Apr 8, 2020 ~ The bar keeps getting lower and Biden still can't clear. NY Magazine Will Leitch, 'I am relieved to know that there is a podcast that proves the man is upright, or at least capable of speech. But? If they can't get something this simple right, what's going to happen in November?' [Biden]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ Perpetually confused Joe Biden explains his immigration plan 'to put millions of citizens on the pathway to citizenship'. [Biden, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ The New York Times is the first 'news' org to run interference for Biden against Tara Reade's claims of sexual assault. 'The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ The Washington Post also runs interference for Biden against Tara Reade's claims of sexual assault. Rose Mcgowan, founder of Me Too, 'This is not journalism, this is an agenda. This is a hit piece. You've sunk to a new low in slanted journalism and victim shaming @washingtonpost' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'The last thing you want to be is a woman who accuses an important Democratic Party leader of sexual misconduct or harassment. Few people are publicly treated worse. Ask Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Monica Lewinsky and so many others. And now Tara Reade.' [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'Do you think people won't notice that liberal institutions and media outlets spent months maligning Brett Kavanaugh's defenders as misogynistic rape apologists, only to now invoke all their arguments to defend Joe Biden & demean Tara Reade?' [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Apr 14, 2020 ~ Joe Rogan on Biden, 'they can't admit that he's in cognitive decline... He's in decline and they're gonna try to wheel him out' 'He doesn't beat Trump? He's gonna destroy him. He's gonna kill him man. I mean it's such an easy target, it's like Mike Tyson versus a three-year-old.' [Biden, Politics]
Apr 15, 2020 ~ Dan McLaughlin 'The New York Times Knows Nobody Believes It about Biden, Kavanaugh, and Sexual Assault' Many articles being written comparing how the NYT and others covered Kavanaugh vs Biden. Embarrassing double standard. Goldberg especially. No evidence Kavanaugh even met Ford. [Biden, Kavanaugh, Me Too]
Apr 15, 2020 ~ President Obama finally endorses his VP Joe Biden after there is no one else running to pick from. Obama notes that like the White House photographer, Biden was 'there' for his presidency. And he's not Donald Trump. [Biden, Politics]
Apr 15, 2020 ~ Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden. She completely ignores the sexual assault allegations against him even though she was dead set against putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court based on unproven, and in some cases ridiculous allegations. Warren even believed Swetnick! [Biden, Politics, Me Too, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS]
Apr 16, 2020 ~ Mollie Hemingway 'CNN published 700 articles on Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey, beginning as soon as her story came out. For Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade, CNN is enforcing a strict ban'. 0 articles. What a joke of a fake news organization. 700-0 is a bit of a double standard. [Biden, Politics, Me Too, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS]
Apr 17, 2020 ~ Biden repeats lies about Trump and then attributes them to Trump supporters. 'They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad'. Trump never said those things and his supporters do not believe them. All dems have are divisive lies. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Biden]
Apr 23, 2020 ~ Daily Mail 'Declassified documents show' 'Bin Laden said, 'Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency, Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.' And that was before he was senile [Biden, Terrorism]
Apr 24, 2020 ~ More supporting evidence found backing up Tara Reade's claim that Biden sexually assaulted her. She's long claimed she told her mom who called Larry King asking for advice after the formal complaint went nowhere. The show tape was found! 8-11-93. Voice was Reade's mom. [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ Me Too founder Rose Mcgowan says Biden 'MUST STEP DOWN? fuck you to the silent media, fuck you to women's groups, Gloria Steinem & fucking take ass Oprah, fuck you. All of you crow about your bravery yet you do nothing. @NYT even sat on Reade's interview'. [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ A former neighbor of Tara Reade is yet another witness that Tara Reade told this same story in the 90s to deaf ears. Story is not new as some claim. 'This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it? I remember saying that she needed to file a police report.' [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ Missing Larry King show leads people to wonder if CNN or Google was trying to protect Biden and silence Tara Reade. The Aug 11 1993 episode is the only one missing from the Google Play catalog of Larry King shows. Suspiciously, it is the same show Reade's mother called in to. [Biden, Me Too, Silencing]
