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Jan 1, 2020 ~ Trump signs the Pallone-Thune TRACED Act. 'This historic legislation will provide American consumers with even greater protection against annoying unsolicited robocalls? stiffen penalties, increase transparency, and enhance government collaboration to stop unwanted solicitation.' [Trump Win, Regulations]
Jan 2, 2020 ~ Biden's new ad includes the 'Charlottesville Lie'. He continues to imply that Trump called white supremacists and neo nazis 'very fine people'. This has been debunked many times but its Dem Party canon. Trump condemned those people repeatedly and excluded them from the comment. [Fake Racism, Politics, Biden]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ Schumer says 'Never in the history of our country has there been an impeachment trial of the president in which the Senate was denied the ability to hear from witnesses.' Totally false. That is exactly how Clinton's impeachment was run and Schumer helped create that precedent. [Impeachment]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ Another knife attack in London. Stabbed 3, killed 1. Injured two police officers. Shouted 'Allahu akbar'. Killed by police. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ U.S. drone strike takes out Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qasem Soleimani in Iraq. Soleimani was behind the recent attacks on the US Embassy and airbase that killed an American. U.S. had intel that he was planning more U.S. Embassy attacks. [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ Democrats all say killing Soleimani was the wrong thing to do as they have to condemn everything Trump does. Soleimani led militias targeted and killed over 600 Americans and many thousands of other people. He was arguably the worlds biggest terrorist now that al Baghdadi is dead [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq, Terrorism]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Joe Lieberman 'There should have been nothing controversial in the killing of Soleimani.' 'extreme partisanship' 'Responsible for the deaths of 100s of Americans and 1000s of others' 'Whatever Donald Trump does, democrats will oppose. That's the suspension of rational thinking.' [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq, TDS]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Dems claim Trump should have gotten Congressional approval for the strike on Soleimani and should have informed Iraq. Double standard because Obama did not get Congressional approval for bin Laden or inform Pakistan. Would have jeopardized and this was not going to war either. [Iran, Iraq]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz, Soleimani 'was a combatant... a uniformed member of an enemy military who was actively planning to kill Americans... It was legally justified and I think we should applaud the president for his decision.' 'entitled to take preventative actions to save' Americans. [Iran, Iraq]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Rose McGowan, 'Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us.' Someone please help her. [Iran, Iraq, TDS]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Colin Kaepernick, makes the ridiculous claim that Soleimani was killed because of the color of his skin. 'America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad.' Soleimani killed many thousands of black and brown people but WE'RE the problem. [Iran, Iraq, Fake Racism]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Michael Moore apologizes to the 'Death to America' Ayatollah of Iran and calls him 'Sir', while addressing our own President with profane epithets. 'Sir, I deeply regret the violence on our behalf by a man that most Americans have never voted for.' Dems side with Iran over the US [Iran, Iraq, Loathsome Left]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Ilhan Omar on the Iran situation. 'Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses... Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.' [Iran, Iraq, TDS, Omar]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Catholic News Service reports that Islamic Boko Haram beheaded a Christian bride-to-be and her entire bridal party in Nigeria. This was on the same day that they released a video of 11 aid workers being killed, 10 by beheading. 'This message is to the Christians in the world.' [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 5, 2020 ~ Darcy Meyers CO2 'will keep increasing, and climate hysterics won't stop it' In 'last 100 years, climate-related deaths have decreased 95% while the global population quadrupled.' '1 billion people have risen from extreme poverty in just the last 20 years' Thanks to fossil fuels! [Climate Change, Energy]
Jan 5, 2020 ~ Islamic Terrorist Organization Al-Shabab Attacks Joint U.S.-Kenyan Base destroying a few planes and helicopters. One U.S. service member and two American DoD contractors were killed. 5 terrorists were killed. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jan 6, 2020 ~ Young voter calls Biden on what PolitiFact called 'Lie of the year'. Obama said 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan' and plans would be 'cheaper' but the voter said his dad's heath insurance cost doubled after Obamacare. Biden said 'no one did understand Obamacare.' [Biden, Health Care, Obamacare, Politics]
