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Jan 13, 2019 ~ Crop Apocalypse' Is Just Media Fear-Mongering - 'the media are claiming that global warming has displaced millions of farmers in India and is causing similar devastation to farmers and crops in Bangladesh, Syria, and Honduras.' - Total BS [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Twitter warns conservative author Jamie Glazov his book 'Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us' violates Pakistan law - Ironically, this bowing to Sharia is exactly what Glazov is warning us about in his book [Islam, Silencing]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Dem Congresswoman Pramila Jaypal says Trump wants to 'shut down every form of legal immigration' to 'folks of color' - you couldn't make up something this stupid - he keeps insisting on a WALL to shut down 'LEGAL' Immigration - dem logic [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism, Wall]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Snowplow Politics - article by Douglas Murray reviewing the many fake hate crimes that were reported in America after Trump's election supposedly because of Trump - showed the same hate crime hoax crap happened in Europe surrounding Brexit [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Max Boot writes column in the Washington Post titled, 'Here are 18 reasons Trump could be a Russian asset'. The Fake News Media suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome could not be more of a joke. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, TDS]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ The DNC and others drop partnerships with the Women's March over the group's anti-Semitism. The Women's March insists that it is still a welcoming and inclusive place for all pro-choice, non-white women who hate Trump... and Jews. [Anti-Semitism, Gender, Women's March]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ RAND Corp. study of 'restorative justice' in Pittsburgh Public Schools - classrooms became more disruptive - 'substantial negative effects on math achievement' especially for black students - had 0 effect on the 'school to prison pipeline' [Race, Crime, Education]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ The whole dem party and MSM has lost its mind over the Russia hoax - Chris Mathews says he expects Trump is 'going to just start talking to us in Russian' - Karl Bernstein says 'Trump is, has been a pawn of the Russians.' [TDS, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ USC Forces Students to Sign Up for Free Speech Rights on Campus 2 weeks in advance of any speech or demonstration - prevents students from 'reacting to current and still-unfolding events in the moment.' [Free Speech, Silencing, College]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ Police in Muslim Chechnya Arrest Dozens for 'Homosexuality' - 2 die in custody due to alleged torturing - 'Widespread detentions, torture, and killings of gay people have resumed in Chechnya' 'the torture ? is savage' says LGBT Network [Islam, LGBT]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Many dem politicians and TV pundits insanely claim that Trump is clearly a 'Russian Agent' and a 'Puppet of Putin'. Devastating evidence includes the fact that he denies it and that he fired James Comey which Hillary Clinton would have done. [Fake News, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Trans Gamestop customer Tiffany Moore claims to be a victim of 'blatant and malicious hate' The clerk who apologized profusely called Moore who looks very masculine, 'sir' accidentally - Moore became extremely abusive and damaged property. [Fake Hate Crime, Trans]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Prager analyzes the 3 arguments the left makes about The Wall - A wall is ineffective, too expensive and immoral they argue - none of these arguments are remotely true and their own actions and words show that they know they are lying [Illegal Immigration, Dennis Prager, Wall]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ John Lott says Trump is right that the wall is needed for public safety - data shows 'illegal aliens are more than twice as likely to be convicted for armed robbery, child molestation, and for sexual assault' - 3X for murder, manslaughter [Illegal Immigration]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ The 'unintended consequences' of Philadelphia's 2017 soda tax becoming more apparent - Raised a fraction of predicted money bc those who could buy outside of the city did - hurt the poor the most who could not - hurt local businesses, jobs [Economics]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Democrats Want 'Technological Wall' That Won't Keep Anybody Out - Byron York - Dems want this BC they know it allows the immigrants to bring children and claim asylum so they will get to stay one way or another - tech won't stop caravans [Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Trump has National Champs Clemson to White House - Due to shutdown there were no White House chefs - Trump buys them fast food - QB called it 'awesome' - liberal snobs and scolds criticized and insanely but unsurprisingly called it 'racist'. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ SiriusXM Host David Webb told CNN Analyst Areva Martin in an interview that qualifications should be more important than skin color. Martin tried to shut down that crazy talk by lecturing him about his 'White Privilege' unaware that Webb was black. Race cards are a reflex. [TDS, Race]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Gillette makes an insulting 'Toxic Masculinity' Ad - depicts men behaving horribly including letting boys fight in front of them laughing it off - are some men toxic, yes - Is masculinity intrinsically toxic, no. Has many positives [Gender]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Kayla Patrick, special assistant, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development at the DOE makes the absurd statement."Black girls are more likely to be disciplined, frankly, because black girls experience race and sex-based discrimination in classrooms, and they are disciplined often for simply being black." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism]
Jan 16, 2019 ~ 'Alarming' burnout is driving doctors to despair - 44% thinking of leaving the profession - biggest cited problem is the amount of data entry since digital records requirements, 45 min per patient - 'most of their day is spent typing codes' [Health Care]
Jan 16, 2019 ~ White Supremacists Ate My Homework - Ann Coulter argues that there are essentially no real 'white supremacists' or 'white identity politics' - whites are the only group not allowed to be proud of their heritage - defending attacks is racist [Race, Fake Racism]
