Sep 2, 2018 ~ Antifa perpetrates violence on innocent people who they disagree with or who are simply carrying the American Flag which they call a 'fascist symbol'. Obama called them 'Domestic Terrorists'. CNN's Don Lemon says 'No organization is perfect' but they're fighting 'fascism'. Untrue [Antifa, Violent Left] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Asians Face Ceiling in School Admissions - Must score much higher than other races - Asian at Harvard who has 25% chance would have 95% chance if black - Harvard and others were caught rigging the system by giving Asians given lowest personality scores - blacks the highest. [Affirmative Action, College] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Another HUGE bombshell goes bust - CNN and many other 'News' orgs. reported that Cohen had personally witnessed Donald Trump Jr. informing Trump Sr. about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting and was willing to testify it to Mueller. All of this was FALSE. Fake News every day. [Fake News, Russia Hoax] Sep 2, 2018 ~ DOE Report is released supposedly showing an epidemic in school shootings - 216 in one year! However, most of the school shootings listed in the report never happened. NPR analyzes the data and exposes the truth. It was really only 11, not 216. Sheesh. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Trump calls out Antifa on their unprovoked violence, as Obama Admin has labelled them a domestic terror organization. CNN's Tobin says that was 'an appeal to racism' because Antifa is a black organization. Totally false. The fools in masks are mostly white. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Violent Left] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Gavin Newsom campaigns for free health care for illegals, while Americans struggle with medical bills. Would cost CA additional $400 Million. Would bankrupt the state just like he left San Francisco deep in debt - Trump mocks, the whole world will illegally move to CA. [Illegal Immigration, Health Care] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Louis Farrakhan appeared onstage with a former president Bill Clinton today at Aretha Franklin's funeral. Farrakhan has been photographed buddy buddy with Obama and other prominent dems. Only the Democratic Party openly pals around with racists and anti-Semites. [Racism, Anti-Semitism] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Ocasio-Cortez's claims that unemployment is so low because 'everyone has two jobs' - It's clear she doesn't know how unemployment is calculated. But also, the number of people with multiple jobs has been going down, not up as economy has been improving. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics, Economy] Sep 2, 2018 ~ Sheriff David Clarke says we don't need Criminal Justice Reform - by the time people get to jail after pleas and 2nd chances, they are multiple repeat offenders - or they are murderers or rapists. I.e. their official rap sheet is almost always very understated due to plea downs. [First Step, Crime] Sep 6, 2018 ~ Pentagon cancels $300 million in aid to Pakistan - They wanted our money but continued to aid and abet terrorists - previous administrations would have kept paying. [Trump Win, Foreign Aid, Terrorism] Sep 6, 2018 ~ Right wing Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro is stabbed in the abdomen by violent leftist Adélio Bispo de Oliveira. Bolsonaro lost 40% of his blood and came extremely close to dying. The left owns political violence, not just in the US but all over the world. [Violent Left] Sep 7, 2018 ~ Initial jobless claims, a proxy for layoffs, hit a 50 year low! [Trump Win, Economy] Sep 7, 2018 ~ Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md introduces a meaure to create a panel to evaluate if Trump should be declared 'unfit' and removed from office via the 25th Amendment. This stunning example of Trump Derangement Syndrome has 67 co-sponsors. Dems still trying to overturn the 2016 election. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS] Sep 8, 2018 ~ More than 120 utilities across the country are lowering rates for customers because of money saved by the GOP tax cuts according to [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts] Sep 8, 2018 ~ Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond criticizes Kavanaugh for writing 'in the eyes of government we are just one race'. Judging everyone equally without consideration to superficial things like race was Republican MLK's dream but it's the last thing modern Democrats want. [Race, Kavanaugh] Sep 8, 2018 ~ Ron DeSantis told FL not to 'monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda'. Dems despicably claim that is a racist 'dog whistle' because his opponent Gillum is black. Gillum says it was a 'bullhorn'. Many provided long lists of democrats using same term including Obama. [Fake Racism, Politics] Sep 8, 2018 ~ George Papadopoulos sentenced to only 2 weeks in prison for allegedly lying to Mueller's Investigators. He was not guilty of even that but was heavily pressured. Investigation is a huge waste of money. Trump campaign did nothing wrong and no collusion. Finding process crimes only [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Sep 8, 2018 ~ Brigitte Gabriel, 'Leftist Censorship Thrives on University Campuses' both inside and outside of America - The UK seeing many examples of the disgusting displays of shout downs, heckling and even violence that have become very common in the US. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing, College] Sep 8, 2018 ~ A 'Pussy Hat' design is withdrawn for the Ireland Trump Protest after activists insist that some women have penises - otherwise, left wingers thought dressing up as genitalia was an awesome idea. [TDS, Trans, Gender] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Wil Wheaton driven off social media by 'very, very angry' social justice warriors who falsely label him transphobic and other things. No amount of groveling appeased the mob. He almost became self aware that his is the side of true hatred, intolerance, bullying and silencing. [Trans, Cancel Culture, Silencing] Sep 9, 2018 ~ A 2016 University of Alabama study claimed one-third of the mass shootings in the world take place in the US - John Lott found that was not even close to reality - US Ranks 58th in the world and has less than 3% of the world's mass shootings. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Michael Brown, 'Enough with All the Anonymity' - Bob Woodward's book is full of anonymous sources and an anonymous 'senior official' in the white house makes allegations - no way to vet or evaluate an anonymous source and they are usually untruthful. [Fake News] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Cory Booker makes a fool of himself comparing himself to Spartacus to reveal documents that allegedly showed Kavanaugh supporting racial profiling but they instead showed that he was against racial profiling - Lindsey Graham said Booker should have 'read the damn thing'. [Fake Racism, Kavanaugh] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Many dems moronically thought it was entirely plausible that Zina Bash was flashing 'white power' signs behind Kavanaugh in his hearing - ironically the OK symbol is not even a white power symbol - 4chan invented it to prank gullible liberals which wasn't difficult apparently. [Fake Racism, Kavanaugh, Fake News] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Distinguished University of Chicago medieval professor Rachel Fulton Brown - wrote 'Three Cheers for White Men' saying white men are not all bad - extremely vicious mob calls for her job - called fascist, nazi, white supremacist. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College] Sep 9, 2018 ~ Pastor who eulogized Aretha Franklin faces backlash for calling out black on black murders and lack of fatherhood issues. Liberals very upset because something other than racism was blamed. Pastor does not back down. Says 'change must come from within us'. [Race, Cancel Culture] Sep 9, 2018 ~ The Democrats embarrass themselves at Kavanaugh hearings. Extremely rude behavior, interrupting even the introduction several times. Very dishonest smears that sunk lower than previously thought possible. Also hundreds of deranged democrats were arrested for disruptive behavior. [Loathsome Left, Kavanaugh] Sep 10, 2018 ~ Tucker Carlson who usually knows better and Bernie Sanders who never does argue that Amazon should be taxed the amount their workers get welfare - its the same flawed minimum wage argument for paying workers more than they are worth. Welfare would be more without the job. [Minimum Wage, Economics, Sanders] Sep 11, 2018 ~ The Trump administration is closing PLO mission in Washington until they recognize Israel's right to exist - The Palestine Liberation Organization is the most successful Jewish-civilian-murdering organization of the past 60 years. [Trump Win, Israel] Sep 12, 2018 ~ It turns out that letting leftist tyrant wannabes run the school was not a good idea - University of Missouri enrollment dropped 23%, then 16% the next year - Evergreen State College freshman enrollment dropped 50%! - massive cutbacks and layoffs. [Loathsome Left, College, Identity Politics] Sep 12, 2018 ~ Broadway Star Carole Cook jokes about Trump's assassination - 'Where's John Wilkes Booth When you Need Him?' Latest in a very long line of prominent celebs joking about or openly calling for Trump to be assassinated. Prominent people, no consequences. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Sep 12, 2018 ~ College of Southern Nevada professor Mark Bird brings a gun on campus and shoots himself in order to protest Donald Trump. [TDS, Violent Left, College] Sep 12, 2018 ~ Democratic Socialist of America member threatens To Shoot Up MAGA Event At Trump International Hotel - 'I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies'. Message was posted on Twitter account owned by DSA. [TDS, Violent Left, Socialism] Sep 12, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrat Farzad Fazeli attacked Republican Congressional Candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade knife while on profanity laced Anti-Trump Rant - the blade malfunctioned or Peters might be dead. Arrested for felony assault, criminal threats, brandishing a weapon etc. [TDS, Violent Left] Sep 12, 2018 ~ Maxine Waters brags that she threatens Trump supporters 'all the time' - Her democrat audience laughed at that comment and applauded - Waters has no idea those comments are leading to real violence. Or maybe she does. [TDS, Violent Left] Sep 12, 2018 ~ DC McAllister forced into hiding following rape and death threats because of her anti-abortion tweets - These are not 'twitter threats' - these violent democrats called her saying they know where she lives. She now needs police protection. Unapproved ideas met with violence. [Violent Left, Abortion, Silencing] Sep 14, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrats bombard Susan Collins' office with threats of violence and sexual assault in an attempt to persuade her to vote against Kavanaugh. [Violent Left, Kavanaugh] Sep 14, 2018 ~ Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers - Social Security numbers of young people often stolen because they can be used for