Mar 28, 2019 ~ A journalism instructor at Mississippi State University compares the conservative student group, Young Americans for Freedom to the KKK. Mocks their meeting posting 'Hoods and burning crosses optional' [Fake Racism] Mar 28, 2019 ~ White reporters were not allowed to attend an event for black mayoral candidates in Savannah, Georgia. Signs outside read 'Black Press Only' [Racism] Mar 28, 2019 ~ Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielson sends 'urgent request' letter to congress. Dems seem not to get or care that the system is overwhelmed. 1000s a day. No beds. Can't house them, can't send them back. Many more on the way. 'Unsustainable'. Dems say 'What crisis?' [Illegal Immigration] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Slate laments what happened to Maddow, 'Rachel Maddow's Conspiracy Brain', '15 minutes into a conspiratorial rant with no sense of proportion or, honestly, responsibility, you realize that something has gone wildly wrong' Still believes 'the smoking gun of collusion is out there' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Its ok to body shame people or make fun of their looks as long as they are conservatives or Donald Trump. MSNBC's Donny Deutsch commenting on Donald Trump's appearance, ' he's just disgusting to look at. He's obese. He's one of the [most] repulsive physically looking human' [TDS, Loathsome Left] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Man breaks up with his girl because she's white. NYT article, 'I Broke Up With Her Because She's White'. Doesn't get why the 'woke' want this. 'I was taught that we were all one people!' But the 'woke' left who he hopes to please rejects this. He must be sufficiently anti-white. [Race, Racism] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Joe Biden off to a rocky start on his Presidential run. Goes on an apology tour; apologizes for allowing Anita Hill to be interviewed by 'a bunch of white guys', apologizes for 'white man's culture' which has 'got to change'. Then gets accused by Lucy Flores of sexual assault. [Fake Racism, Me Too, Biden] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Jonathan Tobin on 'Biden's Ridiculous Anita Hill Apology Tour'. Argues that Biden has nothing to apologize for with Thomas hearings. Biden was so hard on Thomas that Thomas called it a 'lynching'. But Biden gave Thomas some due process which is a modern dem party no no. [Fake Racism, Me Too, Due Process, Biden] Mar 29, 2019 ~ Judge Roger T. Benitez of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California ruled that California's ban on high capacity firearm magazines, greater than 10 rounds, violates the Second Amendment. 'Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts.' [Guns-Mass Shootings] Mar 29, 2019 ~ An 85 year old man was knocked to the ground and repeatedly kicked as he prayed outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Francisco. The attacker told him to stay down while he stole the signs or the attack would continue. This was the 3rd time this man was attacked. [Violent Left, Abortion] Mar 29, 2019 ~ White South Carolina law student Samantha Josephson was killed by black man Nathaniel Rowland, stabbed 120 times, her body dumped in the woods. "She simply, mistakenly got into the car thinking it was an Uber ride." Another crime that would be a huge deal if the races were reversed. [Crime, Race] Mar 30, 2019 ~ Obama's secretary of homeland security Jeh Johnson confirms there actually is a crisis at the border. 'On Tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. So, we are truly in a crisis.' [Illegal Immigration] Mar 30, 2019 ~ More caravans from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala moving toward the US. Called the 'Mother of all Caravans'. Already thousands apprehended a day, over 100,000 in March alone. System is overwhelmed. Dems still try to claim this is a 'fake crisis'. Cover their ears and eyes. [Illegal Immigration] Mar 30, 2019 ~ AOC, doesn't want to ban all guns, just guns 'designed to kill people'. 'Ban bump stocks, semiautos, & high cap mags designed to kill people'. Trump already banned bump stocks, not that it will prevent a killer from using one. 'Semiauto' is almost every gun including handguns. [Guns-Mass Shootings, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez] Mar 30, 2019 ~ People questioning the motives and timing of Biden's accuser. Mika Brzezinski, 'are we allowed to bring up that Lucy Flores is a huge Bernie person?' All it takes is an accusation to eliminate a candidate. Recall Kavanaugh was falsely accused by many people for political reasons. [Me Too, Kavanaugh, Sanders, Biden] Mar 30, 2019 ~ Andrew McClinton pleads guilty to hate crime hoax - Famous story just prior to the 2016 election. 