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Dec 17, 2016 ~ Dennis Prager, '10 Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters From Their Lives', 'Many Hillary Clinton voters have ceased communicating with friends, and even family members, who voted for Donald Trump.' 'virtually no conservatives cut off contact with friends, let alone parents' [TDS, Dennis Prager]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Is Donald Trump a Misogynist' - Prager debunks this ridiculous claim - he is equal opportunity insulter and employer. All men objectify women - does not make them misogynists - not in conflict with respecting them. [Dennis Prager, Fake Sexism]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'America's 2nd Civil War', The modern left is opposed to every one of the core principles of true liberalism. Conservatives much closer to true liberalism like free speech, melting pot ideal, Western Civilization. The left now views America's worthy values as evil. [Dennis Prager, Western Civilization, Free Speech]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Audi - The Car for the Unhappy Woman' - Lying Superbowl ad that perpetrated the myth that women are paid less than men - its been debunked so many times its depressing that it keeps coming up but it's an important democrat talking point, fake as it is. [Dennis Prager, Gender Pay Gap, Fake News, Economics]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?' - Need to be honest about how their beliefs have been shaped - Many Jews no longer feel safe in Europe and are leaving as attacks are increasing. Atlantic, 'Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?' [Dennis Prager, Islam, Anti-Semitism, Terrorism]
Mar 24, 2017 ~ Entitlements - The Most Dangerous Addiction of Them All - Krauthammer, Will and Prager explain why entitlements are so difficult or even impossible to repeal even when it is obvious they are fiscally unsustainable. Anyone who tries to cut is vilified. Political suicide. [Entitlements, Debt, Dennis Prager]
Apr 17, 2017 ~ Prager, 'Note to the Left: Four Years Ago, Conservatives Were Just as Depressed' However, The Right did not riot, destroy property, take over offices, shut down speakers, protest at houses, exhibit violence, extreme rudeness and disrespectful behavior regularly, etc. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
May 30, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'It's Time for Conservatives to Celebrate This President' - Prager lists a lot of accomplishments Trump already has in 3 months - says conservative must all join with Trump despite his flaws because this is an existential fight [Trump Win, Dennis Prager]
Aug 23, 2017 ~ Michael Brown, 'YouTube Just Demonetized Hundreds of Our Videos' Censorship of reasonable conservative videos continues. This has happened to many other conservative voices including Prager U. [Dennis Prager, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager 'Can a Conservative Conduct an Orchestra' The intolerant left led a campaign to have Dennis Prager disinvited from conducting an orchestra because he's conservative. Deplatforming speaking engagements no longer enough. They seek total banishment of their opponents. [Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 2, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Those Who Don't fight Evil Fight Statues' 'The left relentlessly fights racism in America, even though America is the least racist multiracial society in history' Ditto sexism. But the left turns a blind eye to the evils of Islamism, and in the past Communism. [Islam, Socialism, Dennis Prager]
Sep 9, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Conservatives in America are Like Marranos in Medieval Spain'. Marranos were Jews who could not practice openly because they were living during the Inquisition. Now conservatives in every profession have to keep quiet because not worth it the many consequences. [Dennis Prager, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 16, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Leftism Is Not Liberalism' - Prager argues that liberals and conservatives have more in common with each other than with leftists. Liberals value free speech, color blind society, capitalism, America, Western Civilization, etc. Leftists hate all of those things. [Dennis Prager, Politics, Western Civilization, Free Speech, Race]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager 'The Greatest Libel Since the Blood Libel' is the idea that America today oppresses minorities and women. Prager calls this false smear the American Libel. 'No country is more welcoming and accepting of minorities than America' Smear harmful to whites and non-whites [Dennis Prager, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Prager tackles the 'I'm Not Ready to Get Married' idea that causes so many to put off marriage - you're never ready, the longer you wait, the less ready you will be. The longer you wait, the worse the options and having a family gets harder. [Dennis Prager]
Jan 24, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, Male Sexual Nature - A Primer for the College-Educated - Prager has to again explain the difference between men and women and why men objectifying women is natural and not misogynistic [Gender, Dennis Prager]
Mar 10, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why Christians Support Israel' - 'They believe in supporting American allies and supporting countries that share their moral values.' Prager explains it and laments that Christians seem to support and defend Israel more than Jews. [Israel, Dennis Prager]
