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Jul 9, 2017 ~ New FX Show Spreads Debunked Smear that CIA sold drugs in the inner cities to finance Nicaraguan operations - ridiculous and debunked multiple times but many liberals believe [Fake News, Drugs]
Jul 9, 2017 ~ The costs of the War on Drugs are far worse than the benefits - 1.25 million Americans are arrested annually for drug possession - 643,000 of them were only in possession of marijuana [Drugs]
Apr 21, 2018 ~ Rush Limbaugh, What happens when liberals run cities - high crime, ridiculously high taxes, high poverty, high homelessness, drug infested, needles in the streets, feces in the streets, bad schools, sanctuary cities protecting criminal aliens [Crime, Drugs]
Feb 27, 2020 ~ Sanders promises to provide a pathway for inner city African American, Latino and Native American people to become drug dealers. 'We're gonna provide help to the African-American, Latino, Native American community to start businesses to sell legal marijuana.' Can't make it up... [Drugs, Race, Sanders]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ FL Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum is found by police in a hotel room with two men, one was a naked gay escort who needed to be medically revived from probable drug OD. Bags of meth were in the room. Gillum was vomiting and was too altered to answer questions. [Politics, Drugs]
Aug 23, 2020 ~ 2008 Video of Biden sounding a lot like Trump, 'I voted for a fence... I voted for 700 miles.' 'punish American employers who... hire illegals' 'I'm the guy... that setup a drug czar' 'People are driving across that border with tons of everything from meth to cocaine to heroin.' [Biden, Illegal Immigration, Wall, Drugs]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ Don Brown, 'Who Killed George Floyd?' Great article explaining how Floyd OD'ed on a 'lethal dose' of fentanyl mixed with meth and pot. Enough fentanyl for an OD ruling by itself. Mix with meth causes severe breathing problem. Said 'I can't breathe' 6 times before being touched. [Drugs, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Police]
Mar 21, 2021 ~ Andrea Widburg found that the use of the phrase 'white supremacy' has 'escalated a staggering 6,360% in just five years. To make sense of that, you must imagine that Nazis are marching down every American street.' Dems are putting their drug of choice, the race card, on steroids. [Drugs, Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 9, 2021 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Profit Margins Save Lives' 'the entire notion of having to choose between people and profits, a belief that undergirds much of leftist economics, is debunked by the existence of the COVID vaccine.' Drugs cost $3 billion to develop. No one will do it if no profit. [David Harsanyi, Drugs, Economics]
Feb 13, 2022 ~ The Biden administration had a $30 million dollar program to provide crack pipes ( 'safe smoking kits') to drug addicts. People were outraged so they tried to deny it. When their lies were busted, they scrapped the idea. [Drugs]
May 21, 2022 ~ New things are declared 'racist' every day. Now its the word ‘marijuana’. "The term ‘marijuana’ itself is pejorative and racist," said Washington state Representative Melanie Morgan (D). Yep, of course it is. Add it to the list. [Drugs, Fake Racism]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ The Biden FDA bans Juul e-cigarette vaps. This is beyond madness. Real cigarettes which are 100 times more dangerous are still legal and they give out free crack pipes. [Drugs, Health, Regulations]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'The Poster Boy For the Death of San Francisco' Joseph Adam Moore is a homeless convicted pedophile who deals drugs across the street from an elementary school. His signs advertise "Meth for stolen items" and "Free fentanyl for new users." He was previously convicted of raping a 12 year old girl and was accused of having sex with a 15 year old within a month of being released. Anyway, police have occasionally brought him in but San Fran releases him immediately. Welcome to a locale run by Democrats. Stay away, obviously! [California, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Drugs, Loathsome Left]

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