Apr 7, 2018 ~ Joe Biden threatens Trump with violence - 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him' - Trump responds of course - 'Don't threaten people Joe!' [TDS, Violent Left, Biden]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, Democrats play fake race cards non-stop. Biden, 'They don't want black folks voting', 'He's going to put y'all back in chains' - Claire McCaskill, 'Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black.' Hillary too. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Joe Biden outrages his side by calling VP Pence 'a decent guy'. Most trot out the debunked idea that Pence supports gay conversion therapy. Biden didn't realize the era of honest disagreement is over. You must brand your opponents as evil for face the liberal mob. He apologized. [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is asked about Biden calling Pence 'a decent guy' for which he has apologized for. Warren says that 'No', Pence, a guy many think is 'too nice' for politics, is not a decent guy. She can't think of -anyone- decent in Trump admin. She's on board with the new rules [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ Joe Biden off to a rocky start on his Presidential run. Goes on an apology tour; apologizes for allowing Anita Hill to be interviewed by 'a bunch of white guys', apologizes for 'white man's culture' which has 'got to change'. Then gets accused by Lucy Flores of sexual assault. [Fake Racism, Me Too, Biden]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ Jonathan Tobin on 'Biden's Ridiculous Anita Hill Apology Tour'. Argues that Biden has nothing to apologize for with Thomas hearings. Biden was so hard on Thomas that Thomas called it a 'lynching'. But Biden gave Thomas some due process which is a modern dem party no no. [Fake Racism, Me Too, Due Process, Biden]
Mar 30, 2019 ~ People questioning the motives and timing of Biden's accuser. Mika Brzezinski, 'are we allowed to bring up that Lucy Flores is a huge Bernie person?' All it takes is an accusation to eliminate a candidate. Recall Kavanaugh was falsely accused by many people for political reasons. [Me Too, Kavanaugh, Sanders, Biden]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Biden trots out the 'repeatedly debunked' story that the 'rule of thumb' was a limit on wife beaters. False. Biden said 'This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture' that bizarrely has 'got to change' when even in his fake story it changed centuries ago. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Biden accuser Lucy Flores called a 'fraud' by Bernie staffer. 'someone who was racist, who also implemented retaliation' Has 'a long history of her picking the perfect timing quote, unquote on speaking on these issues'. Example of Me Too being weaponized for political reasons? [Me Too, Politics, Sanders, Biden]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Biden continues to malign GOP with fake claims of racism. '24 states introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to curtail the right the vote. mostly directed at people of color. You see it. We have Jim Crow sneaking back in.' Recall 'They're going to put y'all back in chains' quote [Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Biden announces he is running for president by exploiting the Charlottesville 'very fine people' hoax that has been debunked many times. Claimed he has to save America from Trump's white supremacy. Candice Owens 'I am SICK to my stomach that they are going to try to use us AGAIN' [Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Flashback. Entire senate including Biden 'unanimously approved the reinstatement of General Robert E. Lee's citizenship to the U.S.' Relevant it was the people wanting to keep the Robert E. Lee statue and park that he said were fine people. Excluded Nazis and White Nationalists. [Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 28, 2019 ~ Arlen Specter book reveals that Joe Biden thought Anita Hill was lying. 'It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, she was lying'. Biden advised her lawyers of this and she changed her testimony. At the time, only 24% believed Hill, 58% believed Thomas. [SCOTUS, Biden]
May 2, 2019 ~ Joe Biden is in hot water again for calling a Republican 'decent'. He previously incurred wrath for calling Pence 'a decent guy.' Now he says 'I actually like Dick Cheney, for real. I get on with him. I think he's a decent man'. Doesn't he understand the GOP must be labelled evil [Biden, Cancel Culture]
May 26, 2019 ~ Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer claims Trump said 'Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.' Later admits he made it up after the quote went viral and all the usual fools including Rep. Ted Lieu spread the fake news far and wide. [Fake News, North Korea, Biden]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Joe Biden stokes fears by falsely accusing Trump of murder, 'We've already had five, just this year, five black transgender women killed violently in 2019, That's outrageous. It must, it must, it must end. And the fastest way to end it is, end the Trump administration.' [TDS, Fake News, Fake Homophobia, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Biden]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Joe Biden promises that he will cure cancer if he is elected. 'I promise you, if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We're going to cure cancer.' Obviously, this is not a promise he can reasonably make. [Politics, Biden]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Biden says 'First thing I would do as President is Eliminate the President's Tax Cut.' Other dems follow suit. Kamala Harris says she would eliminate the tax cuts "on day one". Would raise taxes on 90% of tax payers. Median family of 4 would see a $2000 increase. [Biden, Harris, Politics, Tax Cuts]
