Aug 30, 2020 ~ Joe Biden sounds very confused trying to make a point about COVID19. 'COVID has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than100 years, look, here's, the lives, its just, I mean think about it, more lives this year than any other year, for the past 100 years.' [Biden, Coronavirus]
Aug 31, 2020 ~ CDC data shows that new CDC data show that, of those Americans who died in the past seven months, only 6% of the deaths being attributed to Coronavirus (about 9700) died from the virus alone. The other 94% had an average of 2.6 serious comorbidities. Lockdown not needed for most. [Coronavirus]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi caught going to a hair salon without a mask, violating all the rules she and other politicians set up for all the little people. The salon is not even supposed to be open per their rules. Long line of dem hypocrites like Lori Lightfoot, Gretchen Whitmer, Chris Cuomo. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Sep 1, 2020 ~ Another pillar of the COVID19 lockdown scare falls. First we find out that only 6% died from Covid alone. Now NYT reports most of the positive tests were unnecessary. 'tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus.' [Coronavirus]
Sep 2, 2020 ~ Donald L. Luskin, 'The Failed Experiment of Covid Lockdowns - New data suggest that social distancing and reopening haven't determined the spread.' 'The results are in... locking down the economy didn't contain the disease's spread and reopening it didn't unleash a second wave' [Coronavirus]
Sep 3, 2020 ~ Blowout August Jobs numbers. The Hill said in June, 'Fed predicts unemployment will fall to 9.3 percent by end of 2020'. Its at 8.4% already by August. 1.34 million jobs added in August. 2.5X the single month record. Half of the jobs lost to COVID19 have already been recovered. [Trump Win, Economy, Coronavirus]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ 70 doctors wrote in an open letter to Flemish Education Minister. "Mandatory face masks in schools are a major threat to their development." "There is no large-scale evidence that wearing face masks in a non-professional environment has any positive effect on the spread of viruses." [Coronavirus]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ UCLA students are calling for the cancelation of Eli Gafni, the chair of the computer science department, for defending a colleague’s use of the term 'Wuhan virus.' Gafni said using the term 'could have been innocent' And he's not going to be the 'PC police.' Silencers outraged. [Cancel Culture, College, Coronavirus, Silencing]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ New Bob Woodward book quotes Trump about COVID19, 'I wanted to always play it down' 'because I don’t want to create a panic.' Democrats act like this is some kind of lie that cost lives. Fauci defends, No 'discrepancies between what we told [Trump] and what he told the public.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ .@derekahunter explains why Operation Warp Speed is 'genius'. It gets the vaccine months sooner not by cutting corners but by ramping production in parallel with the testing phase instead of waiting until the tests are done. Trump takes a financial risk by assuming success. [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Major COVID19 #FakeNews exposed. NBC News, USA Today and others pushed the story that the Sturgis Rally was a 'Super-Spreader' that lead to 250,000 to 260,000 COVID19 cases. Turns out the 350,000 person rally led to about 260 cases and possibly 1 death. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Hank Berrien, 'In Last 10 Days, Sweden Has Averaged 1 Death Per Day From COVID-19'. More and more its looking like the no-lockdown approach Sweden took was the way to go. Did not kill their economy. Death rate per 100,000 less than other European nations. [Coronavirus]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Joe Biden said there had been 6,114 "military Covid deaths". The actual number was 7. With Biden, one never knows if he is lying or just confused due to senility. He's claimed stuff like 150,000 people killed by guns since 2007, 120 million dead from COVID. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 13, 2020 ~ Violent #TDS afflicted Cher calls for Trump to be killed. Says 'trump's a mass murderer' and 'THE PUNISHMENT IS DEATH'. Michael Moore says 'Trump is a mass killer.' These people are loons. Fauci says that Trump responded 'very early', strongly and correctly to #COVID19. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Sep 16, 2020 ~ Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca who once advocated spreading Covid19 at Trump rallies is the subject of an ethics complaint for encouraging rioters to harm officers and for telling black cops they should "be ashamed" and white cops she "expects this". Calls cops 'animals'. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Leaked emails show the Nashville Dem Mayor’s office lied to hide the true number of cases being spread by bars and restaurants because they were very low. Would have undermined the reason for the shutdown that hurt so many. Emails show the deliberately withheld the information. [Coronavirus]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Lyin Joe Biden claimed 'If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive. All the people. I’m not making this up. Just look at the data.' This absurd statement does not even resemble the truth. Biden would have done worse [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Sep 19, 2020 ~ Marshall University professor Jennifer Mosher said to her students about Trump supporters, ' I hope they all die before the election. That’s the only saving hope I have right now.' 'I hope they all get it [COVID19] and die.' [College, Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'It’s looking like Sweden’s herd immunity strategy worked' 'few countries drew as much scrutiny and frequent criticism as Sweden during the early days.' 'as much of Europe is experiencing a second surge in cases, Sweden has some of the lowest numbers in all of Europe.' [Coronavirus]
