Jul 11, 2020 ~ Bronson Stocking, 'Cancel Culture Targets Professors Who Like the 'Wrong' Things on Social Media' Physicist Mike McCulloch is almost canceled for saying things like 'all lives matter' and 'gender has a scientific basis'. Barely survived 'investigation' and 'disciplinary hearing'. [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Kings of the Castle' 'Cancel culture is not discourse but antidiscourse, a genre of speech intended not to facilitate the exchange of views and ideas but to prevent such an exchange. It is free speech in the sense that shouting down a speaker is free speech.' [Kevin Williamson, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Frank Camp, 'Why Are We Afraid To Stand Up To The Woke Mob?' Because they've rigged it so that facts no longer matter. "data and reason have been killed by the revolution' Are now 'something that could be used against you, to brand you as a 'racist.'" Like police crime stats. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture being taken to the next level. Jessica Doty Whitaker, white mother of a 3 year old was shot to death by BLM 'protesters' for arguing 'All Lives Matter'. 'Multiple black assailants' shot her in the head. 'Why isn't anybody outraged about this?' her grandfather asks. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Flashback. Liberal feminist Wendy McElroy, 'Beware of Kafkatrapping' She predicted in 2014 all of the SJW cancel culture mob's tactics. False charges of sexism, racism homophobia. Denial proves your guilt. Demand group level thought conformity or not a true black or woman. Etc. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Ricky Gervais says the The Office could not be made today. The cancel culture mob thinks 'we're good, we're social just warriors, we're doing this for good and what we say goes. And they don't realize how corrupt and wrong that is.' 'If your mildly conservative, if you're Hitler' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Oklahoma State football coach Gundy lost a year of his contract and $1 million a year for wearing an OAN T-Shirt. The cancel culture mob said OAN was 'racist'. No 'evidence' of racism was ever produced. But Gundy on his knees before the mob at least has kept his job for now. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Endicott Mayor Linda Jackson and Deputy Mayor Cheryl Chapman beg for forgiveness for an 'All Lives Matter' quote on Facebook. Dems release a motion 'The Broome County Democratic Party takes a dim view of such behavior' Demand resignations.The current world doesn't even seem real [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Bari Weiss resigns from New York Times. 'Truth' has become 'an orthodoxy', i.e. fake news. 'constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist' 'publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot' Harassment from intolerant left wing bullies. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Demands for the resignation of Joshua Katz for 'A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor' which exposed the absurdity of the 'Faculty Letter' signed by 100s. Extra money, perks for faculty of color. Abolishing campus police. Committee to review papers for racism. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Race]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ The cancel culture mob forced Gary Garrels, the 20 yr curator of the San. Fran Museum of Modern Art. Called a 'white supremacist' for saying 'we will definitely still continue to collect white artists.' He clarified that he was just saying white artists should not be excluded. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'How "Cancel Culture" Repeatedly Emerged in My Attempt to Make a Film About Tennis Legend Martina Navratilova'. The courageous legend was labeled anti-trans for her stance on trans athletes. No director will stand up to the bullies. ('Fuck This Cis White Bitch') [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes, Racism, Sexism]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Watching a BLM riot develop in real-time' A black man shows how BLM has been hijacked 'people who want to tear this nation apart'. People of all races enjoying dinner and black live performer. BLM starts shouting profanity, throwing things, breaking windows, etc. [Cancel Culture, Trans, Trans Athletes, Racism, Sexism]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Nick Cannon is canceled from Viacom for anti-Semitic statements. Per Viacom, he was not fired due to his extremely anti-white comments. He said white people are 'a little less', 'closer to animals', 'savages, 'acting out of a deficiency so the only way they can act is evil'. [Racism, Cancel Culture, Anti-Semitism]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Safety Lies Only in Surrender ... or Resistance' With people being canceled hourly by standards that change daily, that 'leaves those who wish to not be purged with two simple choices: stand up together against this round of Maoist purification, or hang separately.' [Ben Shapiro, Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Even Saints Can Get Canceled' This points out that there is really no end to canceling historical names. St. Louis would be canceled by today's standards. As would New York and the names of thousands of other cities, some very well known. Would it help anyone? [Kevin Williamson, Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Oliver Stone rips cancel culture, 'You can't make a film without a sensitivity counselor. It's ridiculous. The Academy changes its mind every 5, 10, 2 months about what it's trying to keep up with. It's politically correct [bs], and it's not a world I'm anxious to run out into.' [Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan commenting on the resignation of Bari Weiss from the NYT. 