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Aug 12, 2020 ~ Tucker Carlson is called a racist for inadvertently mispronouncing Kamala. 'Its about you having to finally face what you have done to this country, to black people, to black women'. Many in the Fake News claim it was 'intentional'. Joe Biden then pronounces it the exact same way [Biden, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Biden repeats the 'Charlottesville Lie' as he's done many times before. 'Three years ago today, white supremacists descended on Charlottesville with torches in hand and hate in their hearts. Our president said they were "very fine people."' This lie has been repeatedly debunked. [Biden, Charlottesville, Fake Racism]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Briahna Joy Gray, 'We are in the midst of the largest protest movement in American history, the subject of which is excessive policing, and the Democratic Party chose a "top cop" and the author of the Joe Biden crime bill to save us from Trump. The contempt for the base is, wow.' [Biden, Harris, Police]
Aug 16, 2020 ~ Biden forgets how many grandkids he has. 'I've got 4 kids, 5 grandkids, come on, I'm an expert.' He has 7 grandkids. Even if he's not counting Hunter's new kid with dancer Lunden Roberts, he's still off! [Biden]
Aug 23, 2020 ~ Me Too movement founder Rose McGowan says Biden is a rapist and is very anti-Democrat party, 'I was raped by a TOP Democratic donor. Hillary Clinton shut down NBC's exposé of HW. I strongly believe Joe Biden is a rapist. DNC had Bill Clinton, serial abuser of young women speak.' [Me Too, Biden, Hillary]
Aug 23, 2020 ~ 2008 Video of Biden sounding a lot like Trump, 'I voted for a fence... I voted for 700 miles.' 'punish American employers who... hire illegals' 'I'm the guy... that setup a drug czar' 'People are driving across that border with tons of everything from meth to cocaine to heroin.' [Biden, Illegal Immigration, Wall, Drugs]
Aug 24, 2020 ~ Hillary says Biden should not concede the election if he loses. Keep dragging it out in court until he 'wins'. 'Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is gonna' drag out and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch.' [Hillary, Biden, Politics]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Joe Biden sides against the police in Jacob Blake shooting. 'the officers must be held accountable', 'yet another black American is a victim of excessive force', 'systemic racism.' Disgraceful. Blake fought the officers, would not stop and was reaching for a weapon when shot. [Fake Racism, Biden, Police]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ Kentucky's First Black Attorney General Daniel Cameron criticized Biden's disgraceful record on race. Recalled when he told black people that the Republican Party 'wants to put y'all back in chains'. 'I am black... You can't tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin.' [Biden, Racism, Fake Racism]
Aug 26, 2020 ~ For years we've been told that white supremacist Richard Spencer endorsing Trump in 2016 meant Trump is a racist or that racists like what they see in Trump. No one pays attention to Spencer but its amusing that Spencer endorses Biden this time. Proves Biden is a racist obvi. [Racism, Fake Racism, Biden]
Aug 27, 2020 ~ Cardi-B for some reason is the only person Biden let interview him prior to the DNC. No Sunday shows. People could not believe he would not do a serious interview. Almost everything C-B says has to be bleeped. She just accused Melania of being a prostitute in a vulgar way. [Loathsome Left, Biden]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Derek Hunter, on the Democrats and Biden, 'They're an abusive boyfriend always calling their girlfriend fat and stupid.' 'We'll find out if America wants to be in an abusive relationship with someone who constantly criticizes them or someone who actually loves the country.' [Derek Hunter, Biden, Politics]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Joe Biden sounds very confused trying to make a point about COVID19. 'COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than100 years, look, here's, the lives, its just, I mean think about it, more lives this year than any other year, for the past 100 years.' [Biden, Coronavirus]
Aug 31, 2020 ~ Biden refuses to condemn the left wing groups that Jay Bishop for being a Trump Supporter. Biden says ' I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by any one, whether on the left or the right.' Weasel. There has been little or no violence on the right [Violent Left, Biden]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ John Nolte, 'Don't Forget Kamala and Team Biden Paid Bail for Rioters'. Now that the riots are hurting him in polls, Biden is suddenly against them. 'more than a dozen members of Biden's campaign team have directly contributed to the riots by helping to bail out those arrested.' [Biden, Violent Left]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ Vernon Jordan, the Georgia Democrat who supports Trump describes just trying to leave the RNC. He was 'met by a violent mob of supporters of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. These were Democrats - Black Lives Matter, Antifa folks.' 