Feb 4, 2017 ~ Rich Lowry. 'The Shameful War on Betsy DeVos'. Dems hate the idea of school choice even though it has benefited the poor. They smear her by saying she doesn't care about punishing sexual assault because she wants to restore due process which dems don't think is important. [College, Education, Rich Lowry, Due Process]
Apr 19, 2017 ~ Student commits suicide after declining advances from a gay student and then changing seats - was accused of harassment and denied all due process per the Obama Title IX guidelines - not allowed to call witnesses etc. [Fake Rape, Loathsome Left, Due Process]
Apr 29, 2017 ~ Brandy Zadrozny, Student suing Notre Dame. Says they 'Expelled Me Because I'm Male'. Another case of the dangers of throwing out due process and real investigations ruining the lives of innocent college men. 'ignored evidence that the girl wanted to ruin his reputation.' [Fake Rape, Due Process]
Sep 15, 2017 ~ Austin Community College Professor Rob Ranco tweets 'I'd be ok if #BetsyDevos was sexually assaulted. #SexualAssault #TitleIX' Was Sexually Assaulted' because Devos is restoring the due process rights guaranteed by the constitution. Due process is an essential protection. [Education, College, Crime, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2017 ~ Judd Apatow says the Trump administration reforms that restore due process back in campus rape investigations is 'com[ing] through for their rape base'. How hate filled, vile and TDS addled do you have to be to believe 10s of millions of people want rapes on campus. Truly sick. [TDS, Loathsome Left, College, Due Process]
Nov 13, 2017 ~ Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos indicates she plans to reverse the Obama administration guidance on campus rape. will restore due process - eliminates kangaroo courts and lawless campus tribunals - puts criminal investigations in the hands of the police trained for it. [Trump Win, College, Due Process]
Nov 17, 2017 ~ Johnson and Taylor 'Why Campus Rape Tribunals Hand Down So Many 'Guilty' Verdicts' 'Title IX training is a travesty.' Exculpatory evidence is often not permitted so as not to 're-traumatize' the victim. Pseudoscience of 'tonic immobility' allows any behavior to be proof of guilt. [College, Due Process, Fake Rape]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Heather Wilhelm, 'Where the MeToo campaign goes off the rails. Not all women are victims. Not all men are guilty'. Distinctions blurred between rape, assault, harassment, unwanted attention. Witch hunts are starting to throw out due process. Women will be avoided professionally. [Me Too, Due Process]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ The Trump Administration is working to end the campus "Kangaroo Courts" by restoring Due Process. Colleges willing participants in creating a system that threw out due process, and replaced properly trained police and courts with inquisitors not competent in investigating crimes. [College, Due Process]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Yes, There's Too Much Due Process at the Border' - 80% of asylum claims are false but 90% of them pass initial interview - hundreds of thousands clogging up the system - most should simply be turned around at the border. [Illegal Immigration, Rich Lowry, Due Process]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Alan Dershowitz says 'The Democrat Party has been taken over by radicals who have no interest in due process. They don't want any dissent, they don't want any argument' - woman threatens to 'stab him through the heart' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Due Process]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ NY Times columnist Michelle Goldberg said on MSNBC 'He would certainly like to.' after Katy Tur pointed out that Trump 'is not rounding people up and murdering them without any due process.' [TDS, Fake News, Due Process]
Sep 19, 2018 ~ Trump Education Department under Betsy DeVos restores essential 'due process' back into the way colleges investigate and handle allegations of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment. The elimination of due process has been a disaster but dems prefer kangaroo courts. [Trump Win, Education, College, Due Process]
Sep 24, 2018 ~ I Accuse' is the new legal standard - dems want one 40 year old accusation denied by everyone named to be enough to erase an entire distinguished career - Malkin lists many false claims - dems hate due process - parents of sons worry about these developments. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Sep 28, 2018 ~ Betsy DeVos is absolutely right about campus sexual assault rules - The elimination of due process allowed 100s of men to be falsely convicted - new standards made no sense - over 200 unfair treatment lawsuits filed and men won the majority. [Fake Rape, Due Process]
