Nov 13, 2016 ~ Paul Ryan releases 'A Better Way' - path for country to move forward to sustainably fight poverty and provide health care, addresses the problem of not being worth it to find a job because of lost benefits - being totally ignored [Economics, Entitlements]
Dec 13, 2016 ~ Nicholas Horton, 'Hundreds on Medicaid Waiting List Die After Illinois Expands ObamaCare' Expanded to include able-bodied adults. More than 650,000 able-bodies adults enroll since expansion. Crowded out the people Medicare was supposed to help. 750 have died waiting for care. [Entitlements, Health Care, Obamacare]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Teresa Mull, 'Teacher Pension Crisis Is Punishing Children and Taxpayers' - $500 Billion shortfall - further proof that public sector unions and pension systems in general are unsustainable [Education, Entitlements, Deficit, Debt]
Mar 24, 2017 ~ Entitlements - The Most Dangerous Addiction of Them All - Krauthammer, Will and Prager explain why entitlements are so difficult or even impossible to repeal even when it is obvious they are fiscally unsustainable. Anyone who tries to cut is vilified. Political suicide. [Entitlements, Debt, Dennis Prager]
Apr 17, 2017 ~ 15 Million Americans on Disability - huge fraud case exposed thousands of fraudulent claims with just one doctor, $550 million - just the tip of the iceberg - very easy to scam. SSA can't investigate most of the fraud. [Entitlements]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ Rick Moran, '85% drop in food stamp recipients in AL counties where work requirement restarted' according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources. Predictable. 'During the Obama administration, the number of SNAP participants nearly doubled - as did the SNAP budget.' [Trump Win, Economics, Entitlements]
Jul 9, 2017 ~ Alabama's Food Stamp Experiment - After Alabama reinstated food-stamp work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents, the rolls dropped by 85 percent. [Entitlements]
Aug 5, 2017 ~ Tori Richards, 'LA made $1.3B in illegal immigrant welfare payouts in just 2 years'. Democrats like to make the false claim that illegal immigrants are not eligible for welfare but this is just one city paying illegal immigrants billions of taxpayer dollars. [Illegal Immigration, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2017 ~ Michael Tanner, 'Entitlements Are Out of Control. We are entering an economic death spiral' Totally unsustainable and getting worse. People rebel at the slightest cut back or slowdown in growth no matter how small. Bankruptcy is almost inevitable. [Entitlements, Debt, Economics]
Aug 26, 2017 ~ Michael Tanner, "The Problem with the 'Otherwise, People Will Die' Argument for Big Government" Economic growth does more to save lives than any government program ever could. Big government and high taxes reduce economic growth. Nothing kills like poverty. [Economics, Entitlements]
Sep 9, 2017 ~ Hurricane Harvey - How the left mocks the victims - instant karma they say - calls them nazis and hypocrites - its not hypocritical to want minimal government and to accept government disaster aide - disaster aide is a legitimate govt function. [Entitlements, Politics]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Matthew Continetti, 'Democrats Follow Bernie Sanders Off a Cliff' - endorse Single Payer, Medicare for All - So absurdly unaffordable that even ultra liberal Vermont and California had to reject it - reasons why it would be a disaster [Sanders, Health Care, Entitlements]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Walter Williams, "The Welfare State's Legacy" 'The No. 1 problem among blacks is the effects stemming from a very weak family structure.' 75% of black children born are out of wedlock. Used to be 11%. Main cause of poverty, crime etc. Not 'a legacy of slavery' or due to racism. [Walter Williams, Entitlements, Race, Crime, Poverty]
Sep 25, 2017 ~ Tom Purcell, 'Spending Other People's Money' - when landlords charge a flat rate for utilities, renters run up bills many times what they otherwise would - this is exactly why government provided services cost so much. When things are 'free', people over consume. Basic economics [Economics, Entitlements]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Social Security Beneficiaries Hit Record 62 million people including those on disability and dependents - now just 2 workers for every beneficiary, trillions in unfunded liabilities - no politician willing to address the shortfall. [Entitlements, Deficit, Debt]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Katherine Rodriguez, 'Seven Reasons 2017 Was the Year of the Food Stamp Turnaround.' More than 1.3 million people have dropped off the food stamp rolls since Trump became President dropping to the lowest usage and cost in 7 years. [Trump Win, Entitlements, Economy]
Mar 18, 2018 ~ Two Million Americans Got Off Food Stamps In Trump's First Year. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Mar 20, 2018 ~ Massive food stamp fraud uncovered - many millions of dollars ripped off the bloated system in each major city. [Trump Win, Entitlements]
May 15, 2018 ~ Walter Williams, 'Before and After Welfare Handouts'. Williams notes that people were taken care of in both cases - but before people gave willingly because recipients were grateful and did not take advantage. [Economics, Walter Williams, Entitlements]
May 15, 2018 ~ Food Stamp program has gone from 17 million, $25 billion in 2000 to 43 million, $70 billion today - Unemployment dropped 61% since 2009 but food stamp recipients dropped only 10% - Trump reforms to save $216 Billion over 10 years. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ 6 ways Obamacare has made things worse - premiums have more than doubled, deductibles have skyrocketed also, health care costs have risen dramatically, fewer choices, 30 million still uninsured, Medicaid rolls exploding [Entitlements, Health Care, Obamacare]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Social Security and Medicare are still going bankrupt - The Ponzi scheme cannot continue much longer but no one has the political will to address and public would not allow it anyway - disaster awaits [Entitlements]
