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Mar 21, 2019 ~ The EU, whose primary purpose is to extort money from successful and popular businesses, extorts another $1.7B from Google after looting $5B last year over alleged antitrust abuse. The EU has previously extorted billions from Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, airlines and many more. [Economics]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ AOC was one of the people who pushed for a $15 minimum wage in NYC. It turns out, that was exactly what put 'The Coffee Shop' in Union Square out of business. The very place that AOC worked. Unsurprising to economists, 75% of whom oppose a $15 minimum wage. Dems are all in. [Economics, Minimum Wage, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Ford announced another $900 million investment in US manufacturing creating another 1000 American jobs. Recently, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler also announced significant investment in the US; billions of dollars and thousands of jobs. Regulation and taxes now favorable to business. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Tax Cuts]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Rapper The Game on Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren. 'Cum gargling? slut' 'all that black athlete semen you swallowed at UNLV' 'grandma pussy'. 'semen chugger' 'racist slut who sucked and swallowed her way into her job'. Says she's 'getting put in her motherfuckin place' by him. [Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ President Trump signs an executive order saying schools must protect free speech on college campus or risk losing federal grants. For too long conservatives speakers and groups have been deplatformed, threatened, shouted down, and often literally assaulted for trying to speak [Trump Win, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Democrats are all for abolishing the Electoral College since Clinton and Gore allegedly won the popular vote. One tactic they are using is to falsely tie the electoral college to racism and slavery. It was created 'to preserve slavery'. Many good reasons, slavery not one of them [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Bioethicists starting to make 'the argument that some people should be able to legally change their age to correspond with their experienced age.' Follows that if you can have a biological gender and a gender identity, you can have a chronological age and the age you identify as. [Trans]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Jamie Shupe continues to caution. 'All of my sexual confusion was in my head. I should have been treated. Instead, at every step, doctors, judges, and advocacy groups indulged my fiction.' Transitioned to a woman, then non-binary. Now believes it was all 'fraudulent'. 'the lie' [Trans]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Mueller submits his report to the DOJ. Trump Vindicated. No further indictments. 0 Americans indicted for colluding with the Russians on the 2016 election. No collusion, no obstruction of justice. Was nothing but a wild goose chase that began under fraudulent pretenses. Fake News [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Fake News]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Cher weighs in on the Mueller report still using the same pre-report quote bot, 'FK trump bla bla Putin bla bla Hitler bla bla Germany bla bla White Supremacist.' [TDS, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Evil Leftists approach Eric Bolling at Trump hotel, DC. Said 'Eric Bolling's son killed himself because he was embarrassed by his dad.' Eric actually died from an accidental overdose. Men kept big grin on their face through the whole incident. 'I came face to face with true evil' [Loathsome Left]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ Trump announces that the United States fully recognizes Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights. No other President has done this. Bibi and Lieberman thank Trump. The Heights are vital to Israel's security, historically controlled by Israel, won by Israel in the Six Day War. [Israel, Trump Win]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ White House announces that ISIS has finally been 100% defeated in Syria. ISIS currently controls no territory. 'The territorial caliphate has been eliminated in Syria,' said White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders. [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ HBO makes Michael Jackson documentary where two men describe in detail how MJ sexually abused them for years. Barbara Streisand says 'You can say 'molested', but those children ? were thrilled to be there? it didn't kill them.' MJ told them they would go to jail if they talked. [Me Too]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ Big trend on YouTube, many former vegan advocates making 'Why I am no longer vegan' videos after suffering with serious health problems for years, sometimes nearing death before giving in. Yovana Ayres was caught having fish and had to admit she had to due to health problems. [Health]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ Blake Gibbins was arrested for throwing a glass of water on Republican Steve King at a Colorado restaurant. [Violent Left]