Jan 6, 2020 ~ President Trump emphasizes that protesters at the Capitol protest peacefully. "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" []
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Newsweek Hits a New Low' They run a smear article titled '"Conservative Radio Host Ridicules Anne Frank: 'I Don't Get My Wisdom From Teenagers.'" Prager says, 'Only someone who deliberately seeks to smear someone would claim that what I said ridicules Anne Frank.' [Fake News, Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Steele Dossier Bacillus', Hanson says the reputations of everyone involved with the Dossier have taken a huge hit. Maddow, Comey, Steele, Clapper, Brennan, the FBI, the FISA Court, Hillary Clinton, Schiff. ' the dossier was bogus' 'was proved fanciful' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ The alarmist narrative is that climate change is to blame for the wildfires in Australia. However according to The Australian, 'Police arrested 183 people for lighting bushfires across Queensland' 24 were deliberately lighting fires. Fires also fueled by poor forest management. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Iran responds to killing of Soleimani by launching missiles at 2 bases in Iraq. Response was seen as a 'face saving' stand down as they warned it was coming through back channels and did minimal damage. Trump shows how action instead of appeasement minimizes American lives lost. [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ MSNBC spreads fake news about the Iran attack reporting that 'Iran State Media is claiming that 30 U.S. soldiers have been killed in this attack'. The actual number was 0. MSNBC which doesn't like being called 'Fake News' spreads unverified Iranian State Media propaganda. [Fake News, Iran]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Iran accidentally shot down a UIA airliner killing all 176 on board. They apparently mistook the plane as a threat during their own missile attack. Many dems blame Trump for this as if he shouldn't defend our embassies against terrorists that are actively attacking them. [Iran, TDS]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Up to 1000 Iranians take to the streets in Iran to protest their government for shooting down the airliner and demand regime change. Trump tweets support 'To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran.. continue to stand with you.' Sets a record for the most liked Persian tweet. [Trump Win, Iran]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ University of New Hampshire professor Chanda Prescod-Weinstein says the anti-Semitic attacks by black people are white people's fault. 'if any Black people have developed antisemitic views it is under the influence of white gentiles' Asking black leaders to speak out is 'racist'. [Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, College]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ George Lopez again references killing President Trump. After hearing that Iran offered $80 million to kill Trump, Lopez said 'We'll do it for half.' Lopez has previously tweeted out a picture of Trump's severed head being held up dripping with blood. [TDS, Violent Left, Iran]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Larry Elder column, 'The Great Recession: 'Reparations' Gone Bad'. Elder reminds us that it was false charges of racism that led to forcing banks via the CRA to lend to people of color who otherwise wouldn't qualify. Banks were discriminating on credit score and income, not race. [Larry Elder, Fake Racism, Economy]
Jan 8, 2020 ~ CNN settles its lawsuit with Nick Sandmann. 'CNN brought down the full force of its corporate power, influence, and wealth on Nicholas by falsely attacking, vilifying, and bullying him despite the fact that he was a minor child' CNN's pushed fake narrative Sandmann was a racist. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Covington]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Glacier National Park is in the process of replacing signs saying that the glaciers would disappear by the year 2020. 'The signs were posted in the Montana park a decade ago because, at the time, climate change forecasts predicted the glaciers would be completely melted by 2020.' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Robyn Dolgin, "Shoving 'Transgender Regret' Back in the Closet". Thousands of transitioners have come to regret their decision and are trying to speak out but the trans community is not very accepting of their message. Information and support at https://sexchangeregret.com/ [Trans, Silencing]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Jillian Michaels accused of being 'fat phobic' Lizzo for saying being that overweight has many health risks. She is of course also called racist because Lizzo is black. 'this is about humiliating and shaming bodies that are not white and thin.' Now health facts are fat shaming. [Fake Racism, Political Correctness]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Trump is streamlining the National Environmental Policy Act which has allowed activists to tie up projects for years. The new rules can cut 10 years of red tape to under 2 years. Terry O'Sullivan, pres of Laborers' International Union says the 'NEPA reforms are a welcome change'. [Trump Win, Environment]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Kristen Waggoner "J.K. Rowling 'Controversy' Shows Women Have Most To Lose With Gender Identity Ideology" Debate about even obvious biological facts no longer possible. 