Sep 29, 2018 ~ Jonah Goldberg, 'Belief Outweighs Truth in the Kavanaugh Hearings' - We are living out 1984 - Accusations with no evidence replace due process - dems actually claim Kavanaugh must somehow prove his innocence - the opposite of the established fair process. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 3, 2018 ~ ACLU issues statement opposing Kavanaugh for Supreme Court - After 100 years of defending due process, the ACLU jumps on board with the democrats who have decided the new legal standard is to presume guilt and accused must prove innocence. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Mark Davis, 'Kavanaugh Confirmation Is a Battle for Basic Human Decency' - are we willing to throw out due process and presumption of innocence to achieve political ends - Atticus Finch of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' was on the wrong side according to modern democrats. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Matt Patterson, 'New Rules for Men' - With due process discarded, some men adopt new rules to protect against false accusations - rules include don't hire women, don't interact with women in a professional setting without witnesses, use robots for sex. [Me Too, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Susan Collins Drove A Stake Through The Heart Of The Liberal Mob'. She became the deciding vote for Kavanaugh and in 'her finest moment' gave a thorough accounting of the entire situation and her vote 'leaving no stone unturned'. Victory for truth and due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Derek Hunter, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. Victory for due process, the presumption of innocence and the rejection of mob rule. The GOP used to fold like a cheap tent but has now found its backbone under President Trump. Dems fail in their baseless takedown. [Trump Win, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Due Process]
Oct 9, 2018 ~ Gillibrand and much of the left go 0 for 5 - were all in on Duke Lacrosse, all in on Jamie Leigh Jones, all in on Mattress Girl, all in on UVA, all in on the Kavanaugh accusers - wrong on all accounts but they still oppose due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ College kangaroo court decisions on alleged sexual assault continue to be overthrown by real courts for very good reasons - David French, 'The university hearing was a carnival funhouse of due-process violations'. [Fake Rape, College, Due Process]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Matt Vespa, 'The Kavanaugh Clown Show Was Predicted By Bill Maher Who Warned That Me Too Was Drifting Towards Sexual McCarthyism' which Maher called 'MeCarthyism' - no due process and no degrees of badness - death penalty for everything. [Me Too, Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Democrat woman who hates due process tells GOP Senator Cassidy to apologize to her 'children for ruining their futures' regarding Kavanaugh - he perfectly replies 'In the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you and there's no proof for it, you will be okay'. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnik are referred for criminal prosecution over bogus Kavanaugh claims of gang rapes given to Senate Committee - another false accuser to the committee has recanted - amazingly, democrats still opposed to due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ Many people criticizing Trump over his sober and reasonable response to Khashoggi murder. The same people loved Obama even though he had American citizens executed with no oversight, transparency or due process - accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. [Politics, Due Process]
Dec 26, 2018 ~ USC students are demanding the termination of a professor James Moore who defended due process rights for those accused of sexual assault. The SJW mob demands that the accused be given no rights. Believe accusers, case closed. Due process creates an 'unsafe' 'hostile environment' [Me Too, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College, Due Process]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ The Problem with 'Social Justice' - 'a person is only supposed to be responsible for the wrongs he or she committed against a specific person' - but SJWs want to punish people who resemble other people who committed crimes 100s of years ago. [Racism, Due Process]
Feb 18, 2019 ~ After years of insanity led by Obama directives, due process is making a comeback. A CA 'state appellate court ruled that 'fundamental fairness' requires that accused students have a right to a hearing and to cross-examine their accusers.' [Gender, College, Due Process]
Feb 23, 2019 ~ Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax Compares Himself to Lynching Victims Due to Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him made by 2 separate women, both of whom are black. He deserves due process but he's not being lynched. [Silencing, Fake Racism, Due Process]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Time's Up CEO, Lisa Borders, resigned after her son was accused of sexual harassment. Not because Time's Up is an advocacy group created fight sexual harassment. But to defend his innocence which is at odds with believe without due process. [Me Too, Due Process]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Miami University settles lawsuit with John Doe who was suspended - Jane Doe got in bed with him where he was already sleeping. She initiated sex even though he was too drunk to consent. Yet he was the one punished. He was denied the due process of a defense. [Me Too, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ Jonathan Tobin on 'Biden's Ridiculous Anita Hill Apology Tour'. Argues that Biden has nothing to apologize for with Thomas hearings. Biden was so hard on Thomas that Thomas called it a 'lynching'. But Biden gave Thomas some due process which is a modern dem party no no. [Fake Racism, Me Too, Due Process, Biden]