Mar 22, 2019 ~ A 78 year old black woman was brutally and repeatedly kicked in the face and abdomen as onlookers laughed and cheered. As Armstrong Williams explained in his Jazmine Barnes article, if the perps had been white, politicians and celebrities would be furiously demanding justice. [Race, Crime]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Attorney General Barr released a four page summary of the Mueller report. 'The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Fake News]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Trump reacts to the Mueller Report. 'No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!' 'It began illegally and hopefully somebody's going to look at the other side. This was an illegal take down that failed.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Fake News]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Eric Trump on the Mueller Report. 'How about a simple apology from the #MSM for the hell everyone has been put through for the past two + years? @CNN @MSNBC @NBCNews @ABC @CBS @nytimes @washingtonpost' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Fake News]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Donald Trump Jr. on the Mueller Report. 'The farce that the Democrats & their media lackeys perpetrated on the American people for over 2 years should never be forgotten!' '...did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Fake News]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Elie Mystal on MSNBC explaining why the Trump family was not charged by Mueller. Not because they're innocent, 'They won the white privilege regatta. There is not an African American person in this country that could have been investigated for 22 months and come away scott free'. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ HUD official Lynne Patton, who AOC and Rashida Tlaib demeaned as a 'token' said, 'MUELLER HAS FINALLY CONFIRMED THE WORDS: 'DONALD J. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT' 'YOU TRIED TO ROB US OF OUR RIGHTFUL VICTORY' 'You accused us of CHEATING simply because HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WIN.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Racism]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Alan Dershowitz says, 'I've been vindicated? been criticized and condemned for simply doing a legal analysis.' 'It's a very, very bad day for CNN... they should be hanging their head in shame... went out on a limb and predicted there would be indictments for obstruction.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 24, 2019 ~ Israel Defense Forces have destroyed the Hamas Internal Security Services offices and other Hamas targets after Hamas launched another rocket attack into Israel. One rocket hit a house injuring 7 people including 2 babies. [Israel, Terrorism, Islam]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson reflects on the Mueller report, 'It has probably forever ended the idea that a special prosecutor can be useful or fair.' 'It ruined the lives of innocents' 'It divided the country in its transparent violation of any sense of disinterested investigation' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald said MSNBC banned him and others for skepticism that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians. 'Not only did they constantly feed people for three straight years total disinformation, they did it on purpose' because 'the scam they were selling was so profitable' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Over the last 2 years, the Jakobshavn glacier, one of the most important glaciers in Greenland has been growing at roughly the same rate that it had been previously shrinking. and 2017 study found 'some of the largest non-polar glaciers in the world are either stable or growing' [Climate Change]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Article, 'What Price Maddow' explains why Maddow would turn into the Alex Jones of the left hyping ridiculous conspiracy theories like the Russia hoax nightly. She got huge ratings for her Trump Tax Return disaster and suffered no consequences. The Russia hoax drew big ratings. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Police study finds that 80% of the robberies in San Francisco are black on Asian. An 89 year old Chinese woman was recently beaten almost to death with her own cane in San Francisco. Asians are targets in many cities around the US. Rarely are they the perpetrators. [Race, Crime]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Former CIA head Brennan frequently falsely accused Trump of being a 'traitor', 'treason', 'high crimes & misdemeanors' and other baseless things. Hyped collusion. Now says 'I don't know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, TDS]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Arson attack on the Tulane Turning Point USA President's dorm room - 3 arrested. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ New York waitresses write letter telling celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Williams, Amy Poehler and Amy Schumer to 'butt out'. They are pushing for wait staff to make minimum wage. But when adopted, it kills their tips and they make far less. [Minimum Wage, Economics]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Many dems are still in the denial stage of grief regarding the Mueller report. They're talking about endless new fishing investigations. Saying the report 'does not exonerate'. But prosecutors don't exonerate, they either find evidence of a crime or they don't and they didn't. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ The University of Colorado Denver is removing all white authors from the 'American Political Thought' course. American Political Thought does not include any thoughts of the Founders of America or anyone white. Expanding diversity is good, purposefully excluding a race is bad. [Race, Racism]