Apr 27, 2020 ~ National Review, 'The Hypocrisy on Tara Reade Is a National Disgrace' Biden was instrumental in gutting due process out of Title IX college cases or lose federal funding. Dems wanted Kavanaugh's life and career destroyed over far less evidence. Now Biden, Dems want due process. [Biden, Me Too, Silencing, Due Process]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Tara Reade blasts dems and MSM for how they are treating her. 'I've basically had no substantive support from women's groups that are considered liberal or Democratic. I've had no support from any Democratic candidate' 'slanted reporting? omitting details... not investigating...' [Biden, Me Too, Silencing, Fake News]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Sen. Gillibrand looks especially hypocritical endorsing Biden, 'Do we believe women when they tell us about sexual trauma?' Voting for Kavanaugh means 'the experiences of women don't matter.' 'if you are a survivor of sexual assault... I believe you, and I am standing with you.' [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden after saying 'Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. http://hrc.io/SexualAssault' Dems used to say 'I believe women'. Now say 'I believe Biden.' #MeToo [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Tara Reade says 'Joe Biden, I want you to release all the personnel records from 1973 to 2009 and be transparent about your office practices' She says she filed a complaint about this incident and the records will show that. Biden oddly does not want them released. [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Peter Hasson, 'Here Are 5 People Who Have Corroborated Details Of Tara Reade's Accusation Against Joe Biden' 'Reade's former neighbor & Biden supporter Lynda LaCasse, brother Collin Moulton, former coworker Lorraine Sanchez, Reade's mother, close friend who wants to remain anon. [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ Stacey Abrams falsely claims that the New York Times debunked Reade's claims. 'The New York Times did a deep investigation, and they found that the accusation was not credible. I believe Joe Biden.' The NYT corrected her, 'Our investigation made no conclusion either way.' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ Alexander Cockburn 2008 article surfaces saying Biden has a pattern of sexual harassment. 'loutish sexual advances to staffers, interns... vivid accounts by the recipient of just such advances, this staffer of another senator being accosted by Biden in the well of the senate'. [Biden, Me Too]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ GA lawmaker Vernon Jones criticized Biden's lie about the GOP wanting to put black people in chains. 'He likes to talk about Republicans putting you in chains, but Joe Biden did worse. Joe Biden put them in jail? President Trump has come along and let many family members out.' [Biden, Crime, Fake Racism, First Step]
May 1, 2020 ~ Biden falsely claims 'over 600,000 dead' from Coronavirus in the US. This exaggerates the number by 10 times. Like his claim that 150 million have been killed by gun violence, no one is sure if Biden is lying or just so confused, he has no clue what is going on in the world. [Coronavirus, Biden]
May 1, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'If you want to believe Tara Reade isn't telling the truth, you either have to believe that she's been claiming false victimhood for two decades, or that she got her neighbor, a loyal Democrat and Biden supporter, to lie for her.' [Biden, Me Too]
May 1, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'There's now virtually an army of Democratic Party men assembled to publicly attack and smear Tara Reade's credibility and brand her a liar.' Not even calling for due process. 'These Noble liberal Men are saying she's a liar.' [Biden, Me Too, Due Process]
May 1, 2020 ~ A new woman said Biden sexually harassed her when she was 14. 'You're very well endowed for 14!' 'I was confused but it was definitely weird, he looked me up and down and hovered his eyes on my chest' Friend backs her up, 'I remember she said that Biden was a pervy old man' [Biden, Me Too]
May 2, 2020 ~ Joe Biden asked if he will release his records to verify if Tara Reade made a sexual harassment complaint. He said he would release records from the National Archives ONLY because that that is the only place it could possibly be. National Archives said no it wouldn't be there. [Biden, Me Too]
May 2, 2020 ~ Chris Wallace says 'the case that Reade makes against Biden is a lot stronger than the case Christine Blasey Ford made against Brett Kavanaugh' No evidence Ford ever met Kavanaugh. Reade worked for Biden. Ford's witnesses say it never happened. Reade has 5 supporting witnesses. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
May 2, 2020 ~ Kathleen Parker, 'The hypocrisy from Democrats on the Biden allegation is stunning' 'Not one shred of evidence nor corroboration was ever produced to support Ford's claims against Kavanaugh. Not. One. She just seemed credible, people said. But Reade doesn't? On what basis?' [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
May 2, 2020 ~ Mollie Hemingway, "Democrats Are Reaping The 'Whirlwind' Kavanaugh Warned About" Kavanaugh warned them that their unethical witch hunt against him would come back to bite them when their own standards would be applied to them. 'Biden himself joined the pile-on' [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
