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Aug 10, 2018 ~ Richard Baehr, How Identity Politics has poisoned college campuses - 'Those less absorbed with politics, whatever their race, will choose not to challenge that narrative, which is delivered with passion and anger'. This is how the small but aggressive mob wins with lies. [Loathsome Left, College, Identity Politics]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Guns save far more lives than they take - defensive gun use study averages cluster around 2.5 million per yr - 400K of these prevented serious injury or death vs. 13,000 gun homicides per yr - DGU 200X homicide - doesn't count deterrence [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Robert VerBruggen, "Academia and Militant Leftists Don't Get to Define 'Racism' for the Rest of Us" - First they declare all kinds of things to be racist that aren't racist, then they tell us actual racism is not racism because only white people can be racist. [Racism, Fake Racism, College]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Menendez and other dems claim 'if LeBron James was white, President Trump never would have questioned his intelligence' and Maxine Waters 'low IQ' - But Trump does that ALL THE TIME - he just called Robert DeNiro 'low IQ' and has called other white men the same thing. [Fake Racism]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ NYT Racist Sarah Jeong's parents grew up in a free South Korea made possible by the deaths of 30,000 U.S. soldiers most of whom were white men - who by the way smell dogs according to Jeong. [Racism]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Sarah Jeong, the racist that now works at the New York Times tweeted that Donald Trump is 'basically Hitler' - Ignoramuses and low information people will believe that 'basically', Hitler wasn't all that bad then. What did he do? Cut taxes and enforce Germany's border? [Holocaust Denial]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Trump Economy is the story of the decade - New York Times say they've run out of words to describe how good it is - Unemployment Rate Falls to 18-Year Low; Solid Hiring. Metric after metric setting records. Pelosi says 'strong employment numbers mean little.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrat Brandon Ziobrowski is arrested for threatening ICE agents on Twitter. He offered to pay $500 to for someone to kill an ICE agent. Also wanted to slit McCain's throat. He must have believed other deranged democrats that say ICE agents are nazis and terrorists. [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, a college economics professor calls colleges 'A Force For Evil' - far to many deranged leftists lie non-stop about capitalism, men, race, America, the West etc. 50% think speech should be censored, 20% by violence if necessary, [College, Walter Williams]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Elizabeth Yore, 'Death By a Thousand Cuts' - FGM causes lifelong pain and suffering, and sometimes death - sadly its practiced all over the Muslim world - More than 500,000 girls at risk in the US - democrats vote down bill to protect them [Islam]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Laura Hollis, 'Democrats Have Become What They Say They Despise' - open racism, anti-free speech, silencing of dissent, political violence, McCarthy tactics, surveillance of political opponents [Loathsome Left]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Facebook goes off the deep end again, bans GOP candidate Elizabeth Heng's Cambodian genocide images - her family survived the Pol Pot regime's mass murder - Facebook says describing some of that was 'hate speech' [Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Fake Racism - Elizabeth Warren says our justice system is 'racist...front to back' - repeating the same divisive lies from the democrat party playbook - she should apologize to police, judges, and many others [Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Vijay Jayaraj, Claims that Climate Change is causing 'Disappearing Islands' is totally Fake News - sea level rise has not changed in 100 yrs, 1.5mm per yr, islands in question like Tuvalu are growing not shrinking - sea level in Medieval Warm higher than today. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Norman Rogers, 'The Incredible Scam of Rooftop Solar' - very inefficient and costly compared to fossil fuels - only seems cost effective due to massive subsidies from taxpayers - both wind and solar cost far more benefit than they deliver [Climate Change, Energy]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Minnesota minimum wage hike leads to predictable results - hikes have led to slower job growth in the restaurant industry and significant job losses among younger workers, a new study has found [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and other Muslims were training a dozen kids to carry out school shootings - Wahhaj is son of a Brooklyn Imam involved in first World Trade Center Bombing - Linda Sarsour has frequently fawned over the Imam. [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Antifa goon and college professor Eric Clanton who hit people in the head with a bike lock gets off with only 3 years probation - its now legal in CA to beat your political opponents in the with deadly weapons - but only if you are on the left. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Police Were Not Policed'. FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSC, and State Department were weaponized under Obama to alter a U.S. election and were directed to do so by many top dogs - Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Yates, etc. FBI knew Steel working for Clinton. [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Cal Thomas, 'The Seduction of Socialism' - Young people signing up out of ignorance and entitlement - ignorant of history of 100s of millions of deaths, mass starvations and poverty - numbers don't add up - Medicare for all would cost $32 Trillion [Socialism, Poverty, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ 3 Million people Drop Off Food Stamps Under Booming Trump Economy [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Antifa Harasses Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk at Breakfast - pours drink on Kirk while screaming idiotic things about 'White Supremacy' at Owens who is black and at the black and Hispanic police force. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Police, Silencing, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Dutch politician Willie Dille committed suicide after being gang raped by Muslim Moroccan migrants. [Islam, Immigration]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Study shows white homicides solved at higher rate than black homicides - 'racism' is predictably blamed but Sheriff David Clarke explains why the real reason is the lack of cooperation by the black community - 'snitches get stiches'. [Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ For two decades, Senator Dianne Feinstein employed a Chinese spy on her staff - was notified - tried to keep secret from the public - Trump campaign was not similarly notified when spying suspected in his campaign. [Spygate]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ The Washington Post writes article called 'The Path to Autocracy is all too familiar' which compares President Trump to Goebbels and includes picture of 'Hitler Youth' burning books. [Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Charles Blahous, 'The Fiscal Implausibility of Medicare for All' - Total annual federal health spending under M4A would be $4.2 trillion in 2022 and rise to $6.9 trillion by 2031 but even that is an underestimate - article explains reasons why [Health Care, Politics, Entitlements]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Justin Haskins, 'Trump Is Quietly Destroying Obamacare While Helping Millions of Americans' get off of the sinking ship of Obamacare - dems want to try to patch the leaks but it's destined to go down anyway, the best that can be done is get as many as possible off the ship [Health Care, Obamacare, Trump Win]