Mar 26, 2019 ~ A resolution supporting AOC's Green New Deal was voted on in the Senate. This was the exact resolution AOC introduced that many Democrats claimed to support. It was not binding; It was just a resolution that Congress should do this. It received 0 votes, even from democrats. Zero. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Climate Change, Green New Deal]
Mar 26, 2019 ~ Brit Hume on the Russia Hoax, 'The list of people who got it wrong is really quite extensive... many news organizations that got the prospect of Donald Trump being elected in the first place badly wrong and seem not to learn... the worst journalistic debacle of my lifetime' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Mar 26, 2019 ~ Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx drops all 16 charges on Jussie Smollett. Michelle Obama's chief of staff called Foxx to intervene. Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson are outraged. 'You cannot have, because of a person's position, one set of rules apply to them.' [Smollett, Fake Hate Crime]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Stossel lists many liberals that praised Hugo Chavez in 'The Socialist Fantasy'. They claim Venezuela not a socialism failure. It was 'mismanagement'. 'But mismanagement is what happens under socialist governments... always'. Fall back to Denmark & Sweden which are not socialist. [Socialism, Economics, John Stossel]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Cory Booker falsely accuses Trump of being complicit in violence. 'For him to fail even to condemn Nazis or even to talk about white supremacy as a problem in this country, to me, that is being complicit in the violence that is happening'. Trump has condemned it all many times. [Fake Racism, TDS]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is proposing a wealth-tax but most countries that tried it have abandoned it. Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Sweden. Very difficult to administer. Raised little or no money. Caused exodus. [Economics, Taxes]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Alan Dershowitz was banned from CNN. 'I received off-the-record information that an order had come from the very top: CNN executive Jeff Zucker didn't want me on CNN any more. My centrist, nuanced perspective was anathema to CNN's emerging brand as the anti-Trump network.' [Fake News, Silencing]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Amherst College created a PC 'language guide' which defined words with an extreme left wing bias. For example, it defined Capitalism as a system that 'leads to exploitative labor practices, which affect marginalized groups disproportionately.' 'Homonationalism' 'White Feminism' [College, Economics]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Rosanna Arquette cries, 'we are living under a sick dictatorship, that we now have a government that has normalized racism, rape, mass killings from Guns Pedophilia, homophobia, the destruction of our environment'. OMG, where the HELL is she living? Someone find and rescue her! [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Beto warns of a big climate refugee crisis coming 'some of the countries in the Western hemisphere are no longer habitable by human beings.' Recall the UN warned there would be 50 million climate refugees by 2010. Was 0. So in 2010 a CA prof revised it to 2020. There is still 0. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Brunei implements strict Sharia laws for gay sex, adultery, blasphemy, insulting the Quran. Those crimes will both be punishable by stoning to death. Thieves will have hands amputated. Also, 'fines or jail for offences like pregnancy outside marriage or failing to pray on Friday' [Islam]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Keith Olbermann singles out a hunter who shot a turkey. Instructs millions 'we should do our best to make sure the rest of his life is a living hell.' REST OF HIS LIFE. Also calls for firing 'the nitwit clown' who wrote the article. Olbermann has done ads for turkey sandwiches. [Loathsome Left]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Rachel Maddow's Deep Delusion' 'For the past two years, Rachel Maddow has been a hero of her own spy-thriller.' 'Only the story had a surprise twist at the end - she was completely wrong.' 'This wasn't simply mindless partisanship. It was a deeper delusion.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Mar 28, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Proposed Voting Changes Are about Power, not Principles' - Eliminating the electoral college, allowing felons and illegal aliens to vote, no id, changing voting age to 16. These are all bad policy except that they will net democrats votes or wins they think. [Politics]
Mar 28, 2019 ~ Chicago cops arresting a drug dealer is stopped by an armed mob of around 10. 'Ten people surrounded me indicating they had firearms' They let the guy go rather than have a big shootout. A reporter said to a resident that this stuff doesn't even happen in the hood. 'It do now.' [Police, Crime]

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