Sep 30, 2019 ~ President Trump touts more job expansion in America. 'BIG NEWS by @Hyundai, @Kia, and @Aptiv on a 4 BILLION DOLLAR joint venture to develop autonomous driving technologies in the USA. That's a lot of $$ and JOBS! Great jobs coming back to America!!' [Trump Win, Economy] Sep 30, 2019 ~ Trans Cycling 'Champion' Rachel McKinnon declares that 'Genital preferences are transphobic.' and furthermore, 'Any sexual orientation other than pan is immoral because sexual genital preferences immoral'. All non bisexuals must be transphobic and immoral then. [Trans, LGBT, Gender] Sep 30, 2019 ~ #FakeNews @washingtonpost, 'To David Chang, the ‘ethnic’ food aisle is racist. Others say it’s convenient.' Totally deranged fantasy where supermarkets have an ethnic aisle because "They didn’t want the clientele in their stores. Or at least in the part of the store trafficked by white shoppers." [Fake News, Fake Racism] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Another fake hate crime. A black girl at Karen Pence's school said 3 white boys held her down, called her hair nappy, used racial slurs and cut her dread locks with a scissor. AGAIN, politicians and celebs fall for it. Jussie Smollett commented 'I bet they were wearing MAGA hats' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Wilfred Reilly of KSU, author of 'Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War' has documented MORE THAN 400 HATE CRIME HOAXES IN THE PAST 5 YEARS ALONE. 'most of the highly publicized hate crime incidents in the recent past have in fact turned out to be hoaxes' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Federal Judge rules in favor of Harvard and their current admission criteria. So its official. Asians have terrible personalities! Harvard would not lie in order to rig the system. Asians have the worst personalities. Black people have the best. White personalities are just 'ok'. [Affirmative Action, Race, College] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Under the Harvard admission system, it was found that 'an otherwise identical applicant' having a 25% chance of admission if Asian would have a 32% chance if white, a 77% chance if Hispanic, and a 95% chance if black. Harvard insists that is ALL based on personality, NOT race. [Affirmative Action, Race, College] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Roller Derby leagues in the UK, Canada and the US are starting to allow trans-women who have big speed and strength advantages. It's a rough sport. Many women are worrying for their safety. But those that speak out are called bigots and shamed. Seeing that, others choose silence. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Chicago police are ordered to not cooperate with ICE by Mayor Lightfoot. 'We will never, ever succumb to the racist, xenophobic rhetoric of ICE," Lightfoot said. "We will continue to ban ICE from having access to any CPD databases.' Dems say you're 'racist' if not open border. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration] Oct 1, 2019 ~ Joe Biden's claim that he never talked to Hunter about his work in Ukraine with Burisma is unravelling. 2014 photo surfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden posing with Burisma board member Devon Archer after golfing together. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Some UK rugby referees are quitting rather than see female players be injured by the bigger and stronger trans females who are now playing. 'being forced to prioritize hurt feelings over broken bones exposes me to personal litigation from female players who have been harmed.' [Trans, Trans Athletes] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Portland has banned urinals to eliminate 'arbitrary' gender differences. The gender denying democratic party's war on science and biology continues. Tammy Bruce compares, 'Donald Trump is delivering jobs, prosperity and the future. Democrats are delivering wet toilet seats.' [Trans, Gender, Anti-Science] Oct 2, 2019 ~ No attempt is being made to make the fake news even plausible anymore. The New York Times reports that Trump wanted to use a snake and alligator-filled moat on the border. Trump responds 'The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!' [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Trump wins court case against the state of California which passed a law that would keep his name off the ballot unless he released 5 years of tax returns. After doing everything they could to overturn result 2016 result, dems are trying to prevent Trump from running in 2020. [Trump Win, Taxes] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Biden's view in 1998. 