialism and Communism including its murderous history and collapsing nations are ignored and not taught or mentioned - explains how today's youth can love socialism [Socialism, College]
May 29, 2018 ~ Police officer Amy Caprio is dead because Marilyn Mosby of Freddy Gray fame botches yet another case. She was begged to keep a 'one man crime wave' Dawnta Harris locked up until sentencing but she knew better and let him out. 'This shouldn't have happened. It's preventable.' [Police, Crime]
May 29, 2018 ~ ICE Chief To Democrats - We're Not Anti-Immigrant, We're Enforcing The Laws -You- Passed - Democrats continue to confuse immigration in general with illegal immigration - have done complete 180 from previous views just to oppose Trump. [Illegal Immigration]
May 29, 2018 ~ Bernard Goldberg, 'The Racism Liberals Don't Recognize - Their Own' In Chicago there is a Parkland death toll every week but a young black male's life is not worth reporting when it is taken by another black male. That's the real racism in America's newsrooms. Only report if cops [Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, Police]
May 31, 2018 ~ Islamic Terrorist kills two female police officers and a bystander during terror attack in Belgium - shouted 'Allahu Akbar' - 2 other officers were seriously injured [Islam, Terrorism]
May 31, 2018 ~ George Will, 'Mitch McConnell Is Winning the Long Game' - He has enabled much of the Trump Wins in the Senate - is right to resist removing the filibuster because it has prevented many bad things as well as good [Trump Win]
May 31, 2018 ~ More Fake News that many many liberals fell for. 'ICE Prison Bus For Babies'. Moby tweets 'what the hell is wrong with our country - Trump's America a land of belligerence and cruelty and unspeakable heartlessness, republican monsters' Picture from Obama era. Used for field trip. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 1, 2018 ~ Most if not all of the pictures dems are using to 'prove' the 'kids in cages' narrative are from the Obama era. Samantha Bee is one of the useless idiots who fell for the fake news. This leads her to call First Daughter Ivanka Trump a 'cunt' on TV- her vile crowd cheered. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration, Loathsome Left]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Trump Has Cut Federal Payroll by 24,000 Jobs already [Trump Win]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Capitalism vs. Socialism' Professor Williams compares and contrasts the results - shows most of what we like was made possible by capitalism - most of what does not work well is done by government [Economics, Socialism, Walter Williams]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Liberal Media Embarrasses Themselves Over Trump Hinting At Good Jobs Report - said it was 'Illegal & Unprecedented' for a President to hint at content of upcoming job report. Whatever Trump does is bad. But its ok when others have done the same thing. Forgot even Obama did it. [TDS, Fake News]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Jury awards family one dollar each in wrongful death suit against cops to send a message that this was a frivolous case. A white officer Christopher Newman who was acquitted in criminal case justifiably killed black suspect, Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr. who pulled a gun on the officer [Police, Fake Racism]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Louis Farrakhan calls for 'an end to white men' in The Final Call news 'because his nature is not in harmony with the nature of God' [Racism]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Keith Olbermann tweets 'Fuck you @RealDonaldTrump Nazi Nazi fuck Nazi Nazi RACIST Nazi BIGOT go fuck yourself fucking Nazi fuckers' - rehired by ESPN - has made hundreds more equally offensive and deranged statements [TDS, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism]
Jun 4, 2018 ~ Trump Pardons Dinesh D'Souza - D'Souza says Obama's Goons Tried to Destroy My Faith in America, Trump Restored It. Prosecution was very obviously politically motivated. Anyone one else would have paid a small fine. Rosie and Obama had far far larger campaign finance violations. [Trump Win, Witch Hunt, Politics]
Jun 8, 2018 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post runs Suzanna Danuta Walters article, 'Why can’t we hate men?' "Maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts," (women who have killed men) "for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from." [College, Fake News, Gender, Loathsome Left, Sexism, Violent Left]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Joy Reid's old blogs contain many homophobic comments and slurs. Also said terrible things about Rosie O'Donnell and sided with Trump. 9-11 Truthers nonsense. The outrage mob tried to cancel her so she falsely claimed her stuff was 'hacked'. Obvious lie but it worked. [Homophobia, Cancel Culture]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ 6 ways Obamacare has made things worse - premiums have more than doubled, deductibles have skyrocketed also, health care costs have risen dramatically, fewer choices, 30 million still uninsured, Medicaid rolls exploding [Entitlements, Health Care, Obamacare]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Google search results listed 'Nazism' as the MAIN ideology of the California Republican Party - lists it first, ahead of even 'Conservatism' - Then labels another GOP senator as a 'bigot' - says oops, just a mistake [Fake News, Tech Bias]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ USA Today fake news goes viral 'The feds lost - yes, lost - 1,475 migrant children.' Fake narrative pushed leaving out all context to make Trump administration look bad. ORR had to deal with flood of tens of 1000s of unaccompanied. Placed with HHS vetted sponsors, most relatives. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Trump says he is 'looking forward' to the jobs report ONE HOUR before it was released. CNN and MSNBC beclown themselves again saying no president has ever talked about jobs report early. Very serious problem. 