Jul 30, 2018 ~ Fake News Media mistook Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina for Trump staffer in White House photos - Even worse is that in reality she met with Obama officials in 2015 - Another dream shatters for the Trump-haters. [Fake News, Russia Hoax] Jul 30, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, The decline and endangerment of the honeybee is another fake Environmentalist Scare Story - never held water. [Fake News, Environment] Jul 30, 2018 ~ Feminists now demanding 'menstrual equity' - It's sad what feminism has devolved into - claiming there is a rape epidemic on college campuses and demanding tax free tampons. [Feminism] Jul 30, 2018 ~ The FISA applications confirm that the Carter Page warrant was obtained via a perfect circle of Steel Dossier composed of 'unverified' Russian Intel funded by Clinton, leaked to media and then those media reports were part of the application. Page spied on but did nothing wrong. [Spygate, Russia Hoax] Jul 30, 2018 ~ Armstrong Williams, 'In Defense of Israel' - 'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel' - no moral equivalence [Israel] Jul 30, 2018 ~ New book - 'The History of Jihad- From Muhammad to ISIS' by Robert Spencer - details the atrocities committed in the name of Islam since the 7th Century through today - global in scope - India bore some of the worst brutality. [Islam] Jul 31, 2018 ~ The contradiction of modern immigrants - they all want to come here because of the prosperity and opportunity that is here - but they want to junk the Capitalist system that created all of that - think it was just luck or worse. They want to transform govt into govt they fled. [Immigration] Jul 31, 2018 ~ Can We Trust Experts - Trump Skeptical About 'Official Government Findings - Who Isn't - Larry Elder and Walter Williams give many examples of how experts and intelligence agencies have been spectacularly wrong. [Politics, Walter Williams, Larry Elder] Jul 31, 2018 ~ Huge double standard - The rare white person that kills or assaults black person crime is met with street protests - 'White supremacy slashes throats, it stabs, it lynches' - But never protests or outrage for the far more common black person kills or assaults white person. [Race] Jul 31, 2018 ~ Trump Announces E.U. Has Granted Trade Concessions in response to his trade war including unfair trading practices, including intellectual property- still working toward goal of 0 tariffs - got Germany to buy more US gas [Trump Win, Economy, Trade] Aug 2, 2018 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Unintended Consequences' of government action very often worse than the intended consequences - examples, tariffs, rent control, minimum wage, student loans, certain welfare programs [Economics, Ben Shapiro] Aug 4, 2018 ~ New York Times hires extremely racist columnist, Sarah Jeong. Dems say its fine because she hates 'dumbass fucking white people', men, police - whites smell like dogs, 'fuck white women', '#CancelWhitePeople', 'fuck the police', 'kill men', 'kill more men', 'all are men garbage'. [Racism, Sexism, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Police] Aug 4, 2018 ~ New York Times hires extremely racist columnist, Sarah Jeong. 'Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.' Her 'plan' is for white people to go extinct. 'You'll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.' [Racism, Loathsome Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ An Inconvenient Amendment - New York's attempt to shut down anti-abortion vigils fails - federal court rules that the 1st amendment protects that speech - liberals despise free speech - again annoyed they could not silence opposing views [Abortion, Free Speech, Silencing] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Chuck Schumer says its unreasonable to expect people living illegally in the US to remember all the Social Security numbers and identities they had forged - its just something they need to do [Illegal Immigration] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Four Blue States, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland file a ridiculous lawsuit claiming the Trump Tax Cuts $10K SALT deduction cap unfairly targets their rich people. They do this while simultaneously lying to the public that Trump's tax cuts are 'for the rich'. [Tax Cuts, Politics] Aug 4, 2018 ~ UGA Dean of Journalism and Mass Communication Charles Davis attacked on Twitter for having a GOP friend. Forced to apologize for trying to be bi-partisan. What a disgrace that he did not have the courage to stand up to the left wing hate mob. Civility is not tolerated by the left [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture] Aug 4, 2018 ~ DNC never gave FBI access to their supposedly hacked computers. Outsourced to CrowdStrike. If the