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Nov 10, 2018 ~ Dutchman who is 69 years old says he identifies as being 49 years old - wants all of his official records changed - According to trans ideology, you ARE something because you feel and identify as it. So people should legally be allowed to change their age to how they identify. [Trans]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Transracialism is a form of being 'trans' where you identify as being a different race than you 'were assigned at birth' - Dr. Rebecca Tuvel argues that this form of trans should have no less validity than transsexual. The ideology says that you ARE as you identify. [Trans]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Trump fires Sessions as he's wanted to for some time for recusal. Sessions 'believed he not only had a legal and ethical obligation to do so, he also believed his recusal would be politically beneficial to the president because it would protect the integrity of the investigation' [Russia Hoax]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Mob of Deranged Democrats showed up at Tucker Carlson's house in black masks, damaged his door, spray paint driveway, chant 'racist scumbag, leave town!' 'Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!' 'you are not safe'. The modern left. Threats and violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Vox.com co-founder Matthew Yglesias defended a group of left-wing Antifa members terrorizing Tucker Carlson's wife - she had to lock herself in a closet because they were breaking the front door. Yglesias says he has 'no empathy' for her. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Tucker Carlson was having dinner with his wife and 19 year old daughter at the Farmington Country Club in VA. Juan Granados intercepted Carlson's daughter on her way back from the bathroom and called her 'Tucker's whore' and a 'fucking cunt'. Granados' club membership revoked. [Loathsome Left]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Jim Acosta's press pass was suspended for rude behavior. Acosta would not give up the mike after a reasonable time and chopped a female intern's arm away who transfers the mike between reporters. Some tried to claim the video showing it was 'doctored' but it was proven not to be. [TDS]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Leftist protester on video at American University screaming at a conservative student hosting a Dinesh D'Souza Lecture. Typical screaming tantrum laced with racism. The protester who is white calls the student a 'white piece of shit'. 'If I were your father, I'd kill myself'. [Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing, College]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ The Middlesex County authorities ignored an ICE Detainer because of Sanctuary City Policies while holding illegal alien Luis Rodrigo Perez for domestic abuse charges. They let him out and he has now killed 3 innocent people and wounded 2 others. Sanctuary policies costing lives. [Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Rent Control Resurgent'. Dems keep going to the playbook of old failed programs like Rent Control. Even Krugman has said the 'negative results' are 'entirely predictable'. Walter Williams, 'no surer way to destroy a neighborhood short of carpet bombing it.' [Economics, Walter Williams, Kevin Williamson]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Georgia Smear' - Dems are trying to falsely claim that Kemp's more than 50,000 vote win is illegitimate - 'There are a number of charges, none of which have merit'. Lowry debunks all of them one by one - rules known ahead of time and they were not unreasonable. [Politics, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Nov 12, 2018 ~ Hamas fires more than 500 rockets at Israel from Gaza - Hit homes, bus, gas pipeline - Sirens blaring regularly - Israelis take cover in shelters - 1 person critically wounded - IDF hits back at 150 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets. [Israel, Terrorism, Islam]
Nov 13, 2018 ~ Farrakhan on LGBT - 'It's the wicked Jews that are promoting lesbianism, homosexuality.' 'Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out, turning men into women and women into men'. Democrats still won't denounce Farrakhan. [Anti-Semitism, Homophobia, Trans]
Nov 14, 2018 ~ Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who once said 'Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel' comes out in support of BDS after her election win. Jewish people in her district feel betrayed. [Anti-Semitism, Omar]
Nov 14, 2018 ~ Macron says 'Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.' No, the opposite of nationalism is internationalism or globalism. People also falsely claim the N in Nazi stands for Nationalist or Nationalism - This is false. Nazi is short for the German word 'National'. [Politics]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian is on death row for blasphemy against Islam. Many so accused are murdered in prison. Many claim the charge itself is revenge because she wanted to drink at same fountain as Muslim women. Cowardly UK denies her asylum because fear Muslim unrest. [Islam]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Deranged democrat Anthony Derlunas shouted 'Heil Hitler, Heil Trump' and gave nazi salute at a Baltimore theater. Panic ensued. AS USUAL many prominent people on the left falsely