Nov 20, 2018 ~ CNN Panel including Kirsten Powers can come to no other conclusion than that white women are racist. The identity politics explanation for why the vote GOP: they are allegedly 'oppressed' but benefit too much from the 'patriarchy' and 'white privilege' to have 'better behavior'. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics] Nov 20, 2018 ~ Houston recorded its earliest snowfall ever observed by 10 days. NYC had the biggest one-day November snowfall in at least 136 years. 6.4 inches in Central Park. One of the coldest Thanksgivings on record. This is all just 'weather' but a record high is hyped as 'climate change'. [Climate Change] Nov 20, 2018 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Mexican Journalist Alex Backman Reveals the Truth About the Caravan'. Many criminals are among them. robbing, carjacking, raping in Mexico. Don't permit people to film them, funded by left wing orgs. Use large rocks as lethal weapons. Journalists being injured. [Illegal Immigration] Nov 25, 2018 ~ A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is the latest thing to be labelled as 'racist' because Franklin is in a different chair than the others and no one is on his side of the table in ONE SCENE - Schulz created Franklin to combat racism. [Fake Racism] Nov 25, 2018 ~ The University of Oregon hosted an event, titled 'Thanks But No Thanks-giving' which labeled the holiday as a 'celebration' of 'ongoing genocide' - Many students call it a 'racist' holiday. If there is anything left that's not called racist, in 5 years there won't be. [Fake Racism] Nov 25, 2018 ~ GOP wants to enforce border laws and not allow 1000s to enter the US ahead of millions legally in line. Dems try to shame them by asking 'What would Jesus do?' Like when He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus would take care of everyone by magic but our resources are finite. [Illegal Immigration] Nov 25, 2018 ~ Record Cold Thanksgiving and Black Friday in many places. Coldest Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade since its beginning in 1924. New York Kennedy Airport broke its previous record low by 10 degrees by getting down to 15 degrees. This is 'weather', record highs are 'climate change'. [Climate Change] Nov 25, 2018 ~ Many people criticizing Trump over his sober and reasonable response to Khashoggi murder. The same people loved Obama even though he had American citizens executed with no oversight, transparency or due process - accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. [Politics, Due Process] Nov 25, 2018 ~ Statement from Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia and Khashoggi - We don't condone the murder - sanctioning those responsible - but cutting ties with Saudi Arabia would harm the US and Israel, and benefit Iran, Russia and China. [Politics, Iran, Russia, Israel, China] Nov 28, 2018 ~ Europe is becoming more right wing due to the problems caused by recent immigration. Racism falsely blamed of course. Were the Swedes who switched parties and Obama voters who voted for Trump bigots all along? Unlikely. Rejecting politicians saying don't believe your lying eyes. [Immigration, Crime] Nov 28, 2018 ~ Guardian claims Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange of Wikileaks in secret THREE times before the 2016 election - This is the latest in a long list of FAKE stories by the Fake News Media trying to make people think that President Trump colluded with the Russians. [Fake News, Russia Hoax] Nov 28, 2018 ~ New book by Mark Melcher and Steve Soukup: 'Know Thine Enemy, A History of the Left', almost 1000 pages - 'Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, Pol Pot, Antifa, Castro, Che Guevara and the like use power to reduce the sanctity of the individual for the common good' Alleged common good. [Antifa, Politics] Nov 29, 2018 ~ According to a Yale study by Cydney Dupree, white Democrats make themselves seem dumber when speaking to minorities in campaign speeches ... because they perceive minorities to be less competent - Democrats still think Republicans are the racist ones. [Racism, Race, Politics] Nov 29, 2018 ~ Asia Bibi is released from Pakistani prison after almost 10 years on death row for blasphemy against Islam. She wants asylum since it is likely the Muslim population will kill her anyway. No European country will accept her because that would upset their Muslims. Cowards. [Islam] Nov 29, 2018 ~ It's the Holiday Season so its time for the killjoy, always triggered left to declare everything to be 'problematic' - from 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', to Charlie Brown to 'Baby Its Cold Outside' to 'Merry Christmas'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture] Nov 29, 2018 ~ Marc Lamont Hill supports Palestinian violence against Israel in UN Speech. 