'While the founders included impeachment powers in the Constitution, they were concerned by the potential partisan abuse. We should be no less aware of the dangers of partisanship... The process functions best when there is a broad bipartisan consensus' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden] Oct 2, 2019 ~ A Fairfax County VA police officer is suspended for calling ICE on an illegal immigrant wanted for being in the county illegally and failing to show up for his deportation hearing. The officer is reinstated after the suspension for upholding the law receives massive backlash. [Illegal Immigration, Police] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Natalia Mateo discovers that climate change is even more serious than alarmists warned. The media reports, 'The entire planet is warming at twice the rate as the rest of the planet.' Mateo documents news reports where 'experts' make that claim about regions all over the globe. [Climate Change, Fake News] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Charity game called The Blue Bowl to raise money for the families of fallen officers was cancelled by Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel because Trump supporters would be speaking at the event. Hagel demanded Republicans be silenced. Cancelled event when they were not. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Cancel Culture] Oct 2, 2019 ~ Adam Schiff gets Four Pinocchios from the Washington Post for claiming he and his office had not been in contact with the 'whistleblower'. 'This is flat-out false... Schiff simply says the committee had not spoken to the whistleblower. Now we know that's not true.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Pelosi lies claiming that Adam Schiff's fabricated Trump dialog to Ukraine was actually true. She said 'it's using the president's own words'. Stephanopoulos says 'But those weren't the president's words? They're saying he made this up.' Pelosi responds, 'He did not make it up.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib says that Detroit should not hire non-black facial recognition analysts because 'non-African Americans think African-Americans all look the same.' She then says its not racist to claim that an entire race of people are incapable of doing certain jobs correctly. [Racism, Tlaib] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Derek Hunter, 'How Real Corruption in DC Works'. Its gotten more sophisticated than 'direct cash payments' to politicians. Kids of politicians receiving 'Board seats and sweetheart "consulting" and lobbying contracts are the new bags of cash.' Hugh salaries, big loans, etc. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Derek Hunter, Biden] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Trump calls on China to also 'start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.' Hunter Biden's firm landed a $1.5 billion investment from banking entities connected with China's government while Joe was VP. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, China, Biden] Oct 3, 2019 ~ 4 killed in a knife attack on the Paris police headquarters. 3 officers killed and an administrative worker. The attacker converted to Islam 18 months prior to committing the attack. Attack was the fourth public Islamic stabbing incident in France in two years. [Islam, Terrorism] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Demi Lovato was excited to visit Israel and happily posted pictures of her experience. She had no idea so many on the anti-Semitic left would be upset by her trip. She needlessly apologizes for her trip. 'I'm sorry if I've hurt or offended anyone' 'Sorry I'm not more educated.' [Israel, Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Universal Studios fired an actor playing the Gru character for allegedly making a 'racist hand gesture' in a photo he took with a visiting family. The hand gesture was the OK symbol which the family claims is a symbol of 'white supremacy'. No, it means OK, or sometimes 3 points. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture] Oct 3, 2019 ~ Another democrat, David Jarvis, thinks its ok to take and destroy the signs of pro-life protesters. This time in Columbus, Ohio. Police question him and he admits, 'I pulled some signs down.' Jarvis charged with criminal damage/endangering. Dems shut down speech almost every day. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion] Oct 4, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'If you accept the premise that any information developed in a foreign country and used in American politics is election interference' Politico reported in 2017 Ukraine govt officials "helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers."' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Rich Lowry, Hillary] Oct 5, 2019 ~ Trump says China also 'should start an investigation into the Bidens' Marco Rubio says he's just trolling the press and dems. However The NY Post shows billions of dollars flowing from China to Hunter's companies. Asks was that 'to curry favor with his vice-president father'? [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, China, Biden] Oct 5, 2019 ~ Sky News, 'Hundreds of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex'. Many regret their decision but find no support. 'She said she felt shunned by the LGBT community for being a traitor.' Transition is always the only answer. 'I want there to be more options for us' [Trans] Oct 5, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA has its 2019 Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House. President Trump honors Ben Okereke, a legal immigrant from Cameroon. Okereke says 'Mr. President, we would like to thank you for everything that you've done for the African American community so far' [Immigration, Race, Trump Win] Oct 6, 2019 ~ Rudy Giuliani paraphrased, Why does the Biden family make big money wherever in the world Joe Biden is put politically in charge? Decades of examples. About 30 situations. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden] Oct 7, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is becoming known for fabricating her past. She is now telling a story of how she was fired for being pregnant. But she used to tell it differently and records say the board voted unanimously to extend her contract and her resignation was 'accepted with regret.' [Politics, Fake News] Oct 7, 2019 ~ Brody Wooddell 'Some girls are skipping school to avoid "period shame" in gender neutral bathrooms' 'Some girls say they are so fearful that they have stopped drinking liquids at school in order to avoid using the bathroom' 'girls not feeling safe enough to use mixed-sex toilets' [Trans] Oct 7, 2019 ~ AOC says we should abolish prisons entirely. 'we need to have a real conversation about decarceration & prison abolition in this country? A cage is a cage is a cage. And humans don't belong in them.' [Crime, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez] Oct 8, 2019 ~ Protesters shut down the Georgetown University speech of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan. Typical vile behavior of today's spoiled democrats who won't let anyone hear a opposing point of view. Constant interrupting and chanting until speaker is silenced. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College] Oct 8, 2019 ~ FaceBook gets it right saying they will not fact check political speech. Only democrats want 'a self-appointed referee for everything that politicians say' 'our job is to make sure the court is ready, the surface is flat, the lines painted, the net at the correct height.' Obvi. [Politics, Silencing, Free Speech] Oct 8, 2019 ~ DC City Council abolishes Columbus Day. 'After 5 years, the Council has approved emergency legislation renaming Columbus Day as #IndigenousPeoplesDay.' Its an 'emergency' until we can cancel honoring a man who changed the world. [Cancel Culture, Political Correctness] Oct 8, 2019 ~ Natasha Chart of insists 'a man can never be a woman'. Objects to 'gender transition treatments' that 'leave children sterile for life at ages where they can't possibly consent to such permanent decisions.' Objects to men being in all women's spaces now. [Trans, LGBT] Oct 9, 2019 ~ Pelosi defies precedent and refuses to hold Impeachment Inquiry vote. Just declares it happening. Then Schiff conducts the inquiry in secret. Trump administration defies subpoenas under these conditions. Dems outraged though they applauded Eric Holder defying similar 'fishing'. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt] Oct 9, 2019 ~ Ronan Farrow's new book reveals that 'Weinstein also attempted to leverage his long-term relationship with Hillary Clinton to pressure Farrow' into not doing the expose on Weinstein. Clinton would not do an interview with Farrow because Weinstein story is a 'concern for us.' [Me Too] Oct 9, 2019 ~ Tony Heller releases stunning video exposing how many well known climate graphs that show alarming trends in everything from heat waves, sea level, wild fires, arctic sea ice show that only because of carefully chosen starting dates. Effects DISAPPEAR with earlier starting dates. [Climate Change] Oct 10, 2019 ~ Zelensky reiterated, 'There was no blackmail.' regarding call with Trump. 'I had no idea the military aid was held up. When I did find out, I raised it with Pence at a meeting in Warsaw. I told him please help to resolve it. And after our meeting America unblocked the aid.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt] Oct 10, 2019 ~ Ellen DeGeneres is photographed laughing with George W. Bush. She gets slammed by the left. Forced to explain. 'I'm friends with George Bush. I'm friends with a lot of people who don't share the same beliefs that I have.' Many appreciate this but many on the left don't like it. [Cancel Culture] Oct 10, 2019 ~ Mark Ruffalo and Susan Sarandon say Ellen doesn't get that Bush was 'accused' of being 'a war criminal'. Every president has been so accused. Obama executed American citizens by drones. Neither actor have been responsible for 300 million people after 3000 were killed in one day. [Cancel Culture] Oct 10, 2019 ~ Michael Strain debunks fake NYT article titled 'The rich really do pay lower taxes than you' The lowest 20% of households pay an avg federal rate of 2%. The mid 20% pay 14%. The top 20% pay 27%. The top 1% pay 33%. If you include transfer payments, rate of the bottom 20% is -70%. [Fake News, Economics, Taxes] Oct 10, 2019 ~ The University of Sheffield holds a focus group on 'anti-racism' but ironically banned an entire race of people from the event. 'Please note that these sessions are only open to black and minority ethnic (BME) students'. This is the modern left. Being racist to 'fight racism'. [Racism, College] Oct 10, 2019 ~ Bizarre story where NBA basketball players and coaches often critical of the US, support China in its conflict with Hong Kong. NBA bans people and players from supporting Hong Kong's fight for freedom. Jason Whitlock explains it might have something to do with shoe company deals. [Politics, China, Hong Kong] Tag Cloud
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