Aug 11, 2019 ~ Miranda Devine, "Democrats have demonized every Trump voter as a 'deplorable'" 'Russia didn't work, Stormy didn't work. Impeachment won't work.' Now 'they're coming after anyone who supports him.' 'It doesn't matter whether it's true.' Don't care how destructive the lies are. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics] Aug 12, 2019 ~ Robert VerBruggen article, 'Joe Biden Is Wrong. There Is No Compelling Evidence That Assault-Weapon Bans Work.' The ban did not remove guns already in circulation. It allowed guns that were exactly the same except cosmetically. The upward fatality trend continued through the ban. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Biden] Aug 12, 2019 ~ New DHS regulations 'consider an immigrant's use of non-cash government-assistance programs, such as the SNAP and Medicaid, as a negative factor in determining their eligibility for a green card or temporary visa.' Free stuff is a magnet we can't afford. Already drowning in debt. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Economics, Entitlements] Aug 12, 2019 ~ Family of El Paso victims Andre and Jordan Anchondo got death threats because they took a picture with Trump and Melania and the surviving baby whose father Andre was a Trump supporter. Brother Tito said Trump was there 'as a human being, consoling us and giving his condolences' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Aug 12, 2019 ~ Sarah Lawrence College Prof Samuel Abrams received harassment for exposing the 12 to 1 liberal to conservative bias on campus. 'I have received numerous threats to my safety, my family' False 'accusations of sexual assault went up around campus' Office was vandalized. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Current Democratic Platform: Vote for us or we'll call you racist white supremacists. We'll dox you and leave you vulgar threatening messages, we'll harass you where you work, we'll show up at your house with pitchforks and torches. Vote for us and your life gets SO MUCH easier! [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Rachel Alexander says add doxing to the list of dem silencing techniques. The left 'resorts to vicious attacks... from physical attacks to trying to destroy their careers.' 'they want to send a message as a deterrent to other people on the right that they had better lie low.' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Sarah Silverman is sad about being kicked off a show after a black face picture of her for a comedy routine 12 years ago surfaced. But as an SWJ herself, this is the environment she helped to create. Admits its on 'the Left primarily' 'everyone is, like, throwing the first stone' [Silencing, Cancel Culture] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Anthony Keith 'Leaving the Democrats' 'I am now called racist, homophobic, misogynist, and Islamophobic. A gun-toting, Bible-believing bitter clinger. A deplorable. A white nationalist. Nazi.' 'I will never vote for anyone... who is trying to denigrate me by name-calling' [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Fake Homophobia, Loathsome Left, Politics] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Hong Kong protesters march to maintain independence from China. Many wave the American flag and sing our national anthem. Yes, they may be trying to encourage US involvement. But they yearn more for what America represents than leftists who burn the flag and sit for the anthem. [China, Hong Kong] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Fatherless homes: 90% of runaways, 71% of pregnant teenagers, 63% of youth suicides, 71% of high school dropouts, 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions, 'twice as likely to drop out of high school and twice as likely to end up in jail.' 26 of 27 deadliest mass shooters. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Poverty, Education] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Violent left wing activists threatened Florida employees of GEO Group, a contractor for ICE. 'We know where all your children live? We know everything about you and you won't just be seeing us here. We know where you sleep at night? We are not joking.' [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Many shots were fired indiscriminately into the windows of two San Antonio ICE and GEO buildings. FBI called it a 'targeted attack'. Luckily, no one inside was hit. 'ICE officers put their lives on the line each and every day to keep our communities safe.' Dems call them Nazis [Violent Left, Illegal Immigration] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren repeats the Charlottesville lie 'This is a man who, as president of the United States, refers to people in Charlottesville who are white supremacists as "fine people"' Then claims Trump is 'a man who winks and nods at the white supremacists.' Disgusting smears. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Charlottesville] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Stacey Abrams making insane claims. 'Moscow Mitch is stopping voter rights legislation' 'the RNC will be allowed to cheat and lie and go into polling places and scare voters, particularly voters of color.' Republicans will be 'going into local communities and intimidating voters' [Fake Racism, Fake News] Aug 13, 2019 ~ Washington Post fact checker gives Warren and Harris Four Pinocchios for their claim that Michael Brown was murdered. 'the Justice Department found no credible evidence to support that claim.' Perpetuate a lie that caused riots and got many police officers killed execution style. