Jan 11, 2019 ~ Jonathan S. Tobin, 'Opposing Honors for Angela Davis Isn't Racist' - Birmingham Civil Rights Institute decides not to give her a human rights award - Once on the FBI most wanted list for accessory to kidnapping and murder, tyrant apologist and anti-Semite, BDS [Fake Racism, Anti-Semitism]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ The DNC and others drop partnerships with the Women's March over the group's anti-Semitism. The Women's March insists that it is still a welcoming and inclusive place for all pro-choice, non-white women who hate Trump... and Jews. [Anti-Semitism, Gender, Women's March]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Rep. Ilhan Omar D-MN said in 2016 'Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.' - This is a United States Congresswoman asking Allah to help out with 'evil' Israel. Democrats are openly anti-Semitic. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Omar]
Jan 22, 2019 ~ Linda Sarsour links to an article that says the Jewish community is waging a 'profound war on black people' Mercy Morganfield, former head of the Women's March D.C. chapter had enough, 'Linda Sarsour is an anti-Semite. She can't help it.' [Anti-Semitism, Women's March]
Feb 10, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar continues to spout anti-Semitic garbage as a US Congresswoman. She says that AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee owns American politicians with their Jewish money wink wink. 'It's all about the Benjamins baby' [Anti-Semitism, Omar]
Feb 10, 2019 ~ Tamika Mallory defends Illhan Omar's anti-Semitism using the 'Fake Racism Tweet Bot v2019'. The bot impressively fit 'white nationalism', 'racism', 'racist', 'white supremacists', 'racism', 'racism', and 'white supremacy' into just 5 tweets!! A significant upgrade from v2018. [Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Omar]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wrote An Op-Ed For Louis Farrakhan's Nation Of Islam Newsletter, 'Final Call' - The Democratic Party continues to be the party of Anti-Semitism. [Anti-Semitism, Tlaib, Islam]
Feb 15, 2019 ~ Anti-Semitic Incidents are up 73% in 2018 in France - Violent Anti-Semitic attacks are up 60% in Germany. Studies have shown Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are more than 50% Islamic and about 25% left wing. Only 5% right wing. [Anti-Semitism, Immigration]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ Dems can't pass resolution to rebuke Ilhan Omar's for several Anti-Semitic statements. Insanely say Trump is more anti-Semitic when he is pro-Israel and has Jewish grandkids. They pass a sham resolution condemning all hate; 'white supremacists', vs. 'Pacific Islanders' and 'Sikhs' [Anti-Semitism, Omar]
Mar 14, 2019 ~ Donald Trump Jr. defends Chelsea Clinton. 'It's sickening to see people blame @ChelseaClinton for the NZ attacks because she spoke out against anti-Semitism. We should all be condemning anti-Semitism & all forms of hate. Chelsea should be praised for speaking up.' [Guns-Mass Shootings, Islam, Racism, Terrorism, Anti-Semitism]
Apr 11, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar's co-headliner at a the CAIR fundraiser was a lawyer named Hassan Shibly who once tweeted, 'God as my witness, Israel & it's supporters are enemies of God and humanity!'. If rhetoric really can be an incitement to violence, would this not qualify? [Anti-Semitism, Omar]
Apr 27, 2019 ~ Anti-Semite commits mass shooting at California synagogue. 1 killed, 3 injured. Stopped by off duty border patrol agent with a gun. Shooter did not like Trump. Called him a 'Zionist, Jew-loving, anti-White, traitorous cocksucker'. Behar blames Trump anyway, 'you are the culprit'. [Violent Right, Anti-Semitism, TDS, Loathsome Left]
Apr 29, 2019 ~ New York Times runs blatantly anti-Semitic ad. Depicts historic anti-Jewish stereotyping, showing Jews as dogs but also that Jews are leading the world astray. Cartoon depicts Netanyahu as a dog leading blind Trump . [Anti-Semitism, Fake News]
May 1, 2019 ~ DePaul professor Dr. Jason Hill has been facing massive protests and death threats simply for his support of Israel on a college campus where the violent and anti-Semitic left reigns. He 'now needs security when he walks around campus.' 'It's an agenda to shut down free speech.' [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism, Silencing, College]
May 9, 2019 ~ There have been 'at least 2 dozen' very violent anti-Semitic attacks on a Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn in the last year. All or almost all of the perpetrators were black. None were white. Mayor de Blasio explains, 'It's really clear that forces of white supremacy have been unleashed.' [Anti-Semitism, Violent Left, Fake Racism]
May 12, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib tries to rewrite history. 'There's kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust' 'it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews... I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that'. No, they sided with Hitler [Tlaib, Anti-Semitism]
May 13, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib is criticized by historians for saying that Palestinians provided a safe haven for Jews after the Holocaust. She goes right to the race card claiming racists don't understand. 'talk like a fourth grader because maybe the racist idiots would understand you better' [Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
