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Oct 22, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'The Poster Boy For the Death of San Francisco' Joseph Adam Moore is a homeless convicted pedophile who deals drugs across the street from an elementary school. His signs advertise "Meth for stolen items" and "Free fentanyl for new users." He was previously convicted of raping a 12 year old girl and was accused of having sex with a 15 year old within a month of being released. Anyway, police have occasionally brought him in but San Fran releases him immediately. Welcome to a locale run by Democrats. Stay away, obviously! [California, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Drugs, Loathsome Left]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Black man Leonard Cure, killed by white cop Staff Sergeant Buck Aldridge, becomes the new poster child for #BLM. Attorney Ben Crump, eager to jump on or create every false narrative, wants “Justice for Leonard.” Cure was stopped for speeding over 100mph and reckless driving. He was very uncooperative when told to put his hands on the back of the truck. "I ain't doing shit." He ignores repeated commands and is tased. At that point, the beings fighting with Aldridge, throwing him to the ground. During the lengthy struggle, Cure begins choking Aldridge saying "Yeah bitch, yeah bitch" at which point Aldridge shoots him. Yet another example (one of dozens) of why #BLM ("We MUST say his name: Leonard Cure." they announce) is a fraudulent organization. Always lying about what happened and why someone was shot. Yet another case that had nothing to do with racism. Just a violent person fighting with an officer who was protecting the public and who would have killed the officer had he not been shot. The exact description of what happened to Michael Brown in Ferguson and many others that #BLM demands 'justice' for. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Michael Letts, 'Boston Democrats dig the city's grave' Boston "is going through a massive crime wave, perhaps the highest it’s ever seen." There's not nearly enough cops but they won't fund more because they claim cops "unfairly targets black and Hispanic youths." [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Police]
Oct 25, 2023 ~ Leftists of all variety have been cheering the Islamic terrorists killing Jews in the most barbaric ways? Many have known for a long time that the left is evil. Always on the side of terrorists, criminals, censors and dictators. Always against peaceful, law abiding people. Against freedom of speech and politics. Is there anyone who can't see it now? [Crime, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Terrorism]
Oct 31, 2023 ~ Matt Walsh, "New Revelations Prove Yet Again That Derek Chauvin Was An Innocent Man Railroaded In The Name Of ‘Racial Justice’" MN chief medical examiner, Andrew Baker reveals "that Floyd had a lethal level of fentanyl in his system under normal circumstances. Baker also acknowledged that Floyd had a severely enlarged heart, and that the autopsy showed no physical signs of neck injury or strangulation. The medical examiner went on to admit that, if Floyd had been found alone in an apartment building, his death would be certified as an overdose without a second thought." He said the placement of Chauvin's knee would NOT cut off Floyd's airway. "There were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation." "There was the body camera footage of George Floyd saying 'I can’t breathe,' several times, before he was ever on the ground. He’s fighting with the officers in the back of the squad car. And then he begs them to put him on the ground, because he doesn’t want to be in the car." "The testimony from the doctor who treated Floyd in the emergency room, who admitted under cross-examination that Floyd’s symptoms — specifically the lack of oxygen to his brain — were consistent with a fentanyl overdose." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Jack Cashill, 'Michelle Obama: The Black Face of White Flight' She absurdly claims that white people were scared by 'the color of our skin' and the 'texture of our hair.' But no, they were fleeing 'untenable' crime. Other black people fled too. Including Michelle and her family. They broke rules to send their kids to schools far away from the project kids. "Michelle has chosen to hector white parents who made the same decisions she and her parents made." [Crime, Fake Racism, Race]
Dec 1, 2023 ~ 'New York City's Police Department Imploding' 2516 #NYC cops have quit this year. 10k since 2020. Many are leaving before they even get a pension. Blue cities legalize crime and throw cops under the bus. Why would they stay? [Crime, Police]
Dec 11, 2023 ~ Luke Rosiak, 'New Arrest Highlights How Italy Concealed Migrant Rape By Framing Amanda Knox' Meredith Kercher was raped and killed by African migrant Rudy Guede but Amanda Knox was falsely accused. Who knew this?? [Crime, Fake News]