'You house n-word!' Assaulted & verbal abuse. [Antifa, Biden, BLM, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Joe Biden falsely smears America to pander for black votes, "Why in this nation do Black Americans wake up knowing that they could lose their life in the course of just living their life?" Absurd. The ones losing their lives are fighting police with weapons usually. [Biden, Loathsome Left, Police]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Biden meets with Jacob Blake and his father. Blake sexually assaulted his ex, was fighting police, going for a weapon when police shot him. His father is a fan of racist Anti-Semite Farrakhan. Calls white peope 'cracker', black conservatives 'coons'. Says Jews 'control the money' [Biden, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Police]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Biden tries to scare seniors with lies about 'Trump's plan' to 'suspend the payment of payroll taxes until the end of the year'. And further claims Trump is doing something to make benefits 'run out in 3 years'. Washington Post rates as 4  Pinocchios. Zero basis in fact. [Biden, Entitlements, Politics]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ 'In effort to pander for black votes, Biden claims a black man invented the light bulb, 'Why in God’s name don’t we teach history in history classes? A black man invented the light bulb. not a white guy named Edison.' He's talking about Lewis Latimer who improved it years later. [Biden, Politics, Race]
Sep 7, 2020 ~ After Biden meets with Jacob Blake Sr., a guy who rants about 'crackers' and 'Jews', Kamala Harris met with Jacob Blake Jr. and said she's "proud of him". Blake Jr. is a guy who digitally raped a woman who had a restraining order on him and fought cops, shot going for his knife. [Biden, Harris, Loathsome Left, Police]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'The Democrats Pick the Criminal' Almost every time, Dems side with a criminal attacking the police instead of the police defending their own lives. Biden and Harris meet with Jacob Blake's family. Harris says she's 'proud' of Blake. Said Michael Brown was 'murdered' [Ben Shapiro, Biden, Crime, Harris, Loathsome Left, Police]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Biden admits that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is 'better than NAFTA.' Biden helped pass NAFTA and he and Obama vowed to pass a better one but in 8 years they never did. Tapper, 'He renegotiated NAFTA and you didn’t.' Biden, 'It is better than NAFTA.' [Biden, Trade, Trump Win]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Joe Biden said there had been 6,114 "military Covid deaths". The actual number was 7. With Biden, one never knows if he is lying or just confused due to senility. He's claimed stuff like 150,000 people killed by guns since 2007, 120 million dead from COVID. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Apparently @JoeBiden can't do an interview or a Q&A without pre-choosing the questions and using a teleprompter to answer them. Even with the teleprompter he can barely do it. Spokesperson TJ Ducklo refused to deny in embarrassing interview. [Biden]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ On 9/11, recall that @JoeBiden advised President Obama not to get Bin Laden. ABC News 2012, 'Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden' 'Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go.' [Biden, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 11, 2020 ~ Biden is stealing the Hillary Clinton political playbook, calling voters racists. Instead of 'basket of deplorables' Biden said Trump won a MI county because 'he used that dog whistle on race.' This 'racist' county voted for Obama twice. Same old lies and smears all the time. [2020 Election, Biden, Fake Racism, Hillary, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that white people don't get pulled over by the police. A Black girl asked for advise on being pulled over by the police if she were his daughter. Biden said, 'If you were my daughter, you would be a Caucasian girl and you wouldn't be pulled over.' Non stop lying. [Biden, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 14, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that if Trump wins the election, "how many suburbs will be burned in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?” No more or less than if Biden wins. Despicable fear mongering. [2020 Election, Biden, Climate Change, Fake News, Politics]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ Joe Biden is confused every time he talks. He referred to 'The Harris Biden administration'. Kamala Harris, who recently referred to 'a Harris Administration' is suspected of tampering with Joe's teleprompter, which he cannot speak at all without. [Biden, Harris]
Sep 15, 2020 ~ Joe Biden who just referred to 'the Harris Biden administration' was later confused when he thought he was running with Obama again. He was talking about the 'Obama-Biden Administration' and then said 'This is just the beginning if we get re-elected.' This is sad to watch... [Biden]
Sep 16, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says no money for charter schools. 'No privately funded charter school will receive or private charter school will receive a penny of federal money. None.' Charter Schools help minorities more than anyone else. [Biden, Education]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Biden repeats a lie that in parted ended a previous Presidential campaign. Said he was the 'the first in my family to go to college'. This quote was one of many that he was caught plagiarizing and related to other claims he lied about like graduating in the top half of his class.    [Biden, Fake News]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Secret Life of Joe Biden' Even before he went senile, Biden told many stories about 'his' life that were totally false. Sometimes he will say stuff like 'God’s truth, my word as a Biden' about a story he told where not one single part of it was remotely true. [Biden, Fake News]
