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Aug 29, 2019 ~ Ken Dilanian of NBC tweets fake news, 'As of October 29, children born to U.S. service members outside of the U.S. will no longer be automatically considered citizens'. Biden and others repeat the fake story. As usual, the fakeness radiates in all directions never to be recorked. [Fake News, Biden]
Aug 29, 2019 ~ Joe Biden tells of his Afghanistan trip. Washington Post 'almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect' 'the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony' [Fake News, Politics, Biden]
Aug 29, 2019 ~ Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley is openly advocating that the Fed work against Trump in 2020, 'Trump's reelection arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy... Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.' [Politics, Economy, Loathsome Left]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Left Can't Stop Lying About the Tea Party' after 10 year retrospective. ABC News Matthew Dowd, 'racism drove the Tea Party movement' Washington Post Wesley Lowery, 'hysterical grassroots tantrum about the fact that a black guy was president'. Fake News Smear [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Amazon Scam'. Yet another fake story that the entire left believes proves something about climate change. Nothing to do with climate change. Been happening for decades to clear land. Slightly above average. Marone, MSM, celebs spreading fake news with old pics. [Fake News, Climate Change, Rich Lowry]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Forbes debunks more myths being pushed around the Amazon fires. 'there was a whopping 25% decrease in the area burned from 2003 to 2019, according to NASA.' 'For the last 35 years? new tree growth has exceeded deforestation.' Totally false that forests are needed to supply O2. [Fake News, Climate Change]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell said this about Hurricane Dorian 'I'm rooting for a direct hit on Mar-a-Lago!' Campbell previously called Trump 'a motherfu**er' to agree with Tlaib. Remember folks, Trump says bad things so vote for the side that says far worse things! [Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Eric McCormack wants The Hollywood Reporter to provide a list of Trump supporters so they can be blacklisted by the industry in McCarthy like fashion. 'Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don't wanna work with.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Debra Messing retweets a tweet saying black people who vote for Trump are mentally ill. She also wants McCarthyesque outing of Trump supporters for blacklisting. 'Please print a list of all attendees'. And wants the burning ashes of shooting victims thrown in 'Dana Loesch's eyes' [Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Deroy Murdock article 'Here's Why Housing Is So Expensive'. The amount of red tape, regulations and costs since just the late 1990s has increased 5 to 7 times. This is driving up the asking price in some areas like California 233%. [Economics]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Two more mass shootings. One in Odessa TX, 7 dead, 22 injured. The other in Mobile Alabama, 10 people shot. One shooter white, the other black. One with a rifle, one with a handgun. Dems again incorrectly think if only their proposals were in place, they would have been avoided. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Camille Paglia laments 'antisex and repressively doctrinaire side of feminism is back again, big!' 'everything we'd won in the 1990s has been totally swept away. Now we have this endless privileging of victimhood, with a pathological vulnerability seen as the default human mode.' [Feminism]
Aug 31, 2019 ~ A woman was arrested for throwing a Molotov cocktail into a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services facility in Oakland Park, Florida. Latest in a string of violent attacks against ICE, USCIS and DHS by modern democrats thinking they're fighting against 'concentration camps'. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 31, 2019 ~ Latino CNN contributor Steve Cortes has been sidelined by CNN for publicly debunking the Charlottesville Lie on PragerU and Townhall. That lie is central to the 2020 democrat platform and CNN could not allow a Latino on air to debunk the official 'Trump is a racist' narrative. [Silencing, Dennis Prager, Charlottesville, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Sep 1, 2019 ~ Thomas Lifson highlights NOAA report that says despite media narrative, 'it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human activities and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming have already had a detectable impact on hurricane activity.' [Climate Change]
