Sep 16, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Is the President a Bad Role Model for Children?' Good role models have been bad President's like Carter - JFK and Bill Clinton were bad role models - will take Trump's character over Hillary's any day. [Politics, Dennis Prager] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Kevin D. Williamson argues that we should not demand A Fairness Doctrine for the Internet - yes, these companies treat conservatives unfairly but it is not the role of government to address that. [Fairness Doctrine, Tech Bias, Kevin Williamson] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Newest Peter Strzok, Lisa Page texts reveal coordinated leaking program between Intel Agencies designed to harm Trump - 'media leak strategy', 'article is out. Good job Page', 'our sisters have begun leaking like mad'. [Spygate, Russia Hoax] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Joe Scarborough makes unhinged claim that Trump has 'has done more damage to the dream of America than any foreign adversary ever could' - Then says 'more than any terrorist attack ever could'. [TDS, Terrorism] Sep 16, 2018 ~ The Democrats spring a last minute desperate and truly despicable smear on Kavanaugh. They claim an anonymous woman is making an unspecified accusation about something that happened in high school 35 years ago - therefore we can't confirm him. Democrats continue to sink lower. [Kavanaugh] Sep 16, 2018 ~ Trump Administration dismantles unconstitutional Operation Choke Point, OCP which blackmailed financial institutions to not do business with gun manufacturers - if they didn't cooperate with the Obama Admin, they would suffer regulatory consequences. [Trump Win, Regulations, Guns-Mass Shootings] Sep 17, 2018 ~ Tucker Carlson busts open Google conspiracy to influence the election. Used technology to make lots of 'in kind' contributions to Hillary and were very upset by the election results. Blame the usual fake explanations: racism, fascism. Vow to better use their 'resources and reach' [Tech Bias, Fake Racism] Sep 17, 2018 ~ The death toll for hurricane Maria was 64 for many months after the storm. Puerto Rico Governor Rosselló praised Trump and said they got everything they asked for. Then people put out 'computer estimates' claiming 3000. Fake. Hurricane deaths have NEVER been counted this way. [Climate Change, Fake News] Sep 17, 2018 ~ Climate Change activists and Trump critics are manipulating the Hurricane Maria death toll. Toll was 64 until computer estimates started claiming 1000s. Deaths even months afterward said to be Maria deaths. No other hurricane has ever been counted that way. Politically motivated. [Fake News, Climate Change] Sep 18, 2018 ~ A black woman, Adwoa Lewis, was arrested in Long Island for fabricating story of 4 white Trump supporters harassing her, slashing her tires, and putting a note 'Go Home' on her car. She has admitting to making it up. There have been dozens of these hate crime hoaxes. None real. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News] Sep 19, 2018 ~ Trump Education Department under Betsy DeVos restores essential 'due process' back into the way colleges investigate and handle allegations of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. The elimination of due process has been a disaster but dems prefer kangaroo courts. [Trump Win, Education, College, Due Process] Sep 19, 2018 ~ Stormy Daniels describes Trump's Penis. CNN decides this is an important story for a 'news organization' to cover. Jake Tapper dedicates an entire segment to Trump's penis and how it's 'distinctive in a certain way'. Democrats are riveted but the network's ratings keep dropping. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News] Sep 19, 2018 ~ Sen. Mazie Hirono has a sexist message for men: "I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up." Hirono doesn't want to hear from anyone who supports Kavanaugh. If you don't believe his accuser, you must shut up even though there is no evidence they ever even met. [Fake Rape, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left, Sexism] Sep 20, 2018 ~ Consumer confidence hits 18-year high - up 16% since the election [Trump Win, Economy] Sep 22, 2018 ~ President Trump's reduction of federal regulations has saved taxpayers $1.3 billion this year, according to an American Action Forum report. [Trump Win, Regulations] Sep 22, 2018 ~ Tax cuts already paying for themselves but new spending has outpaced the revenue gains - On track for Trillion dollar deficits again - current debt $21T - on track to top $30T by 2025 - unsustainable [Deficit, Debt] Sep 22, 2018 ~ High Level Google employees caught on video 'brainstorming' about how to alter their search algorithms to skew search results not only toward their liberal political biases but specifically to thwart parts of Trump's agenda. [Tech Bias] Sep 22, 2018 ~ Karen Monahan, the woman who has accused Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN of domestic abuse, said that she has been 'smeared, threatened, and isolated' by the Democratic party. Democrats say 'believe all women' regarding Kavanaugh but only 5%!!!! believe Monahan. [Me Too, Kavanaugh] Sep 22, 2018 ~ MANY democrats mention that it would be inappropriate for 'white men' to question Kavanaugh's accuser - confusing and shameful - Democrats often inject race when situation has 0 to do with race but this one has less than 0 as his accuser is white. Not that that should matter. [Kavanaugh, Fake Racism, Racism] Sep 22, 2018 ~ Jack Black announces 'Donald Trump's a piece of shit' while receiving his star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame - finishes up by calling Trump 'that asshole'. [TDS, Loathsome Left] Sep 23, 2018 ~ Laffer curve proved again - With lower tax rates, income tax revenue went UP 9% which will bring in an $1T in additional taxes over 10 yrs. Democrats said tax cuts would increase the deficit. Cuts also led to wage & salary increases and other higher economic activity. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics] Sep 23, 2018 ~ 4th person denies the Kavanaugh party - Ford says her 'Lifelong friend' was at the Kavanaugh party. That friend said she 'does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with or without, Dr. Ford'. [Kavanaugh] Sep 23, 2018 ~ Tucker Carlson is called a racist for saying 'The idea that I'd be responsible for the sins or for that matter share in the glory of the accomplishments of dead people who happened to share my skin tone has always confused me'. [Fake Racism] Sep 23, 2018 ~ It's a setup - Feinstein had the 40 yr old Kavanaugh accusations months before but sat on them until after the hearings - then numerous delay tactics employed including claiming that Ford can't fly, etc. - all designed to run out the clock til midterms. [Kavanaugh] Sep 23, 2018 ~ Project Veritas Catches Deep State Red handed - Employees admit to sabotaging Trump administration from within DOJ etc. - 'Resist everything ... Every level. Fuck shit up' 'Nothing to lose. It's impossible to fire federal employees'. [TDS, Witch Hunt] Sep 23, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Reasoning About Race'. Williams explains why many things that look like racial discrimination are really discrimination based on crime stats. and other real things. Gives examples of how even black cabbies and Jesse Jackson behave in ways some claim is racist. [Race, Crime, Walter Williams] Sep 23, 2018 ~ Stossel explains again why 'price gouging' after a hurricane is a good thing - 'Gougers deserve a medal' said Milton Friedman - a guy drove 600 miles with generators after Katrina - was thrown in jail - no one got needed generators. [Economics, John Stossel] Sep 24, 2018 ~ The Air Has Seeped out of the Russia-Collusion Balloon. Bob Woodward asked about finding any collusion, 'I did not and I looked for it hard'. In the end Hillary was the only cheater in the election. The DNC was rigged in her favor against Bernie and CNN fed her debate questions. [Russia Hoax, Hillary, Sanders] Sep 24, 2018 ~ I Accuse' is the new legal standard - dems want one 40 year old accusation denied by everyone named to be enough to erase an entire distinguished career - Malkin lists many false claims - dems hate due process - parents of sons worry about these developments. [Kavanaugh, Due Process] Sep 24, 2018 ~ Kavanaugh 2nd accuser Deborah Ramirez comes forward about a college party 35 years ago - she got extremely drunk - so drunk that she didn't know if there was a penis or a dildo near her face but she heard someone say it was Kavanaugh's penis. Or a dildo. [Kavanaugh] Sep 24, 2018 ~ Ryan Saavedra, '10 Serious Problems With New Accusations Against Kavanaugh'. Ramirez told people she didn't know if it was Kavanaugh - never told anyone even her best friend - no one she named corroborates her including her best friend - NYT even passed on the story. [Kavanaugh] Sep 24, 2018 ~ Close friends of both Kavanaugh and Ramirez say no way this could have happened without them knowing - 'We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it - and we did not' [Kavanaugh] Sep 24, 2018 ~ Kavanaugh 2nd accuser Ramirez was reluctant to come forward because she was drunk and didn't remember - but after 'six days of carefully assessing her memories' she decided she now remembers - but everyone she names being there denies it. [Kavanaugh] Sep 24, 2018 ~ Sen. Hirono stupidly gives away the game. When asked by Jake Tapper why she believes Ford when all 4 people Ford said were at the party say it never happened. Hirono responded Kavanaugh 'very much is against women's reproductive choice'. She wasn't supposed to admit their motive. [Kavanaugh, Abortion] Sep 26, 2018 ~ John C. Goodman, 'Why is Anyone a Socialist' - most discredited system of government in the history of the world - over 100 million dead because of it - leads to worse exploitation of workers and inequality than capitalism - doesn't work, leads to poverty [Socialism] Sep 26, 2018 ~ Paul Krugman of the totally 'real news' New York Times, 'Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps.' You couldn't make up Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled fake news like this. [TDS, Fake News] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Deranged Dem thugs harass and chase Ted Cruz and his wife out of a DC restaurant as they ironically chant 'fascists not welcome'. They threaten Cruz, Trump and other 'right wing scum. You are not safe. We will find you'. The world dems are creating. Get in line or face violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Brian Fallon, 2016 Campaign Advisor to Hillary Clinton admits the strategy. 