Jun 24, 2018 ~ The 'Kids in Cages' lie. Democrats outraged at illegal immigrant families being separated. Call Trump and supporters Nazis. Based on many many fake photos and real photos from the Obama years. Never cared when Obama did it. Does not happen if they apply for asylum the right way. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Jun 24, 2018 ~ The Stanford Prison Experiment was accepted uncritically and given a warm welcome from the media for nearly 50 years - but it was essentially entirely a fraud due to political motivations. [Fake News] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Sheriff David Clarke, 'Obama Era School Discipline Reform Decreases Public School Scores, Increases Bad Behavior' - was based on the false assumption that black children were disciplined more because of racism - by not punishing bad behavior, they predictably got more of it. [Fake Racism, Education] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Roseanne kicked off her own show for tweet comparing Valarie Jarrett to Planet of the Apes. Barr said she didn't even know Jarrett was black. Was talking about her haircut. Some Liberals are using the Roseanne Tweet to prove 'They're ALL Racist' about Trump Supporters. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture] Jun 24, 2018 ~ SPLC agrees to $3.3 million settlement to Maajid Nawaz over its 'Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists' - up to 60 other organizations looking at suing SPLC - they once did good work against the KKK but they've now lost all credibility and have become a hate group themselves. [Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture] Jun 24, 2018 ~ FBI agent Peter Strzok who bragged that the fake Russia probe was their 'insurance policy' should Trump actually win said of the possibility of Trump winning 'We'll Stop It' - He called Trump supporters called 'poor uneducated, lazy POS crazies', major bias [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Starbucks bailing on urban centers after minimum wage hikes - Closing 130 stores, many in locations that have raised minimum wage - company cited wage increase requirements as one of the reasons [Minimum Wage, Economics] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was shouted at by socialists including DOJ employee while dining in DC - chased out of the restaurant - this disgusting despicable behavior has become normal for the left [TDS, Loathsome Left] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Occupy Wall Street tweets graphic showing Activists How to Kill an ICE Agents with a knife and then cut out their hearts - Occupy Wall Street was endorsed by Pelosi, Obama and many other dems - the left continues to openly advocate violence. [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Peter Fonda says 'Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity' [Loathsome Left] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Peter Fonda says 'SS, Sarah Sanders is a lying gash, too. And gash is much worse than cunt. Maybe we should take her children away' [Loathsome Left] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Peter Fonda says 'WE SHOULD RIP BARRON TRUMP FROM HIS MOTHER'S ARMS AND PUT HIM IN A CAGE WITH PEDOPHILES' - Melania calls the Secret Service to investigate the deranged lunatic threatening her son but he's just another democrat cheered on by other democrats. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Peter Fonda says we should 'SURROUND THE SCHOOLS' of the kids of 'ICE & REGULAR BORDER PATROL AGENTS. WE NEED TO SCARE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM! NEED TO MAKE THEIR CHILDREN WORRY NOW' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Jun 24, 2018 ~ Protesters Surround DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's Home Over Immigration chanting 'No Justice No Sleep' among other things - If the left disagrees with you, they come to your house nowadays - very bad sign. The mob is egged on by Democrat 'celebs' calling for violence. [Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration] Jun 24, 2018 ~ The takedown of Chris Hardwick shows #Me Too has gone too far - Lost his show over an unproven allegation - 'Now it's being used as a cudgel for aggrieved parties to exact revenge' - if it loses credibility, women won't be believed. [Me Too] Jun 24, 2018 ~ US withdraws from the hypocritical UN Human Rights Council. Nikki Haley 'For too long the human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers'. Pompeo, 'worst human rights abuses going ignored some of the world's most serious offenders sitting on the council itself' [Trump Win] Jun 25, 2018 ~ Venezuela is 'a textbook example of the evolution of socialism' - nationalize companies, try to run them while seizing their profits to try to fund massive welfare states - always fails descending into mass poverty - the left never learns [Socialism] Jun 25, 2018 ~ Judd Apatow - 'He's a Nazi. He wants no judicial process. He kidnapped children and commits acts of violence for political gain and to support his racist views. He admires violent dictators. Trump is a Nazi.' Trump has so far done nothing Obama didn't do more of. No Nazi stuff. [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial] Jun 25, 2018 ~ Left-Wing Activists Harass Florida AG Pam Bondi at Movie Theater - This is the new left - harass, shut down, intimidate, surround homes, shoot up baseball games - Forget ballot boxes - take it to the streets. Better do what they say folks or at least pretend to. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Jun 25, 2018 ~ The left has decided that unless you are for unlimited immigration for whoever can get across the border without for regard who is coming in, skills, education, their gang status, etc. you are a bad person. Forget about the millions in the rest of the world who also want to come. [Illegal Immigration] Jun 27, 2018 ~ AOC says Trump should be impeached over Emoluments Clause violations, 'I would support impeachment. I think that we have the grounds to do it.' 'From day one we have had violations of the emoluments clause with the presidency.' Dems keep trying to overturn the election results. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Impeachment] Jun 28, 2018 ~ President Trump moves US Embassy to Jerusalem - Trump keeps his promise and Obama's - more than 50 Palestinians killed in renewed Hamas violence - Israel shows restraint but predictably falsely criticized by anti-Semitic left and media. [Trump Win, Israel, Terrorism] Jun 29, 2018 ~ Israel convicts a Jewish teen for a string of 2000 bomb threats against US Jewish Community Centers. These crimes were all falsely claimed to be evidence of increased hate crime activity by Trump supporters since Trump's Election. As usual, they had nothing to do with Trump. [Fake Hate Crime, Anti-Semitism] Jun 29, 2018 ~ Winters in San Antonio are not getting warmer as was reported - studies show that average temperatures in San Antonio have not changed in 133 years or are maybe lower now [Climate Change, Fake News] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Sheryl Sandberg in 'Lean In' said 'A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes. This would be a better world'. No because it wouldn't be what women freely choose. Men and women opt for different careers in general. [Feminism, Gender] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Fox News suspends Trump advisor, David Bossie for two weeks over saying 'cotton-picking'. The phrase has never had racial connotations until recent false accusations. Its forever been a substitute for saying profanity. Obvious Bossie was using in the traditional way. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture] Jul 1, 2018 ~ NYU Prof. Simran Jeet Singh claims that People Calling For 'Civility' are doing so to Protect 'White Supremacy' 'calls for civility are just a power play by those who feel that white supremacy is under threat.' Liberals have absolutely no shame in their false efforts to divide us [Fake Racism, College] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Climate Change alarmists are now claiming Climate Change could make earthquakes worse. Just when you think alarmists can't jump the shark any more? 'If there's a signal there it's almost impossible to tease out of the process of plate tectonics ' says Earthquake expert Ross Stein [Climate Change, Fake News] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Anthony Watts, 'Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?' from Hanson and the IPCC - Not well at all - Wrong on the amount of warming by at least 2X, wrong on strength and frequency of hurricanes and tornados etc. Similar article by Rick Moran. [Climate Change, Fake News] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American, 'IMPORTANT - Democrats Are Undermining Black Civil Rights Heroes' Legacy'. In order to FALSELY branding Trump and the GOP as racists to score cheap political points, they have to pretend that past civil rights leaders accomplished nothing. [Fake Racism] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Will Alexander, "Incivility - No, It's Not Equal on 'Both Sides'". Its very easy to demonstrate that political incivility and violence is almost entirely owned by the left. Shout downs, heckling, harassing, violence, profane 'celeb' tirades, it almost all comes from the left. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Jul 1, 2018 ~ James W. Lucas, 'The Redistricting Cases Are Not About Gerrymandering, They're About Proportional Representation' - The Democrats' major problem is the geographic concentration of their voters, not how Republicans draw the lines. [SCOTUS, Politics] Jul 1, 2018 ~ SCOTUS upholds Trump 'Travel Ban'. Democrats continue to lie by calling it a 'Muslim ban' with no real justification - ban affected only 8% of the Muslim population and was based on ability or inability to vet. [Trump Win, Politics, Immigration, Terrorism] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Yes, There's Too Much Due Process at the Border' - 80% of asylum claims are false but 90% of them pass initial interview - hundreds of thousands clogging up the system - most should simply be turned around at the border. [Illegal Immigration, Rich Lowry, Due Process] Jul 1, 2018 ~ Unhinged Democrat Laurence Wayne Key is charged with threatening to kill GOP Representative Brian Mast's kids - 'I'm going to find the Congressman's kids and kill them. If you're going to separate kids at the border, I'm going to kill his kids'. [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration] Jul 2, 2018 ~ Unhinged Democrat Markara Man is charged with threatening to kill Ajit Pai's family over Net Neutrality. Man believed all the hyperbolic nonsense that eliminating Net Neutrality would destroy the internet. In reality, net neutrality, which had never even started, was unnecessary. [Violent Left, Net Neutrality] Jul 2, 2018 ~ Harvard Hospital takes down 31 portraits of previous department chairs including Dr. Harvey Cushing, founder of modern neuroscience in the name of diversity. Some didn't like that most of the honorees were white males so their significant contributions and history must be erased. [Cancel Culture, Race, Anti-Science] Jul 2, 2018 ~ Richard Cordray, the former director of the CFPB, Calls Ohio GOP Members Nazi Collaborators because he disagrees with them on budget issues. 'Vichy Republicans' 'like Nazi Germany'. the left has gone nuts with these false Nazi comparisons which are a form of Holocaust denial. [Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left] Jul 2, 2018 ~ SCOTUS stands up for Public Sector Workers. Janus ruling says that workers cannot be forced to pay money to unions that will then use that money to support political causes that they are against - workers gain freedom, dems lose millions [SCOTUS, Politics, Unions] Jul 2, 2018 ~ John Stossel, 'Shut Up, They Explain' - The left continues to shout down speeches, block access to speeches, falsely call people like Heather Mac Donald an 'anti-black fascist' and nazi when they are the ones being violent and abusive and prevent freedom of association. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Fake Racism, John Stossel] Jul 2, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "Criminal Behavior, Not Racism, Explains 'Racial Disparities' in Crime Stats" Black Harvard economist, Dr. Roland Fryer concluded in 'officer-involved shootings, we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.' [Fake Racism, Police, Larry Elder] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Donald Trump oversees groundbreaking of a new Foxconn plant in Wisconsin they are building thanks to new tax policy - investing $10 Billion to create 13,000 more jobs [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter, 'Pure Genocide' - Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly Women and Children' Killed by Muslim killers this year in Nigeria since January - Islam commands its believers to kill all infidels who do not convert. [Islam, Terrorism] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Democratic Party now openly supports no borders - Protesters chant 'Fuck your borders! Fuck your wall! We will make your system fall' - Prominent dems say 'Abolish ICE' - Gillibrand, de Blasio, Warren, Pocan and many more [Illegal Immigration] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Yet another picture of a migrant child used to gin up hate against Trump and his supporters was not what was claimed. Girl was crying on the cover of Time as the poster child for child separation but she was never separated from her mother and mother was not seeking asylum. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Librarians remove Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from literary award because some characters who lived in the 1800s in her books had negative ideas about Indians or Blacks - Who's next, Twain, Shakespeare, Hemingway? [Cancel Culture] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Jennifer Rubin says Trump staffers like Sarah Sanders deserve harassment FOR LIFE - 'These people should be made uncomfortable, and I think that's a life sentence frankly' [TDS, Loathsome Left] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Maxine Waters orders Democrats to harass members of the Trump admin. 'If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.' [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left] Jul 3, 2018 ~ Scott Pruitt Harassed while having lunch at DC restaurant - woman was following Maxine Water's instructions to harass people in public spaces - Pruitt has already needed extra security from deranged democrats. [TDS, Loathsome Left] Tag Cloud
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