Jul 17, 2019 ~ A noose like knot was found in a Delaware Home Depot. Two black customers found it and assumed it was a message to them. The women screamed and cursed at the manager. Threats called into the store calling him 'racist'. Culprit was trying decorative canopy knots for a customer. [Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Sanders demands companies pay $15 per hour but refuses to pay his campaign workers $15 per hour. After criticism, he then does everything a business has to do to meet an artificial minimum wage. Cuts some people's hours, fires other people. Rhetoric meets reality. [Politics, Minimum Wage, Sanders] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Kamela Harris demands companies pay women equal pay as men or face large fines, but she refuses to pay her campaign women the same as the men in her campaign. She makes same excuses business make because they are true. Comparison is not apples to apples. Rhetoric meets reality. [Gender Pay Gap, Harris, Politics] Jul 18, 2019 ~ As other dems tell you that you can't keep your insurance plans if you like them, Biden recycles the famous line from his own Obama, Biden administration 'If you like your plan, you can keep your plan' which just so happened to be the PolitiFact 'Lie of the Year' in 2013. [Politics, Biden, Health Care] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Dems look ridiculous again. Forced to vote 332-95 to table their own impeachment resolution filed by Al Green who once said Trump needs to be impeached because Democratic governor Ralph Northam dressed in black face in 1984. Pelosi has no control of the crazies in the House. [TDS, Witch Hunt, Trump Win, Impeachment] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Yet another 'noose' reported as a hate crime that was not a real noose. Someone was practicing a fishing knot called a 'Uni Knot'. 'This person returned the rope to a storage area with the knot still in tied.' FBI was called and all the usual suspects denounced the 'hate crime'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism] Jul 18, 2019 ~ College students again shocked by Obama's words. 'We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable.' Assume it was Trump. Call it racist, xenophobic etc. Wait til they find out Obama deported more people... [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism] Jul 18, 2019 ~ The media focuses on migrant deaths like they are Trump's fault and not the fault of those who turned the border into a giant magnet. But 'deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border decreased after Donald Trump became president.' Averaging 291 per year under Trump vs Obama 372, Bush 382. [Illegal Immigration] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen compares Trump to Hitler. 'It was more reminiscent of Germany during the beginnings of the Hitler regime.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Senator Jon Tester advocates punching Trump in the face. Don't run away from Trump he says, 'I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.' [TDS, Violent Left] Jul 18, 2019 ~ Alan Dershowitz claims New Yorker ran a dishonest hit piece on him because he doesn't tow the liberal line on all issues. 'to say anything in defense of Trump, nowadays, is to invite fire from all of his enemies: political and journalistic' They know the claims have been debunked [Fake Rape, Me Too, Silencing] Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Scarborough claims that Trump thinks 'the country needs to be 'ethnically cleansed'. These are disgusting smears that have no basis in reality. No wonder people who watch the Fake News hate Trump and America. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News] Jul 19, 2019 ~ Miss World America stripped Kathy Zhu of Miss Michigan title claiming she's 'racist, Islamophobic and insensitive' because she said the hijab is a tool of oppression which it absolutely is. Women are forced under threat of violence to wear them. And she posted a true crime stat. [TDS, Fake Racism, Silencing, Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture] Jul 19, 2019 ~ Donny Deutsch all in on the 'Nazi' stuff. 'I want people to go back and look at Nazi Germany in the 1930s, but the parallels are stunning.' 'This is a man with Nazi tendencies.' Supporters enable 'white nationalists'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News] Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Biden claim's that Trump's base is racist. 'This is about dividing and raising the issue of racism across the country. Because that's his base. That's what he's pushing.' Biden then demands Trump condemns white supremacists and the Klan, which Trump has done MANY TIMES. [Fake Racism, Biden] Jul 20, 2019 ~ 2016 video surfaces of Rashida Tlaib disrupting a Trump speech to business leaders at the Detroit Economics Club. Ranting and raving like a loon, screaming at the attendees 'You guys are crazy!' Had to be escorted out by security. Trump calmly watched her make a fool of herself. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib] Jul 20, 2019 ~ Somali-Born journalist Hodan Nalayeh returned to her homeland to document how 'safe' Somalia had become. She and her husband were among the 26 killed by a terrorist attack perpetrated by Islamist group al-Shabab. 