Jun 20, 2020 ~ University of Florida 'The Gators' ban their own very popular 'Gator Bait' cheer where the whole crowd does the gator bite with arms. 'Racism' cited because of almost certainly fake reports of black babies being used as bait for gators 100 years ago. 'silly lie, false and absurd' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ The statue of Francis Scott Key who wrote the lyrics to our National Anthem, 'The Star-Spangled Banner' was torn down. And 'Kill Whitey' was spray painted on the base. No one is acceptable to the left wing cancel culture mob. The left advocates raced based killing. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Racism]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ The statue of President Ulysses S. Grant who helped end slavery by leading the Union Army during the Civil War was torn down. No one is acceptable to the left wing cancel culture mob. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture went after columnist Rachel Alexander. 'It all started when I complained? about how sick and tired I am of being called a white supremacist simply because I'm a conservative.' Having no real reason to cancel her, they posted racist things to a fake account. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Karol Markowicz "The cancel crew will come for you someday soon" Today's statues are Voltaire & Teddy Roosevelt. Cancel culture is 'the cruel, mindless and life-destroying process taking place all around us in the name of "fighting racism"' 'ordinary people will have to be brave' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, The election is no longer about Trump, Biden, a virus, the economy etc. Its an existential choice between whether you want civilization that doesnt have to be perfect to be good or the US is so cancerous it must be killed. 'I'm going to vote for civilization' [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jun 22, 2020 ~ Trump was mocked 2 years ago when he said they would not stop at Confederate statues. He predicted this; Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Roosevelt. Now BLM leader Shaun King says ALL statues and artwork of Jesus must be destroyed. 'They are a form of white supremacy.' [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Religion, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Conservative meme maker 'Carpe Donktum' has been banned from Twitter after making a 'racist baby' video mocking CNN. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Tech Bias]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Cancel culture is targeting The Masters Golf Tournament. 'When you hear anyone say the Masters, you think of slave masters in the South. There's nothing else, nothing special. You don't think of someone mastering the game of golf.' The word can only be about slavery apparently. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Slavery]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Antifa and BLM have been trying to tear down The Emancipation Memorial of President Lincoln freeing the slaves. Many black people are preventing the thugs from tearing it down. It was paid for by black Americans with their first paychecks as free people. The mob vows to destroy. [Antifa, BLM, Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Slavery, Violent Left]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ The violent left wing mob in Madison tore down the statue of abolitionist Col. Hans Christian Heg who died in the Civil War. Democratic state Sen. Tim Carpenter was assaulted after filming the protesters. Punched many times, kicked in the head. Possible concussion, vision blurry. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Cancel Culture, Slavery]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Mount Rushmore is the next target for the left wing cancel culture mob. 'Mount Rushmore is a symbol of white supremacy, of structural racism that's still alive and well in society today', said Nick Tilsen a member of the Ogala Lakota tribe. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jun 25, 2020 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'Conservative Principles Never Require You to Submit to Tyranny' Regarding liberals getting a pass for old blackface or n-words, Schlichter says we want no one canceled but canceling conservatives but not liberals is unacceptable. Cancel no one or everyone. [Cancel Culture]
Jun 25, 2020 ~ After Shaun King declared artwork of Jesus to be 'a form of white supremacy', said artwork started to get vandalized. A Mary and baby Jesus mosaic erected to the memory of Polish soldiers who helped liberate cities from the Nazis was vandalized with Black Lives Matter graffiti. [Loathsome Left, Religion, Cancel Culture, BLM]
Jun 27, 2020 ~ Daily Mail "Award-winning charity boss who helped thousands of disadvantaged children is SACKED for criticizing Black Lives Matter's 'neo-Marxist' agenda" Nick Buckley is fired for listing BLM's actual views: Marxism, abolish the police and capitalism, disrupt the nuclear family. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 28, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob decided the next statue to come down needs to be King Louis IX who lived in the 1200s. Catholics showed up to defend the statue and a priest tried to explain the history of St. Louis but the mob shouted him down. Vow to destroy St. Louis cathedral [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ The Charles Dickens Museum in Broadstairs, Kent, was vandalized with graffiti saying 'Dickens Racist'. BLM also falsely painted 'Racist' above Penny Lane in Liverpool and 'Racist King' on the statue to Scotland's most famous king, Robert the Bruce. Cancel the entire past. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ The Cancel Culture Alyssa Milano helped create is coming after her. Criticizing her for wearing her hair in corn rows and for selling Washington Redskins merchandise. And black face. She explains, 'Cancel culture is being weaponized by the right/Putin' Putin is involved she says! [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Cultural Appropriation, Russia Hoax]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Fletch Daniels, 'Driving Conservatives Underground' No one can display Trump, GOP yard signs or bumper stickers because that will attract violence, vandalism or cancel culture. 'liberty-minded people almost operate like a secret society, sending quiet signals to one another.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Forbes deleted Mike Shellenberger article, 'On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologise for the Climate Scare' giving into pressure by the left wing cancel culture mob. The mob decides what can and can't be said and the more true your article is, the faster it gets canceled. [Climate Change, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Harvard graduate Claira Janover was fired from Deloitte for saying 'I'm going to stab you and while you're struggling and bleeding out' to anyone who says 'All Lives Matter'. She's very upset. Cancel Culture is not supposed to cancel people like her. She blames 'Trump supporters' [Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Hardon-Simmons University expels a student for posting a TikTok video explaining that no one cares when black people kill black people or black people kill white people but get outraged at the least common combination of white people killing black people. Univ says 'Unacceptable' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Boston will take down a prominent Park Square, Boston statue of Abraham Lincoln Statue, erected in 1879. Democrats continue to lie saying that Trump wants to defend 'Confederate Generals' when the cancel culture mob has moved way beyond that to several former Presidents. [Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ The Cancel Culture mob has gotten Judge Cormac Carney to step down from his role as chief judge. In praising who he called 'a fabulous clerk of the court in Kiry Gray' he called her 'street smart'. That is 'racist' now even though its always been a compliment. Rules change daily. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Boeing Co's communications chief Niel Golightly was forced to resign after a 33 year old article he wrote surfaced where he argued against women in combat. At the time, that was a majority opinion. Cancel Culture gets scalps every day. Cowardly corporations hand them over. [Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Student Ashleigh Brock was expelled from Christian Hardin Simmons University for making truthful videos about #BLM on TikTok. She said "All Lives Matter" and pointed out the hypocrisy of how society treats white on black vs black on white vs black on black crime. Her observations were called 'hate speech' and the cowardly president caved to the mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Black Assembly Member, David Kurten says 'Over the last month I've been called a coon, an Uncle Tom, a house [n-word], a house boy and a 'white man' by BLM supporters, because I don't agree with their Marxist aims, and their violence and vandalism. So who's racist?' [Racism, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, BLM]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Violent left wing 'protestors' burned down the 120-year-old Thompson Elk Fountain located near a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon'. It was an Elk. Portland is a hotbed for Antifa. They are still rioting every night, throwing bottles, rocks and other projectiles at police.' [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Lillian Richard's family is fighting back after Quaker Foods announced Aunt Jemima's face would be removed bc 'racism'. But they don't 'matter'. White liberals are PISSED that any black people can be seen on grocery shelves. If you disagree, you think George Floyd deserved to die [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, George Floyd]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Radio Host Stu Peters was briefly suspended for saying 'all lives matter' and telling his black co-host, 'I've had no more privilege in my life than you have Jordan.' Had to be cleared by Communications Commission to determine "whether or not any Broadcasting Codes were violated. [Race, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture gets another scalp. NYT, 'A White Gatekeeper of Southern Food Faces Calls to Resign' John T. Edge is stepping down as head of the Southern Foodways Alliance. His offenses are very vague and unspecific. Nothing like outright racism. The main problem is he's white. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Trump makes a great 4th of July speech at Mt. Rushmore. Thanks law enforcement. 'Today we pay tribute to the exceptional lives and extraordinary legacies of' Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. Denounces 'angry mobs', 'cancel culture' Children taught to hate America. [Trump Win, Cancel Culture]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Trump makes a great 4th of July speech. 'We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion and creed.' 