'Vote Trump' was spray painted on a black church and the church was burned down. One of the many hoaxes feeding the false narrative that Trump supporters went on a 'hate crime spree' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News] Apr 1, 2019 ~ Bjorn Lomborg explains to Tucker why the GND and efforts to combat climate change will kill far more people than will be helped. Over the last 100 years climate deaths reduced by 90% despite quadrupling population. Due to getting richer. But GND 'solutions' will make us poorer. [Climate Change, Green New Deal] Apr 2, 2019 ~ Sheriff Clarke 'reparations have already been paid to African-Americans for the last 150 years in the form of affirmative action, hiring quotas and diversity programs like college admissions that let less qualified black students into schools by denying more qualified white...' [Race, Affirmative Action] Apr 2, 2019 ~ If 100,000 apprehensions a month does not constitute an emergency, then what would? Border patrol estimates they only apprehend 1 in 3 so we have 300,000 crossing per month. Det centers are full but more caravans on the way. Most must be released in 20 days due to bringing kids [Illegal Immigration] Apr 2, 2019 ~ President of National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd said 'This is the worst crisis the border patrol has ever faced in the history of the border patrol and we're going back to 1924'. Yet, dems absurdly claim its a 'manufactured crisis'. Their entire worldview is FAKE. [Illegal Immigration] Apr 2, 2019 ~ Secretary of State Mike Pompeo illustrates the absurdity of the Paris Climate Deal - countries signed to virtue signal but have done nothing. 'Go look at the countries that are still in the Paris agreement and see what their CO2 emissions were.' 'it didn't change a thing.' [Climate Change] Apr 2, 2019 ~ McConnell ends the intentional Democrat obstruction on Trump nominees. Dems abuse power to 'resist' so rules had to change. 128 cloture votes so far vs 24 for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama COMBINED. Forcing 30 hours of debate per nominee. Crucial jobs remain empty [Politics] Apr 2, 2019 ~ Facebook, Instagram step up their censoring of controversial figures. Ban Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Paul Nehlen, Laura Loomer and Louis Farrakhan. Washington Post and Atlantic ridiculously call Farrakhan 'far right'. Loomer in tears. Woods leaves Twitter [Silencing, Tech Bias] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Biden trots out the 'repeatedly debunked' story that the 'rule of thumb' was a limit on wife beaters. False. Biden said 'This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture' that bizarrely has 'got to change' when even in his fake story it changed centuries ago. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Biden] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Economist Walter Williams said, 'Most of today's major problems encountered by black people have little or nothing to do with racial discrimination and a legacy of slavery. People who make those excuses are doing a grave disservice to black people.' The enemy 'is us'. [Race, Racism, Walter Williams] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Biden accuser Lucy Flores called a 'fraud' by Bernie staffer. 'someone who was racist, who also implemented retaliation' Has 'a long history of her picking the perfect timing quote, unquote on speaking on these issues'. Example of Me Too being weaponized for political reasons? [Me Too, Politics, Sanders, Biden] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Border smugglers using 'child recycling rings' Sec. Nielsen, 'smugglers pick up a child, they give it to adults to present themselves as a family? they send the child back and bring the child back with another family. Another fake family' Exploits fact that families can't be held [Illegal Immigration] Apr 3, 2019 ~ CNN Headline, 'China announces new crackdown on fentanyl in win for US President Trump'. Opioid deaths top 70,000 a year. Trump's work on the issue is paying off as China agrees to help in a big way. Even MSM reluctantly calls this a 'win' for Trump. [Trump Win, China] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Yuval Levin article 'Correcting the Record on the Electoral College'. Debunks latest dem fake news. Historian Sean Wilentz lays 'out the evidence and to conclude it was neither the goal nor the effect of the electoral college to protect slavery or empower the slave-owning states' [Politics, Fake News] Apr 3, 2019 ~ George Papadopoulos regrets pleading guilty but explains how he was basically forced to do it. 'I'm arrested violently in an airport.' 'thrown into a filthy cell, two inmates' 'they're telling me I'm looking at 25 years' 'my funds are limited, I'm under seal, so no one knows' [Witch Hunt, Spygate, Russia Hoax] Apr 3, 2019 ~ The problem with labelling legit criticism of Islam, Islamophobia. 'There is all the difference in the world between disliking Islam and hating Muslims and wanting to kill them. Hatred of Muslims is always wrong, but it is not wrong to be opposed to Islam as a political force.' [Islam] Apr 3, 2019 ~ Moroccan migrant Said Mechaout, murdered Italian man Stefano Leo. Chose him because he was 'young, white and Italian.' and looked 'happy'. Happened shortly after Nigerian migrants murdered 2 teen girls and a Senegalese migrant set fire to school bus with 50 kids in it. [Immigration, Islam, Racism] Apr 4, 2019 ~ US weekly jobless claims drop to the lowest level in 50 years. [Trump Win, Economy] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Some dems confused as to why Donald Jr.'s Trump tower meeting with the Russian woman promising info on Hillary was not 'collusion'. She did not work for the government and its not illegal. Hillary herself paid for info from Steele who got that info from real Russian operatives. [Russia Hoax] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Nick Pilgrim book 'Black Culture Matters'. 