Jan 14, 2024 ~ Wilfred Reilly, '"Systemic Racism" in the Justice System Does Not Exist' "Based on models that adjust for social class as a variable, there appears to exist little or no 'systemic' racial bias in the U.S. criminal-justice system." "Meta-analytic review of some 51 studies — which, combined, included around 120 distinct effect tables — concluded that 'neither class nor race biases for criminal adjudications for either violent or property crimes could be reliably detected.' For drug crimes such as crack sales, some evidence of bias was found, but 'effect sizes were very small' — often on the order of a few percentage points — and may be primarily artifacts of the weaknesses of past studies." "Similarly, in policing, Harvard economist Roland Fryer’s multifactorial analysis, which included controls for the behavior of suspects and racial groups’ rate of contact with police, concluded that white suspects are actually 27 percent more likely than black suspects to be shot by cops . . . rebutting the entire Black Lives Matter narrative almost in passing." [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Feb 2, 2024 ~ In a textbook "false accusation of racism" claim, Rep. Ayanna Pressley accused Walgreens of racism because they are closing another store in a high crime area. These kinds of unfortunately very common claims are the exact reason for the Fake Racism tag on this site. "These closures are not arbitrary and they are not innocent. They are life-threatening acts of racial and economic discrimination." "Walgreens... needs to... stop divesting from Black and brown communities." She is right that the closures are 'not arbitrary.' They are closing stores in high crime neighborhoods that are both dangerous to their employees and lose money due to the rampant looting. It is Democrats like Pressley who created the conditions that led to these closings by legalizing theft and other 'reforms' that put dangerous criminals back out on the street minutes after committing violent crimes.These closures are going on constantly. In-N-Out Burger and Denny's are closing down in Oakland for the same reasons. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ "‘All Hell Broke Lose’: Harvard Economist Needed ‘Armed Guard’ After Study Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings" Roland Fryer, The youngest tenured black professor in Harvard history "needed armed security with him to go out in public [for more than a month] after he published a study finding no evidence of racial bias in officer-involved shootings." Typical of the left which gets violent when their narratives are challenged. Fryer expected to find a different result after Michael Brown, not realizing that narrative was BS. He RE-DID the study to make sure when it didn't match the narrative. Fryer was placed on a 2 year leave by then dean Claudine Gay. Gay went on to become Harvard president but resigned due to scandals involving anti-semitism and plagiarism. @bariweiss asked, "Do you believe in karma?" [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ Black Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas (D) claims Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) used a racial “dog whistle” when he referred to the Chiefs parade shooting suspects as “thugs.” Thugs who shoot up a parade cannot be called 'thugs' if they are black without people crying 'racism.' [Crime, Fake Racism]
Feb 25, 2024 ~ 22-year-old University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley was brutally killed in Athens by illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Ibarra. Ibarra was previously arrested in NY for injury to a child. Dems in NY refuse to hand over illegals to ICE for deportation even if they commit violent crimes. All of these crimes are the direct result of Biden's open border policies and Democrat Party 'Sanctuary City' policies. They CHOOSE to have them. [Crime, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 2, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'American Paralysis and Decline' Another insightful article by VDH. "We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies." We are unwilling to fix our worst problems because we don't have the stomach for what needs to be done. The flood of illegal immigration, the unsustainable national debt, rampant shoplifting and other crimes, the homeless, corrupt prosecutors who destroy political opponents on fake charges. Everyone knows we can't ignore these problems and survive but no one is willing to address them for fear of being called a 'racist' or other criticism. [Crime, Debt, Deficit, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson, Witch Hunt]
Mar 3, 2024 ~ The US Customs and Border Protection office data shows that crimes committed by illegals have skyrocketed from when Trump left in 2020 to 2023. Murders up 10X. Other violent crimes up 6X. Burglary, robbery, larceny, theft up 6X. Other crimes up similarly. [Crime, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 7, 2024 ~ Ann Coulter 'The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime' Democrats and the #FakeNews want us to believe that bringing in over 10 million unvetted people from poor countries will not increase crime. All based on one very flawed (Nowrasteh) study which only counts a fraction of the crimes committed by illegals vs. all the crimes committed by citizens plus the non counted illegals. [Crime, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 8, 2024 ~ Race hustler @MaraGay of the #FakeNews @nytimes looks really foolish writing an article titled 'The National Guard Might Help Subway Riders Feel Safer' saying "Gov. Houchel's decision was the right one," when she said "Running this puts black people in danger." when Tom Cotton suggested the same thing. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Mar 10, 2024 ~ Biden was shamed for ignoring Laken Riley who was killed due to his immigration policies. So he reluctantly mentioned her at the SOTU address but he called her Lincoln. He correctly said she was killed by an "illegal alien" but Dems were furious he used that term. They were far more upset at calling him an illegal than the fact that he killed an innocent college student. Biden apologized. “I shouldn't have used 'illegal.' It's undocumented." He also weirdly and insultingly claimed "they built the country." Ho boy... [Biden, Crime, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'El Salvador's Bukele offers to clean up Haiti' Haiti has totally collapsed. Government fled. Gangs running the the place killing many. Dead bodies piling up in the streets. 5000+ criminals let out of prison. Biden welcoming them all to enter the border. Remember when Trump called Haiti a 'shithole.' The #FakeNews fell all over themselves to claim it was paradise. [Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ "Of ‘Teen Takeovers’ and Television News" Events police are calling 'Teen Takeovers' are becoming more common in cities like Chicago. They are mobs of black youths that far outnumber the police, looting, stomping cars, etc. The #FakeNews does not report. [Crime, Fake News, Police, Race]
Mar 16, 2024 ~ 'White girl beaten (to death?) by black classmate—school district offers ‘condolences’ to all involved while Big Media ignores' These videos of attacks are becoming way too common. Not like the fights of old where the victim can walk away - These are often trying to kill - many will never be the same if they live. One or often many more blacks beating the hell out of a white kid, kicking in the head, jumping on heads of an unconscious kid on the ground, slamming heads into concrete, many on one. You can see them almost daily on Twitter and would ALL be HUGE stories if the races were reversed but the #FakeNews ignores when the victims are white. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Mar 18, 2024 ~ 'Americans Leaving Cities Destroyed by Democrats' Since 2020, when the foolish dems defunded the police, and stopped enforcing laws, Chicago lost 231K, NY 500K, LA 380K, San Fran 174K, New Orleans 45K. Law abiding taxpayers are fleeing. [Crime, Loathsome Left, Police]
Mar 20, 2024 ~ Vince Coyner, 'There’s A Deadly Race War Raging In America' How to explain the almost daily videos of black people beating the hell out of white people, often many on one, often trying to kill them? 1) Democrats lie about race constantly telling black people they are the 'victims' and white people are their 'oppressors.' "At the same time, we had the Pentagon, the White House, and practically every news organization in the country telling us that white nationalism is the single biggest threat to the country and that blacks were in constant danger. The left has done to whites what the Nazis did to the Jews, what the Japanese did to the Chinese, and what the Hutu did to the Tutsi… dehumanize them, make them into the Other, the ones towards whom no humanity need be shown. Once that mindset is absorbed, there are no limitations on what can be done to members of the target group." 2) "The second component is that black Americans have been told by Democrats that they cannot succeed. Regardless of what they do, they are incapable of success in America because of white oppression. As such, the rules need to be changed for them—most critically, the elimination of consequences for crimes. Essentially, the argument is that given that blacks cannot find success when they behave properly, society can’t punish them for behaving improperly." 3) The third component is the collapse of the black family. Today, more than 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers. That leaves a single mother, often on welfare, to raise the children. And children in fatherless homes are far more likely to be criminals."   "The outcome of this perfect storm is that a significant proportion of the black population hates white people, has little belief that blacks have a vested interest in civilized society, and comes from homes in which no one teaches them right from wrong. With little reason to have self-respect and even less reason to respect others, too many black Americans are simply acting out as a child would, with no filters, no self-control, no empathy, and no real remorse. That’s a recipe for disaster for society.   "If America is coming apart at the seams, it’s not because of and “systemic racism” but rather because Democrats have seen fit to weaponize blacks, and not just against whites, but against the very fabric of America." [BLM, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Mar 24, 2024 ~ 'Debunking the Stupid, Yet Passionately Held, Myths About the 1994 Crime Bill' This bill had wide bi-partisan support including big name Dems like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. It was widely supported by black people. It did not cause the 'mass incarceration' of black people. The percentage of prisioners that were black did not increase after 1994. Finally, it worked well to reduce violent crime making urban settings much safer. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Mar 29, 2024 ~ 'Gunshot-Detection Tech Has Saved Hundreds of Lives. The Left Says It’s Racist' ShotSpotter is a technology that detects gunshots and dispatches help. Its saved 100s of lives but some on the left are calling it 'racist' for dispatching police to minority neighborhoods. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 6, 2024 ~ 'NYC Agrees To Pay Out Millions After Muslim Women Told To Remove Hijabs For Mug Shots'  $17.5 MILLION!!! paid out to 2 women who had to remove their hijab for mug shots. A totally reasonable requirement considering identification is the point. Apparently NYC was not bankrupting itself fast enough with all of its woke policies. It had to accelerate the process with more stupidity. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Islam]