May 22, 2019 ~ Home grown New Jersey terrorist arrested by the FBI. Sent funds to Hamas, wanted to join Hamas. Spoke of bombing Israeli Embassy in NYC and Trump Tower. Spoke of becoming a 'lone wolf'. 'I want to shoot the pro-israel demonstrators'. Weapons found in his home at time of arrest. [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ CNN writer and photographer Mohammed Elshamy forced to resign after very anti-Semitic writings found. 'More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode.' A 14 year old girl was one of the dead. Another CNN employee Kareem Farid 'I love you Hitler' [Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ Democratic Virginia delegate Ibraheem Samirah disrupted a Trump speech to accuse Trump of 'racism and bigotry'. Ironically, he then had to apologize for several anti-Semitic tweets like saying donating money to Israel is like 'sending money to the KKK.' [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Fake Racism]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ The new smear. Every Trump donor is guilty of supporting 'racism' or 'white supremacy' and should be publicly shamed. Rashida Tlaib, 'They don't like it when you name their donors. The public needs to know who funds racism.' Does the public need to know who funds anti-Semitism? [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism]
Aug 15, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were denied entry into Israel due to their support for BDS. It is Israel's policy to bar BDS advocates but predictably the move is attributed to racism and/or because they are Muslim. Neither of those charges make any sense given Israel's population. [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News]
Aug 15, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar makes absurd claim that she was denied entry to Israel not because of BDS but because they are banning Muslims. 'Trump's Muslim ban is what Israel is implementing.' Trump never had a 'Muslim Ban' and neither does Israel. Israel has over 1 million Muslim citizens. [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News]
Aug 15, 2019 ~ Netanyahu explains why Omar and Tlaib who referred to Israel as 'Palestine' on their itinerary were blocked. 'objective is to strengthen the boycott against us and deny Israel's legitimacy' 'funding their trip is Miftah... who have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.' [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Aug 16, 2019 ~ David French: 'Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Partnered with Vicious Anti-Semites to Plan Their Trip to Israel'. Trip organized by Miftah. Miftah accused Jews of using 'the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover.', celebrates terrorists who have killed Jewish children, way more [Omar, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Aug 17, 2019 ~ Bill Maher trashes dems like Omar and Tlaib for supporting BDS. 'BDS is a bullshit purity test by people who want to appear woke and have actually slept through history class'. Reminds about all the terrorism. Tlaib suggests Maher be boycotted because he supports this 'apartheid' [Anti-Semitism, Omar, Tlaib, Cancel Culture]
Aug 17, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib both share a cartoon from anti-Semitic cartoonist Carlos Latuff. Latuff has made cartoons mocking Holocaust victims and comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. [Anti-Semitism, Omar, Tlaib]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ New York Times columnist Bari Weiss says it is a 'scandal' that Omar and Tlaib are not being called out by dems,MSM for their trip 'being sponsored by a group that literally published neo-Nazi blood libels and said that it supported female suicide bombers, hailing them as heroes' [Anti-Semitism, Omar, Tlaib, Fake News]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Palestinian terrorists detonate a bomb that kills a teenage girl and severely wounds her father and brother. Hamas praises the terrorists. Rashida Tlaib retweets a statement blaming 'the rightward drift of Israeli and US govts' for 'making the situation on the ground less safe'. [Israel, Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, Tlaib]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Scott Morefield, 'Lying Media, Trump Haters Twist President's Words To Try And Make AntiSemitic Label Stick' Trump said 'any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty'. Was not saying disloyalty to America. [Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Bill De Blasio who previously blamed dozens of anti-Semitic attacks by non-white people on 'white supremacy' continues to lie. 'The ideological movement that is anti-Semitic is the right-wing movement.' Very few IF ANY of these attacks which have continued are from the right-wing [Fake Racism, Anti-Semitism, Violent Left]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Valerie Plame who tweeted in 2017 'America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars' lied about who leaked her identity. Patrick Fitzgerald led the Witch Hunt into Plame's outing. He very quickly knew the inadvertent leaker was Richard Armitage. Nothing to do with Bush, Cheney, Libby. [Politics, Fake News, Witch Hunt, Anti-Semitism]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Valerie Plame's campaign ad claim that Scooter Libby leaked her husband's name is given 'Three Pinocchios' by The Washington Post. The Post also notes that the ad 'strongly suggesting' that she was undercover in 'Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and North Korea' was also false. [Politics, Fake News, Witch Hunt, Anti-Semitism]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ The Women's March cut ties with three of its co-founders: Linda Sarsour, Bob Bland, and Tamika Mallory over issues of anti-Semitism. They also dismissed Zhara Billoo who denounced 'all terrorism, including all that regularly committed by the US military and Al Qaeda, the Israeli Defense Forces and ISIS.' [Women's March, Anti-Semitism, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ New Jersey Democrat Kathy McBride used the phrase 'Jew her down'. Fellow Democrats Robin Vaughn and George Muschal say why the fuss? Vaughn, 'to Jew someone down is a verb'. Muschal, 'it's like a car dealer, they wanted $5,000, you Jew 'em down to $4,000'. So no biggie... [Anti-Semitism]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Demi Lovato was excited to visit Israel and happily posted pictures of her experience. She had no idea so many on the anti-Semitic left would be upset by her trip. She needlessly apologizes for her trip. 