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Harris, Police] Aug 13, 2019 ~ University of Texas instructor Alex Wild reiterates that he stands by his previous claim that Trump and Republicans are implementing 'ethnic cleansing'. 'Trump's "security" plans are terrible for actual security. But pretty good if ethnic cleansing is the real goal. These people are Nazis.' [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial] Aug 14, 2019 ~ University of South Dakota crates a flowchart asking white students to consider 'Are you taking up space?' 'Would your participation prevent helpful voices from being heard?' 'In practice, the flowchart asks non-minorities to not speak at all in many given situations.' [Silencing, College, Racism] Aug 14, 2019 ~ At the urging of President Trump, rapper A$AP Rocky was released from a Swedish prison and allowed to return back to the United States even before the verdict. He then received no jail time. [Trump Win] Aug 14, 2019 ~ Pavlich: Judicial Watch obtained 'hundreds of documents showing the Obama Justice Department working directly with Fusion GPS, a research firm hired by the Clinton campaign, to frame President Trump.' Fusion's Nellie Ohr gave docs to husband Bruce Ohr in DOJ who sent to FBI. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt] Aug 14, 2019 ~ University of Kentucky administrators joke while indefinitely denying conservative students a YAF Chapter. 'YAF activists "are going to be mad they waited forever and i denied them whoops.' Then laugh behind their backs as they string them along telling them 'resubmit, so sorry.' [Silencing, College, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture] Aug 15, 2019 ~ AOC analyzed Trump supporters on Pod Save America. 'racist... racism... racists. Racist... racist... racism... racists... susceptible to racist views... racist thing... racist... racism... racist. Then people use their defensiveness, and they say, Well, it's not racist... racist' [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez] Aug 15, 2019 ~ Laura Hollis, Racism redefined to include everyone. People 'resent like hell being accused of things they haven't done, especially when they're simultaneously told that there's nothing they can do to remove the stain, or that they cannot take credit for their own achievements.' [Fake Racism] Aug 15, 2019 ~ Mass shooting in Philly. 6 police officers shot by a black shooter. Downplayed because another one the left can't blame on 'white supremacy'. Was not legally allowed to own the gun so gun laws had no effect. Amazingly, bystanders taunted the police as they dealt with the shooter. [Police, Guns-Mass Shootings] Aug 15, 2019 ~ It was former NFL player Jack Brewer who asked Trump to call out Cummings and Baltimore conditions. 'I had a chance to meet with President Trump, and I told him please call out Elijah Cummings and Baltimore. I asked him to do that three weeks ago and he did it.' Is Brewer racist? [Fake Racism, Baltimore] Aug 15, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were denied entry into Israel due to their support for BDS. It is Israel's policy to bar BDS advocates but predictably the move is attributed to racism and/or because they are Muslim. Neither of those charges make any sense given Israel's population. [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News] Aug 15, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar makes absurd claim that she was denied entry to Israel not because of BDS but because they are banning Muslims. 'Trump's Muslim ban is what Israel is implementing.' Trump never had a 'Muslim Ban' and neither does Israel. Israel has over 1 million Muslim citizens. [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News] Aug 15, 2019 ~ Netanyahu explains why Omar and Tlaib who referred to Israel as 'Palestine' on their itinerary were blocked. 'objective is to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel's legitimacy' 'funding their trip is Miftah... who have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.' [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia] Aug 15, 2019 ~ New York Times staffer asks executive editor Dean Baquet, 'to what extent you think that the fact of racism and white supremacy being sort of the foundation of this country should play into our reporting? it should be a starting point'. This is the starting point for NYT staffers [Fake Racism, Fake News] Aug 16, 2019 ~ David French: 'Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Partnered with Vicious Anti-Semites to Plan Their Trip to Israel'. Trip organized by Miftah. Miftah accused Jews of using 'the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover.', celebrates terrorists who have killed Jewish children, way more [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia] Aug 16, 2019 ~ Alaska Hope Center granted temporary injunction allowing it to operate as a female only center while case is pending. Being sued for turning away a large biological male over alleged rights violation. Would share sleeping quarters with battered women and women who were just raped [Trans] Aug 16, 2019 ~ CNN contributor Steve Cortes article, 'The Charlottesville Hoax That Would Not Die'. Cortes debunks the lie repeated by every dem that Trump said Nazis and White Supremists were 'very fine people' 'Trump explicitly denounced the very people that liberals accuse him of praising' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Charlottesville] Aug 17, 2019 ~ Charles Jacobs, 'How Al Sharpton Abandoned Africa's Slaves' Very well cited piece on how Sharpton discovered and was determined to do something about modern slavery in 2001 but backed off due to Farrakhan not wanting to expose that the masters were Muslims. The slavery continues. [Islam] Aug 17, 2019 ~ Tom Homan calls Google employees who signed Anti-ICE petition 'Morons' Google withholding processing technology means migrants will be held longer. 