Apr 9, 2024 ~ Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman continues to forget that he is a Democrat. First he supports Israel instead of Hamas. Then he supports law abiding people instead of criminals by being tough on crime and says "squatters have no rights. How can you even pretend that this is anything other than you’re just breaking the law? It’s wild, that if you go away on a long trip, for 30 days, and someone breaks into your home and suddenly they have rights. This is crazy. Like if somebody stole your car, and then they held it for 30 days, then somehow you now have some rights?" Then on crime in general: "If you have those kinds of established records, It doesn’t serve any greater goal to allow people that are offending, offending, offending and allow them to not be held accountable. We have to be very smart and aggressive on crime. I have gone to police funerals. If this individual is convicted, then he should spend the rest of his life and in prison, and never have an opportunity to get out." This guy has too much sense to be a Democrat... [Crime, Politics]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'The Media Nominates Their New George Floyd' #BLM has to lie about every shooting. They protested in their usual way over the death of Dexter Reed. Reed was awaiting trial for three counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and one count of possession of a firearm with a revoked ID. Reed was pulled over by cops wearing a ski mask. He did not cooperate. They told him to unlock the door and he would not. They told him to roll the windows down but he rolled the windows up. The windows had illegal tinting making it harder to see what he was doing. He then started firing at the officers getting off 11 rounds, hitting one of the officers. The officers returned fire, killing Reed. Most of the #FakeNews did what they always do: write a misleading headline about how cops killed a black man for a traffic violation, focusing on how many times he was shot. @WashingtonPost headline: “Police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing Black man during traffic stop.” You have to read far into the article to find out the officers were under fire if that apparently irrelevant detail is mentioned at all. #BLM did what they always do, lie about him being "killed for not wearing a seat belt", demanding 'justice' and stirring up unrest. Ben Crump will be on the scene any minute to ringlead the circus... https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-media-nominates-their-new-george-floyd [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ 'OJ and CRT' OJ Simpson is dead. Antisemitic, race hustling Professor Marc Lamont Hill reminds us that OJ's verdict was correct because the system is 'racist' so black people should be able to kill white people. "His acquittal for murder was the correct and necessary result of a racist criminal legal system." This is essentially what members of the jury said too. They knew he was guilty but acquitted him because he is black and the victims were white and it was close in time to Rodney King. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police, Race, Racism]
Apr 14, 2024 ~ "‘Honour-Based‘ Crimes Soar by 60 Per Cent over Two Years in England" As Muslims immigrate to Europe, they bring their treatment of women with them. These crimes are up 193% over the last six years. Assaults, raps and FGM on young girls. [Crime, Islam]
May 1, 2024 ~ 'The Crime Stats Are Juked' Democrats and the #FakeNews cite bogus stats to claim that crime has not gotten as bad as we know its gotten. They compare to 2020 when the country was on fire. "major cities [like LA, NYC] with lots of crime are excluded from the numbers. It's like Chicago saying shootings are down if you exclude gang members." There is a lot more non-reporting now that many blue cities have essentially legalized crime anyway. There is no point to reporting it so they don't. [Crime, Fake News]
May 5, 2024 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Don’t Become Sweden' Biden thinking of admitting Gazan refugees after they very largely supported the Oct. 7th attack and all of their Abab neighbors want nothing to do with them. Sweden made a similar mistake and crime skyrocketed largely due to the Muslim immigrants they imported. [Crime, Immigration, Islam, Rich Lowry]
May 26, 2024 ~ "Swedish MP who previously fought for open borders does a ‘spectacular u-turn’ and argues for deportations for migrants devouring her homeland" Due to the massive increase in violent crime since 2015 Swedish Member of Parliament Louise Meijer, "I have changed my mind on the matter" and now wants "an even stricter migration policy than the one I opposed at the time.” [Crime, Immigration, Islam]
Jun 4, 2024 ~ Mustafa Ahmed Mohamed is arrested for a mass shooting in Minneapolis killing 2 including police officer Jamal Mitchell. 3 other people were wounded in the shooting. Mohamed had a lengthy criminal record and had 2 warrants for his arrest at the time of the shooting but the defunded Minneapolis police force could not keep up with him. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Police]
