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Feb 20, 2019 ~ LGBTQ Sports Group Expels Martina Navratilova After Transgender Criticism. 'Athlete Ally' called Navratilova 'transphobic' and said she 'has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.' Martina is anti-LGBT say the loons. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ The LGBT L's are starting to war with the T's - L's don't like men invading what were supposed to be 'women's spaces' like sports and women's shelters - feminism is to blame for preaching only 'superficial physical differences' between the sexes for decades. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ Conservative attacked by violent, deranged dem at UC Berkeley. Zachary Greenberg approached TPUSA recruiting table, knocked over the table, knocked cell phone out of hand, punched TPUSA recruiter repeatedly, threatened to shoot him. 'Motherfucker. You racist little inbred bitch.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California that was slated to go to the high speed rail project that California cancelled. This makes perfect sense considering congress authorized it for something that no longer exists - Newsom is not happy. [Trump Win]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ St. Paul and Minneapolis declared snow emergencies as a winter storm dropped up to 10 inches on the metro area, making this the snowiest Feb. on record. Recall global warming alarmists were warning about 'the end of snow' 10 years ago. Anything that happens proves climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 21, 2019 ~ DOJ Planned A Coup Against Trump - Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein and other DOJ officials discussed using the 25th Amendment to oust Trump and wearing a wire to gather evidence. Alan Dershowitz called it 'an attempt at a coup d'etat.' [TDS, Witch Hunt]
Feb 21, 2019 ~ FBI arrests Christopher Paul Hasson for plotting to commit acts of terror. Had a list of prominent democrats and left leaning journalists who were his alleged targets - stockpiled weapons and ammo - wanted to 'establish a white homeland'. [Violent Right, Racism]
Feb 21, 2019 ~ David Horowitz article 'How the progressive blacklist works' - Chilling article where he is falsely accused of being a 'racist, sexist, white supremacist, anti-Muslim' - Targeted by Common Cause and SPLC - many corporate sponsors bailed. [Silencing, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Fake Islamophobia]
Feb 22, 2019 ~ SJW mob out of control in Portland - A woman expresses some well known concerns with 'me too' overreach - her husband's coffee shops then are targeted by the mob as 'hostile', 'unsafe' and 'rape culture' supporting - They are going out of business. Cancel Culture mob. [Silencing, Fake Sexism, Me Too, Cancel Culture]
Feb 23, 2019 ~ Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax Compares Himself to Lynching Victims Due to Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him made by 2 separate women, both of whom are black. He deserves due process but he's not being lynched. [Silencing, Fake Racism, Due Process]
Feb 23, 2019 ~ Woman assaults a man in a restaurant because he is wearing a MAGA hat. Officers were right there and arrested her. Turns out she is in the United States illegally and is now in the custody of ICE scheduled for a deportation hearing. [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration, TDS]
Feb 23, 2019 ~ AOC says 'There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.' No there is not. 'And it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it ok to still have children?' - No, for all those who take AOC seriously, it is definitely not ok! [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Climate Change]
Feb 23, 2019 ~ Wake Forest student wears a cowboy costume including a lasso. Someone mistakes the lasso for a noose and assumes the guy is being racist. Threatens to kill him. 'whoever this dude is or if I find out who are ! I will strangle you with that fucking noose you piece of shit!!' [Fake Racism, Violent Left]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Nikki Joly, who organized pro-LGBTQ events and initiatives in Jackson, MI is charged with burning down his home to make it look like an anti-gay hate crime - he was not happy with the lack of publicity for the gay pride parade he organized. [Fake Hate Crime, LGBT]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Two male runners who identify as female continue to dominate high school girls' track in Connecticut. They took 1st AND 2nd place in the state championship. This nullifies the years of dedicated, brutally hard work of the female runners. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Time's Up CEO, Lisa Borders, resigned after her son was accused of sexual harassment. Not because Time's Up is an advocacy group created fight sexual harassment. But to defend his innocence which is at odds with believe without due process. [Me Too, Due Process]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Vox Bombshell, 'The knitting community is reckoning with racism'. The article is filled with sickening examples of racism such as a white woman who was really excited to go to India! And other white women who didn't think that was even racist. Which is another example of racism. [Fake Racism]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ John Cornyn quotes Mussolini, 'the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.' - AOC doesn't understand that he's doing it to show the dangers of socialism - she thinks he's endorsing Mussolini's ideas. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Socialism]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Miami University settles lawsuit with John Doe who was suspended - Jane Doe got in bed with him where he was already sleeping. She initiated sex even though he was too drunk to consent. Yet he was the one punished. He was denied the due process of a defense. [Me Too, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ An elderly man, 81 years old, was assaulted inside a New Jersey Shop Rite store because he was wearing a MAGA hat. [Violent Left, TDS]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ A Santa Fe High School student wearing a MAGA hat is assaulted by an 18 year old at the school. He said 'Take that shit off N-word' while knocking off the hat. Trump supporters are being attacked almost every day now by the violent left. [Violent Left, TDS]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Mark Meadows brings Trump friend Lynne Patton to rebut Cohen's testimony that Trump is a racist. Rashida Tlaib dismisses and dehumanizes Patton, calling her a 'prop' and says its 'racist in itself' to bring the prop and ask its opinions. AOC piles on and calls Patton a 'token'. [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Racism]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Tlaib and AOC practice textbook racism on Patton while falsely charging Mark Meadows of racism. They say only Cohen, the white male convicted perjurer should be believed. The black woman must be dismissed and dehumanized as a 'token' and a 'prop'. Asking her opinion is 'racist'. [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Racism]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is reopening an idled Detroit engine plant and investing billions into five existing Michigan plants enabled by the strong economy and low corporate taxes. This will create an another 6,500 U.S. auto jobs. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ CNN's Chris Cuomo used deceptive editing to make it appear that Trump was calling neo-Nazis 'very fine people' in a Charlottesville riot press conference. Trump who condemned the Nazis, was referring to people protesting Lee statue removal. The Charlottesville Lie. [Fake Racism, Charlottesville]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager asks 'Why Do Blacks and Leftists Wish the Attack on Smollett Happened?' He lists many who essentially said 'I hope he is telling the truth'. He says its because the democrat party politically needs this to be a racist country. They can't have it proved otherwise. [Smollett, Fake Hate Crime, Dennis Prager]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders refuses to call Maduro a dictator - reluctant because he knows Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and the USSR, all nations he's praised, are textbook cases of socialism. Now he cites countries that reject the socialist label like Denmark as socialism success stories. [Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Stossel takes on the sugar subsidies again - calls them 'Welfare for the Rich'. Hurt US businesses. a University of Iowa study shows they cost the US 20,000 jobs per year. Hurt consumers with higher prices and less healthy alternatives HFCS. [Economics, John Stossel]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Michelle Malkin says 'I've Been Silicon Valley Sharia'd'. Was informed by Twitter that one of her 2015 tweets about the Charlie Hebdo massacre was 'in violation of Pakistan law' and that she should 'consult legal counsel about this matter'. Twitter enforcing Sharia. [Silencing, Islam]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Kevin Williamson article, 'Health Care Is the Opposite of a Right' explains why no good or service could ever be a right. The Scandinavian countries Sanders says he models does not provide free health care. Citizens pay high out of pocket. [Health Care, Kevin Williamson, Sanders]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ San Bernardino county banned large renewable projects on over 1 million acres. Other projects being cancelled too. People realizing big solar, wind farms destroy large amounts of land. Fossil fuel far more compact. Better for environment. [Climate Change]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Climate Change Alarmist Paper 'Deep Adaptation' scaring people into therapy. 'starvation, destruction, migration, disease... you won't have water... will become malnourished... will fear being violently killed before starving to death.' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Clovis North High School in California bans MAGA hats. The school does allow apparel with political messages but not MAGA hats. The problem is the left's definition of what that hat means is never what it meant to anyone who wears it. [TDS, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Joe Biden outrages his side by calling VP Pence 'a decent guy'. Most trot out the debunked idea that Pence supports gay conversion therapy. Biden didn't realize the era of honest disagreement is over. You must brand your opponents as evil for face the liberal mob. He apologized. [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is asked about Biden calling Pence 'a decent guy' for which he has apologized for. Warren says that 'No', Pence, a guy many think is 'too nice' for politics, is not a decent guy. She can't think of -anyone- decent in Trump admin. She's on board with the new rules [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Complaints against the police have dropped 93% since police started wearing body cams because suspects less likely to act out on camera. Also body cams have been exonerating the police in many cases where suspect was lying. [Police]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Many dems now support Reparations which Kurt Schlichter defines as 'the notion that a bunch of people who are not guilty of slavery owe money to people who were not slaves'. He shows all the reasons why it is unjust and can't possibly work. [Race, Slavery]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ The cost of the Green New Deal is now topping $93 Trillion over 10 years. This is massive insanity even by democrat standards. Are they are just pandering to the loony left only to ditch it after the primary or are they really this stupid? [Green New Deal, Politics]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Self fulfilling alarmism. Alarmists convinced CA 'that snow and rain would become increasingly rare' so during drought years they didn't build new 'useless' reservoirs. Now with record rain, snow trillions of gallons per week runs to sea. [Climate Change]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ The White House's Council of Economic Advisors announced 'for the first time in 13 years, since 2005, we have hit 3.1 percent economic growth during a calendar year (Q4 over Q4)' - Obama thought a 'magic wand' would be needed for 3% annual. [Trump Win, Economy]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Spreads Fake News About Donald Trump Jr. 'Criminal Conspiracy' based on Cohen testimony - related to payment of Stormy Daniels extortion money. That is not a crime. It's not even a campaign finance violation. [Fake News]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ West Virginia GOP criticized for a poster at their event that despicably showed Ilhan Omar juxtaposed with 9/11 saying she is proof we forgot. WVGOP said they were unaware of the poster, do not condone it and asked for it to be taken down. [Islamophobia, Omar]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ Dems invite Michael Cohen to testify to congress. Dems disappointed again. He said, Trump did not instruct him to lie, No collusion with the Russians, Cohen never went to Prague despite fake dossier claim and fake news stories. Trump had no love child, abortions or drugs. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Mar 1, 2019 ~ Rep. Jim Jordan commenting on the revelation that Cohen never went to Prague - 'That undermines this whole dossier, which was the basis for this whole crazy investigation.' The dossier never had credibility, but now it has less than none. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Mar 2, 2019 ~ House passes bill HR8 for gun background checks on private sales. GOP adds provision that ICE be notified if check turns up any illegals. 26 dems voted yes. Pelosi, AOC furious they were tricked. Protecting illegals more important than guns [Guns-Mass Shootings, Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Mar 2, 2019 ~ Sam Vinograd of Biden Institute compares Trump to Hitler. 'reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about 6 million other Jews'. Biden said exact same thing 'reclaim our heritage' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 2, 2019 ~ Liberals furious that a 'White Reggae Band' performed at Bernie Sanders' rally. Not all members were white. Liberals are constantly telling people what they can and can't do based on their skin color. Are black people allowed to play Bach on violin? [Fake Racism, Cultural Appropriation, Sanders]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ Los Angeles has coldest February in at least 132 years - a record since records have been kept. High temperatures were below 70 for the entire month. [Climate Change]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ In article 'Inside the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland'. Andy Ngo reveals that a 'surge' of 15 Portland hate crimes aimed at the LGBT community were hoaxes perpetrated by left wing activists. Activists advocated violence against innocent people they falsely accused [Fake Hate Crime, LGBT]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ Just about 4 Million Americans dropped off food stamps since Trump's first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]

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