'Pilgrim persuasively demonstrates, the most significant problems afflicting the black community today.. are not caused by white supremacy. Instead, they are the inevitable outcome of poor lifestyle choices.' 'easier to scapegoat others' [Race] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Pete Buttigieg apologizes profusely for saying 'all lives matter'. This kind of crazy talk is not allowed in the modern democratic party. It is akin to believing countries can have borders or that someone in the GOP can be 'a decent guy'. [Race, Illegal Immigration] Apr 4, 2019 ~ 74 yr old Jewish man wearing a MAGA hat in Starbucks harassed by crazed woman afflicted with TDS. She screams, 'This guy's a racist! This guy hates brown people!' Encouraged everyone to harass him. 'I am going to organize protests where he works to make him feel unsafe' 'fascism' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Lloyd Marcus article, 'It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous'. Marcus had his car vandalized because of a Trump sticker which is not uncommon. Trump supporters now regularly receive vandalism, harassment and violence. People keeping quiet rather than risk all that. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens harassed again while trying to speak. This time at Louisiana State University. One deranged dem jumped on stage shouting obscenities. Another shouted 'death to white nationalism' - stupid even by dem standards as Owens is black. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing, Fake Racism] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Larry Elder debunks the Trump Charlottesville 'Moral Equivalency' Lie the Left Keeps Telling. CNN keeps playing deceptively edited clips supposedly showing Trump called Nazis or White Supremacists 'very fine people'. The full in context clips prove 'Trump said no such thing.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Charlottesville] Apr 4, 2019 ~ Biden continues to malign GOP with fake claims of racism. '24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right the vote. mostly directed at people of color. You see it. We have Jim Crow sneaking back in.' Recall 'They're going to put y'all back in chains' quote [Fake Racism, Biden] Apr 5, 2019 ~ Beto compares Trump to Hitler and 'the Third Reich' in an attempt to lie about the Trump administration 'putting kids in cages'. And then repeats the lie that Trump said 'neo-Nazis and klansmen are very fine people. You draw your own conclusions.' Conclusion: Beto lies nonstop. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Charlottesville, Illegal Immigration] Apr 5, 2019 ~ Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and son of Holocaust survivors criticized Beto for engaging in 'willful trivialization of the Holocaust' by referring to the Trump Administration as the 'Third Reich'. 'Trump has been the greatest friend' to Israel [Holocaust Denial] Apr 5, 2019 ~ Bans on single use plastic bags is inconveniencing everyone for no benefit. The plastic from the US is not ending up in the ocean in any measurable way. Also, 'To achieve the same emissions-per-use ratio as a disposable plastic bag, you'd have to use your cotton tote 131 times' [Climate Change, Environment] Apr 6, 2019 ~ A big 2018 fake news story got recycled and is believed AGAIN! Trump called MS-13 animals but the NY Daily News reported that he called 'immigrants' animals. Now some fool tweets it was about 'asylum seekers' and ALL the dems and celebs believe it AGAIN and express their outrage. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Apr 6, 2019 ~ A partial list of the people who fell for the fake, implausible 'asylum seekers' are 'animals' story for the 2ND TIME: Gillibrand, Joy Reid, Dan Rather, Buttigieg, Tom Perez, Ben Rhodes, Judd Apatow, Ana Navarro, Beto, John Cusack, Rosie, Chris Hayes, Jonathan Alter, Glenn Thrush [Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Apr 6, 2019 ~ Border Patrol apprehended more than 476,000 migrants who illegally crossed between ports of entry between October and April. That is 2 times the same period last year. Dems say no crisis, no emergency, no problem. Nothing needs to be done. If you disagree you are a racist. [Illegal Immigration] Apr 6, 2019 ~ Former CIA head Brennan frequently falsely accused Trump of being a 'traitor', 'treason', 'high crimes & misdemeanors' and other baseless things. Hyped collusion. Now says 'I don't know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more' regarding Mueller. [TDS, Russia Hoax] Tag Cloud
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