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Jun 9, 2019 ~ So far, First Step has reduced the sentences of 1,051 crack offenders, more than 90 percent of whom are black 'with the average reduction being from 20 to 14 years.' [Trump Win, First Step, Race]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Ramadan is always a deadly month due to Islamic terrorism. 'Islamists and jihadi groups like the Taliban and ISIS perceive Ramadan as a time when martyrdom and jihad are exceptionally rewarded in paradise'. 911 killed this year, 1006 injured. 3400 killed in the last 3 years. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Gay Award Winning Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts has been removed from a short story collection because he holds 'incorrect views' about transgender issues. The chilling message is clear. If you disagree with the leftwing bully mob on anything, keep quiet or you will be fired. [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg praised Justice Kavanaugh. 'Justice Kavanaugh made history by hiring a team of all-female law clerks for his staff. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks.' [Kavanaugh]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Gillibrand continues to spread fake news about guns. 'Remember after the shooting in Las Vegas, he said, 'Yeah, yeah, we're going to ban the bump stocks.' Did he ban the bump stocks? No, because the NRA bla bla bla'. False, he did ban bump stocks. Not that it matters to killers. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Prager, 'Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort'. He's been in solitary for 23 hours a day for 8 months. Only possible explanation is to break him into testifying against Trump. 'leftism has given them permission to act vilely and mercilessly' [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Signs put up in the Obama administration at Glacier National Park saying to take pictures because the glaciers would 'all be gone' by 2020 were quietly removed as it became clear that they were another failed prediction of climate alarmists. The glaciers have grown 30% since 2009 [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Trans actress Indya Moore stomped on someone's Trump 2020 sign in front of Trump Tower. Sign owner let her do it but would not give up the sign when Moore and companions tried to steal it. Sign owner was assaulted and they knocked off his MAGA hat while pulling on the sign. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Paul Curry article, 'A Brief History of Hoaxes'. Just within the last year, dems fall for the Russia Hoax, Kavanaugh, the Covington Kids, Jussie Smollett and dozens of fake hate crimes. They keep falling for ridiculous implausible stories because their entire worldview is fake. [Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ As dems continue to claim Trump obstructed the investigation into a crime he didn't commit, Bill Maher points out Hillary obstructed the investigation into crimes she actually did commit. She destroyed devices with hammers and used bleach bit on 30,000 emails that were subpoenaed [Russia Hoax, Hillary Emails]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Facebook has removed the popular 'Natural News' page from its platform. Natural News, which had about 3 million followers is also banned on Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google News, Apple. They claim to be platforms not publishers but then selectively censor content. [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Having lost their gay wedding cake suit against Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, the left is now suing him a third time because he simply must submit to their tyranny. Sued by Autumn Scardina who wanted him to bake a cake with Satan licking a 9 inch black dildo. [LGBT, Loathsome Left]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ The left is claiming that the Trump administration is anti-lgbt because it won't fly the rainbow flag on the main flagpole at US Embassies around the world. But only the American flag is flown on that pole or their would be other flag demands. There are no restrictions elsewhere. [LGBT, Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Tulsi Gabbard goes off on fake news and especially George Stephanopoulos who repeated a Buzzfeed smear that 'Putin supports your campaign'. She says that 'baseless' report is based on 'nothing' and she is the subject of 'very intentional smear efforts'. [Russia, Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan reported to the Senate Judiciary Committee that 90% of asylum seekers coming across the southern border do not show up for their hearings. The bogus asylum claims are just to get them released into the US. [Illegal Immigration]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ John Lott shows that the unintended consequences of locking guns up outweigh any benefit that may have. Far more lives will be lost due to losing quick access to the gun than will be saved by the very rare accident or stolen gun crime such laws would prevent. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Oberlin College ordered to pay Gibson's Bakery $44 million in damages due to damage done by false charges of racism. Bakery stopped a black student from stealing. Their employee was then physically attacked. Oberlin falsely claimed racism decimating the bakery founded in 1833. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ The lengths Oberlin went to falsely smear Gibson Bakery is astounding. Dean Meredith Raimondo spread flyers 'This is a RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.' Africana studies dept. 'Their food is rotten and they profile black students.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Texas governor Greg Abbott signs legislation to protect speech on college campuses. 'I shouldn't have to do it', Abbott said but sadly the left is constantly shutting down speech by any means necessary including violence. They won't debate or let anyone hear a dissenting opinion. [Silencing, College]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Pro-Life group LiveAction was banned from Pinterest. In a Project Veritas report a whistleblower revealed 'methods of censoring conservative and religious content' employed at Pinterest and used to deplatform LiveAction. Whistleblower was fired. Veritas video removed from YouTube [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Joe Biden promises that he will cure cancer if he is elected. 'I promise you, if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We're going to cure cancer.' Obviously, this is not a promise he can reasonably make. [Politics, Biden]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post falsely reported that the papers Trump claimed were the tariff resolution agreement with Mexico were blank. Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler backs him up. USA Today Steve Reilly screen shot proves the pages were not blank. [Fake News]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Wajahat Ali of the New York Times falsely reported that Dan Crenshaw has not sponsored the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund. Crenshaw replies 'I am a co-sponsor'. [Fake News]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Despite decades of alarmist reporting, climate change is still far down the list of people's priorities. To combat this, some media organizations are changing the term to 'climate emergency'. Recall they already changed it from 'global warming' when temperatures peaked in 1998. [Climate Change]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Ashe Schow debunks the claim that it is sexist and unfair that the women's US soccer is paid less than the men's. The real reason is 63K vs 240K average viewers, $17 million vs. $529 million ad revenue. 'Women's soccer earns less money, therefore they receive less money.' [Gender Pay Gap, Economics]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ California dems extend health care coverage to over 100,000 illegal immigrants becoming the first state to cover illegal adults. American citizens often struggle to make ends meet due to health care costs, but break our laws and come here illegally and you'll get it for free. [Illegal Immigration, Health Care]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Dem. Rep. Marsha Fudge smears Trump and his voters on the floor of Congress. 'many who support the president's administration are either racists, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, just plain dumb.' Calls Trump a 'gangster' and 'mobster'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jun 13, 2019 ~ TIME magazine cover story 'Our Sinking Planet' put UN chief António Guterres on the cover standing in water off the island nation of Tuvalu. Falsely claims Tuvalu and other islands are disappearing due to man made climate change. But Tuvalu's land mass increased by 3% since 1971. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 13, 2019 ~ Dem Rep. Norma Torres tried to silence opposition to abortion saying the GOP men are opposed because they are 'sex starved'. 'it is tiring to hear from so many sex-starved males on this floor talk about a woman's right to choose.' She has no theory to explain pro-life women. [Loathsome Left, Abortion, Silencing]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Biden claims 'For eight years there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie.' Harsanyi reminds him of the PolitiFact 'lie of the year' about Obamacare. Fast and Furious, cash planes to Iran, spying on journalists and leg, IRS targeting, destroying evidence, Lynch tarmac [Obamacare, Politics]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Gillibrand equates being pro-life to being 'racist or anti-Semitic or homophobic' because it 'takes away basic human rights'. The pro-life side could just as easily say the same thing because they believe the human rights of the baby are being taken away. [Abortion]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Trump tells Stephanopoulos he might listen to dirt on a political opponent and might not call the FBI. Hypothetical - would depend on what it really was. Dems outraged. Forgot CLINTON SOLICITED FOREIGN DIRT from UK Intel MI6 Steele who used Russian sources still in the Kremlin. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Washington Post reports it actually looks like Trump's tariff threat with Mexico worked despite weeks of dem denial. Report increased security monitoring at interior checkpoints. 'We are not going to fail' said Mexico's foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard understanding the stakes. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Tariffs]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Appeals court overturned 2016 rape conviction against West Point cadet. The story did not hold up. They were in a public place with others around. They had to take measures to conceal it. Implausible that he thought he could get away with that when others could easily be alerted [Fake Rape]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ USA Today article, '13 countries where being gay is legally punishable by death' All 13 countries are Islamic. 'The sentence for the crime of being gay in some countries is rooted in the interpretation of Sharia law, according to the ILGA report on state-sponsored homophobia.' [Islam, LGBT]