Jun 21, 2018 ~ New York Times, 'Disability Applications Plunge as the Economy Strengthens'. Torsten Slok, chief international economist of Deutsche Bank said, 'This is a big deal. We thought the numbers for disability would go up forever.' [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Cal Thomas, 'The Seduction of Socialism' - Young people signing up out of ignorance and entitlement - ignorant of history of 100s of millions of deaths, mass starvations and poverty - numbers don't add up - Medicare for all would cost $32 Trillion [Socialism, Poverty, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ 3 Million people Drop Off Food Stamps Under Booming Trump Economy [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Charles Blahous, 'The Fiscal Implausibility of Medicare for All' - Total annual federal health spending under M4A would be $4.2 trillion in 2022 and rise to $6.9 trillion by 2031 but even that is an underestimate - article explains reasons why [Health Care, Politics, Entitlements]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ John Stossel, 'Social Security Fail's - Stossel tries once again to warn about the coming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare - no one is courageous enough to address the problem. Any cuts would be demonized even though unsustainable. Democrats say spend even more. [Entitlements, Economics, John Stossel]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Dems keep pushing 'Medicare-for-All' - would be a fiscal disaster and create health care rationing - It's easy to be a democrat - just promise everything for free - doesn't matter if it is affordable or sustainable. [Health Care, Politics, Entitlements]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies CIS finds that about 72% of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of welfare in CA - vs 35% for native born CA - NY, FL and TX have similar stats. Can't afford 'open borders'. [Illegal Immigration, Entitlements]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris and other dems embrace 'Medicare for all' - no more 'if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance' which was a lie anyway - doctors and hospitals would have to take huge pay cut - long waits, would still be unaffordable. [Entitlements, Harris, Health Care]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Dems say the majority of Americans want Medicare For All - but support plummets to around 30% when told it would increase taxes and wait times - median time in Canada to see a GP is 20 weeks, median time to see a specialist is 39 weeks. [Health Care, Entitlements]
Mar 3, 2019 ~ Just about 4 Million Americans dropped off food stamps since Trump's first full month in office, according to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Mar 8, 2019 ~ The Iowa Supreme Court struck down the state's Medicaid ban on transgender surgeries. Supreme Court said Medicaid must pay for transition surgeries which can cost $100,000 as well as daily hormone drugs for life even though it is cosmetic and not 'medically necessary'. [Trans, Health Care, Entitlements]
May 17, 2019 ~ Nima Sanandaji article, 'The Swedish Lesson: Welfare States Create Moral Hazard'. The more generous the benefits and the higher the taxes to pay for it, the more incentive there is to bail on legit work and game the system. Sweden had to scale back due to increasing cheating. [Socialism, Economics, Entitlements]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ The latest data shows that 'Over 5.8 million individuals have discontinued their participation in America's food stamp program since President Donald Trump's first full month in office, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture.' Up from 4 million in March. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Steven Camarota article, 'Immigration Is No Fix for an Aging Society'. You often hear we need immigrants to shore up our insolvent social programs like Social Security and Medicare but Camarota shows that the numbers for that argument don't work at all. [Economics, Immigration, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ New DHS regulations 'consider an immigrant's use of non-cash government-assistance programs, such as the SNAP and Medicaid, as a negative factor in determining their eligibility for a green card or temporary visa.' Free stuff is a magnet we can't afford. Already drowning in debt. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Economics, Entitlements]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ The Trump economy continues to produce impressive stats. U.S. Census data shows the poverty rate is at 11.8%, the lowest since 2001. 1.4 million less people in poverty vs. 2017. 2.3 million more full time workers since 2017. 6.3 million people off food stamps since 2017. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ As if our southern border is not a strong enough magnet, AOC proposes a 'Just Society: Embrace Act' bill that requires the federal government to provide welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Elizabeth Warren calls it 'just the type of bold, comprehensive thinking we'll need.' [Entitlements, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar spreads fake news, 'A nine month old died as a direct result of Trump's cuts to Medicaid and CHIP. He is one of a million children to lose healthcare.' He lost coverage because his mother did not file the paperwork, not Trump. The boy did not die, was treated anyway. [Fake News, Omar, Entitlements]
Nov 14, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson article, 'What Happened to California Republicans?' Explains how Proposition 187, which denied state social services to undocumented immigrants passed in 1994. Courts overturned the voters. Millions of people illegally entered, their kids automatic citizens. [Illegal Immigration, Entitlements]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Trump Admin enacts new food stamp rules requiring work when possible similar to the successful Clinton welfare reform. Targets only the approximately 3 million able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) that are not working. Projected to save $5 billion in the first 5 years. [Trump Win, Entitlements]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Trump Admin enacts new food stamp rules requiring work when possible similar to the successful Clinton welfare reform. AOC lies saying it applies to families with children and the disabled when it applies to neither. Says 'many people will' 'starve'. Her fake news goes viral. [Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Entitlements]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ More than 2.4 million households (20.9M to 18.4M) and 5.9 million individuals (42.3M to 36.4M) have gone off of the Food Stamp program since Trump's first month in office according to USDA numbers. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Robert VerBruggen, 'Why Pay Off Your Student Loans if the Government Will Do It for You?' Many people predictably taking advantage of these programs, running up big debt and just paying the minimum required until the rest is forgiven after 10 or 20 years depending on job. [Debt, Entitlements, College]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ A voter exposes the unfairness of Warren's student loan forgiveness program. Says it makes suckers out of people who sacrificed to save while rewarding people that lived it up. 'We did the right thing, and we get screwed.' Dan Crenshaw, 'That's the definition of buying votes.' [Entitlements, Politics, College, Debt]
Jan 27, 2020 ~ The Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to enforce The Immigration and Nationality Act that will deny green cards to foreign nationals who are 'likely to become a public charge', i.e. a net economic drain, dependent on entitlements. Does not apply to refugees. [Trump Win, Immigration, Entitlements]