'Saving the Supreme Court from Trump's clutches has always involved a very complicated two-step- first block Kavanaugh, then fight like hell to win back the Senate'. Revealing motive to destroy Kavanaugh. [Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Politics] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Betsy DeVos is absolutely right about campus sexual assault rules - The elimination of due process allowed 100s of men to be falsely convicted - new standards made no sense - over 200 unfair treatment lawsuits filed and men won the majority. [Fake Rape, Due Process] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Paul Sperry, 'Eight big problems for Christine Blasey Ford's story'. Can't recall the basic details, none of the people who were supposedly there say it happened including Ford's friends, she told no one, Ford's family doesn't buy it, didn't mention Kavanaugh to therapist, etc. [Kavanaugh] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Superman Actor Dean Cain Attacked by LGBTQ Mob while promoting his film 'Gosnell' - falsely accused of 'bashing' gay people and making anti-LGBTQ 'remarks' - he never did - no evidence and Cain denying but mob relentless. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Cancel Culture] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Majority of country believes Kavanaugh - CNN's Toobin explains that 'Maybe This Country Is a Lot More Racist and Sexist Than We Thought'. Even using 'liberal logic', how is it 'racist' to believe a white man over a white woman. They're just so used to throwing race cards. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh] Sep 28, 2018 ~ After democrats complained that it is disqualifying and sexist for a bunch of men to question Christine Blasey Ford for two weeks, they now say that bringing in woman to question her is ... sexist. Democrats prove they falsely accuse of sexism, racism, etc. no matter the facts. [Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Lindsey Graham torches Democrats at Kavanaugh Hearing - 'You Want To Destroy This Guy's Life And Hope You Win in 2020. To my Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you're legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics.' [Loathsome Left, Kavanaugh] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Dave Rubin, 'Leaving the Left' - Rubin is another #walkaway liberal who realized the real hatred and intolerance was on his side - tries to explain but the brainless mob ironically constantly interrupts shouting 'hate speech', 'black lives matter' proving his point for him. [#WalkAway, Loathsome Left, Silencing, BLM] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Lessons From the Clarence Thomas Hearings - 'Everybody who knew only Hill, sided with Hill. But everyone who knew both of them - including coworkers and people who saw them socially outside of work - sided with Thomas [SCOTUS] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Michael Avenatti brings out a 3rd woman to attack Kavanaugh but they are too stupid to make these new lies even remotely plausible. She talks about 10 parties where Kavanaugh and his buds drugged and gang raped girls. Details are even more ridiculous. Obviously fake accusations. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape] Sep 28, 2018 ~ They almost destroy a man with 40 year old false charges of rape and many other obvious smears and lies then when he shows emotion they say 'A crying Brett Kavanaugh. This is what white male privilege looks like.' This disgusting party must be punished at the ballot box for this. [Kavanaugh, Racism] Sep 28, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'University Corruption' - 'All across the country the big question now in STEM is how can we promote more women and minorities by 'changing' [i.e., lowering] the requirements we had previously set for graduate level study'. [Education, College, Walter Williams] Sep 29, 2018 ~ Jimmy Kimmel proposes cutting off Kavanaugh's penis - 'cut that pesky penis of his off in front of everyone' - his audience thought that was funny. [Kavanaugh, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Tag Cloud
#WalkAway, 2020 Election, Abortion, Affirmative Action, Affordable Housing, Afghanistan, Anti-Science, Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Baltimore, Ben Shapiro, Biden, BLM, Budget, California, Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, China, Climate Change, College, Coronavirus, Covington, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, David Harsanyi, Debt, Deficit, Dennis Prager, Derek Hunter, Drugs, Due Process, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entitlements, Environment, Epstein, Fairness Doctrine, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, Fake Xenophobia, Feminism, First Step, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Foreign Aid, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Pay Gap, George Floyd, Green New Deal, Guns-Mass Shootings, Harris, Health, Health Care, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Holocaust Denial, Homophobia, Hong Kong, Identity Politics, IG Report, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, John Stossel, Kat Timpf, Kavanaugh, Kevin Williamson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle Smith, Larry Elder, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Me Too, Minimum Wage, Nato, Net Neutrality, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Obamacare, Ocasionomics, Omar, Police, Political Correctness, Politics, Poverty, Race, Racism, Reagan, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Rich Lowry, Russia, Russia Hoax, Sanders, SCOTUS, Sexism, Sharpton, Silencing, Slavery, Smollett, Socialism, Spygate, Student Loans, Syria, Tariffs, Tax Cuts, Taxes, TDS, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Terrorism, Tlaib, Trade, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win, Ukraine Hoax, Unions, Victor Davis Hanson, Violent Left, Violent Right, Voter Integrity Laws, Wall, Walter Williams, Western Civilization, Witch Hunt, Women's March,