Sep 1, 2019 ~ Median household income has increased by $5000 since Trump began from $60,973 in January 2017 to $65,976 in August 2019. Median household income increased less than $1000 in all 8 years of Obama. Trump claims its really like $7000 including the tax cut. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Sep 2, 2019 ~ Ted Cruz says 'Gun control doesn't work. Look at Chicago' Mayor Lori Lightfoot says '60% of illegal firearms recovered in Chicago come from outside IL - mostly from states dominated by coward Republicans'. Silly. Most of those are like 1-3% and have far less violence than Chicago [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 2, 2019 ~ Afghan man stabbed two American tourists in Holland. He said he 'came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet.' Said he was 'planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted.' Was 2015 asylum seeker. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Antifa attacks peaceful marchers & police in the Straight Pride Parade. 36 arrests, 9 officers assaulted, 4 were injured. AOC and other dems contribute to their bail fund. AOC falsely calls it a 'white supremacist parade'. Pressley, 'protesting a racist, fascist, demonstration.' [Antifa, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Antifa attacks peaceful marchers & police in the Straight Pride Parade. Justify by saying, 'They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?' 'We're covered in black so when we attack these guys we can't be prosecuted' Dems have their backs with bail fund. [Antifa, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Holocaust Denial, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ The 'radical feminist' Women's Liberation Front filed amici brief with the Supreme Court saying "Legally redefining 'female' as anyone who claims to be female results in the erasure of female people as a class... sex-based protections in the law have no meaning whatsoever." [Trans, Gender]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Vijay Jayaraj, NOAA data back to 1851 shows 'there has been a 50% reduction in the number of major hurricanes making landfall in the United States since the 1930s.' 'Hurricane intensity shows no sign of increase in the past 90 years.... slight decrease between 1930 and 2018.' [Climate Change]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz said Roe V. Wade motivated Ford to testify against Kavanaugh. 'he will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade? that is part of what motivated Christine.' [Kavanaugh]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Ben Penn of Bloomberg Law falsely smears Trump Labor Department's new senior adviser Leif Olson as an anti-Semite. Pats himself on the back for forcing his resignation. So breathtaking was the dishonesty that left and right rallied around Olson and got him reinstated. No apology. [Silencing, Cancel Culture, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'one of the reasons why President Trump is president is because everybody who happens to be even slightly right-of-center is tired, sick of being labeled a white supremacist. They're tired of being labeled racist... simply because they disagree with Nancy Pelosi.' [Fake Racism, Ben Shapiro]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Jenny Beth Martin, 'Ajit Pai's FCC Is Model of Government Reform' Pai stood strong against hysterical liberals that said ending net neutrality would be the destruction of the internet. Internet speeds up 40%, all time high, lower prices and more people have broadband access. [Trump Win, Net Neutrality]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ Quinn Chasan, Head of Customer Analytics, Google Cloud, U.S. Government pours water over pro life activist chalk drawings, takes his bag of chalk, throws chalk, punches pro-life activist repeatedly, knocks him to the ground. Violence against pro-life activists becoming common. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ A Starbucks barista is accused of Islamophobia for spelling Aziz as 'Isis' on the coffee cup. Aziz is pronounced ah-zeez. It is unlikely in the extreme that the barista was misspelling the name on purpose. But of course it's a national story covered even by the Washington Post. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Five Things They Don't Tell You about Slavery', 'Through much of human history, slavery was ubiquitous and unquestioned' All races have been masters and slaves. 95% of the African slave trade went south of the United States, Entire operation in Africa run by Africans [Slavery, Rich Lowry]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ The blacklisting continues. Democrats creating 'a database of Trump-supporter owned businesses in the Pittsburgh area, as well as tips for how to get those specific businesses closed down.' This is way beyond a 'boycott'. Targets small business to be 'closed down.' [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ Debra Messing explains why she wants public lists of Trump supporters. 'I have the right to not go see (pay for) a movie with someone supporting babies in cages.' Nobody supports babies in cages! Used to be 'kids', now its 'babies'. Outrage persists from many Obama era pictures. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Jim Carrey insanely says that Mitch McConnell is worse than Osama Bin Laden. '10,000 gun deaths in 2019 and the year is far from over. What Osama bin Laden did to us was terrible but he doesn't hold a candle to Mitch McConnell' McConnell is not responsible for any of these deaths [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Howard University Professor Ivory A. Toldson says 'the most frequently quoted statistic about black men' is a false assertion made by President Obama, 'more young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America.' Obama's claim got 4 Pinocchios. [Fake News, Race]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ A Finnish politician is accused of a 'Hate Crime' for sharing a Bible verse on Facebook. Police are investigating. Could face charges. Precisely why the US cannot outlaw 'hate speech'. Hate speech cannot really be defined so anyone can be a criminal if someone hates what you say. [Silencing, Fake Hate Crime, Cancel Culture]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Tim Pool podcast titled 'Far Left Cancel Culture is Creating Secret Trump Supporters'. Many people 'are scared to say they support the President because they could lose their jobs or be blacklisted'. 