Jun 10, 2024 ~ 'How to Actually Save Black Lives' "After years of virtue-signaling, serious efforts to defund American police (one of which famously reached the op-ed pages of the New York Times), and more than $10 billion in donations to race-activist groups, the Black Lives Matter movement has almost certainly resulted in the loss of thousands of additional black lives, as reflected in the near doubling of the age-adjusted African-American homicide rate. Simultaneously, it has failed to significantly reduce police killings of black civilians, which have long been rare." "During the years immediately following the death of George Floyd, a time of widespread rioting and urban chaos, the annual U.S. murder toll surged above 20,000 for the first time since the 1990s. Meanwhile, rates of (often justified) police violence against African Americans have remained remarkably stable. According to the Washington Post, a fine paper but one just slightly to the right of Mr. V. Lenin, there were 239 shootings of armed or unarmed black Americans in 2016 — the first full year after the launch of the Post’s “The Counted” police-violence database. By comparison, there were 255 such shootings in 2022 and 235 in 2023 — very similar numbers." "Harvard itself attempted to terminate tenured professor Roland Fryer after his rigorous scholarship found that police do not disproportionately kill African Americans. (In fact, with all other variables held steady, officers are almost 30 percent more likely to shoot white suspects.)" [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
Jun 10, 2024 ~ Larry Elder, 'Biden's Black Lies Matter' Recall Biden recently spewed this BS: "What is democracy if Black men are being killed in the street? If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness. For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. I stood up for George -- with George Floyd's family to help create a country where you don't need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over." "George Floyd, a career criminal, was full of fentanyl and resisted arrest. There's no evidence Floyd's treatment had anything to do with his race." "Policemag.com asked those who self-described as "very liberal" how many unarmed black men did the police kill in 2019. Fifty percent thought police killed 1,000 or more. Eight percent thought police killed 10,000 or more. What did those who self-described as "liberal" think? Thirty-nine percent thought the police killed 1,000 or more. Five percent thought the police killed 10,000 or more. The actual number, according to the Washington Post database, was 12. And the police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks." "In recent years, there have been approximately 750 black-white or white-black homicides. Nearly 500 whites are killed by blacks, who are about 13% of the population. About 250 blacks are killed by whites, who are about 60% of the population." "What about non-homicide violent crime between blacks and whites, including attempted murder, rape, robbery, simple assault and aggravated assault? In recent years, there have been approximately 500,000 such crimes. In 85% to 90% of these crimes, the perp is black and the victim is white -- only 10% to 15% the other way around." Basically, Biden's and the Democrat's narrative is not only a lie, its the exact opposite of the truth. Even the hate crimes narrative is the opposite of reality: "'From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites' among 'suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. ... In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime.' Los Angeles blacks last year 'committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites,' anti-gay ones at seven times, anti-Semitic ones at 2.4 times and anti-Hispanic ones at 13.5 times the white rate." [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Larry Elder, Police, Race]
Jun 10, 2024 ~ "Biden Falsely Tells College Grads Cops Are Killing ‘Black Men’ In The Streets. The Truth In ‘24 Is Much More Tragic" Another article that debunks Biden's hideous "What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street?" speech. "Of the 74 black men who died as a result of a police shooting in 2024, only three were identified as being unarmed in The Washington Post’s database for tracking fatal police shootings in America." The article covers the details of all three of those and they were all justified and twice as many white people were killed by the police over the same time period. The damn narrative that black people are being killed by racist police has never been true but Democrats continue to push it to divide us and make communities more dangerous by defunding and neutering the police. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 16, 2024 ~ Black woman Bionca Ellis stabbed 3 year old Julian Wood to death in a supermarket and stabbed his mom who tried to flee with him. She was just released from jail days earlier because we don't hold people anymore. She smirked evilly as she was being read the charges. People are pointing out that had a white person stabbed a random black toddler to death it would have been a much bigger story and proof of America's racism toward blacks. [Crime, Fake News, Racism]