Jun 15, 2019 ~ Sarah Sanders steps down as White House press secretary. She has always been a class act in the face of vicious and cruel treatment not seen before Trump. They made fun of her looks, her accent, her clothes, chased her out of restaurants, called her a liar, etc. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jun 15, 2019 ~ Kim Kardashian West thanks Ivanka Trump for 'helping me start a 'rideshare partnership where formerly incarcerated people... can get rides to and from job interviews'. She also thanked President Trump for 'standing behind this issue.' [Trump Win]
Jun 15, 2019 ~ Townhall reports 'Texas Rep. William Hurd, a former CIA officer as well as one of the most knowledgeable public servants on cybersecurity, has been disinvited as the keynote speaker for' the Black Hat Conference. The conference initially resisted, then caved to the liberal mob. [Abortion, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 16, 2019 ~ New York Times claims the Trump Administration is needlessly delaying the Harriet Tubman $20 bill due to racism. Dept. of Treasury immediately debunks. 'timetable is consistent with the previous administration' 'suggestion that the process is being delayed is completely erroneous' [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 16, 2019 ~ New York Times runs story, 'U.S. Escalates Online Attacks on Russia's Power Grid' Trump responds with 'NOT TRUE! Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do or say whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence!' 'a virtual act of Treason' [Fake News]
Jun 16, 2019 ~ More UK liberals call for escalating the milkshake assaults to acid attacks. Comedian Jo Brand incites the already violent left 'why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?... milk shakes are pathetic.' What's pathetic is responding to ideas with violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Scott Morefield 'Democrats Weaponize Race And Immigration In Their Quest For A Permanent Democratic Majority' 'this new crop of immigrants.. are coming here for the free stuff, stuff Democrats are all-too-willing to give in exchange for reliable votes' You're racist if you oppose [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Paul Curry, Democrats must answer for the 2020 election, 'Where's the apocalypse? Where is the doom and gloom we were assured would follow Donald Trump's ascendency to the presidency? Where is the economic meltdown? Where is the tyrannical usurpation of power?' [TDS, Politics]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Comprehensive study by Drs. Craig Idso, David Legates, and S. Fred Singer show sea levels are not rising faster they historically have. 'the highest quality coastal tide gauges from around the world show no evidence of acceleration since the 1920s.' Reality does not match models. [Climate Change]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Paul Curry article 'Stop Using Government as a Weapon'. They've used every tactic they can to overturn the 2016 election. Endless investigations. Weaponizing Intel agencies with Russia Hoax. Now weaponizing the IRS, subpoenaing tax returns fishing for something. Next impeachment. [Politics, Witch Hunt, Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said 'PM Netanyahu and I had the honor to dedicate "Trump Heights". First time Israel has dedicated a village in honor of a sitting president since Harry Truman.' Trump called it 'a great honor' Netanyahu said Trump a 'true friend' to Israel [Trump Win, Israel]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Steve Moore article, 'Without Mining There Is No 'Green Revolution'' The US is '90% dependent on China and Russia for many vital rare earth minerals. Its not that we don't have these things but 'Green groups simply resist almost all new drilling' and mining needed for batteries. [Climate Change, China, Russia]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ AOC claims Amazon 'paying people starvation wages and stripping them of the ability to access health care'. Amazon responds '@AOC is just wrong. Amazon is a leader on pay at $15 min wage + full benefits from day one. We also lobby to raise federal min wage.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ State Department 'has issued 23 violations and 7 infractions incidents' regarding Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information on her illegal private email server and subsequent scrubbing of over 30,000 emails that were under investigation. Trump says 'This is really big' [Hillary Emails]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ AOC says 'The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border'. Explicitly references the Holocaust saying 'Never Again'. 'A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist.' Roundly criticized for disgraceful comparison. Dems refuse to increase funding [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial]

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