73% of college GOP withhold their views in class. Secret voters favor Trump 2:1 [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Dems say the Odessa shooter proves universal background checks would have saved lives because killer bought the gun in a 'private sale'. But the seller was illegally making and selling guns. Both of them already breaking many laws but dems think they would follow yet another law. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Bill De Blasio who previously blamed dozens of anti-Semitic attacks by non-white people on 'white supremacy' continues to lie. 'The ideological movement that is anti-Semitic is the right-wing movement.' Very few IF ANY of these attacks which have continued are from the right-wing [Fake Racism, Anti-Semitism, Violent Left]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Dems, MSM obsessed for days with something they call Sharpigate. Trump included Alabama in list of states 'likely' to be hit. CNN which most heavily criticized Trump for this ALSO had Alabama in 'states that are under threat' list before they mislabeled Alabama. NOAA backs Trump [TDS, Fake News]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Randolf and Diana Scott forced to put away their Besty Ross American Flag or be kicked out of Major League Soccer game. Told 'the Colonial flag has been adopted as a symbol for hate groups' which is untrue but even if it were, should we allow a hate group to own our original flag [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Actor Isaiah Washington explains that walking away from the democratic party is risky. 'You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people, but they are terrified to... say anything that's not in line with the Democratic Party' [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ David Harsanyi on the futility of the 'Assault Weapons' ban or 'buyback being proposed by some of the dems. '7,032 murders with handguns, and 403 by rifles of any kind, not only assault weapons.' The ban would have no effect as has already been proven with the last ban. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Natalie Wynn, transgender YouTube star tries to explain to the twitter mob that going around announcing pronouns makes some trans people uncomfortable. Everyone doing only cause they are there but she is just trying to blend in. Mob not having it. Wynn has to delete her account. [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Black unemployment rate continues to set new record lows. Falls from 6% to 5.5% which is the lowest ever recorded in August. Furthermore, the gap between black and white unemployment is also the smallest gap ever recorded. [Trump Win, Economy]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ A widely quoted study which claimed that hate crimes tended to spike in areas following Trump rallies has been debunked by Harvard PhD students. Study failed to control for population size. 0 effect when properly controlled. In fact even greater spike following Clinton rallies! [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Mary Grabar's new book, 'Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation against America' Grabar exposes 'A People's History of the United States' as being not just unscholarly but full of distortions and lies. Discredits Zinn's main sources. [Fake News]
Sep 7, 2019 ~ David Hogg cites 'White Supremacy' as a cause of gun violence because the left must use the phrase 'white supremacy' at least every 5 minutes. In reality, white supremacy accounts for 0.05% of gun violence in America. He also says the Battle of Wounded Knee is possibly relevant. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Sep 7, 2019 ~ Beto O'Rourke said that the El Paso shooter who killed 22 people, did so 'at the invitation of our president'. And therefore, by the way, if you vote for Trump, YOU support mass shootings too! So vote for dems and they won't call you baby killers. Loathsome political tactics. [TDS, Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left]
Sep 8, 2019 ~ The cancel culture Twitter mob is out to get Gillian Anderson who is 'excited' to play Margaret Thatcher in an upcoming Netflix series. Comparisons to Hitler, 'she's playing a literal f***ing monster' 'Thatcher was a monster and war criminal... death squads... racism' Vile people [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Eric Cervone laments how civil debate is no longer possible thanks to the left.' I had regular, vociferous debates with several of my teachers' 'Today, however, it seems that all it takes is a minor policy disagreement before epithets are thrown and calls for silencing are made' [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ As fake story after fake story falls apart, Dems move on to the next one which claims the military stays at Trump resorts in Scotland so Trump, the billionaire can make money. Military responds with room rates, distances from airport, etc. to prove everything is on the up and up. [Fake News]

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