Jan 16, 2019 ~ In sworn testimony, Google CEO Sundar Pichai told Congress that Google does not 'manually intervene' on any particular search result. Leaked discussion showed Google regularly intervenes including suppressing pro-life videos from results [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Jan 16, 2019 ~ Over-the-Counter Contraception Is Immensely Popular. But thanks to Democrats, you can't obtain birth control pills without a prescription from a doctor. GOP has been trying to free women from unnecessary medical care to prevent pregnancy. [Health Care]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ ANOTHER Fake News 'bombshell' - Buzzfeed Leopold who falsely reported in 06 that Karl Rove was about indicted, wrote that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress about Moscow Trump Tower - anon sources - Mueller breaks his customary silence to say the report is 'inaccurate'. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ The media and dems excitedly had Trump convicted on the Buzzfeed story but they should have known Leopold was a serial fabulist - besides the Rove story, he faked an Enron story, has been caught plagiarizing and making up quotes for a book [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ CNN Jeffrey Toobin starting to get it 'The larger message that a lot of people are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president, and they're willing to lie to do it.' Correct. [Fake News]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ White Comic Banned from Comedy Nights Due to 'Cultural Appropriation' Dreadlocks - The racist tyrannical left does not permit some people to wear certain clothing or wear their hair in certain ways based on their skin color. [Racism, Cultural Appropriation]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Rep. Ilhan Omar D-MN is now spreading a homophobic conspiracy theory about Sen. Lindsey Graham being blackmailed by Trump over 'something pretty extreme.' - Omar admits she has zero evidence to back up this smear. [Loathsome Left, Homophobia, Omar]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Rep. Ilhan Omar D-MN said in 2016 'Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.' - This is a United States Congresswoman asking Allah to help out with 'evil' Israel. Democrats are openly anti-Semitic. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Omar]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ FBI Arrests Jihadi Hasher Jallal Taheb Accused of Plot to Attack White House with Anti-Tank Rocket - Taheb said 'jihad was the best deed in Islam' and that 'jihad was an obligation' - 'he hoped to inflict as many casualties as possible' [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi insanely cancels Trump's upcoming State of the Union address that is traditionally hosted by the House due to the shut down - Trump responds by cancelling Pelosi's overseas trip so she can remain available to negotiate shutdown. Check. [Politics]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Study showing where criminals get their guns show that policies popular with gun activists would have little to no impact - less than 1% get them at guns shows - supposedly a big hole in the system - 50% obtained on black market or stolen [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Armstrong Williams devastating piece 'You're Nobody Until Somebody White Kills You'. When the killer of Jazmine Barnes was thought to be white, politicians, BLM, activists, athletes and many celebrities got involved. Yet hundreds of black child gun deaths are ignored each year. [Race, Fake Hate Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, BLM]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Black murderer Curtis Cortez Jones sentenced for killing 2 white men - admitted he targeted victims based on their race 'he couldn't leave Iowa without killing a white man and that he wanted to shoot white men in the head' - media ignores. Doesn't fit their narrative. [Race, Crime, Fake News]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ The Twitter feeds on the left keep going lower and lower. F this, MF that, come on America, join us to get the MF'er but F you if you don't you Fs - Prominent people on the left, not anon twitter trolls - they've become far worse than Trump [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ Flyers with Ben Shapiro's face X'ed out in red saying 'Get Security' were distributed around the campus of George Washington University failed to discourage a conservative youth organization from hosting Shapiro - petrified of free speech [Violent Left, Silencing, Ben Shapiro]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ Covington Catholic High School kids are falsely accused of being racist toward black people and an Indian. Widely condemned on all Fake News channels and all of the usual fools who fall for these things. Full video reveals the opposite. They were the ones approached and harassed. [Covington, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ New hurricane analysis by The Global Warming Policy Foundation which includes physicist Freeman Dyson concluded that there's been no change in the frequency or intensity of hurricanes going back well over 100 years despite alarmist claims [Climate Change]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Daily News falsely reported that an old video showed the Covington boys in "blackface" taunting African-American basketball players from an opposing team - Totally false - was school color 'blackout' game - They have done the same thing with blue [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Women's March' occurs with a tiny fraction of its original numbers - Almost entirely a vulgar hate fest directed at Trump - signs had lots of profanity and often referenced their genitalia - 'Pussy = Power', 'Pussy is God' for example. Sad what feminism has turned into. [TDS, Gender, Women's March, Feminism]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Times runs story that cold snaps are becoming more frequent because global warming disrupted the jet stream causing more polar vortexes - first off, cold snaps are not becoming more frequent- claims 'inconsistent with observations' [Fake News, Climate Change]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Bill Maher, 'What a little prick. Smirk-face! Like that's not a dick move to stick your face in this elderly man's face' - His 'smirk' was nervous smiling because he didn't understand why a grown man was banging a drum in HIS face - banging a drum in a kid's face is a 'dick move' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Predictably, NYC Restaurants Slash Staff over $15 Minimum Wage that was instituted late last year - 'We lost control of our largest controllable expense. So in order to live with that and stay in business, we're cutting hours.' [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Now restaurant reviews talking about food 'authenticity' are racist. White Supremacist in fact. "The word 'authentic' in food reviews supports white supremacism" according to Eater New York - Not only is everything racist nowadays, it's amped up to White Supremacy. [Fake Racism]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Kathy Griffin who called for the innocent 'fuckers' to be 'doxed', later falsely accused them throwing 'nazi signs' while playing a basketball game. Even if you don't know that was a 3 point signal, how stupid do you actually have to be to think this theory is even plausible? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Times Fake News Headline, "Boys in 'Make America Great Again' Hats Mob Native Elder at Indigenous Peoples March" - the rest of the fake news media was no better - at least a dozen false claims made against the boys [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Disney Producer Jack Morrissey advocates for the violent deaths of the Covington kids, '#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the Woodchipper' - Disney, a company created for children now has producers fantasizing about killing kids in woodchippers. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Times Fake News tweet, 'Video showing a group of high school boys, many wearing 'Make America Great Again' gear, surrounding and jeering a Native American elder at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, is drawing widespread condemnation.' Fakest of fake news. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ LA DJ Michael Buchanan, stage name 'House Shoes' calls for them to be killed in various ways. 'LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND.' 'If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches' 'Fire on the maga cocksuckers!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]

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