'I'm sorry if I've hurt or offended anyone' 'Sorry I'm not more educated.' [Israel, Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 11, 2019 ~ Apparently a single 22 yr old fool named Nick Fuentes who lives with his parents and leads a band of incels called Groypers proves the right is racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic and violent. They adopt the tactics of the left by shouting down speakers but the left owns that 1000:1 [Racism, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 14, 2019 ~ The DOE's Office for Civil Rights opened an investigation to determine whether several antisemitic incidents at NYU created a hostile environment for Jewish students. The NYU chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, SJP engaged in assaults and lit the Israeli flag on fire. [Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders recruits Linda Sarsour to campaign with him and she immediately starts spewing anti-Semitic hate. 'How can you be against white supremacy... but then you support a state like Israel, that is built on supremacy that is built on the idea that Jews are supreme?' [Israel, Anti-Semitism, Sanders]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Mass shooting in Jersey City Kosher Grocery. 6 dead including a police officer and the 2 shooters. Shooters were members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a racist, anti-Semitic black nationalist organization. Same racist, misogynistic anti-Indian group from the Covington incident. [Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, Covington]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Joy Behar blames 'white nationalists' and TRUMP for the Black Hebrew Israelite Anti-Semitic Jewish grocery shooting, 'these white nationalists have been let out of their holes? The liar in chief is the one who's spouting all of this stuff. He's the one? He's the worst one.' [Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, TDS, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib blames 'white supremacy' for the Black Hebrew Israelite Anti-Semitic Jewish grocery shooting, 'White supremacy kills.' Similar to Bill De Blasio who has blamed dozens of violent Anti-Semitic attacks in NYC on 'white supremacy', when none of the attackers were white. [Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, Tlaib, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Trump signs Executive Order to combat Anti-Semitism on college campuses. Alan Dershowitz says 'It is a game-changer, it will go down in history as one of the most important events in the 2000-year battle against antisemitism. You will be remembered by history for all time' for it [Trump Win, Anti-Semitism, College]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ New York Times lies about Trump's Anti-Semitism EO. 'President Trump will sign an executive order defining Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion'. The EO does no such thing but the fake news spreads far and wide and generates copious amounts of unhinged outrage. [Fake News, Anti-Semitism]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ For a textbook example of what Trump Derangement Syndrome looks like, freelance journalist Erin Biba regarding Trump's EO to combat anti-Semitism says 'This is antisemitic as fuck and absolutely horrifying in every possible way. Sounds like a good way to start deporting Jews!' [TDS, Anti-Semitism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Dec 14, 2019 ~ Caroline Glick, 'whereas white supremacists are political orphans, with no political party willing to embrace them, progressive, Islamist and black anti-Semites are deeply embedded in the political left.' 'Sanders and De Blasio cover for the black anti-Semites in Brooklyn.' [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism, Sanders]
Dec 16, 2019 ~ Trump signs Executive Order to combat Anti-Semitism on college campuses. Rabbi Aryeh Spero says 'Our gratitude goes out to President Trump, who has been, without doubt, the greatest friend Israel and the Jewish people have ever had among our presidents and among world leaders.' [Trump Win, Anti-Semitism, College]
Dec 29, 2019 ~ Grafton Thomas is arrested for attacking Jewish people at a Hanukkah party in New York with a machete. Perpetrator was black like the Jersey City attack and like dozens and dozens of attacks that have become routine in New York City. Dems continue to blame white people and Trump. [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Dec 29, 2019 ~ Many politicians blame Trump for the Hanukkah attack including Eric Swalwell, 'Anti-Semitism is on the rise in America. And it's being stoked by @realDonaldTrump who won't condemn it'. Trump immediately condemned these and other attacks but vile dems pretend he doesn't. [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]