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Jun 20, 2018 ~ Trump signs an executive order ending family separation at the border, a policy started by the Obama administration. 'We're going to have strong, very strong borders, but we're going to keep the families together' Most family separation pics being shared today were prior to Trump [College, Political Correctness, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ Roseanne kicked off her own show for tweet comparing Valarie Jarrett to Planet of the Apes. Barr said she didn't even know Jarrett was black. Was talking about her haircut. Some Liberals are using the Roseanne Tweet to prove 'They're ALL Racist' about Trump Supporters. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ SPLC agrees to $3.3 million settlement to Maajid Nawaz over its 'Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists' - up to 60 other organizations looking at suing SPLC - they once did good work against the KKK but they've now lost all credibility and have become a hate group themselves. [Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Fox News suspends Trump advisor, David Bossie for two weeks over saying 'cotton-picking'. The phrase has never had racial connotations until recent false accusations. Its forever been a substitute for saying profanity. Obvious Bossie was using in the traditional way. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 2, 2018 ~ Harvard Hospital takes down 31 portraits of previous department chairs including Dr. Harvey Cushing, founder of modern neuroscience in the name of diversity. Some didn't like that most of the honorees were white males so their significant contributions and history must be erased. [Cancel Culture, Race, Anti-Science]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ Librarians remove Laura Ingalls Wilder's name from literary award because some characters who lived in the 1800s in her books had negative ideas about Indians or Blacks - Who's next, Twain, Shakespeare, Hemingway? [Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'College Destruction of Black Students' - Affirmative action creates the situation where black students are often 'mismatched' to their school which has negative consequences for the students - Amy Wax exposes this tragedy and is severely disciplined. [Affirmative Action, Silencing, Walter Williams, Cancel Culture]
Jul 9, 2018 ~ Steve Bannon was harassed by a deranged democrat in a bookstore. Calls him 'piece of trash' etc. Nutcase would not leave the store until police called. Then a former Hillary Clinton aide posted the contact information of the bookstore so it can be subjected to harassment. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 9, 2018 ~ Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway movement was denied service at a Manhattan camera store. Straka was questioned, 'Are you planning to use this equipment for alt-right purposes?' The clerk then said 'I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable selling to you'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, #WalkAway, Cancel Culture]
Jul 17, 2018 ~ Papa John's founder forced to resign for saying someone else used the 'N-word' - used it as an example in a diversity exercise - encouraged to use the example by his PR firm - context doesn't matter to mobs. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 23, 2018 ~ Scarlett Johansson is forced to quit movie where she was playing a transgender woman due to backlash that the role should go to a transgender person. Columnist points out actors play roles. That's actually the job of an actor. And it is good to have a star. Column is pulled. [Trans, Cancel Culture]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ East Bay Express publisher resigns after admitting to using derogatory words- he was repeating lyrics from a rap song just to illustrate what exists - In cancel culture, popular songs have lyrics that will end your career if you repeat them. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Mark Duplass apologizes for saying something nice about Ben Shapiro - 'I in no way endorse hatred, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or any such form of intolerance' - neither does Ben but the liberal mob requires these false smears and figuratively had a gun to Mark's head. [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Xenophobia, Cancel Culture, Ben Shapiro]
Jul 28, 2018 ~ White male abled poet forced to apologize for writing a poem in the voice of a disabled black female. Merely doing so is now apparently 'racist and ableist'. Prof. Randa Jarrar goes further 'all of us in the literary community must DEMAND that white editors resign' All of them. [Fake Racism, Racism, Cancel Culture]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ UGA Dean of Journalism and Mass Communication Charles Davis attacked on Twitter for having a GOP friend. Forced to apologize for trying to be bi-partisan. What a disgrace that he did not have the courage to stand up to the left wing hate mob. Civility is not tolerated by the left [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Two historians have quit the University of Virginia's Miller Center, a think tank focused on presidential history and public policy because someone who worked for Trump was hired - the left will not tolerate any diversity of thought. [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 29, 2018 ~ High Tech companies wage war on conservatives - James Damore sues Google over explicit actions against conservatives - YouTube and twitter regularly ban or demonetize conservatives or critics of radical Islam - Twitter shadows bans others. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Wil Wheaton driven off social media by 'very, very angry' social justice warriors who falsely label him transphobic and other things. No amount of groveling appeased the mob. He almost became self aware that his is the side of true hatred, intolerance, bullying and silencing. [Trans, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Distinguished University of Chicago medieval professor Rachel Fulton Brown - wrote 'Three Cheers for White Men' saying white men are not all bad - extremely vicious mob calls for her job - called fascist, nazi, white supremacist. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Pastor who eulogized Aretha Franklin faces backlash for calling out black on black murders and lack of fatherhood issues. Liberals very upset because something other than racism was blamed. Pastor does not back down. Says 'change must come from within us'. [Race, Cancel Culture]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Theodore Kupfer, 'In Defense of Norm Macdonald'. Norm got caught in Me Too. He didn't DO anything inappropriate. He just said not ALL women are telling the truth. Some men actually have been falsely accused. But Norm had to apologize. Women are biologically incapable of lying. [Me Too, Cancel Culture, Anti-Science]
Sep 28, 2018 ~ Superman Actor Dean Cain Attacked by LGBTQ Mob while promoting his film 'Gosnell' - falsely accused of 'bashing' gay people and making anti-LGBTQ 'remarks' - he never did - no evidence and Cain denying but mob relentless. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Cancel Culture]
Oct 2, 2018 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob is still trying to get liberal professor Amy Wax fired for false 'racist, white supremacist, hate speech, heteropatriachial, xenophobic'. She simply listed basic values that lead to success. [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Cancel Culture, College, Silencing]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ CERN fires Alessandro Strumia, physicist who gave 'Highly Offensive' talk about gender differences - He said that it is unfair that lower standards are required of women. A women with less citations and qualifications was hired instead of him. Presents many other examples. [Fake Sexism, Cancel Culture, Gender]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Harvard students tried to get Kavanaugh fired with multiple false Title IX complaints - Kavanaugh will not be teaching course he was scheduled to but its not clear if that is due to the Title IX abuse. [Kavanaugh, Cancel Culture]
Oct 9, 2018 ~ Astronaut Scott Kelly Apologizes To Twitter Mob For Quoting Churchill - pathetically promises to educate himself on Churchill's 'atrocities'. Churchill! The guy who fought and defeated the Nazis! [Cancel Culture]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Chair of the Allegheny County Democratic Party posted 'I Stand for the Flag, I Kneel at the Cross' was Forced to Resign because the post was deemed 'Offensive' - There is no place in the democratic party for anyone who stands for the flag. Its not even an acceptable choice. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Netflix fired their Chief of Communications Jonathan Friedland for using the N-word in front of employees - was not using it as an insult - Context was in explaining how offensive the R-word was. Like the N-word to black people. Cancelled. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Megyn Kelly loses her NBC show over question about Halloween Costume. Simply asked if blackface or whiteface is ever ok 'if you're doing a character'. A simple question. It turns out Lester Holt, Hoda Kotb, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar, Gov. Northam all did exactly that. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Stan Lee, creator of Spiderman and Superman called 'racist' by SJWs because he didn't want to change the race or sexual orientation of his existing characters - he said, just create new ones - he would even help. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ It's the Holiday Season so its time for the killjoy, always triggered left to declare everything to be 'problematic' - from 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', to Charlie Brown to 'Baby Its Cold Outside' to 'Merry Christmas'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 30, 2018 ~ Katherine Timpf, 'Lord of the Rings Slammed for Perpetuating Racism through Depiction of Orcs'. 'in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others, or that some peoples are just worse than others'. These are ORCS, not a race of humans. But the rule is 'everything is racist'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Kat Timpf]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Sanity starts to prevail with song 'Baby Its Cold Outside' - returning to stations - people realizing the song understood in the 1940s context had nothing to do with rape. It was written at when time women needed an excuse to say yes. [Cancel Culture, Me Too]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Phrases like 'bringing home the bacon' and 'putting all your eggs in one basket' are declared offensive to vegans and vegetarians so should be avoided in the future according to The Independent. [Political Correctness, Cancel Culture]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ SNL Comedian Nimesh Patel Kicked Off Columbia University Stage by Offended Students - the joke was that gay can't be a choice because no blacks would choose it given how tough their life already is - progressive and non-offensive joke but Nimesh is 'canceled' by the mob anyway. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ The Cancel Culture Mob gets Kevin Hart - He was supposed to host the Oscars but had to step down because of homophobic jokes almost 10 years ago - Heisman winner also had to apologize for gay jokes when he was 14 - SJWs will go back decades to find something to cancel you. [Cancel Culture, Political Correctness]
Dec 26, 2018 ~ USC students are demanding the termination of a professor James Moore who defended due process rights for those accused of sexual assault. The SJW mob demands that the accused be given no rights. Believe accusers, case closed. Due process creates an 'unsafe' 'hostile environment' [Me Too, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Due Process]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ Feminist Amy Siskind tried to get liberal David Pakman fired because he's not 'on board' with 'pre-emptively dismissing a candidate based on their race and gender?' 'White male is not where our party is at' she says 'Pakman can publicly apologize... People are watching' Chilling. [Feminism, Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Silencing, Racism]
Jan 31, 2019 ~ Old historic photo in Phoenix of coal miners covered in soot somehow becomes news because it reminded someone of 'blackface'. Owner of the restaurant were lectured on 'why the photograph was offensive.' Some want the photo removed. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Bill Maher accused of making fried chicken joke to black Republican congressman Rep. Will Hurd who was in the CIA talked about where he'd collect intelligence - Maher said 'By the Popeyes Chicken' - Its ok though. The rules are different for liberals. Harder to be canceled. [Racism, Cancel Culture]
Feb 2, 2019 ~ A social justice mob ruined a young author's career before it started - Amélie Wen Zhao had a $500K advance on a Young Adult Trilogy - forced to give it up by a Twitter mob - falsely accused of 'anti-blackness' for what were ultimately bogus reasons. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Silencing, Slavery]
Feb 3, 2019 ~ Now 'Mary Poppins' has been branded 'racist' because she and Bert, WHO IS A CHIMNEY SWEEP, get soot on their face when dancing around the rooftops - A professor writes in the New York Times that 'they're grinning white dancers in blackface.' False charges of racism daily. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Feb 4, 2019 ~ Liberals poison everything with their divisive identity politics, even football - Tom 'Brady has embodied this very concept of white privilege.' The Patriots 'are the official team of American White Nationalism, the MAGA Boys On the Field' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Identity Politics, Cancel Culture]
Feb 5, 2019 ~ The Kavanaughing of Neomi Rao - Taking reasonable precautions is not shifting blame - 'A man who rapes a drunk girl should be prosecuted. At the same time, a good way to avoid a potential date rape is to stay reasonably sober.' [Kavanaugh, Cancel Culture]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Katy Perry apologizes for 'blackface shoes'. That design has a face on it and comes in NINE colors. One is black. So of course some are 'outraged' at the 'racism' - Adam Corolla to the MSM, 'Knock it off! Stop pretending this is something.' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Corolla's 2nd point about Katy Perry's 'blackface shoes'. 'You're not helping the black community' by constantly hitting them with fake examples of how they are the nonstop victim of racism from every direction. 'Its soul crushing. Its the worst thing you could do to any group.' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Meghan Murphy, the founder of the blog 'Feminist Current' filed a lawsuit against Twitter after the it banned her for stating that 'Women aren't men' - 'lawsuit on behalf of everyone who has had their voices silenced by social media'. [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris wants to change Columbus Day to 'Indigenous People's Day' - Does she actually believe the world would be better off had Columbus not discovered America, the very country she wants to be President of? [Cancel Culture, Harris]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ LGBTQ Sports Group Expels Martina Navratilova After Transgender Criticism. 'Athlete Ally' called Navratilova 'transphobic' and said she 'has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.' Martina is anti-LGBT say the loons. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 22, 2019 ~ SJW mob out of control in Portland - A woman expresses some well known concerns with 'me too' overreach - her husband's coffee shops then are targeted by the mob as 'hostile', 'unsafe' and 'rape culture' supporting - They are going out of business. Cancel Culture mob. [Silencing, Fake Sexism, Me Too, Cancel Culture]

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