50 others were injured. Suicide bomber and multiple gunman. [Islam, Terrorism] Jul 21, 2019 ~ Georgia State Rep. and Minority Leader Erica Thomas was criticized by a man for having too many items in the 10 item express lane. Said 'racism and hate is getting out of control!' 'a white man' told her 'to go back to where I came from' supposed mimicking Trump's recent rhetoric. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS] Jul 21, 2019 ~ According to a statement from the Georgia Democratic Party regarding the Erica Thomas hate crime hoax, an express line argument between two liberal democrats proves that 'Trump's racist rhetoric is emboldening hate across Georgia and our country'. Dem logic. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS] Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas hate crime hoax starts to unravel Jussie Smollett style when the supposed white racist shows up at her press conference. He is a Cuban Trump hater who criticized Trump's 'go back' rhetoric. Thomas forced to retract her claim. 'I don't know if he said go back'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett] Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas' story made no sense like Jussie Smollett's story. Makes no sense to tell black people to go back where they came from because almost none are immigrants. 'people are getting really out of control with this white privilege stuff.' He says 'I am Cuban. I'm not white' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett] Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas hate crime hoax further unravels when witnesses say SHE was the one who repeatedly told the Cuban man to 'go back where he came from' and he didn't say anything like that. Security vid also proves she was lying about 'I feared for my life!'. She was the aggressor. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett] Jul 21, 2019 ~ Transgender law apparently requires women to handle scrotums. 'Brazilian immigrant living in Canada was forced to close up her small business after refusing to wax the male genitals of transgender LGBT activist Jessica Yaniv'. Procedure needs different training and wax on man. [Trans, LGBT] Jul 22, 2019 ~ Dems unhinged over the dog Ivanka gave to her daughter. 'Aryan breeder. Does it sit and sieg heil yet?' 'Good thing it's a white dog. Your dad hates the blacks.' Also remarks about 'kids in cages' Another fool posts that white people own dogs because they miss being slave masters [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial] Jul 22, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar says 'You all should end this charade and accept that this racist president wants every black/brown person deported and Muslims banned'. Status of her two claims: False and False. But woke bonus points for false charges of racism and Islamophobia in the same sentence. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Omar] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager talking about high tech censorship of the Prager University YouTube channel. 'Google, which owns YouTube, has restricted access to 56 of our 320 five-minute videos and to other videos we produce.' Puts them in the same category as pornography. [Silencing, Dennis Prager, Cancel Culture, Tech Bias] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Ken Blackwell article, 'Attacks on Conservative Speech Take Many Forms'. Outright violence is only one way. Harassment and anonymous complaints about 'hate speech' get students dragged to tribunals. Professors marking down grades. Property destruction. Social media censorship. [Silencing, Cancel Culture] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Miami beach is sinking at 3mm per year which amplifies the effect of sea level rise. The rate of sea level rise has not really changed in 150 years despite alarmist claims but land areas that are sinking appear to be being hit by 'climate change'. [Climate Change] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Liberals now upset Al Franken didn't get 'due process' despite not giving due process to Kavanaugh, college males, me too. Bette Midler slut shames Leeann Tweeden suggesting she had it coming for racy pictures she once took. Others join the victim blaming. Ignore 7 other accusers [Loathsome Left, Me Too, Due Process] Jul 23, 2019 ~ NYC starting to have blackouts. Con Ed says not enough power on the grid. Cuomo intent on shutting down nuclear power plants and not investing in abundant natural gas. Opting instead for very expensive wind that will not be enough and cause prices to skyrocket. [Climate Change, Energy] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib one ups her democrat colleagues by calling for a $20 minimum wage. They all look stupid now calling for $15 since the government can arbitrarily set the minimum wage to any amount with no consequence. Her cheers will be short lived when the next dem calls for $30. [Minimum Wage, Economics, Tlaib] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Borat director Larry Charles is 'glad to see the left arming itself.' because 'This is war.' Ignoring the fact that almost all political violence has been coming from the left, he worries about 'white supremacists/Proud Boys/Maga people embracing violence' who do almost none. [Violent Left] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, tweeted in 2015, 'Deport this asshole!' about Trump. Setting civility the bar ever lower because she was upset about the so called 'Muslim Ban' which was nothing of the sort. Another lie repeated enough by dems that it has gained traction. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib] Jul 23, 2019 ~ New study confirms what other studies have already found. That 'there is no data to support the idea that white cops are more likely to fatally shoot black or Hispanic suspects than their black and Hispanic law enforcement colleagues.' [Fake Racism, Police] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Multiple times in NYC, mobs of people attack the police, throwing buckets at them, dumping water on them. In each case the cops allow themselves to be attacked because they know a response would not be supported by mayor de Blasio who calls them racists for doing their job. [Loathsome Left, Police] Jul 23, 2019 ~ University of Mississippi professor James Thomas claims pro-Trump teens are like 'Hitler Youth'. 'MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend.' He previously encourage harassment of lawmakers 'Don't just interrupt a Senator's meal, y'all. Put your whole damn fingers in their salads.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial] Jul 23, 2019 ~ Cory Booker follows the lead of Senators Joe Biden and Jon Tester who have both talked about punching President Trump in the face. Booker also says 'my testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching him'. Many dem celebs have messaged violence against Trump. [Violent Left] Jul 24, 2019 ~ New evidence reveals Comey was 'running a covert operation against' Trump and 'was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent.' 'Comey had an agent inside the White House who reported back to FBI headquarters' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Jim Jordan reacts to Comey spy revelations. 'If they can do this to the President of the United States. If they can go spy on two people, two Americans associated on his campaign based on this idea that there was some conspiracy? imagine what they can do to you and I.' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Stossel 'Wages War' 'After Seattle raised its minimum wage to $15, entry-level job growth stalled. Job growth continued in the rest of Washington state but not in Seattle.' Businesses once hired 'inexperienced kids and trained them, giving them valuable starter experience'. [Minimum Wage, Economics, John Stossel] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Cornel West discussing Trump, 'Racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'Hitler' bla bla 'Mussolini' bla bla 'proto-fascist' bla bla 'slave holders' bla bla 'misogynists and homophobes and transphobes' bla bla 'fascism' bla bla 'despot' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' [Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Holocaust Denial, Slavery] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Two Louisiana police officers were fired for joking that AOC should be shot. Said she 'needs a round, and I don't mean the kind she used to serve'. This kind of thing is fortunately rare from the right. Bette Midler who said give Trump 'a shiv', still on Twitter, beloved by dems. [Violent Right, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Google engineer Greg Coppola says that Google's claim that their algorithms are not biased is 'ridiculous'. 'We write them to do what want them to do.' 'for a while we had tech that was politically neutral. Now we have tech that really ... is taking sides in a political contest.' [Silencing, Tech Bias] Jul 24, 2019 ~ Black man Lawrence James Davis kills white man Tyler Wingate over a minor fender bender in Detroit by 'kicking and punching him repeatedly.' This would be a huge national story if the races were reversed but is essentially a non-story in this configuration. Double standard. [Race, Crime] Jul 25, 2019 ~ President Trump took much criticism for telling Squad members to 'go back' to the 'places from which they came'. But old tweets show Omar telling 5 people 'why don't we deport you to where ever you came from' and Tlaib said about Trump 'deport this asshole'. They said it first. [Omar, Tlaib, Illegal Immigration] Jul 25, 2019 ~ Dems drag Mueller to Congress to testify. Both sides agree it was a 'disaster' for dems. Mueller revealed to be a mere figurehead giving cover for partisan hacks running the show. He didn't really know what was in the Mueller report and never heard of basic things like Fusion GPS [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Jul 25, 2019 ~ Dems don't get what they wanted from Mueller hearing. He reveals that Trump did not interfere in the investigation. They again go for the 'not exonerated angle' but Mueller agrees prosecutors don't exonerate anyone. They charge if they have crime evidence and they did not charge. [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Jul 25, 2019 ~ Ted Lieu in a last ditch effort tries to get Mueller to say that the reason he did not indict Trump is because of OLC 'opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president'. Mueller initially appeared to agree but later clarified that was not correct. [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Jul 25, 2019 ~ White tourist savagely beaten by at least a dozen black people outside of the DC Hilton hotel. Repeatedly punched, kicked on the ground, head stomped on. Man suffered head injuries, eye socket injury. Another huge national story MSM, politicians, celebs if the races were reversed [Race, Crime] Tag Cloud
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