90% of ICE arrests have 'pending criminal charges against a United States citizen', saved 1000s of women and children from predators [Illegal Immigration, Crime] Aug 17, 2019 ~ Bill Maher trashes dems like Omar and Tlaib for supporting BDS. 'BDS is a bullshit purity test by people who want to appear woke and have actually slept through history class'. Reminds about all the terrorism. Tlaib suggests Maher be boycotted because he supports this 'apartheid' [Anti-Semitism, Omar, Tlaib, Cancel Culture] Aug 17, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib both share a cartoon from anti-Semitic cartoonist Carlos Latuff. Latuff has made cartoons mocking Holocaust victims and comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. [Anti-Semitism, Omar, Tlaib] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Antifa perpetrates multiple violent attacks in Portland yet again. Started all of them. Beatings including with weapons. Specifically attacked people wearing the American Flag which they have called a 'fascist symbol'. Threw things at people. Smashed windows of Proud Boys bus. [Antifa, Violent Left] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Deb Haaland says 'It's not surprising that Trump would side away from the folks who are the peaceful protesters working to safeguard their city from domestic terrorism.' Ironically, the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS she's talking about is Antifa who just attacked dozens of innocent people. [Antifa, Violent Left] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Deb Haaland spews many lies to justify why she is defending domestic terrorists against innocent people. She says Trump 'sides with the white supremacists, he sides with the white nationalists' Totally false. 'with the domestic terrorists in our country.' No, that's what she does [Violent Left, Fake Racism] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Megan Rapinoe cites a bogus reason for Trump's feud with her. She claims 'We are everything he loves with the exception that we're powerful, strong women'. Right. That's his problem with her. Not that she said 'I'm not going to the fucking White House' and sits for the Anthem. [TDS, Fake Sexism, Fake News] Aug 18, 2019 ~ ISIS bombs wedding in Kabul, Afghanistan. Kills 63, wounds 183. [Islam, Terrorism] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Maddow and Cher smear judicial nominee Steven Menashi based on a 2010 article. Pollock, 'She quoted his article selectively, and inaccurately' 'either didn't read Menashi's articles' or 'intentionally misrepresented his writings to smear him as a racist as a means to bash Trump.' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Loathsome Left] Aug 18, 2019 ~ Jessica Aguilar is found guilty of slapping a Trump supporter in the face during a 2017 Sacramento Trump rally. During that same rally other violent democrats attempted to attempted to block the movement of Trump supporters and 3 other 'protesters' pepper sprayed Trump supporters [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 18, 2019 ~ The Palestinian Authority banned LGBT groups in the West Bank and said it would arrest anybody participating in them 'They are calling us traitors and corrupt people and many are calling for our execution. We are afraid for our lives.' The penalty for being gay in Islam is death. [Islam, LGBT] Aug 18, 2019 ~ The Boston Herold blasted Elizabeth Warren for her repeated false attacks on law enforcement. Her 'dangerous and false rhetoric' like lies about Ferguson, and ICE, justice system 'racist front to back' 'is getting police officers and citizens hurt and killed' to pander for votes. [Police, Politics, Fake Racism] Aug 19, 2019 ~ Photos from the fundraiser for Illinois state Sen. Martin Sanodval depict a mock assassination of President Trump. Someone is pointing a gun in the face of a person wearing a Trump mask. Sandoval has apologized for the photos. Dems say Trump incites violence. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Aug 19, 2019 ~ to host an event titled 'Ending Racism, Violence and Authoritarianism' in New Jersey. The violent left has threatened to burn the theater down. 'locking them in and lighting a fire.' because they are hosting 'racist, transphobic speakers' which is totally false. [Violent Left, Silencing, Fake Racism] Aug 19, 2019 ~ Prager rebuts false charges of racism against Israel. 'Half of Israel's Jews are not white. One out of every 5 Israelis is not a Jew' 'Israel's control of the West Bank has nothing to do with race' They rejected 5 offers for their own state because they want Israel destroyed more [Fake Racism, Israel, Dennis Prager] Aug 20, 2019 ~ Spike Lee says of Trump '"Why are we still asking, 'Is this guy a white supremacist?' It's not even a question anymore. I mean, the Muslim ban, all Mexicans are rapists, murderers, and drug dealers." There was no Muslim ban and Trump never said that. Dems live in a fake universe. [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia] Aug 20, 2019 ~ Beto says the entire history of the United States is racist. 'This country... was founded on racism, has persisted through racism, and is racist today.' Dems want to acknowledge no progress in 200 years. Still the same old racist country that had slavery. Vote dem for absolution [Race, Politics] Tag Cloud
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