Aug 14, 2018 ~ Typical weekend in Chicago - 80 shot, 12 dead, 16 shooting victims were children. No arrests were made due to a lack of community help - liberals ignore because can't blame guns, strictest gun laws, or racism, because the shooters were black. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 16, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, 'Rejecting Carbon Colonialism'. Trump is helping Africa far more than Obama enabling the African Development Bank, AfDB to invest in realistic energy vs. Obama who held them back trying to lock them into impractical renewables that would lock them into poverty. [Trump Win, Climate Change, Poverty]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ USA Today opinion piece titled 'Donald Trump Broke the Presidency. It's time to get rid of the job altogether' proposes 'It's time to amend the Constitution and abolish the presidency' [TDS]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Andrew McCarthy sets the record straight on blind Sheikh Siraj Wahhaj - was not involved in WTC bombing - his son however was running a terrorist camp training kids to shoot up schools [Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Dozens of cars are destroyed as gangs of masked 'youths' go on fire-bomb rampages in cities across Sweden - This kind of thing did not happen until they started letting in large numbers of Islamic immigrants. [Islam, Immigration]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ The New York Times has an advice column about how to 'cure' white skin privilege - it starts 'I'm riddled with shame. White shame... my literal existence hurts people like I'm always taking up space that should belong to someone else.' [Fake Racism, Race]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Flashback, In 2013 Dick Durbin said 'What we are seeing in global warming is the evaporation of our Great Lakes' even though the low levels had known causes - and now the lakes are back to near record levels - was typical false alarmism, quickly forgotten. on to the next fake. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ ISIS Fighter Wanted For Murder Posed as a Refugee to Get Into the United States [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Majority of Democrats say they prefer Socialism over Capitalism - great cartoon shows two Socialism sign up - 2 doors - 1. work hard, keep half, 2. no work, free stuff - everyone is lined up at door 2 [Socialism]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Omarosa turns on Trump, writes book alleging things she can't prove and Mark Burnett says is not true - Trump calls her a dog - she called him dog first - Fake racism, sexism - Called racist and sexist but Trump has called white men dogs. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Black Democratic Rep. Bettie Cook Scott in Detroit running against Asian Stephanie Chang says 'Don't vote for the ching-chong'. Scott previously has called Chang, 'ching chang'. [Racism]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ John Stossel, 'Social Security Fail's - Stossel tries once again to warn about the coming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare - no one is courageous enough to address the problem. Any cuts would be demonized even though unsustainable. Democrats say spend even more. [Entitlements, Economics, John Stossel]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ NYT Racist Sarah Jeong says 'I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cool.' She praises her own derangement saying 'How fucking prescient was I on Trump = Hitler' - about as prescient as a typical Holocaust Denier. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Heather Mac Donald, 'The Times Conflates Conservatives with Society's White-Supremacist Fringe' - a literal handful of white supremacists show up for 'Unite the Right 2' but the left is desperate to keep alive the story that conservatives are a hateful group. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Trump Administration rolls back Obama's absurd CAFE requirements making Driving Safer And Cheaper - new rules will save consumers $500 billion and SAVE 13,000 lives - heavier cars are safer and reduced costs allow people to replace old cars sooner. [Trump Win, Regulations, Climate Change]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ John Wellington, 'US Internet Speed Has Gone From 12th To 6th Fastest Since End Of Net Neutrality' - so much for the hyperventilating about the internet being destroyed by net neutrality. Ending it is producing the positive results the GOP knew it would. [Trump Win, Net Neutrality, Regulations]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Youth unemployment hits 52-year low! [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Antifa and BLM perpetrate much violence against police and citizens on anniversary of Charlottesville - less than 50 white supremacists show up - but hundreds of violent left wingnuts were there - 'Fuck the police' etc. [Antifa, BLM, Charlottesville, Violent Left]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Chris Cuomo defends Antifa UNPROVOKED VIOLENCE on CNN - 'fighting hate is right. And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right'. Doesn't get or care that Antifa attacks innocent people all the time. Not for them to decide. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Laura Hollis, 'A Business Lesson for Socialists' - They seek to only distribute and re-distribute what exists but socialism kills the incentive for inventing new things - this is why places like East Germany fell decades behind West Germany [Socialism, Economics]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Enough's Enough' Thousands shot in Chicago every year but we're only allowed to focus on the police shootings which are an insignificant amount and mostly justified - prevents the real problems from being addressed. [Police, Crime, Walter Williams]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ 350 newspapers collude to condemn Trump for saying journalists are the enemy of the people - But he never said that - he said 'fake news is the enemy of the people' so their claim is itself, FAKE NEWS - MAJOR IRONY. [Fake News]

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