'Shutting down honest conversations about sex and gender is an extremely detrimental form of "cancel culture"' [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jan 9, 2020 ~ Thanks to Trump immigration policies like 'remain in Mexico' and ending 'catch and release' and negotiation pressure with Mexico, migrant apprehensions at border have dropped for the seventh straight month. Down 75% from peak last year. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 10, 2020 ~ A record 158,803,000 Americans are employed; a 1.85M Year-to-Year Increase . CNSN News. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jan 10, 2020 ~ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decide to leave the Royal life. Some blame it on 'racist' treatment. 'Constant racist vitriolic abuse disguised as criticism' Piers Morgan, 'Gina, stop being so ridiculous. The criticism of Meghan Markle has nothing to do with her skin colour'. [Fake Racism]
Jan 10, 2020 ~ Department of Homeland Security has completed its investigation into the death of the seven-year-old Guatemalan child who died in US Border Patrol custody. Extremely sick when arrived. 'no misconduct or malfeasance on the part of DHS personnel' Wanda Sykes was sure it was racism. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 10, 2020 ~ Joseph Gobrick was arrested for child pornography. But its ok he says because he identifies as an 8 year old girl. 'I've always been an eight-year-old girl. And even my drawings and fantasies, I am always an eight-year-old girl.' Trans orthodoxy says you ARE what you identify as. [Trans]
Jan 11, 2020 ~ Stuart Reges, 'Demoted and Placed on Probation'. Reges, a popular computer science teacher at University of Washington has been placed on probation and stripped of teaching responsibilities. His article, 'Why Women Don't Code' argued that its their preference, not their ability. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Fake Sexism]
Jan 11, 2020 ~ FBI Director Chris Wray apologized to the FISA Court for how it handled the surveillance of Carter Page. 'The FBI has the utmost respect for this Court, and deeply regrets the errors and omissions identified by the Office of the Inspector General'. [Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Jan 11, 2020 ~ DHS announces first 100 miles of Trump's promised wall is complete, 'Today, as a milestone has been reached, a celebration is in order. Today I am proud to report that the Trump administration has now constructed 100 miles of new border wall system on the southern border.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 11, 2020 ~ Trump tweets in Persian, 'To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you.' The tweet sets a record for the most liked Persian tweet in the history of Twitter. [Trump Win, Iran]
Jan 12, 2020 ~ Insane democrats still pushing the Russia Hoax. Nancy Pelosi on This Week 'All roads lead to Putin & sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell, too. Why is he an accomplice to all of that?' She and other democrats need serious help. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Jan 12, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi thinks an accusation is the same thing as a guilty verdict. She says, 'This president is impeached for life? There is nothing the Senate can do to ever erase that.' She reveals that the whole point has been to smear him to hurt his election chances or just hatred. [Impeachment]
Jan 13, 2020 ~ Walt Heyer, 'In The Past 5 Years, The Transgender Explosion Has Wounded More And More People'. Became a trans-women, realized it was a mistake and transitioned back. Warns parents 'Gender clinics exclude any option except transgenderism.' Started sexchangeregret.com to support. [Trans, Silencing]
Jan 13, 2020 ~ Stanford Ph.D. student Jeffrey Chen in the Washington Post says that Star Wars music is racist. 'Williams's music associates the good guys with the grand orchestral style of the European Romantics while the themes for the bad guys are... Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern music.' [Fake Racism]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Warren says you're calling me a liar. Sanders says you're calling me a liar. Problem for Warren is that she has been caught lying several times and Bernie is on video saying a woman can win. [Politics, Fake Sexism, Sanders]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Recall, Sanders was against Kavanaugh's nomination saying 'Kavanaugh faced credible accusations'. Well, Sanders has just been credibly accused. By a female! Sorry, Bernie, case closed! [Politics, Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh, Sanders]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Newsweek Changed Its Article About Me. But ?' Prager is happy they corrected the main falsehoods about him but most original readers won't see the corrections and their fake news was reported by so many other news orgs and dem sites. 'Smears cannot be undone.' [Fake News, Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left]

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