Mar 27, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Trump, Adultery, Morality' Ridiculous to say that Trump's adultery overshadows the good he has done and continues to do for America and the world - see also JFK, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King Jr. and many many others. [TDS, Dennis Prager, Politics]
May 3, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Fear of the Left' Reasons the left labels conservatives and Trump supporters white supremacists, Nazis and racists. One is to defeat conservatives without having to defeat ideas. The other is to instill fear - Speak out and you will suffer the consequences. [Fake Racism, Silencing, Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
May 16, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The War on Wisdom' - The left in America is founded on the rejection of wisdom - equate getting married before having children, working hard and eschewing substance abuse and crime with 'white supremacy' [Fake Racism, Dennis Prager]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Prager - Google changes its slogan from 'Don't Be Evil' to 'Don't Fight Evil' - will not renew a contract with the Pentagon for artificial intelligence work so as not to contribute to 'warfare technology' - profoundly naive, dumb and ungrateful [Tech Bias, Dennis Prager]
Jun 16, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, The Left Touches Ruins and Poisons Whatever It Touches - the arts, music, late night tv, sports, free speech, race relations, male-female relations, gender differences, universities, boy scouts, Miss America. [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager: Donny 'Deutsch, Hayden and the myriad other fools who compare Trump to Hitler and the Nazis have utterly trivialized the Holocaust... it is actually a form of Holocaust denial.' They nullify the experience of Holocaust victims, survivors. Will lead to violence. [Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Prager on why child separation is required and not fascist. 'American children are routinely separated from their parent when that parent is arrested? the only way to avoid separation is to place the children in detention? But this was expressly forbidden by the... 9th Circuit'. [Illegal Immigration, Dennis Prager]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The Greatest Hysteria in American History'. Like McCarthyism - Dems go insane over fake Russian Collusion which FBI has said 'no there there' - Comparisons to Kristallnacht, Holocaust, 9-11, Pearl Harbor, treason, traitor. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Is the President a Bad Role Model for Children?' Good role models have been bad President's like Carter - JFK and Bill Clinton were bad role models - will take Trump's character over Hillary's any day. [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ Prager - There is still a huge difference between the left and right - twitter trolls exist on both sides but only on the left is there daily examples of prominent people who are extremely uncivil - The left almost entirely owns political violence and harassment too. [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Left-Wing Jews: a Jewish and American Tragedy' 'The current charge that the Pittsburgh massacre was caused by President Trump is one of the greatest libels in American history. Virtually every left-wing columnist and commentator has spread this lie'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'A Message to Young Women from a Career Woman' - Prager highlights a column written by a woman who regrets being influenced by feminism to spend so long on her career that she missed out on having a family. Many finding the hard way that waiting means missing out. [Feminism, Dennis Prager]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Prager analyzes the 3 arguments the left makes about The Wall - A wall is ineffective, too expensive and immoral they argue - none of these arguments are remotely true and their own actions and words show that they know they are lying [Illegal Immigration, Dennis Prager, Wall]
Jan 22, 2019 ~ American Psychological Association declares 'traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful' - Prager says 'Without traditional masculinity, civilization is lost' - Jordan Peterson says 'lack' of fathers that creates the problem childs [Gender, Dennis Prager]
Feb 26, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager asks 'Why Do Blacks and Leftists Wish the Attack on Smollett Happened?' He lists many who essentially said 'I hope he is telling the truth'. He says its because the democrat party politically needs this to be a racist country. They can't have it proved otherwise. [Smollett, Fake Hate Crime, Dennis Prager]
Mar 12, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager says the way the students and teachers treated Dianne Feinstein so rudely is typical of the left. 'It is inconceivable that a group of 10-year-old conservative kids, accompanied by their teachers, would ever treat an 85-year-old, senator or not, so condescendingly.' [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ Prager article, 'Every Problem Identified in The Feminine Mystique Has Been Addressed' but liberal women claim they are more oppressed than ever before. 'Women tend to be malcontents' he is forced to conclude. [Gender, Dennis Prager, Feminism]