Sep 20, 2020 ~ Poor confused, clueless Slow Joe Biden is trying to talk about #COVID19 again. “It’s estimated that 200 million people will die, probably by the time I finish this talk.” He is never in the ballpark of reality on anything he is talking about. He needs a portable teleprompter. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ CDC released #COVID19 survival rates indicate the blanket lockdowns were a big mistake for most people (especially for school age). Age 70+ is the only group that had any significant risk. Ages 0-19: 99.997%, Ages 20-49: 99.98%, Ages 50-69: 99.5%, Ages 70+: 94.6% [Coronavirus]
Sep 28, 2020 ~ Biden says "I’m not the guy who says 'inject bleach in your arm.' I do know the difference between truth and lies.” Very ironic considering he lies non-stop. In fact this very claim (implying Trump said inject bleach) is a lie. Other Dems have lied claiming he said Clorox, Lysol. [Biden, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Oct 3, 2020 ~ Ted Cruz confronts Chris Cuomo about the nursing home mistakes Andrew Cuomo made. Chris said, 'My brother was the first to say that there was a learning curve, mistakes were made, and they changed things as soon as they could.' Cuomo is allowed a learning curve but not Trump. [Coronavirus]
Oct 3, 2020 ~ President and Melania Trump contract COVID19. He is flown to Walter Reed Medical Center. Many Democrats blame Trump for getting it. Many others celebrate and/or hope for his death. Former Hillary, Obama staffer Zara Rahim said 'I hope he dies.' Many others wish for suffering too [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Oct 4, 2020 ~ Politico survey reveals that 40% of Democrats say they are 'happy' that President Trump has contracted #COVID19. Many are openly hoping for his death, both online and outside Walter Reed, chanting, 'Fuck Trump.' 'I hope he dies.' Only the left behaves this way. #DontBecomeThem [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Oct 4, 2020 ~ Jay W. Richards, 'Stats Hold a Surprise: Lockdowns May Have Had Little Effect on COVID-19 Spread' 'If we showed people these curves without any markings, they would not be able to discern when or even if lockdowns went into effect.' The curves look the same, lockdowns or not. [Coronavirus]
Oct 5, 2020 ~ #FakeNews of the day. CNBC 'journalist', Daily Beast, Sen. Bernie Sanders, many dem 'celebs' all claim that 'The White House Gift Shop is selling a “Donald J. Trump defeats Covid” commemorative coin.' for $100 The gift shop has 0 to do with the White House or the Trump Admin. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ Biden aide Ron Klain reveals how Obama admin screwed up H1N1. 'We did every possible thing wrong. And 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time, and it's just purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history.' #COVID19 [Biden, Coronavirus]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ Joe Biden aide Ron Klain during the Obama administration in 2019 said ‘We did every possible thing wrong. And 60 million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time.’ This means that if H1N1 had the same death rate as #COVID19, Obama/Biden would have lost about 2.5 million people. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Oct 11, 2020 ~ The WHO now says lockdowns are a bad way to fight #COVID19. 'We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,' said Dr. David Nabarro, the WHO's Special Envoy on Covid-19. They make 'poor people an awful lot poorer.' [Coronavirus, Economics]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ @NYT, “Experts are saying, with genuine confidence, that the pandemic in the United States will be over far sooner than they expected... Operation Warp Speed... working with remarkable efficiency. If handled like the Spanish Flu or H1N1, there would be "2 million dead today." [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ Ronn Torossian, 'Double standards against Jews in NYC' Cuomo and De Blasio praised and participated in large gatherings for #BLM protests but won't allow Jews to safely congregate, pray and hold funerals. 'A blatant double standard.' If people can eat and protest, they can pray. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Coronavirus, Religious Freedom, Silencing]