'We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture. We embrace tolerance, not prejudice.' [Trump Win, Cancel Culture]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ The Left Wing Cancel Culture Mob just pulled down another statue of Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore's Little Italy and threw it in the harbor. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ John Loftus, "We Can't Have 'National Dialogues' If People Get Fired For Talking Honestly" 'No one outside conservative media can criticize Black Lives Matter without being fired or ostracized, so how can we expect the average American to chime in for a productive dialogue?' [Free Speech, Cancel Culture, Silencing, BLM]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Nate McMurray, the Dem candidate for NY 27th District, urged Twitter followers Wednesday to 'report' Trump supporters. 'when you hear support for Trump, do not roll your eyes, do not play nice, do not worry about hurting someone's feelings, CALL IT OUT. REPORT IT'. Despicable. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Jack Montgomery, The mob continues to cancel anyone critical of BLM. 'rugby fan has been banned from his club's stadium for life for praising a girl who refused to take the knee and criticizing "Marxist extremism and intimidation".' 'Find another club... You're no longer welcome' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech, BLM]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Tom Ciccotta 'College Democrats Leadership Board Resigns After Racism Accusation'. 'nearly the entire executive board of the College Democrats organization was forced to resign last week after' the only black member claimed discrimination.'unequivocally false... claims of racism' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob tore down a statue of Frederick Douglass, former slave, prominent abolitionist and intellectual. Dems continue to lie about them only tearing down Confederate generals. They also vandalized a statue of abolitionist Matthias Baldwin. Total fools. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Snoop Dogg calls black conservatives like Herman Cain, Candace Owens, Paris Dennard, The Hodge Twins, Terrance Williams, David Harris Jr. Darrell Scott and Angela Stanton 'The Coon Bunch'. Black people are allowed to think only one way or Democrats call them racist slurs. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Terry Crews is standing his ground against the left wing cancel culture mob's racial slurs and threats of violence. Crews just wants a color blind society, 'unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology.' 'we are all in this together.' Dems despise those ideas. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ JK Rowling speaks out for girls who she believes are being steered toward trans, 'a new kind of conversion therapy for young gay people, who are being set on a lifelong path of medicalisation that may result in the loss of their fertility and/or full sexual function.' Cancel her! [Trans, Cancel Culture, Health Care]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ The left is moving on to burning or banning books. Washington Post, 'While offensive TV shows get pulled, problematic books are still inspiring debate and conversation.' We can't have that, can we? No debate or conversation allowed! Ex. 'the unbearable whiteness of Jane Austen.' [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Harpers pens an Anti Cancel Culture letter. 'We uphold the value of robust and even caustic counter-speech from all quarters.' 'We need to preserve the possibility of good-faith disagreement without dire professional consequences.' The left is FURIOUS at those who signed. Cancels [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture is so toxic, that the left is canceling those who signed the Harpers anti Cancel Culture letter. Noam Chomsky getting tons of hate. People are self-canceling after being shamed by the cancel culture mob. A Vox writer says she feels 'less safe' working with a signer [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ NY Post, Marisa Dellatto, 'Jodie Comer is getting canceled over supposed Trump-supporting boyfriend'. The Twitter mob tracked down her boyfriend's name and think he might be a Republican and maybe is a Trump supporter. The loathsome left wing mob CANNOT allow this! Cancel her! [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Guy Benson points out, 'They can either have "asking to see data is racist" or "we're the pro-science people." They cannot have both.' Dems know the data does not support their positions so the cancel data and anyone who wants to examine it via false racism accusations. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Halle Berry has apologized and has removed herself from consideration for a role playing a trans woman. Didn't she learn from Scarlett Johansson's same mistake? The 'woke' left thinks actors can't take roles that pretend to be someone they are not. i.e. ACTING. Totally absurd. [Cancel Culture, Trans]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Thomas Bosco of the Indian Road Café in NYC is being canceled because he said he voted for Trump. The café hosted drag queen monthly bingo charity, has BLM signs. Bosco is 'truly sorry if this caused any hurt or pain'. The mob tells you how to vote. Obey or be canceled. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob including AOC and Julian Castro target Goya Foods for cancelation. Hispanic CEO Robert Unanue said, 'We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump'. Oh HELLS NO says the mob. Boycott! No apology from Unanue. [Cancel Culture, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]