Jun 26, 2019 ~ The Trump tariff threat with Mexico that led to Mexico deploying significant resources toward stopping illegal immigration into the US is working. Border crossings are down 65% since that agreement was finalized. Dems said it was reckless and would never work. [Illegal Immigration, Tariffs, Trump Win] Jun 26, 2019 ~ Bernie's #CancelStudentDebt program would be a disaster. Heather Gautney, a senior policy advisor for Sanders says 'I am $180k in debt.' For a sociology degree!! Which was a colossal waste of money. Making it 'free' would incentivize more waste like that funded by the taxpayers. [Economics, Politics, Student Loans, Sanders] Jun 26, 2019 ~ CBS News, 'Two-thirds of American employees regret their college degrees' STEM 'majors, who are more likely to enjoy higher salaries, were least likely to report regrets, while those in the humanities were most likely.' 75% of humanities, 73% of social sciences regretted! [College, Student Loans] Jun 26, 2019 ~ Madeleine Kearns article, 'California's Transgender Prison Policy Is a Disaster for Women'. Putting trans women with biological females puts women at risk. Almost half are sex offenders. Some have a penis. Assaults have happened. Feminist group Women's Liberation Front opposed. [Trans, Feminism] Jun 27, 2019 ~ As proof that you can never be woke enough for sjws, the very liberal JK Rowling is called a 'transphobic' 'TERF', a trans exclusionary radical feminist. Because she 'followed' a few alleged TERFs out of 650 follows. Claim JK is 'serving to normalize transphobia for her audience' [Trans] Jun 27, 2019 ~ Dems have become the party of illegal immigration. All candidates raised their hands to provide illegals with free health care. They also say they would 'decriminalize' border crossings! Essentially open borders with goodies attached. Will turn the border into a GIANT MAGNET. [Illegal Immigration] Jun 27, 2019 ~ Overheard at the democratic debate, 'I'm not sure I'm a Democrat anymore.' Tim Pool explains, 'Democrats have shifted so far to the left that... if you're a democrat who voted for Obama both times, you are now closer to the Republican party than you are to the Democratic party.' [Politics] Jun 27, 2019 ~ Journalist Andy Ngo violently assaulted again for covering an Antifa protest in Portland. Milkshaked, egged, punched, kicked, equipment stolen. Sent to the ER for face and neck injuries. Held for 'brain hemorrhage'. Mayor tells police to not intervene in Antifa violent attacks. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left] Jun 28, 2019 ~ Beto falsely claims migrants coming to the US are fleeing 'drought that was caused not by God, not by mother nature, but by us, man-made climate change, our emissions, our excesses, our inaction in the face of the facts and the science.' and so 'no choice but to come here.' [Climate Change, Fake News] Jun 28, 2019 ~ Dems are falsely trying to paint Biden as a racist because he talked to segregationists 30 yrs ago. Karma because Biden said Republicans want to put black people 'back in chains' and he just falsely said that Trump has yet to 'criticize the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacists' [Fake Racism, Biden] Jun 28, 2019 ~ President Carter answers 'yes' when asked if Trump is 'an illegitimate president.' 'If fully investigated would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax] Jun 29, 2019 ~ Vijay Jayaraj shows why the public is so frightened of climate change. The media highlights anomalous events to hype disaster does not report when it turns around. Reported above average Greenland ice melt as indicating a problem but ignored the near record rebound that followed. [Climate Change, Fake News] Jun 29, 2019 ~ An Obama appointed federal judge issued a permanent injunction blocking construction of President Donald Trump's border wall, saying that it was illegal for his administration to spend current funding from the National Defense Authorization Act for a wall. Immediate appeal. [Illegal Immigration, Wall] Jun 29, 2019 ~ A Chick-fil-A in Manhattan was vandalized during the Pride Parade. 'Fuck Haters' written on the windows. Chick-fil-A does not discriminate against the LGBT community but is a frequent target because its owners do not agree with same sex marriage. [LGBT, Violent Left] Jul 1, 2019 ~ Latest figures make the United States 'the world's largest producer of oil' ahead of even Saudi Arabia and Russia now. Thanks in part to fracking and Trump's regulatory push toward US energy independence. [Trump Win, Economy] Jul 1, 2019 ~ More attacks by violent left wingers in Portland. Two men attending a 'Him too' gathering 'which purports to raise awareness for male sexual assault victims and men falsely accused of sex crimes' beaten by crowbars, nunchucks and other weapons. Concussions, dozens of stiches. [Antifa, Silencing, Violent Left] Jul 1, 2019 ~ Nike cancels July 4th shoes bc Colin Kaepernick thinks 'the Betsy Ross flag is an offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery'. Obama had that flag at his inauguration. Ross was an abolitionist. Michael Eric Dyson compares it to a 'swastika', a 'cross burning' [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial] Jul 2, 2019 ~ Anti-Trump Left wingers from the Revolutionary Communist Party were burning American Flags outside of the White House on July 4th. Arrested for 'felony assault on a police officer and malicious burning'. Trump supporters and vets stepped in to save some flags from burning. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Jul 2, 2019 ~ Climate Change blamed for forest fires but the reality is that wildfires are their "lowest levels since the 1600s." The current strategy is to blame every bad thing on climate change with no historical context as if everyone speaking and listening was born yesterday. [Climate Change] Jul 2, 2019 ~ Climate Change is simply whatever happens. A few years ago scientists said it was leading to a decline in bee populations. Now when super colonies are found, climate change is causing more bees. Similar to when climate change was causing 'The End of Snow' and then lots of snow. [Climate Change] Jul 2, 2019 ~ Trump Administration and Amy Coney Barrett have been restoring due process to higher education. Barrett blasts decisions based on 'accusation rather than the evidence'. David French praises the reversal of 'the Obama administration's mandatory rejection of due process'. [Trump Win, Fake Rape, College, Due Process] Jul 2, 2019 ~ A Scottish 17-year-old has been expelled from school simply for believing that there are only 2 genders. The message is sent very clearly that 'wrongthink' will not be tolerated. If you have opinions that disagree with the official dogma, you keep your mouth shut or you're gone. [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Colin Kaepernick chooses a Frederick Douglass July 4th quote to put down America. 'There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour' Leaves out context. Was pre abolition, pre civil rights [Race] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris claims to support bussing so she can accuse Biden of racism for opposing it 40 yrs ago. 'I support busing', 'That little girl was me'. But Biden was right. Bussing didn't work. It has very little current support. Harris just used it as a race card to hit Biden with. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Tulsi Gabbard calls out Harris and other dems for their 'false accusation that Joe Biden is a racist.' regarding bussing and segregationists. 'His critics have unfairly misrepresented his important message to score cheap political points.' But the fake race card is what dems do. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Democrat TJ Helmstetter bragged about harassing a Trump supporters in a DC restaurant. Guy with gf was having lunch with MAGA hat on. TJ informs him 'we don't tolerate racism in this city'. Also says they are 'Nazis' and 'racist pieces of shit' based on nothing but his own TDS. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Salon covers Trump's July 4th speech. 'Goebbels bla bla fascist bla bla white supremacy and male domination bla bla bigotry bla bla Fox News-watching yokels bla bla racist bla bla kids in cages bla bla white supremacists bla bla racism bla bla white supremacy' 100% straight trash [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Holocaust Denial] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Biden again talks about how he would physically attack Trump. 'I'd smack him in the mouth.' Just last year Biden said of Trump, 'I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.' Talking about beating up his political opponents seems to be a theme. [TDS, Violent Left, Biden] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Mara Gay of the New York Times told Ted Cruz he is not worthy of talking about Frederick Douglass. 'Frederick Douglass is an American hero, and his name has no business in your mouth.' You may speak when we allow it, otherwise, you must shut up. Got that? [Loathsome Left, Silencing] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Race agitators claim that white America has a problem with Halle Berry as Ariel in Little Mermaid. But no one does except a very few unverified Twitter accounts and some of those were trolling. Almost all using the #NotMyAriel were people outraged that people were outraged. [Fake Racism, Fake News] Jul 5, 2019 ~ Anni Cyrus gives talks exposing how Islam allowed her to be sold into marriage on her 14th birthday and be beaten until she obeyed per Quran Chapter 4 Verse 34. 