years before the identity theft is discovered and must be painfully dealt with. [Illegal Immigration] Sep 15, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Blue-Collar Recovery' - Manufacturing, Mining and Logging are all up significantly under the first 18 months of Trump, whereas they were down during the last 18 months of Obama. [Trump Win, Economy, Rich Lowry] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Birthright Citizenship was not intended to apply to people who snuck past Border Patrol. Anchor babies 'biggest magnet' to more illegal immigration. Then the anchor brings in more line jumpers via chain migration and 'family unification'. Broken system. [Illegal Immigration] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'California Regulates Barber And Tattoo Shops Out Of Business' - businesses having to close shop because of new very burdensome regulations involving when workers can be considered contractors - Is California the most anti-business state? [Regulations, California] Sep 16, 2018 ~ David French tries to be nuanced about Police Shootings - of course not all are legit - the question is are the ones that are not legit racially motivated - media and agitators never look at the white deaths - but facts show the same very rare issues exist regardless of race. [Police, Race] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Sen. Angus King compares Russian election meddling to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 'It's the same kind of attack' - that is beyond insane - The Russians stole some emails secured by password='password' and took out a few Facebook ads. Dems dishonor the memories of 9/11 victims. [Russia Hoax] Sep 16, 2018 ~ NYT smears Nikki Haley over a $53,000 UN curtains purchase that was made during the Obama administration - Haley had nothing to do with - some idiots on the left demand that Haley resign - the left constantly fuels their hatred with fake news stories. [Fake News] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Serena Williams' coach admits to illegal coaching - she has tantrum for being penalized, then breaks her racket, then is abusive to the umpire - claims sexism for the penalties but NYT proves that men are penalized FAR more. Racism also falsely cited for the penalty. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Climate Alarmists and Fake News Media politicize hurricane Florence. Washington Post says Trump 'Complicit' in a hurricane well within historical norms and had nothing to do with climate change or Trump. US has had the biggest reduction in CO2 emissions of anyone in Paris Accord. [TDS, Climate Change, Fake News] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace writes 'Twelve Invisible Eco-Catastrophes and Threats of Doom That are Actually Fake' including man made climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, 'The Diversity Delusion- How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture' - Tackles fake ideas like 'White Privilege, Toxic Masculinity', 'Rape Culture'. [College, Race, Gender] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton Peddles Thoroughly Debunked Claim About Kavanaugh and Birth Control first peddled by Kamala Harris - claims he thinks birth control is abortion - Washington Post rates the lie at 4 Pinocchios - desperate and despicable. [Abortion, Fake News, Harris, Kavanaugh] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Theodore Kupfer, 'In Defense of Norm Macdonald'. Norm got caught in Me Too. He didn't DO anything inappropriate. He just said not ALL women are telling the truth. Some men actually have been falsely accused. But Norm had to apologize. Women are biologically incapable of lying. [Me Too, Cancel Culture, Anti-Science] Tag Cloud
#WalkAway, 2020 Election, Abortion, Affirmative Action, Affordable Housing, Afghanistan, Anti-Science, Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Baltimore, Ben Shapiro, Biden, BLM, Budget, California, Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, China, Climate Change, College, Coronavirus, Covington, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, David Harsanyi, Debt, Deficit, Dennis Prager, Derek Hunter, Drugs, Due Process, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entitlements, Environment, Epstein, Fairness Doctrine, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, Fake Xenophobia, Feminism, First Step, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Foreign Aid, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Pay Gap, George Floyd, Green New Deal, Guns-Mass Shootings, Harris, Health, Health Care, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Holocaust Denial, Homophobia, Hong Kong, Identity Politics, IG Report, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, John Stossel, Kat Timpf, Kavanaugh, Kevin Williamson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle Smith, Larry Elder, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Me Too, Minimum Wage, Nato, Net Neutrality, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Obamacare, Ocasionomics, Omar, Police, Political Correctness, Politics, Poverty, Race, Racism, Reagan, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Rich Lowry, Russia, Russia Hoax, Sanders, SCOTUS, Sexism, Sharpton, Silencing, Slavery, Smollett, Socialism, Spygate, Student Loans, Syria, Tariffs, Tax Cuts, Taxes, TDS, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Terrorism, Tlaib, Trade, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win, Ukraine Hoax, Unions, Victor Davis Hanson, Violent Left, Violent Right, Voter Integrity Laws, Wall, Walter Williams, Western Civilization, Witch Hunt, Women's March,