Jul 2, 2019 ~ Trump Administration and Amy Coney Barrett have been restoring due process to higher education. Barrett blasts decisions based on 'accusation rather than the evidence'. David French praises the reversal of 'the Obama administration's mandatory rejection of due process'. [Trump Win, Fake Rape, College, Due Process]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ A college student at Salve Regina University was found 'not responsible' for the rape accusation made against him. It was another textbook kangaroo court setup by Obama. Investigators 'were improperly trained', no due process, no cross examination, no witnesses, lawyer gagged etc [Fake Rape, College, Due Process]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Liberals now upset Al Franken didn't get 'due process' despite not giving due process to Kavanaugh, college males, me too. Bette Midler slut shames Leeann Tweeden suggesting she had it coming for racy pictures she once took. Others join the victim blaming. Ignore 7 other accusers [Loathsome Left, Me Too, Due Process]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ Trump compared his impeachment to 'a lynching' due to its absence of due process. Biden says 'abhorrent, despicable' Dems feign outrage but look stupid again when its revealed they all used the same word to describe Clinton's impeachment including Biden, Nadler. Deliberate traps? [TDS, Fake Racism, Due Process, Biden]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Andy McCarthy, on what a sham this 'no due process' process and report has been. 'In no serious, objective investigation would the tribunal deny one side the opportunity to present its case, and then write a report concluding that no evidence supported that side's position.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Due Process]
Dec 30, 2019 ~ New York Post, 'British teen who accused 12 men of gang rape in Cyprus found guilty of lying'. She admitted she lied and apologized but protesters with Network Against Violence Against Women protested her guilty verdict anyway. Due process is always needed for both sides. [Fake Rape, Due Process]
Apr 27, 2020 ~ National Review, 'The Hypocrisy on Tara Reade Is a National Disgrace' Biden was instrumental in gutting due process out of Title IX college cases or lose federal funding. Dems wanted Kavanaugh's life and career destroyed over far less evidence. Now Biden, Dems want due process. [Biden, Me Too, Silencing, Due Process]
May 1, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'There's now virtually an army of Democratic Party men assembled to publicly attack and smear Tara Reade's credibility and brand her a liar.' Not even calling for due process. 'These Noble liberal Men are saying she's a liar.' [Biden, Me Too, Due Process]
May 6, 2020 ~ Joe Biden vows to eliminate the centuries old principle called 'due process of law' from college campuses with regard to rape and sexual assault. Obama & Biden already eliminated it but it was restored by Trump & DeVos. Biden ironically wants due process in his own assault case. [Biden, Me Too, College, Due Process]
May 7, 2020 ~ The DOE released its final Title IX Amendments, restoring 'Due Process Of Law' back into college allegations of sexual misconduct. Betsy DeVos, 'We can continue to combat sexual misconduct without abandoning our core values of fairness, presumption of innocence, and due process.' [Trump Win, Education, College, Me Too, Due Process]
May 7, 2020 ~ National Review, 'Common Sense on Title IX', Betsy DeVos and Trump's DOE restores due process into college allegations of sexual misconduct. Biden, who would be guilty under the very rules he is pushing for, demands due process for himself but vows to deny it to college students. [Biden, Me Too, Education, College, Due Process]
May 14, 2020 ~ Helen Lewis "Why I've Never Believed in 'Believe Women'" '"Believe women" isn't just a terrible slogan for the #MeToo movement; it is a trap.' 'This absolutism is wrong, unhelpful, and impossible to defend.' 'The slogan should have been... 'Due process is great.' You don't say... [Biden, Me Too, Due Process]
May 19, 2020 ~ National Review, 'The ACLU's Absurd Title IX Lawsuit' 'That the ACLU is suing the federal government in the hope of weakening its due-process standards is headline news for the ages.' The sad irony is that 'Civil Liberties' have been strengthened, restored even. The C, L in ACLU. [Due Process, College]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ KC Johnson & Samantha Harris, 'New Title IX Regulations in Sexual-Assault Cases Are Vindicated in Court'. The Trump administration's restoration of due process back into college sexual misconduct cases was upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.' [Trump Win, Due Process, College]
Aug 14, 2020 ~ David Silverman, 'I'm literally thinking of voting red right now. Me. David Silverman. I used to say "I'm so blue I make the sky look red". I haven't changed, the Left has.' Cites Democrat anti-police, anti free speech and anti due process positions. [Politics, Police, Free Speech, Due Process]
Feb 9, 2021 ~ University of Connecticut is ordered to pay a student $60,160 for depriving him of due process when he was falsely accused of sexual assault. These cases and settlements became common after Obama demanded no due process. Trump restored it. Biden is going to remove it again. [College, Due Process, Fake Rape]