'for over a year and every day if he wasn't beating me, he was raping me.' Cyrus speaks for millions of women who can't [Islam, Silencing] Jul 6, 2019 ~ Five police officers were asked to leave a Starbucks in Tempe, Ariz. Because a barista 'did not feel safe' with them there. In fairness, Starbucks does not approve of the actions of their barista and apologized to the police. [Loathsome Left, Police] Jul 6, 2019 ~ The Climate Change Debate Education project, CCDE has been started by Dr. David Wojick to counter the alarmist viewpoint that children and adults are being indoctrinated in. Shows how real weather has not come close to fulfilling the alarmist predictions. Contains 100s of videos. [Climate Change] Jul 6, 2019 ~ Joy Reid smears not only Trump but all of his voters making the disgusting accusation that they want to see Trump treat people with cruelty. 'the cruelty is the point. That's why they're doing it, right? His base wants to see this.' She apparently says this a lot, 'every week'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News] Jul 6, 2019 ~ Some sites reported that Megan Rapinoe 'stomped on the American Flag' after winning the World Cup. This is false. The flag fell to the ground and was quickly picked up while whey were doing a victory dance and celebration. It doesn't appear Rapinioe even knew it was there. [Fake News] Jul 7, 2019 ~ The Detroit based AfroFuture music festival had a policy where they charged white people twice as much as every other group of people. They tried to defend the racist policy but backed down over backlash, artists pulling out and finding out it was illegal to racially discriminate [Racism] Jul 8, 2019 ~ AOC tweets out some Evita Perón quotes. It's ironic that while she's falsely accusing the US of fascism and running concentration camps, she quotes someone who provided safe haven for fleeing Nazis in WWII and owned treasures stolen from people killed in real concentration camps. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Steven Camarota article, 'Immigration Is No Fix for an Aging Society'. You often hear we need immigrants to shore up our insolvent social programs like Social Security and Medicare but Camarota shows that the numbers for that argument don't work at all. [Economics, Immigration, Entitlements] Jul 8, 2019 ~ CA governor Gavin Newsom praises Trump's handling of the California earthquakes, 'There's no question we don't agree on everything, but one area where there's no politics, where we work extremely well together, is our response to emergencies... He's committed in the long haul...' [Trump Win, Politics] Jul 8, 2019 ~ CBO runs numbers on a $15 federal minimum wage and reports that it would eliminate about 1.3 million jobs while reducing standard of living for the consumers who will pay higher prices. Only dems think you can legislate wages with no consequence but then why not $100 per hour? [Minimum Wage, Economics] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Women soccer players demand 'equal pay' but facts are not with the players. They seem to think they should be paid the same for 'same job responsibilities' but it doesn't work that way. Men's World Cup generated $6 billion, men get 7%, Women's generates $131 million, women get 20% [Gender Pay Gap, Economics] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Meteorologist sets the record straight after AOC blames D.C. flash flooding on 'climate change'. 'First a tornado and now a flash flood. The Congresswoman does not miss an opportunity to turn a weather event she experiences into a political statement and blame Republicans.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Climate Change, Fake News] Jul 8, 2019 ~ A FL high school principal fired for Holocaust Denial. 'I can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event'. But since dems keep insisting Trump is just like Hitler and Republicans are Nazis, its no surprise that ignorant people would believe them and dismiss the Holocaust. [Holocaust Denial] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Jefferey Epstein is arrested. Trump predicted in 2016 that Bill Clinton would be dragged in. 'got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island, with Jeffrey Epstein.' Trump had Epstein banned from Mar-A-Lago years ago bc 'sexually assaulted an underage girl' [Epstein] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Bill Clinton says only took 4 trips on Epstein's plane and 'knows nothing' bad. Conchita Sarnoff proves with flight logs 'he is not telling the truth'. 'he was a guest of Epstein's 27 times' 'Almost every time that Clinton's name is on the pilot logs there are underage girls.' [Epstein] Jul 8, 2019 ~ Restaurants Unlimited which operates 35 restaurants filed for bankruptcy due to minimum wage impact. 'Over the past three years, the company's profitability has been significantly impacted by progressive wage laws along the Pacific coast that have increased the minimum wage'. [Minimum Wage, Economics] Jul 8, 2019 ~ New York Times op ed declares Air Conditioning to be 'sexist'. An invention that has immensely improved the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Many women responded with their love and appreciation of air conditioning. NYT has a 6250 ton cooling system in their building. [Fake Sexism] Tag Cloud
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