FBI never had access to the DNC or Hillary campaign computers or cell phones, how could the FBI identify the 12 Russians indicted just before the summit - no evidence forthcoming. [Russia Hoax] Aug 4, 2018 ~ SPLC declares white on black violent crime to be a problem when it is rare compared to black on white violent crime. Almost all inter-racial violent crime is black on non-black. Judgement against Chicago for releasing white girl in a black neighborhood leading to her death. [Race] Aug 4, 2018 ~ A waitress at a Freestone County, Texas restaurant claimed that an area law enforcement employee scribbled a racial slur against Mexicans on a meal receipt - another lie - generated outrage - The usual suspects all fell for it again. was sent money etc. Admitted to making it up. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Associated Press reports that Sean Spicer supposedly called Alex Lombard the N-word. Everyone around at the time said it never happened. So many fake accusations of racism. Story is now discredited. Most people hear the accusations, but not the debunkings. [Fake Racism, Fake News] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Skinny eyebrows are declared 'problematic' due to cultural appropriation of Hispanics. Vogue 'I'm Latina, and I Find Rihanna's Skinny Brows Problematic.' But white women wearing thick eyebrows is ethnic appropriation. So there's no acceptable way for white women to wear eyebrows! [Fake Racism, Cultural Appropriation] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Marc Morano, '2018 Global Weather-Related Disaster Losses At Record Low So Far' - The predicted increase in weather disasters - frequency and intensity has never materialized - in fact its been going in the opposite direction [Climate Change] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Jack Hellner, 'Where's the press after a century of bad climate predictions?' Not just decades but more than a century of bad climate predictions. Kept changing and almost none have come true. Big list. Yet its supposed to be a 'science' that can't be 'denied' or even questioned. [Climate Change, Fake News] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Jibran Khan, 'Kamala Harris's Rent Subsidy Would Help Landlords, Not Renters' - The new rents would just adjust to the subsidies like always happens - same happened with college tuition - real problem is supply artificially kept low by dems [Economics, Harris] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Larry Elder says Anne Hathaway Is Making 'Race Relations' Worse. After very rare white kills black incident Hathaway says 'ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY'. But black people commit more than 80% interracial violent crime. And commit more than 90% of black murders. [Race, Fake Racism, Larry Elder] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Media's double standard concerning 'campaign finance laws'. Interested if Trump covered up a decades ago affair. Ignore Hillary Victory Fund, which collected and then laundered $84 million worth of questionable contributions. Obama and Rosie also had more violations than Trump. [Fake News, Politics] Aug 4, 2018 ~ NYT Racist Sarah Jeong Defended UVA Rape Hoaxer. Convinced 'Jackie is not lying' because of 'inconsistencies and discrepancies'. People only doubt her because 'couldn't believe nice white college boys were monsters', Actually, their race why Jeong couldn't accept their innocence. [Racism, Fake Rape] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Jack Cashill, 'Paramount Owes America an Apology for Jay-Z's Series about Trayvon Martin' - ignores the fact that Trayvon was the one who attacked - leaves impression Trayvon was begging for life when his dad says that wasn't his voice. It was Zimmerman's [Race] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Quit The Hysterics. America Is Responsible For Almost None Of The Plastic In The Ocean' - Asia and Africa account for 95% of the problem - Europe and the US almost none - banning straws does 0 to help the ocean - facts don't support positions taken by Democrats. [Fake News, Environment] Aug 4, 2018 ~ New York City Council honoring Haitian Dictator Jean-Jacques Dessalines by naming a NYC street after him - Dessalines ordered all white people in Haiti killed - 3000 to 5000 white people were killed in his genocide. And New York City names a street after him. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Stossel explains again why increasing minimum wages in restaurants would do more harm than good - where it was tried hundreds of restaurants closed, hours were cut, etc. - did not lower harassment either [Minimum Wage, Economics, John Stossel] Aug 4, 2018 ~ CNN's David Axelrod says 'Trump is literally Nero' [TDS] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrat Chloe Wright charged with intentionally ramming a car because it had a Trump bumper sticker - was not just property damage related - tried to injure driver of the car with her car. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Greatest Hysteria in American History'. Like McCarthyism - Dems go insane over fake Russian Collusion which FBI has said 'no there there' - Comparisons to Kristallnacht, Holocaust, 9-11, Pearl Harbor, treason, traitor. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Two historians have quit the University of Virginia's Miller Center, a think tank focused on presidential history and public policy because someone who worked for Trump was hired - the left will not tolerate any diversity of thought. [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Trump supporters pelted by eggs and punches can sue San Jose cops after attack, court says - police failed to protect them from violent democrats who think their violence will convince voters that they should vote for democrats. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ House of Representatives candidate Mark Roberts called Melania a 'hoebag'. Said 'the First Lady works by the hour'. How can anyone even WAIT to vote for Democrats? [TDS, Loathsome Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Top Tennessee Dem Official Mark Brown says Trump Voters are 'Idiots,' Trump is a 'Fuckstick'. Trump is 'Putin's bitch and a fucking moron' Dems claim Trump is boorish but they, the alternative, are 1000 times worse. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Russia] Aug 4, 2018 ~ The U.S. dethroned Hong Kong to retake first place among the world's most competitive economies according to annual rankings by the Switzerland-based IMD World Competitiveness Center - number 1 spot was lost during Obama admin [Trump Win, Economy] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Deranged democrat Carlos Bayon arrested for threatening Steve Scalise, his family and his supporters in Voicemails. Faces 5 years in prison. Scalise is mostly recovered from being shot by another deranged democrat who was trying to kill many Republicans on a baseball field. [Violent Left] Aug 4, 2018 ~ Stanford Student Threatens Violence against Pro-Israel students - 'I'm gonna physically fight Zionists on campus next year' - 'abolish your ass' [Violent Left, Israel, Anti-Semitism] Aug 4, 2018 ~ When will the Dem Party condemn their daily incidents of violence? Man indicted for threatening to kill Diane Black. Brick thrown through GOP window. Jason Lewis' daughters threatened. Man arrested outside Lee Zeldin's office for threatening to kill Trump supporters. On and on. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 5, 2018 ~ Cal Thomas, 'What's Not To Like About Trump Policies?' He may be brash but he's dragging America kicking and screaming into prosperity - dems openly rooting for him and America to fail and trying to make it happen just to get rid of him [Trump Win] Aug 5, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Double Standards Are The Only Standards Liberals Have'. Liberals falsely label everything under the sun from border enforcement to exhaling as 'racist'. The only thing leftists won't label as racist is ACTUAL racism by leftists such as racism by Sarah Jeong of NYT. [Fake Racism, Racism, Derek Hunter] Aug 5, 2018 ~ NYT columnist and extreme racist Sarah Jeong accuses white people of not having any culture and for not contributing anything to civilization - apparently she is as stupid and ignorant as she is racist. [Racism] Aug 5, 2018 ~ L.A. Production of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' Replaces Nazis with ICE Agents Hunting for 'LatinX' Illegals - If we believe dems that Trump is Hitler and Republicans are Nazis, we have to conclude the Holocaust wasn't very bad. What did they do? Enforce borders and cut taxes? [Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial] Aug 5, 2018 ~ Man dares to park his car with Trump sticker in Philadelphia. When he gets back his car is essentially destroyed - Major dents everywhere, scratches, windows and mirrors broken, all tires slashed. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 5, 2018 ~ Twitter Suspends Candace Owens' Account for Mimicking Sarah Jeong's Racism - Owens said the same racist things Jeong said but about Jewish people instead of white people. Proves Twitter and the left think its only ok to be racist against white people. Jeong's racism still online. [Racism, Tech Bias] Aug 7, 2018 ~ Anarchy in Portland thanks to Democratic Mayor Wheeler - Violence once again started by deranged democrats and once again a democratic mayor gives the 'protesters' space to attack people with whom the disagree. [Antifa, Silencing, Violent Left] Tag Cloud
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