Jun 28, 2019 ~ Dems are falsely trying to paint Biden as a racist because he talked to segregationists 30 yrs ago. Karma because Biden said Republicans want to put black people 'back in chains' and he just falsely said that Trump has yet to 'criticize the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacists' [Fake Racism, Biden]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris claims to support bussing so she can accuse Biden of racism for opposing it 40 yrs ago. 'I support busing', 'That little girl was me'. But Biden was right. Bussing didn't work. It has very little current support. Harris just used it as a race card to hit Biden with. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Tulsi Gabbard calls out Harris and other dems for their 'false accusation that Joe Biden is a racist.' regarding bussing and segregationists. 'His critics have unfairly misrepresented his important message to score cheap political points.' But the fake race card is what dems do. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Biden again talks about how he would physically attack Trump. 'I'd smack him in the mouth.' Just last year Biden said of Trump, 'I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.' Talking about beating up his political opponents seems to be a theme. [TDS, Violent Left, Biden]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ As other dems tell you that you can't keep your insurance plans if you like them, Biden recycles the famous line from his own Obama, Biden administration 'If you like your plan, you can keep your plan' which just so happened to be the PolitiFact 'Lie of the Year' in 2013. [Politics, Biden, Health Care]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Biden claim's that Trump's base is racist. 'This is about dividing and raising the issue of racism across the country. Because that's his base. That's what he's pushing.' Biden then demands Trump condemns white supremacists and the Klan, which Trump has done MANY TIMES. [Fake Racism, Biden]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Joe Biden confuses Theresa May for Margaret Thatcher. For the second time now! 'You had people like Margaret Tha? [pause then moved on because couldn't think of May's name'. He previously said, 'One I can say is Margaret Thatcher - um, excuse me Margaret Thatcher, Freudian slip.' [Biden]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ Robert VerBruggen article, 'Joe Biden Is Wrong. There Is No Compelling Evidence That Assault-Weapon Bans Work.' The ban did not remove guns already in circulation. It allowed guns that were exactly the same except cosmetically. The upward fatality trend continued through the ban. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Biden]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ Joe Biden has to mention 'White Supremacy' every 5 minutes. 'White folks are the reason we have institutional racism. There has always been racism in America. White supremacists have always existed, they still exist.' Racism is a 'white man's problem visited on people of color.' [Race, Racism, Biden]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Joe Biden calls the Japanese people xenophobic because 'they've decided to encourage women to stay in the job market.' They do this he says 'because they're xenophobic, because they don't want to invite other people from outside their country to come in and make up the workforce' [Fake Xenophobia, Biden]
Aug 29, 2019 ~ Ken Dilanian of NBC tweets fake news, 'As of October 29, children born to U.S. service members outside of the U.S. will no longer be automatically considered citizens'. Biden and others repeat the fake story. As usual, the fakeness radiates in all directions never to be recorked. [Fake News, Biden]
Aug 29, 2019 ~ Joe Biden tells of his Afghanistan trip. Washington Post 'almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect' 'the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony' [Fake News, Politics, Biden]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Biden insanely promises 'I guarantee, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuels'. Fossil fuels have enabled everything in the modern world. There ARE NO realistic alternatives. The benefits outweigh the harm by about a million to one even under worst case predictions. [Climate Change, Energy, Biden]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Joe Biden said, 'Nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime.' Mysteriously following that statement were several large contributions to the Biden campaign from the Bernie Madoff family. [Politics, Biden]