Jun 23, 2024 ~ @toddstarnes: "6 blacks brutally beat a white teenager. They demanded his shoes. Even after he gave them his shoes, the blacks continued to attack the kid. No national news coverage. No condemnation from NAACP. No marches by "civil rights" groups. That's because the white kid's life doesn't matter." One of many incidents that never get reported by the #FakeNews but would be front page, lead stories on the nightly news if the races were reversed. [Crime, Fake News, Race, Racism]
Jul 2, 2024 ~ "Lesbian couple Emma MacLean, & her girlfriend "Tori" were out celebrating a birthday in Halifax in the far east of Canada. A group of 10 Syrian men, where one made a sexist comment. Tori said 'that's my girlfriend' and both were beaten to a pulp."   #Islam, the Religion of Peace [Crime, Islam]
Jul 2, 2024 ~ 'Antifa Goons Who Attacked Trump Supporters in San Diego Sentenced to Jail' Finally some accountability for the violent thugs in Antifa. They mobbed innocent people and beat them severely for having the 'wrong' politics. [Antifa, Crime, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 9, 2024 ~ Over 100 people were shot in Chicago last weekend, including 18 fatally. Mayor Brandon Johnson blames it on Richard Nixon. "We had a chance 60 year ago to get at the root causes... We ended up with Richard Nixon." Can't fix it now because we missed our chance 60 years ago. You can't make this up. [Crime, Race]
Aug 9, 2024 ~ Alleged 'intellectual' Columbia Professor, Kimberlé Crenshaw, the founder of 'intersectional' theory spreads absurdly false information. "Black women make up less than 10% of the population, yet when it comes to killings by police, we make up a 3rd of them, with the majority unarmed." The real percentage is less than 1%. Her claimed figure is 40 times higher than reality. And only 9 unarmed black women were shot, ever. And the fact that they were unarmed does not mean the shooting was unjustified. Most police shootings of unarmed suspects are justified. Like Michael Brown who was fighting the officer for his gun and Breonna Taylor who was standing next to her boyfriend who was shooting at the police at the time she was shot. [BLM, College, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 9, 2024 ~ Brendan Depa, the teen who beat a teacher unconscious was sentenced to 5 years in state prison and 15 years probation. The teacher suffered broken ribs, a concussion and has PTSD. Depa's mother claims that his sentence was because “he is black.” Gotta try the race card but its total BS as usual. [Crime, Fake Racism]
Aug 11, 2024 ~ 'Kamala’s Incompetent, Deranged, Radically Leftist Running Mate' Flashback to 2020. #BLM mobs were vandalizing and burning down Minneapolis. The mayor Jacob Frey and the police chief asked the governor for the national guard to be deployed because as Frey said, "the ongoing situation is well-beyond the capability of our police and fire departments to respond." The mayor's spokesperson said, “Walz was hesitating.” The help never came and thus the police station was burned to the ground as well as 164 other businesses, cars and government businesses over the course of several days. Walz's daughter posted on social media that the guard was not being deployed which emboldened the mob. Walz's wife safe in her own home said she left her windows open to savor the smell of the burning tires. Matt Walsh explained, "It was a profound moment for her, because no one was burning down anything she owned. She has bodyguards to prevent that sort of thing. So only the plebs suffered. And as they suffered, Gwen Walz did everything but pull out a fiddle." [BLM, Crime, George Floyd, Harris, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 1, 2024 ~ 'Most Charges in Breonna Taylor Shooting Dismissed' We already knew this but as usual the #BLM narrative was completely false. The shooting was justified. Taylor was shot because she was standing next to her boyfriend who was shooting at the police. [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 5, 2024 ~ 'Around 75% Of Violent Crime Arrests In Midtown Manhattan Are Suspected Illegal Immigrants' This is what Biden and Harris have brought to our country. They say Trump is lying about illegal immigrant crime but they are lying. [Crime, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 13, 2024 ~ 'ICE Drops a Bombshell' Huge Story! ICE reveals that "662,566 illegal immigrants on ICE’s docket have a criminal history. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 illegal immigrants face pending criminal charges." "62,231 were convicted of assault, 14,301 were convicted of burglary, and 13,099 were convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual-assault convictions." Thanks Biden and Harris! Dems used to say Trump was lying about them importing criminals into the country. [Crime, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 20, 2024 ~ 'ABC Debate Moderator David Muir’s Fact Check of Donald Trump Breaks Down' Trump said crime was going up under Kamala in the debate and Muir cited FBI stats saying it was going down. The FBI's updated stats show Trump was right. Its going up! [Crime, Fake News, Politics]
Nov 1, 2024 ~ "NYC Is Decriminalizing Jaywalking In The Name Of ‘Equity’" Anything that has ad disparate impact on black people is by definition 'racist' even though that is never true. The DIE fruadsters say its racist to hold black people to any standards at all. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]

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