blamed Trump and his supporters for the outburst. But the clown says he did it because he hates Trump [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Kamala Harris says there are parallels between the KKK and ICE - Tucker Carlson paraphrases, People 'trying to protect our country's borders by enforcing laws passed by our democratically elected congress are somehow like the KKK'. [Fake Racism, Harris, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Amy Clark, "Vote-Shaming is the New 'Get Back in the Kitchen'". Feminism used to be about empowering women but now women better do as they say or they will be falsely accused of as racism. Articles continue to run trying to explain 'What's Wrong' with white women who vote GOP. [Feminism, Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Fake Rape - Selfie saved a Texas man from 99 years in prison - ex-girlfriend claims he carved an X in her chest with a knife - he was almost convicted but posted selfie date showed he was nowhere near - girlfriend now admits she lied. [Fake Rape]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Kat Timpf Chased Out of Brooklyn Bar because she works at Fox. A female deranged dem wouldn't stop screaming in her face. Timpf forced to flee for her safety when it was clear no one had her back. Others were laughing and egging on attacker. 'third time this has happened to me.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Kat Timpf]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Student protesters at OSU chant 'Fuck Ben Shapiro', 'Reagan's dead', 'John McCain's dead'. Several of these cowards were wearing masks. Routine infantile behavior from the left. These vulgar children could never actually debate Shapiro. Only capable of screaming obscenities. [Loathsome Left, College, Ben Shapiro]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Black Student at Kansas State placed sign outside his dorm room 'Beware [N-words] Live Here!!! Enter at your own risk.' Posted it on social media saying 'everyone needs to get out and vote' against the allegedly the racist GOP. Police investigated, found to be a hoax. He admitted [Fake Hate Crime, College]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Newly elected Republican Dan Crenshaw was accused of 'moderating white supremacist forums' and being a 'member of a Nazi Facebook group' - totally FALSE as usual. This claim got quite a bit of social media traction and also repeated by Newsweek, Huffpost and others. [Fake News, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ President Trump is called racist for awarding Elvis the Presidential Medal of Freedom because Elvis was allegedly racist. Elvis wasn't racist and neither is giving him the medal. It is important for Democrats to not let a day go by without levelling bogus accusations of racism. [Fake Racism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats say the caravan of 1000s from Honduras does not exist. And its racist to try to stop it. Its about the rule of law not race. They don't qualify for asylum and people are legally waiting in line from all over the world. If successful next caravan will be 3 times as big. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats are claiming Gillum lost because of racism but that doesn't hold water. Obama won FL twice, and Gillum was ahead in polls until his socialism became known. Only 86% of black voters voted for him vs. 95% for Obama. Were those black Obama voters racist against Gillum? [Fake Racism, Politics, Socialism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Stan Lee, creator of Spiderman and Superman called 'racist' by SJWs because he didn't want to change the race or sexual orientation of his existing characters - he said, just create new ones - he would even help. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Jack Crowe, 'Climate Scientists Discover Error in Major Ocean-Warming Study' - original paper suggested ocean temperatures have risen roughly 60 percent higher than estimated - but after the error was corrected, sea temperatures are found to be in line with IPCC. [Climate Change]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Michael Avenatti is arrested for domestic violence - During the Kavanaugh hearing he demanded that we 'Believe All Women' including his client who was obviously lying and ended up recanting. Avenatti says believe all women but don't believe the woman that is accusing me. [Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Stossel analyzes the problems with 'Single Payer Health Care'. Its unaffordable, requires rationing, lines, inferior care. The longer life expectancy stats of other nations are not due to health care. They save money by freeloading off US innovation but no innovation without US. [Health Care, Economics, John Stossel]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Bette Midler posts old racy modelling picture of Melania Trump on a plane. Says 'The dry cleaning bill for the upholstery on Air Force One must be insane. #FLOTITS'. Midler's attack is called 'slut shaming'. Midler once called women 'the most disrespected creatures on earth'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Sexism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ How Prominent Celebs use Twitter to discuss Trump on Veterans Day - Bette Midler 'What a fucking asshole', Sarah Silverman 'you fucking pussy ... you fuck', Samuel L. Jackson 'That Muthafukka'. Remember voters, Trump says bad things. But the other side is far worse. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ One of the most ignorant anti-Trump Stories yet - Trump could not attend commemoration ceremony in France for the end of World War 1 at the American cemetery at Aisne-Marnes - Military confirms that the weather was too bad for helicopter - ignorant libs say they're lying. [TDS, Fake News]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Robert De Niro at another award show - 'that jerkoff in the White House' 'Down with this motherfucker!' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Police arrest Daniel Brito for assaulting a Tucson man wearing MAGA hat in public with vote GOP sign. The deranged democrat jumped him from behind to grab the hat blabbering about 'Hitler', 'Nazis' and Trump. Ripped the hat off and broke the man's ankle in 4 places. Hospitalized. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Deadly CA forest fires are not due to climate change despite the fake narratives - 1920s had by far the most acres burned. The record is 5 times higher than 2017. Cause is failure to implement 'proactive forest management practices'. More deadly because more homes in forest areas [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Racist graffiti reported on a car near Kansas State University - 'Go home', 'date your own kind' and 'whites only'. FBI involved. School called emergency meetings, sessions with worried parents. Turns out it was done by the black student, Dauntarius Williams, who owned the car. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "If Trump Is 'Racist', He Needs to Go Back to Racism School" From record low black unemployment to prison reform to inner city school choice, Trump has done more for the black community already than Obama ever did. Elder shows same 'racist' comments made about whites [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'On Criminal Justice, Trump Embraces the Left's Racism Rhetoric' Sets the record straight. The sentencing disparities between rock and powder cocaine were not due to racism. They were based on greater harm and asked for by inner city black leaders. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Crime]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ The Mail, '17 pupils at a single British school are in the process of changing gender.' Whistleblower teacher says vulnerable pupils are being 'tricked' into believing they are the wrong sex. Many are autistic or lesbian but trans is celebrated. Harmful surgery, puberty blockers. [Trans]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ National Review Editors, 'The Brexit Crisis' - May's deal betrays all of the red lines she said she would not cross. Still subject to EU regulations, cannot negotiate trade deals independently from the EU. Still subject to the European Court of Justice so what is the point then? [Politics]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ FIRST STEP Prison Reform Act is a major achievement for President Trump - fixes unreasonable sentences and allows discretion in mandatory minimums - provides for education and job training to help prisoners re-enter society. [Trump Win, Crime, First Step]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ 17 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink 'always' or 'usually' constitutes sexual harassment - We may be finished as a species. [Me Too]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Honduran Caravan which does not exist according to dems and the FSM arrived in Tijuana - over 6000 - mayor says 'It's a tsunami' - Man in Tijuana says 'Donald Trump was right. It is an invasion'. 90-95% young males, at least 300 criminals despite picture media tried to paint. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Gym teachers in Pasco County Public Schools in trouble for objecting to a female who identifies as a boy in the boys locker and showers. The boys were uncomfortable with the situation and let the gym teachers know. Male teacher uncomfortable supervising minor girl in locker room. [Trans]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Michelle Wolf was so vile, toxic and hate filled that the White House Correspondents' Association will for the first time ever not allow a comedian host the dinner. People are thanking her for ruining it for everyone. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Christian Student Senator Isabella Chow at Berkeley was kicked out of her own party, Student Action, for refusing to sign paper condemning Trump's new title IX trans policy. She quickly found out only one opinion is allowed. 100s demanded her resignation in nasty hate filled ways [Trans, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ Brian Kemp Did Not Steal the Georgia Governor's Race - David French debunks the claims of voter suppression and fraud - totally bogus - margin of victory too large and several problems they complain about were created by democrats. Democrats keep clinging to this fiction. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ A Chipotle manager is fired for asking a customer show proof that he'll pay. Customer said that's racist because he is black. She did so because she recognized him as having hit them before with 'dine and dash'. His Twitter feed shows him bragging about dine and dash at Chipotle. [Fake Racism, Fake News]

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