Sep 18, 2019 ~ Biden claims if 'we provide an $8,000 tax credit for everybody who has childcare costs, it would put 720 million women back in the workforce. It would increase the GDP, to sound like a wonk here, by about eight-tenths of one percent' Biden is in NO DANGER of sounding like a wonk. [Politics, Economics, Biden, Taxes]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dems trying to turn a Biden scandal into a Trump scandal. In Feb 2014 Joe Biden was named 'point man' on Ukraine. Months later Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian gas co. Burisma for $600K a year. Burisma investigated for corruption. JB demands investigating prosecutor be fired. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Biden brags about getting the prosecutor investigating his son fired. 'I said "You're not getting the billion. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money." Well, son of a bitch, he got fired.' Exactly the pro quo they accused Trump of. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ A 'whistleblower' claims Trump withheld aid unless Ukraine investigates Biden. Pelosi starts Impeachment Inquiry without ever seeing the statement nor the phone call transcript. Turns out he's not a real whistleblower. All 2nd hand info and almost everything he said was wrong. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Trump releases the transcript proving no quid pro quo. Never mentioned foreign aid. Ukrainian president says there was no pressure. 'I think we had a good phone call. It was normal and we spoke about many things. You read it. Nobody pushed.' Dem's latest pretext falls apart. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dems look ridiculous again but already started impeachment before the facts were in. They end up falsely accusing Trump of doing exactly what Quid Pro Joe actually did. If you tried to write this as fiction, you would be criticized for making the story too absurd and implausible. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ Peter Schweizer: Biden Ukraine dealings - 7 essential facts. 'Hunter Biden had little background in energy. Over a 16-month period, Burisma paid $3.1 million to a bank account associated with Hunter's business.' Conflict of interests between Joe's official duties and Hunter Biden [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ ABC News & Axios caught spreading Fake News. Had to retract. Headline 'Ukrainians understood Biden probe was condition for Trump-Zelensky talks' according to a 'current Ukrainian adviser'. He was a former adviser with no direct knowledge. There was no such condition on the call. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Biden]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ CNN massively misleads regarding the Ukraine transcript. Leaves out 526 words to make it look like the 'favor' Trump asked for was to investigate Biden's son and not what he really asked for, to investigate CrowdStrike and the Ukraine server that allegedly hacked the DNC in 2016. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News, Biden]
Sep 26, 2019 ~ John Solomon article, 'These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story' namely that 'he strong-armed Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor solely because Biden believed that official was corrupt and inept, not because the Ukrainian was investigating' Burisma. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Bill Maher on Hunter Biden, 'This kid was paid $600,000 because his name is Biden, by a gas company in Ukraine, in this super corrupt country. They just had a revolution to get rid of corruption.' 'if Don Jr. did it, it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Brit Hume, 'Current media terminology: Looking into Trump = investigating. Looking into Biden = dirt digging.' Its not Trump's fault that Biden is a political opponent. If the US was contributing to corruption in Ukraine and China, the US has a duty to investigate those involved. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Joe Biden's claim that he never talked to Hunter about his work in Ukraine with Burisma is unravelling. 2014 photo surfaces of Joe and Hunter Biden posing with Burisma board member Devon Archer after golfing together. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Biden's view in 1998. 'While the founders included impeachment powers in the Constitution, they were concerned by the potential partisan abuse. We should be no less aware of the dangers of partisanship... The process functions best when there is a broad bipartisan consensus' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Derek Hunter, 'How Real Corruption in DC Works'. Its gotten more sophisticated than 'direct cash payments' to politicians. Kids of politicians receiving 'Board seats and sweetheart "consulting" and lobbying contracts are the new bags of cash.' Hugh salaries, big loans, etc. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Derek Hunter, Biden]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Trump calls on China to also 'start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.' Hunter Biden's firm landed a $1.5 billion investment from banking entities connected with China's government while Joe was VP. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, China, Biden]
Oct 5, 2019 ~ Trump says China also 'should start an investigation into the Bidens' Marco Rubio says he's just trolling the press and dems. However The NY Post shows billions of dollars flowing from China to Hunter's companies. Asks was that 'to curry favor with his vice-president father'? [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, China, Biden]
Oct 6, 2019 ~ Rudy Giuliani paraphrased, Why does the Biden family make big money wherever in the world Joe Biden is put politically in charge? Decades of examples. About 30 situations. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]