Sep 19, 2020 ~ Biden in 2016: 'Article 2 of the Constitution clearly states whenever there is a vacancy in one of the courts created by the Constitution itself ... the president shall, not may, the president shall appoint someone to fill the vacancy with the advice and consent of the Senate.' [Biden, SCOTUS]
Sep 19, 2020 ~ J. Robert Smith, 'The Biden Hoax' 'Biden’s nomination is... the most audacious gaslighting in American history.'  Everyone 'can see that Biden is suffering early onset dementia.' 'crudest of the hoaxes yet perpetrated by Democrats' Playing 'the last card in their deck of hoaxes.' [Biden]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ Wall Street Journal, David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman, "Why the ‘Biden Rule’ Doesn’t Apply in 2020". Biden said SCOTUS vote should be put off until President decided and McConnell agreed in 2016 but that is only when the Senate and the President are different parties. [Biden, SCOTUS]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ Poor confused, clueless Slow Joe Biden is trying to talk about #COVID19 again. “It’s estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk.” He is never in the ballpark of reality on anything he is talking about. He needs a portable teleprompter. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Sep 22, 2020 ~ Senator Chris Coons actually said, ' the United States has never addressed our founding sin of white supremacy and slavery. Joe Biden is someone who can lead us forward into that moment.' Has he not heard of the Civil War? Democrats want to make slavery an issue today. [Biden, Slavery]
Sep 22, 2020 ~ Joe Biden on confirming a SCOTUS candidate, "I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election, if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not merely the consent, of the Senate, just as the Constitution requires." [Biden, SCOTUS]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ Virginia Kruta, "Biden Campaign Calls A ‘Lid’ Before Noon For The Eighth Time This Month". A lid means he is done for the day and Biden is calling lids every other day, sometimes by 9am in the home stretch of a Presidential campaign. He's clearly not able to do any kind of job. [2020 Election, Biden, Politics]
Sep 23, 2020 ~ LeBron James joins Mike Bloomberg in paying fines and fees for Florida felons so they can vote for Joe Biden in the election. The A.G. of Florida is calling for an investigation into this illegal vote buying. [2020 Election, Biden, Politics]
Sep 24, 2020 ~ New revelations of Biden corruption. Hunter Biden's firm received $3.5 million in 2013 from the Moscow mayor's wife who was close to Putin. Hunter used some of that money on prostitutes trafficked by the Russian mob. Millions in other payments. Joe Biden claims no knowledge. [Biden]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ Video is released of Joe Biden speaking to the troops where he told them, 'Clap for that, you stupid bastards.' It's hard to believe this is not #FakeNews but the clip is unfortunately real. [Biden, Loathsome Left]
Sep 28, 2020 ~ Biden says "I’m not the guy who says 'inject bleach in your arm.' I do know the difference between truth and lies.” Very ironic considering he lies non-stop. In fact this very claim (implying Trump said inject bleach) is a lie. Other Dems have lied claiming he said Clorox, Lysol. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 28, 2020 ~ Joe Biden either forgot where he went to school or lied about it (no one can be sure anymore). He said, 'I got started out of a HBCU [Historically Black College], Delaware State.' Delaware State corrected the record, 'Vice President Biden did not attend DSU.' [Biden]
Oct 3, 2020 ~ Biden tweets 'the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists (not true) on the debate stage last night' above a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse’s picture, a kid who is not a white supremacist. Rittenhouse’s lawyers are planning to sue the Biden campaign. [Biden, Fake Racism, Kyle Rittenhouse]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ Biden aide Ron Klain reveals how Obama admin screwed up H1N1. 'We did every possible thing wrong. And 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time, and it's just purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history.' #COVID19 [Biden, Coronavirus]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ Joe Biden aide Ron Klain during the Obama administration in 2019 said ‘We did every possible thing wrong. And 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time.’  This means that if H1N1 had the same death rate as #COVID19, Obama/Biden would have lost about 2.5 million people. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Oct 9, 2020 ~ C-SPAN host Steve Scully who is moderating the next debate thought he was DM'ing but publically tweeted to a very anti-Trump partisan, '@Scaramucci should I respond to trump.' Scully used to intern for Biden. 'Gotta love the @VP' Scully captions. Another very biased 'moderator'. [Biden, Fake News]

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