'We must recognize the right of an occupied people to defend itself. We must prioritize peace, but we must not romanticize or fetishize it'. Fired from CNN. Peace is not a fetish. Violence not the answer. [Violent Left, Israel, Anti-Semitism] Nov 29, 2018 ~ David French, 'Dear Progressives, Do Not Whitewash Marc Lamont Hill's Anti-Semitism'. He not only excused Palestinian violence and has expressed love for Farrakhan and lamented Israel's Iron Dome, he knows calling for 'from the river to the sea' means the elimination of Israel. [Violent Left, Israel, Anti-Semitism] Nov 30, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, "The Man-Made Affordable-Housing 'Crisis'" - 'Rules that prohibit cheap housing lead to ... a lack of cheap housing' - they chase poor people out of town instead of magically giving them a nicer place to live. Uses Dallas as a case study. [Economics, Kevin Williamson] Nov 30, 2018 ~ NPR reported that Donald Trump Jr's testimony to Congress regarding dates of Russian Trump Tower negotiations contradicts Michael Cohen's testimony to the FBI - totally false - NPR retracted finally but CNN ran with it anyway on air. Almost all reporting on Russia is fake news. [Fake News, Russia Hoax] Nov 30, 2018 ~ Katherine Timpf, 'Lord of the Rings Slammed for Perpetuating Racism through Depiction of Orcs'. 'in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others, or that some peoples are just worse than others'. These are ORCS, not a race of humans. But the rule is 'everything is racist'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Kat Timpf] Nov 30, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, 'Give Thanks That We No Longer Live On The Precipice' - For most of human history, humans worked sun up to sun down for basic survival - life was extremely hard and much shorter - fossil fuels changed all that - there is no substitute. Pros far outweigh the cons. [Climate Change] Nov 30, 2018 ~ Honduran Caravan - over 100 caravan migrants arrested for crimes in Tijuana, so far including MS-13 gang members. Tijuana locals want them out. Democrats are upset Trump is not letting them into the U.S. [Illegal Immigration] Nov 30, 2018 ~ The Violence Prevention Research Program VPRP at UC Davis and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health conducted a study about the impact California's very strict gun control laws have had on homicide. The result: they have had zero effect. [Guns-Mass Shootings] Nov 30, 2018 ~ President Trump celebrates Steel Dynamics Inc investing $1.8B in a new Steel Mill. Will create 600 Jobs - Trump says 'Steel JOBS are coming back to America, just like I predicted'. [Trump Win, Economy] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'A Message to Young Women from a Career Woman' - Prager highlights a column written by a woman who regrets being influenced by feminism to spend so long on her career that she missed out on having a family. Many finding the hard way that waiting means missing out. [Feminism, Dennis Prager] Dec 1, 2018 ~ 6 nooses were found hanging in trees around the Mississippi state capitol. AP, MSNBC covered the story. FBI called. AS USUAL it was democrats that did it trying to make it look like it was those racist Republicans. They tried to influence the election but thankfully failed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News] Dec 1, 2018 ~ David Harsanyi 'There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence'. Shows how the narrative is just a bogus political smear. Starting in 2002 to eliminate 9-11, wrongly labelling things like the Vegas shooter as 'right wing' but not labelling the same kinds of crimes if done by the left [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Crime] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Democrats falsely claim Kamala Harris was removed from the Senate Judiciary Committee because she is black. Because GOP now has 53 senate seats, the makeup of the Committee shifts in GOP's favor. Harris is the one to go because she is most junior member. Same rules as always. [Fake Racism, Harris] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Dawn Hilton-Williams was given a speeding ticket by a white SC officer. She claimed he mistreated her because she was black. Riled up Facebook. Got on the news. Talks about slavery, lynching and how this doesn't happen to white people. Body cam video showed she was totally lying. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Police] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Jemele Hill who was fired from ESPN for constantly calling people 'white supremacist' falsely rips the Seattle Seahawks for allowing Jordan Peterson to speak to the team. She falsely calls him a 'misogynist white supremacist'. Peterson is white. The rest of her claim is false. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg article, 'The media got it all wrong on the new US climate report'. According to the report itself we are not experiencing 'unprecedented weather extremes' despite CNN and NPR claims. The GDP claim is meaningless. Costs of action outweigh benefits. [Climate Change, Fake News] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Parisians are now rioting against the Paris climate accords - For several weeks in a row there have been riots against carbon taxes - 5000+ tear gas canisters, water cannons deployed - Trump wisely steered us clear of this disaster. [Trump Win, Climate Change] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Ivanka Trump used a private email account for some govt emails. Dems try to claim its just like Hillary. But there's no comparison. Hillary setup a server in secret with classified information on it then deleted subpoenaed emails to cover it up. Ivanka followed all the rules [Fake News, Hillary Emails] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Jerome Corsi caught in a perjury trap Mueller's team sprang on him. They had all of his emails going back years. Kept questioning him until he misremembered something. Then threaten him with 15 yrs unless he lies about Wikileaks. Witch Hunt getting process crimes it has created. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Mob of Honduran caravan members storm the border fence throwing rocks etc. Agents forced to use tear gas and pepper spray to stop. Dems and media go nuts saying this is unprecedented barbarism. Having not a single clue that tear gas was used once a month at border under Obama. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News] Dec 1, 2018 ~ A Deranged Democrat sets fire to a 'Trump 2020' flag while it flew on a Vermont vet's lawn. Anything related to Trump from hats, to bumper stickers to flags have become daily targets for violent and deranged democrats. They don't talk or allow you to talk. They attack and destroy [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Bette Midler fantasizes about and writes about Trump and his family being hanged good and high. 'Bob Mueller's marching, Trump Trump Trump And here is why Trump Trump Trump He's gonna hang you Hang the fam'ly GOOD AND HIGH!' Really sad what has happened to these people. [Loathsome Left, Russia Hoax, TDS, Violent Left] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Trump is masterfully playing his hand dealing with the Migrant Caravan. He's mostly keeping them in Mexico while they wait using our economic leverage with Mexico to make that happen. Some are already going back. If he didn't to that, countless other caravans would keep arriving. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration] Dec 1, 2018 ~ USC Study shows 91% of Central American Asylum Seekers Have Bogus Claims. Democrats say these are 'refugees' but almost none qualify. The migrants even admit they are coming for jobs. But jumping the line ahead of millions trying to enter legally cannot be allowed. Obama knew it. [Illegal Immigration] Dec 1, 2018 ~ 2 Antifa thugs were arrested for attacking Marine Reservists in Philadelphia, maced, punched, kicked. Falsely called them 'Nazis' and 'white supremacists' as they were attacking them. 3rd thug is at large. Tom Massey upset he didn't get to 'punch a Nazi. The police stopped me.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Dec 1, 2018 ~ Walter Williams gives examples of how charter schools are helping minority students - dramatic examples where the normal school and charter school are in the same location but the test results are night and day. This is an issue that hurt Gillum with black voters in the election. [Walter Williams, Education] Dec 2, 2018 ~ Al Sharpton sells his life story rights for $531K to his own 'charity' NAN. This is in addition to his $250K 'salary' he receives from his 'charity'. Money left over after Al Sharpton gets paid presumably goes to charity? [Sharpton] Dec 2, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson on why Twitter must be so authoritarian regarding banning misgendering, deadnaming trans people - you must conform or be banned from Twitter - 'It takes a very tall and sturdy wall to protect a house of cards'. [Trans, Tech Bias, Kevin Williamson] Dec 2, 2018 ~ New European rules coming - 'Criticism of migration will become a criminal offense. Media outlets that give room to criticism of migration can be shut down' says European Parliament member Marcel de Graaff. Free speech is not a thing in Europe. [Free Speech, Silencing, Immigration] Dec 3, 2018 ~ Four racist notes found on the Drake University campus. Police investigation reveals they were not written by a racist. Written by one of the recipients of the notes - hate crime hoax. The faker who was not named by police faces possible expulsion and criminal harassment charges. [Fake Hate Crime, College] Dec 6, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter on how 'Ocasio-Cortez is a gift to the GOP' - 'Dim to the point of embarrassment, yet lacking the self-awareness afforded most children, she is the opponent Republicans would build if they had access to a box of parts.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Derek Hunter] Dec 13, 2018 ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson is accused by 3 women of sexual harassment - one said she was drugged and then raped - He writes 'On Being Accused' showing why these charges are all absurd like in the Kavanaugh case - these cases are killing Me Too. [Me Too, Kavanaugh] Dec 14, 2018 ~ Black Goucher College student Fynn Ajani Arthur is arrested for hate crimes against himself trying to make it look like he was the victim of racism - 'graffiti depicted swastikas, 'KKK' and the last names of 4 black students'. Incident caused a lot of fear on campus. Damage done. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, College] Tag Cloud
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