Oct 19, 2020 ~ Dr. Scott Atlas @SWAtlasHoover was suspended from Twitter for tweeting unapproved information about masks. Atlas quoted the CDC and WHO but Twitter views their role to be the decider of what information and opinions are and are not permitted to be expressed. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Oct 19, 2020 ~ Michael Levitt @MLevitt_NP2013 is canceled as Keynote Speaker of the Computational Biology & Biodesign Conference for unapproved (but true) opinions on #Covid19. "too many calls by other speakers threatening to quit if you were there." "New Dark Age Cometh." Levitt says. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 20, 2020 ~ Gov. Cuomo not only takes no responsibility for the bad decisions that led to NY having the worst #Covid19 response in the nation, he insanely said, 'I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York from COVID' See for what really happened in NY [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS]
Oct 22, 2020 ~ V shaped economic recovery from #COVID19 is in progress. CNBC, 'New filings for jobless claims in the U.S. totaled 787,000 last week, the lowest total since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.' [Coronavirus, Economy, Trump Win]
Oct 26, 2020 ~ Thomas Lifson, 'Europe's COVID second wave spike shows the futility of lockdowns and mask mandates, as well as the phoniness of the Dems' criticism of Trump' Dems are trying to claim if only Trump was doing all the things Europe is doing, we'd be doing better. But they are not. [Coronavirus]
Oct 27, 2020 ~ NYTimes, 'Schoolchildren Seem Unlikely to Fuel Coronavirus Surges, Scientists Say' 'Evidence is growing that school openings, especially of elementary schools, are safer than many had believed... the toll of school closures on disadvantaged kids is enormous... rise in drop-outs' [Coronavirus]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Laura Hollis, 'Obesity: The American Health Crisis We Should Be Talking About' The differences in #COVID19 death rates in populations correlate with obesity. 42% of Americans are obese. 4.7% of South Koreans. Among Americans, death rates correlate well with race obesity rates. [Coronavirus, Health, Race]
Nov 3, 2020 ~ Bobby Bowden said at 91, he wanted to beat #COIV19 'because I wanted to be around to vote for President Trump.' Several people including former players went right to the standard false smear and called him a 'racist.' No, supporting Trump does not make someone a racist. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Nov 9, 2020 ~ Pfizer announces greater than 90% effectiveness on their #COVID19 vaccine. 'It is a great day for science. It is a great day for humanity," said Pfizer CEO. Availability is looking good for end of year which President Trump was ridiculed for predicting. #Warpspeed [Coronavirus]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Moderna becomes the second company to announce a COVID19 vaccine developed under President Trump's WarpSpeed program. The effectiveness is an astounding 94.5%. [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ A massive exodus from New York City has been taking place. 300,000 people at minimum have left the city this year. Other Democrat run cites have been experiencing the same thing as they have defunded the police and let criminals run wild while shutting down their economies. [Coronavirus, Crime, Police]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Jake Tapper praises @realDonaldTrump regarding the #COVID19 timetable no one thought was possible. 'We should take a moment, as we always have when discussing vaccine and Operation Warp Speed, that... this is an unmitigated success and we should acknowledge that. [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Gavin Newsom becomes the next in a long line of Democrats getting caught doing what he demands others not do. He was out to dinner at a fancy restaurant in a large group that included several households. Chris Cuomo, Lori Lightfoot, Gretchen Whitmer, and Nancy Pelosi say its ok. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Joe Biden's Coronavirus adviser Ezekiel Emanuel says people shouldn't live past 75. You would think #COVID19 would be perfect for him. It really only threatens in a significant way people over 75. [Biden, Coronavirus]
Dec 6, 2020 ~ The Chicago Teachers Union @CTULocal1 claims 'The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.' Proves Tucker's point. To Democrats everything can be understood as being about racism, sexism or Russia. How could they not see the Russia connection? #COVID19 [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Dec 16, 2020 ~ Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo is the latest in a LONG string of Democrats to be caught breaking their own #COVID19 rules that they imposed on their subjects. Caught out at a wine bar after ordering a 2 week shut down and after aide tested positive. And not wearing a mask! [Coronavirus]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ Scott Morefield, 'New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues' "Counties with mask-mandates in place actually did WORSE than those that refused to implement them." Accounting for population. "incontrovertible data evidence that mask mandates do little to nothing to stop or even slightly curb the spread of COVID-19." [Coronavirus]
Dec 21, 2020 ~ Google is racist too says recruiter April Curley. 'FUCK GOOGLE AND FUCK THE WAY GOOGLE TREATS BLACK WOMEN and BLACK PEOPLE. THEY DO NOT WANT BLACK TALENT.' 'they fired in the middle of a MF pandemic because they were tired of hearing me call them out on their racist bullshit.'[Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Racism]