May 4, 2020 ~ Kurt Eichenwald, senior writer, editor at 'news' orgs like New York Times, Newsweek and Vanity Fair, "Tara Reade is a liar.", "She is a fraud. Not only should she be ignored in perpetuity, she should be condemned and if she actually filed a police report recently - arrest her." [Biden, Me Too, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
May 4, 2020 ~ Tara Reade receives a massive amount of harassment and threats. 'fucking whore', 'disgrace to womanhood', 'You are a rip-roaring bitch and the great majority of Americans don't believe you anyhow? I hope you drop dead'. How dems ensure the silence of women who might accuse them. [Biden, Me Too, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
May 4, 2020 ~ Tara Reade reveals that the treatment of Anita Hill when she came forward in 1991 influenced her decision to stay silent in 1993 about Biden. After all it was Biden who was the Senate Judiciary Chairman and was running those hearings. [Biden, Me Too, Silencing]
May 6, 2020 ~ John Hirschauer, 'The Biden-Kavanaugh Double Standard'. One of several more similar articles just today. Biden is fortunate to be judged as an individual vs. Kavanaugh who was an avatar for a world of white privilege. 'Ford was every abuse victim, and Kavanaugh every abuser'. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh, Identity Politics]
May 6, 2020 ~ After being repeatedly called out for double standards, many dems like Linda Hirshman just admitting 'I Believe Tara Reade. I'm Voting for Joe Biden Anyway' 'what is the greatest good or the greatest harm?' I.e. the calculation Trump supporters were not allowed to make in 2016. [Biden, Me Too]
May 6, 2020 ~ Politico founder Martin Tolchin admits. 'I don't want an investigation. I want a coronation of Joe Biden. Would he make a great president? Unlikely... I don't want justice... I want a win... Suppose an investigation reveals damaging information... Should we really risk' that?' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News]
May 6, 2020 ~ Video of an old campaign appearance shows Biden lying to voters, 'I went to law school on a full academic scholarship', 'ended up in the top half of my class' 'I graduated with 3 degrees' 'I was named outstanding political science student'. But exactly none of that was true. [Biden]
May 6, 2020 ~ Joe Biden vows to eliminate the centuries old principle called 'due process of law' from college campuses with regard to rape and sexual assault. Obama & Biden already eliminated it but it was restored by Trump & DeVos. Biden ironically wants due process in his own assault case. [Biden, Me Too, College, Due Process]
May 6, 2020 ~ The National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund has endorsed Joe Biden because they say Trump has 'eviscerated so many basic civil rights' because 'he just decides that he's going to appeal to people from white supremacists to homophobic people'. Total and complete BS. [Trans, Biden, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia]
May 7, 2020 ~ YouGov/Economist Poll: In 2018 71% of Dems said a sexual assault committed in high school should disqualify someone from being a Supreme Court justice. In 2020 30% of Dems say a sexual assault committed when someone was a Senator should disqualify that person from the presidency. [Biden, Me Too]
May 7, 2020 ~ The progressive org. 'Indivisible' that was founded to 'resist the Trump agenda' and has disrupted countless GOP events some that have put people in the hospital now backs Biden. Jason Chaffetz, 'organized mob has displayed hostile, violent, and deliberately disruptive behavior'. [Biden, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
May 7, 2020 ~ More corroborating evidence that Tara Reade was saying she was sexually harassed in Joe Biden's office as far back as 1996. 1996 Court documents reveal Reade's husband talked about 'a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden's office.' [Biden, Me Too]
May 7, 2020 ~ National Review, 'Common Sense on Title IX', Betsy DeVos and Trump's DOE restores due process into college allegations of sexual misconduct. Biden, who would be guilty under the very rules he is pushing for, demands due process for himself but vows to deny it to college students. [Biden, Me Too, Education, College, Due Process]
May 7, 2020 ~ Astounding hypocrisy even by current Democrat Party Me Too standards. Dianne Feinstein says of Tara Reade, 'She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years?' She said 'Victims must be able to come forward only when they are ready.' about Ford who was silent longer. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
May 7, 2020 ~ John Davidson, 'Democrats Are Suddenly Okay With Voting For A Man Accused Of Rape' Many prominent dems saying they believe Reade but the greater good is still served voting for Biden. You have to weigh all the pros and cons. But Trump voters were vilified for the same reasoning. [Biden, Me Too]
May 11, 2020 ~ Newsbusters 'The Death of #MeToo: 95 Celebs Who Smeared Kavanaugh are Silent on Biden' Stunning hypocrisy exposed for Alyssa Milano, Bette Midler, Debra Messing, Jimmy Kimmel, Patricia Arquette, Amy Schumer, Ellen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lady Gaga, Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore etc. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]