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Sep 9, 2019 ~ Byron York thoroughly debunks the fake story about Air Force staying Trump hotel in Scotland to 'line the president's pockets'. Nothing Politico and Maddow reported turned out to be true. Most importantly, the contracts for those trips were signed under the Obama administration. [Fake News]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Biden insanely promises 'I guarantee, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels'. Fossil fuels have enabled everything in the modern world. There ARE NO realistic alternatives. The benefits outweigh the harm by about a million to one even under worst case predictions. [Climate Change, Energy, Biden]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ General Jim Mattis says NATO has gotten stronger under Trump. 'NATO is actually stronger today.' Says Trump in line with other Presidents on NATO paying more 'President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, all saying the same thing President Trump is. You've got to pay more' [Trump Win, Nato]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Louisiana GOP Congressman Ralph Abraham says 'And as a doctor, I can assure you there are only two genders.' MSNBC describes that as 'making incendiary comments about gender' Facebook says there are 71 genders. Tumblr says there are 112. The higher the number the less incendiary. [Trans]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ John Oliver says on his television show 'Ted Cruz can suck my balls.' Stephen Colbert is obviously a role model for Oliver. Colbert has previously called Trump's mouth 'Vladimir Putin's cock holster.' Samantha Bee doing her best to keep up has called Ivanka Trump a 'cunt' on TV. [Loathsome Left]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Some parents at Tatum ISD in Tyler TX are outraged at what they call a 'racist' dress code. 'No ponytails, ducktails, rat-tails, male buns'. No racial discrimination. Turns out they just wanted no rules 'hair has nothing to do with learning' 'I teach him to be his own individual' [Fake Racism]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Prager Equation, 'GI - W = E. Good Intentions minus Wisdom leads to Evil.' Many on the left have good intentions but lack the wisdom to properly weigh the pros vs. cons of the unintended consequences. Ironically, they believe 'only bad human beings could possibly oppose them.' [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Derek Hunter, 'There Are No Rules For Democrats'. Democrat asks Kamala Harris, 'What are you going to do in the next one year to diminish the mentally retarded action of this guy?' She laughs and says 'Well said, well said'. Imagine if Trump said 'well said' in that situation! [Derek Hunter, Harris, Politics]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Climatologist and hurricane expert Dr. Judith Curry says, 'sensationalized news coverage' uses 'activist climate scientists' to 'overhype' a 'low confidence' connection. Of the 13 strongest US hurricanes, only 3 since 1970 and 4 including the strongest in 1935 were in cool water. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Valerie Plame opens her congressional campaign with tremendous lies. 'Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff took revenge against my husband and leaked my identity. His name, Scooter Libby' 'My own government betrayed me' as she shows Bush and Cheney's picture. ALL FALSE! Bush's witch hunt [Politics, Fake News, Witch Hunt]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Valerie Plame who tweeted in 2017 'America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars' lied about who leaked her identity. Patrick Fitzgerald led the Witch Hunt into Plame's outing. He very quickly knew the inadvertent leaker was Richard Armitage. Nothing to do with Bush, Cheney, Libby. [Politics, Fake News, Witch Hunt, Anti-Semitism]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Valerie Plame's campaign ad claim that Scooter Libby leaked her husband's name is given 'Three Pinocchios' by The Washington Post. The Post also notes that the ad 'strongly suggesting' that she was undercover in 'Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and North Korea' was also false. [Politics, Fake News, Witch Hunt, Anti-Semitism]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Another CNN fake 'bombshell'. Says the CIA had to extract a Russian spy because Trump 'repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence' which exposed a 'covert source as a spy' Debunked by NYT. CIA, says 'simply false'. Decision to extract spy was made during Obama administration. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ One America News Network files a $10 million defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow and MSNBC. Maddow said on her show OAN 'really literally is paid Russian propaganda.' OAN says Maddow 'knew this statement was false and that they acted maliciously and recklessly in making it.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ CNN Brian Stelter tried to say Trump was lying about the weather. 'Trump just said there are people in line for his rally and they are soaking wet' 'it is 88 and sunny here in Fayetteville. It has not rained here today.' Heat indexes in the 90s. Waiting outside hours, sweating. [TDS, Fake News]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to designate the NRA a 'domestic terrorist organization'. French, 'By labeling law-abiding political opponents criminal and enforcing state sanctions on that basis, San Francisco is taking the path of the banana republic.' [Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Sheriff David Clarke blasts new CA law saying police force has to be found 'necessary' vs. old standard of reasonable fear of imminent danger. Clarke reminds that every year officers are killed by 'unarmed' suspects who get the officer's gun. Many say unarmed implies unnecessary. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Police, California]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ MSNBC Lester Holt and guest John Legend air special on prison reform. Trump gets upset they don't mention how he championed and passed First Step. 'I SIGNED IT INTO LAW, no one else did, & Republicans deserve much credit.' MSNBC praises people that had 'nothing to do with it.' [Fake News, First Step]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ National Book Award finalist Rebecca Makkai says people should stop wearing MAGA hat AND also 'any kind of red baseball cap' because those hats are 'making people scared' The irony is that her side beats up people in those hats almost daily. They are the ones who should be scared [TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino confirm with multiple witnesses that Christine Blasey Ford's father Ralph Blasey told Brett Kavanaugh's father Ed Kavanaugh that 'I'm glad Brett was confirmed'. Ralph Blasey couldn't possibly believe his daughter's story and say that. [Kavanaugh]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump's 150th judicial nominee. Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham called this a 'historic milestone'. Fulfilling 'campaign promise to remake the federal bench with a conservative bent.' says Washington Times [Trump Win]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Marianne Williamson caught on a hot mic discovering the left is the hateful, intolerant side. 'What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me?' So many in #WalkAway have found the same things. [Loathsome Left, #WalkAway]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Walter Williams warns U. of Washington Professor Asao Inoue ideas catching on. Inoue says in order to combat 'White language supremacy' 'We must rethink how we assess writing.' 'calculate course grades by labor completed and dispense almost completely with judgments of quality.' [Fake Racism, College, Walter Williams]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Star Parker article, 'Black Americans Are Doing Great Under Trump' It goes far beyond the record low African American unemployment rate and the record low black/white employment gap. There are '1.3 million more black Americans now working' than were under Obama. [Trump Win, Economy, Race]
Sep 12, 2019 ~ Robert VerBruggen, 'Do Guns Help People Defend Themselves?' Guns used far more frequently to defend life than take life so gun ban would cost net lives. Many analyses found over 2 million DGU, Defensive Gun Uses per year. Even lowest estimates several times higher than murders. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 12, 2019 ~ The Supreme Court issued an order ending all injunctions that had blocked the White House's ban on asylum for anyone trying to enter the U.S. by traveling through a third country, such as Mexico, without seeking protection there. Big step in curbing the rampant 'asylum abuse'. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 12, 2019 ~ U.S. News President Trump has increased 'federal funding for HBCUs has increased by more than $100 million over the last two years, a 17% increase since 2017.' Trump, 'In my first weeks in office, I took action to make HBCUs a top priority once again.' [Trump Win, Race]
Sep 12, 2019 ~ Martha Waggoner article about the death of Avery Scurlock. 'He was young and black in a society where those qualities could make him vulnerable.' 'When transphobia mixes with misogyny and systemic racism, it can often have deadly consequences'. Shot by a black man during robbery. [Trans, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Vijay Jayaraj demonstrates how the media hypes record highs and ignores at least as many record lows to push a 'climate doomsday' narrative. They 'intentionally choose not to report the regular occurrence of cold weather events and below average temperatures.' 'cherry picking' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Cambodian GOP candidate Elizabeth Heng made an ad asking if AOC knew the horrors socialism led to. AOC's picture burned revealing images of Cambodian killing fields behind. AOC interprets it as 'GOP's white supremacist case.' The Cambodian woman is a white supremacist says AOC [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Deficit exceeds $1 Trillion dollars. Highest in 7 years. Dems blame on the tax cuts but tax revenues are actually up since the tax cuts. The unsustainable spending must be reduced. But all dem campaign promises would lead to much higher spending. The opposite of what's needed. [Deficit, Debt]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren insanely promises 'On my first day as president, I will sign an executive order that puts a total moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands. And I will ban fracking everywhere.' Goodbye to our newfound energy independence [Climate Change, Politics, Energy]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Beto continues to push the ridiculous smear that Trump is responsible for the El Paso shooter. Beto said the shooter 'inspired to kill by our president.' Beto previously claimed that the killer acted 'at the invitation of our president'. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Trump economy rolls on strongly. Reuters, 'U.S. retail sales increased more than expected in August, pointing to solid consumer spending that should continue to support a moderate pace of economic growth.' Fed chair and other economists see no recession coming soon. [Trump Win, Economy]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Another unhinged democrat screams at conservative Marilyn Synek of the Nebraska Family Alliance. 'You are fucking bigoted trash, and we do not want you in our restaurant, so get out and don't come back! If you do try to come back we will all refuse any service to you.' Too common [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Trump agreements and tariff threats have greatly reduced illegal immigration by gaining Guatemala's and Mexico's cooperation. Apprehensions are down 62% since the peak in May. Mexico deployed its National Guard, installed new checkpoints and conducted raids to avoid new tariffs. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ U.S. Border Patrol have arrested almost 1000 gang members this year trying to sneak in including 445 from MS-13. Trump is keeping his promise to MS-13, 'We will find you, we will arrest you, we will jail you, we will throw you the hell out of the country.' Dems want to abolish. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ The Trump economy continues to produce impressive stats. U.S. Census data shows the poverty rate is at 11.8%, the lowest since 2001. 1.4 million less people in poverty vs. 2017. 2.3 million more full time workers since 2017. 6.3 million people off food stamps since 2017. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Beto proves that mainstream democrats really do want to take away guns from law abiding citizens. Beto proudly exclaims 'Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15!' Other dems use the euphemism 'mandatory gun buyback'. No one believes AR-15 is the only gun they will confiscate. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Jonathan S. Tobin, 'Trump's starting to win big on controlling the southern border'. Trump was mocked when he said Mexico would pay for the wall but he has gotten Mexico to devote significant resources to reducing illegal immigration. '21,600 police and troops', more checkpoints. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ AOC says 'Miami not existing in a few years.' is a real possibility if we are not 'realistic about the problem.' So many similar doomsday deadlines have come and gone over the decades. None have come true and neither will this one. [Climate Change, Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Andrew Sullivan article, 'The New York Times Has Abandoned Liberalism for Activism' Sullivan mocks the Times for claiming that 'it is finally time to tell our story truthfully,' as if all previous histories told by actual historians, rather than 'neo-Marxist' have been dishonest. [Fake News]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Former NFL player Edawn Coughman caught staging another fake hate crime designed to smear Trump supporters. Vandalized his own restaurants. Graffiti written include 'MAGA', N-word, 'Monkey' and swastikas. Police quickly solved before celebs and politicians could demand justice! [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Joe Biden said, 'Nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime.' Mysteriously following that statement were several large contributions to the Biden campaign from the Bernie Madoff family. [Politics, Biden]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ New York Times reporters write book that alleges a new Kavanaugh accusation. Someone claims Clinton lawyer Max Stier claims he saw Kavanugh's friends push his penis in a student's hand 35 years ago. The student says she has no idea what Stier's talking about and Stier not talking [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ New York Times initially tried to leave out the fact that the alleged new Kavanaugh victim does not recall any such incident. Trashed as biased, fake news from all sides. Forced to add that significant fact as a next day 'correction', thereby destroying their entire initial story [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Brit Hume, 'a second-hand account from a witness that the authors did not speak to and who is not speaking... On top of that, you have the fact the woman herself is not talking and she has told friends that she doesn't remember this. This is nowhere near publishable.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Molly Hemingway catches the NYT authors in a second falsehood. 'The people who allegedly witnessed the event, Kavanaugh's friends? have kept mum about it.' No, they said things like 'I don't think Brett would flash himself' & 'we would have seen or heard about it, and we did not' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Democratic Presidential Candidates, other democrats and celebs immediately call for Kavanaugh to be impeached or to step down over the latest smear against him. Don't care that the alleged victim does not even allege that it happened. Entire party is disgraceful and irredeemable. [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Leland Keyser, the high school friend of Christine Blasey Ford who says Keyser was present at her assault previously said she doesn't know Kavanaugh and does not remember any such party. Now says, 'I don't have any confidence in the story,' and 'it just didn't make any sense.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]

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