Apr 21, 2019 ~ Prager points out that Hillary and other dems called on 'leaders everywhere' to condemn 'white supremacist terrorists, one of the smallest hate groups on Earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Earth.' [Islam, Terrorism, Dennis Prager]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Prager, 'Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort'. He's been in solitary for 23 hours a day for 8 months. Only possible explanation is to break him into testifying against Trump. 'leftism has given them permission to act vilely and mercilessly' [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Project Veritas further proves Google wants to shut down right wing speech by falsely labelling it 'nazi'. Liam Hopkins says 'if we understand that PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are nazis.' One possible action against the nazis, 'disabling the suggestion feature'. [Silencing, Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Tech Bias, Cancel Culture]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager talking about high tech censorship of the Prager University YouTube channel. 'Google, which owns YouTube, has restricted access to 56 of our 320 five-minute videos and to other videos we produce.' Puts them in the same category as pornography. [Silencing, Dennis Prager, Cancel Culture, Tech Bias]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Prager, 'America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump'. Prager says the lie that Trump called Nazis and Klansmen 'very fine people' is 'one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists' The Russia Collusion Hoax is the third. [Fake Racism, Russia Hoax, Dennis Prager]
Aug 19, 2019 ~ Prager rebuts false charges of racism against Israel. 'Half of Israel's Jews are not white. One out of every 5 Israelis is not a Jew' 'Israel's control of the West Bank has nothing to do with race' They rejected 5 offers for their own state because they want Israel destroyed more [Fake Racism, Israel, Dennis Prager]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager to Harvey Spevak of Equinox, 'It is not a class act to throw your partner under the bus in order to curry favor with America's bullies - left-wing organizations that seek to crush all dissent' 'just one more frightened executive who fed the totalitarian beast' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Dennis Prager]
Aug 31, 2019 ~ Latino CNN contributor Steve Cortes has been sidelined by CNN for publicly debunking the Charlottesville Lie on PragerU and Townhall. That lie is central to the 2020 democrat platform and CNN could not allow a Latino on air to debunk the official 'Trump is a racist' narrative. [Silencing, Dennis Prager, Charlottesville, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ Prager Equation, 'GI - W = E. Good Intentions minus Wisdom leads to Evil.' Many on the left have good intentions but lack the wisdom to properly weigh the pros vs. cons of the unintended consequences. Ironically, they believe 'only bad human beings could possibly oppose them.' [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ Prager, The left tells young people, 'Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible' 'The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism.' Currently America is racist and sexist. And your future is so bleak you shouldn't even have kids. [Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Dec 17, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The left doesn't concern itself with Islam, because it perceives Islam as an ally in its war against Western civilization, and because leftists do not have the courage to confront Islam. They know that confronting religious Muslims can be fatal' not so Christians. [Islam, Politics, Dennis Prager]
Dec 24, 2019 ~ Mark Galli, editor of Christianity Today wrote an editorial saying Trump should be impeached and that evangelicals who support him are putting politics over morals. 200 Evangelical leaders denounce the editorial. Dennis Prager says 'it devalues policies that benefit millions'. [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Newsweek Hits a New Low' They run a smear article titled '"Conservative Radio Host Ridicules Anne Frank: 'I Don't Get My Wisdom From Teenagers.'" Prager says, 'Only someone who deliberately seeks to smear someone would claim that what I said ridicules Anne Frank.' [Fake News, Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Newsweek Changed Its Article About Me. But ?' Prager is happy they corrected the main falsehoods about him but most original readers won't see the corrections and their fake news was reported by so many other news orgs and dem sites. 'Smears cannot be undone.' [Fake News, Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why the Left Calls Good People Racist' Prager fighting 'two more smears' after the Anne Frank lie. Fake News claims Prager said 'slavery was not bad' and 'It's idiotic you can't say the N-word'. Both are totally false. Smearing 'is the left's modus operandi'. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
May 12, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager is smeared again. After being falsely accused of mocking Anne Frank and claiming 'slavery was not that bad', several outlets accuse him of 'bemoaning' that he can 'no longer using racist language coined during eras of slavery and segregation' Totally false as usual. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]

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