'The mob bullied and harassed a young woman for thoughtcrimes. And her editors stood by and watched.' Sullivan also just announced he is resigning from New York Magazine. No free thinkers allowed. [Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ The music group Lady Antebellum' changed their name to 'Lady A' because of George Floyd. Now, they are suing singer Anita White who has been using the name Lady A since 1987. So they are ruining a black woman's life and career to help black people. The real Lady A is canceled. [George Floyd, Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ A mob of 300-500 BLM protestors broke through a gate and were coming toward the home of Mark McCloskey and his wife. They told him the were going to kill him and take his house. McCloskey defended his home with a rifle. The DA took his guns. May indict. But allow violent riots. [George Floyd, Cancel Culture]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Fox decides to keep Nick Cannon after anti-Semitic and anti-White comments. No one could call any other race of people savages, animals, deficient, a little less and evil and still keep their job. In fact, prominent people like Diddy and Charlamagne tha God back Cannon. [Racism, Cancel Culture, Anti-Semitism]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Nicole Neily 'A Détente in the Cancel War'. Gone are the days of youthful indiscretion or learning from past mistakes - they've been replaced by terrified self-censorship, now that everything you say can and will be used against you' 'At some point, the mob will come for you too.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture went after West Virginia University police chief after they noticed a 'Blue Lives Matter' flag that was at his house. W.P. Chedester actually apologized for the flag. Explained it doesn't mean blue lives matter more than black lives. Please don't fire me! [Cancel Culture, Police, BLM]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture coming for Marymount Manhattan College Prof Patricia Simon for not being sufficiently attentive during an 'anti-racist' Zoom meeting. The mob claims Simon was sleeping through their re-education camp. Demands she be fired. Simon said she was just resting her eyes. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan 'resigns' from The New Yorker. He explains, 'any writer not actively committed to critical theory in questions of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity is actively, physically harming co-workers merely by existing in the same virtual space.' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Chrissy Clark, Washington Free Beacon, "Michigan School Fires Popular Teacher For Saying 'Trump Is Our President'". Popular varsity baseball coach and social studies teacher Justin Kucera is fired for simply posting 'Trump is Our President'. Apolitical and well liked in class. [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Loathsome Left, Education]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Syracuse U. student Adrianna San Marco will not be returning to campus in the fall due to harassment and threats of violence. She argued against systemic racism which is a defensible position but one unapproved by the violent left cancel culture mob. Now others know to be silent. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 24, 2020 ~ Chicago's mayor surrendered two Columbus statues to the mob. She admits their violent tactics had worked, 'demonstrations that became unsafe for both protesters and police? an effort to protect public safety'. After getting what they wanted, the violent dems became peaceful. JK [Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ The Wall Street Journal assures 'the wave of progressive cancel culture would arrive at the Journal, as it has at nearly every other cultural, business, academic and journalistic institution' 'These pages won't wilt under cancel-culture pressure.' 'We are not The New York Times' [Cancel Culture]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Jeff Jacoby 'Fear of Speech is Replacing Freedom of Speech' Cato Survey, In the current cancel culture environment 62% of adults said 'given the current political climate, they are afraid to honestly express their views.' 77% of Republicans. Strong liberals only ones comfortable. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ John Kass, 'What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?' The mob tried to 'cancel' him but he's winning. Falsely accuse him of Anti-Semitism for reporting the causes George Soros funds and how much. 'I will not bow to those who've wrongly defamed me.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Lynne Lechter on Cancel Culture, 'control what America says... who is allowed to speak, and how America acts. Defy them at your own peril. If you don't, you will probably lose your job, your reputation, your Twitter account, your business, your safety, and even your city.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Newsweek, 'Charles Barkley Blasted For Supporting Players Who Stand For National Anthem' 'The national anthem means different things to different people? if people don't kneel, they're not a bad person? should not be vilified.' Dems are furious. Hating the USA is mandatory. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Jordan Lancaster, 'Bed And Breakfast Removes Norwegian Flag After People Mistake It For Confederate Flag' Their B&B is called The Nordic Pineapple. Endured hateful emails which then turned threatening. The two flags don't look that much alike but violent dems are clueless. [Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Oliver Stone trashes 'Cancel Culture' again. 'Do you think I could have made any one of those films? I can tell you that if I made any of my films, I don't think I'd last. I'd be vilified. I'd be attacked. Shamed. Whatever you want to call that culture, cancel fucking culture.' [Cancel Culture]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ The cancel culture mob said boycott Rachel Marshall, founder of Rachel's Ginger Beer because. 'She is a white woman with dreadlocks... no one has confronted her about how her choice to willfully appropriate Black hairstyling is highly problematic' She's 'deeply sorry' for 'harm'. [Cancel Culture, Cultural Appropriation, Race, Racism]
Aug 2, 2020 ~ Democrats are now starting to say history is racist. Chicago State Rep. LaShawn Ford. Ford holds event called 'Rep. Ford Today in Evanston to Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools' 'take immediate action by removing current history books and curriculum'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 4, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture rolls on. The NW Film Center canceled its showing of "Kindergarten Cop" because you know, ACAB and it was also 'racist' for some reason and an SJW on Twitter was MAD! In other news a Dance Mom's dancer had to profusely apologize for videos she made when she was 9! [Cancel Culture, Police]
Aug 4, 2020 ~ Harry Shearer spoke out against the ridiculous policies being adopted in Hollywood. Shearer voiced many Simpsons characters, some who were not white which is no longer allowed. 'I have a very simple belief about acting. The job of the actor is to play someone who they're not.' [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Aug 6, 2020 ~ Christian Schneider - Senior College Fix Reporter, "Provost reprimanded for using word 'mantra,' cited as biased against Buddhists". Provost said "'access and excellence' as our mantra". The madness will never end. Cancel Culture will deem everyone and everything 'problematic'. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Aug 9, 2020 ~ Danielle Muscato, another insufferable left wing cancel culture scold tries to publicly humiliate a Kroger manager for refusing to force a customer to wear a mask. Self described 'full time' 'Resist' activist tries to get him harassed on Twitter. @RealTargetTori to the rescue! [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 15, 2020 ~ Bill Maher attacks cancel culture after the mob attacks Jefferson, Grant. 'Let's live in the present and make the future better.' '[T]his is how slavery was back then. They didn't see it as a problem. Because no one did. You're not better than Jesus or Grant. You just came later' [Cancel Culture, Slavery]
Aug 17, 2020 ~ Some at the University of Texas at Austin are calling for the banning of their school song, 'The Eyes of Texas' because its 'racist'. 'it's about ingrained, institutionalized racism that frankly, in invisible form, takes the image of a school song' The song is in no way racist. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Aug 29, 2020 ~ Beloved Mizzou professor Joel Poor has been placed on a leave of absence for what the cancel culture mob is calling a 'racist and xenophobic' joke. Said to Wuhan student, 'hold on, let me put my mask on'. Student was not offended but SWJs demanded he be canceled. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ Doug Lucas, 'I Think I'm a Coward'. Lucas feels guilty that he is constantly self-censoring to avoid the violent, bullying and cancel culture left. 'I'm a member of the old silent majority, now the silenced majority.' He comes to the 'conclusion that I must do something.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ BLM activists tore down and decapitated the statue of John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, in Montreal. Some of the complaint, 'capitalism is a system that oppresses people and in order to succeed'. The mob thinks these decisions are theirs to make with no voting. [Cancel Culture, BLM]
Aug 30, 2020 ~ BLM got Star Parker's 'Success Sequence' billboards pulled down by threatening media company with violence. Her organization UrbanCURE informed that the data shows if you finish high school, get a job and get married before having kids, chance of poverty is low regardless of race [BLM, Violent Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ John McWhorter, 'Academics Are Really, Really Worried About Their Freedom' 'fear for their career because they don't believe progressive orthodoxies.' But dissent is 'violence'. 'white people are to identify and expunge their complicity in white supremacy'. See people canceled. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, removed their statues of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. The mob runs things and decides all history must go. Cowardly universities take the knee to them. [Cancel Culture, College]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ USC Professor Greg Patton has been placed on leave after students complained his pronunciation of a Chinese 'filler word' 'nei ge' sounded like the n-word. 'Our mental health has been affected' said the 'Black MBA Candidates c/o 2020' who had to 'endure the emotional exhaustion'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]