'Illegal & Unprecedented'. Video shows Obama doing it many times. [TDS, Fake News]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Colleges and Higher Education is getting so toxic under the rule of the anti-science left that things like 'objectivity' and 'meritocracy' are being called examples of 'white mythologies'. Course called 'White Mythologies: Objectivity, Meritocracy, and Other Social Constructions' [College, Race, Anti-Science]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Prager - Google changes its slogan from 'Don't Be Evil' to 'Don't Fight Evil' - will not renew a contract with the Pentagon for artificial intelligence work so as not to contribute to 'warfare technology' - profoundly naive, dumb and ungrateful [Tech Bias, Dennis Prager]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Andrew G. Biggs 'Myths about Teacher Pay'. 70% said needs to be raised but underestimated by $20K what they thought teachers made $39.5K vs actual average $58.3K - even teachers underestimated - majority does not support when found out real salaries - pensions are also generous [Education]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Past Versus Present Americans'. In Baltimore, 4 teachers or school staff are assaulted in schools PER DAY. In Philadelphia, 'on an average day 25 students, teachers, or other staff members were victims of a violent crime'. Can't expel or even discipline them. [Education, Walter Williams]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ John Dempsey, 'The Irony of Police Body Cameras' - body cameras have been proving that the cops are usually the truth tellers - suspects are being caught totally fabricating crimes that the cops supposedly committed. The irony is advocates thought it would prove the opposite. [Police]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, The problem with California - staggering wealth on the coasts contrasted with dire poverty in the north and interior, some the result of years of open borders and illegal immigration - cost of high regulation falls hardest on poor [California, Regulations, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Jay Latimer, 'Ignoring The Samantha Power Bombshell' - according to official records, she requested the unmasking of Trump Campaign private citizens over 260 times in 2016. She claimed it was someone else using her security clearance. Who then? No one has been held to account. [Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'There Is Nothing Liberalism Won't Ruin' including movies TV and sports - players were criticized if they did not visit the White House under Obama - now they are congratulated for it - its Trump's fault of course. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Derek Hunter]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Tommy Robinson Drew Attention to 'Grooming Gangs' that conscripted thousands of young girls into prostitution via blackmail - Britain arrested and persecuted him because the truth has shined a bad light on the Muslim immigrant community [Islam, Silencing]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Commutes Alice Johnson unfair life sentence for one non-violent drug offense 27 years ago - libs who should be celebrating can only criticize because Trump did it and Kim Kardashian lobbied for it [Trump Win]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Elizabeth Warren created the CFPB to be a politicized rogue agency never dreaming it would fall into the hands of the GOP - GOP is not allowed to kill it but is doing a good job taming it as best as legally possible. Mick Mulvaney Fires Entire CFPB Advisory Board. [Trump Win, Regulations]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier is pardoned by President Trump - Saucier took some pictures on a submarine that were deemed to be classified but he did not realize it at the time - other sailors did the same - what Hillary did was far worse and intentional but she skated. [Trump Win, Hillary]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ President Trump passes 'right to try' legislation whereby terminal patients can try experimental treatments that might save their lives. Unreal that this was not already allowed. Embarrassing that liberals and democrats are against it because Trump is for it. [Trump Win, Health Care]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ The Dakota Access Pipeline just celebrated one year of operation - has been transferring half a million to a million barrels of oil per day - very safe - leaked less than 4 barrels out of 61 million - Is helping to create U.S. energy independence. Dems were totally against it. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ The United States Restores Top Ranking As Most Competitive Global Economy [Trump Win, Economy]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Jazz Shaw, Canada makes a big show of being welcoming to immigrants but then deports more than 90% of the ones who cross illegally into Canada - deported 5000 of 5500 Haitians that crossed from New York back to Haiti. Only the US is criticized for enforcing its border. [Illegal Immigration]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson explains the fundamental problem of why neither side can talk to one another anymore. 'Everything simple is false. Everything complex is unusable' but the dems insist that their simple yet false ideas are the only truth and you're a bad person if you don't agree. [Politics, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Supreme Court rules in favor of Jack Phillips, the guy who didn't want to be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding - he won but people say the ruling was too narrow - National Review editors say it was 'Broad Enough to Matter'. [Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Bill Maher is rooting for a recession to happen to 'get rid of Trump' - 'I'm hoping for it' says the wealthy man - His audience cheers - None of them understand the connection between Trump's policies and the roaring economy. [TDS, Economy]
Jun 11, 2018 ~ Samantha Bee calls Ivanka a 'cunt' for posting a picture of her son while her dad enforces his nation's border. Sally Field and Minnie Driver say that's an insult to cunts. Huge difference from how former first families were treated. Trump's detractors are 1000X worse than he is. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 11, 2018 ~ Italy's new populist Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini is closing the borders after being invaded by 600K illegals - Turning boats back - 'From today, Italy will also start to say no to human trafficking, no to the business of illegal immigration'. [Illegal Immigration]

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