Feb 22, 2020 ~ Supreme Court upholds 'public charge rule' which withholds green cards from immigrants that are dependent on government welfare programs. The rule previously existed but Trump clarified that it was intended to apply to non-cash assistance also like food stamps. SCOTUS agreed. [Trump Win, Immigration, Entitlements, SCOTUS]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ At a CNN Townhall a student named Beverly who racked up an insane $250,000 in student loan, mostly from undergrad asked Sanders, 'What is your plan for students like me with student loan debt and how do you plan to pay for it?' Who wouldn't spend that much if the government pays? [College, Entitlements, Education, Economics, Sanders]
Feb 28, 2020 ~ Bill Barr, 'The crux of the progressive program is to use the public purse to provide ever-increasing benefits to the public and to, thereby, build a permanent constituency of supporters who are also dependents.' Make us 25 yr olds in the basement fighting for a bigger allowance. [Economics, Politics, Entitlements]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson 'Bernie Sanders's - and the Left's - Fake Fiscal History of 1950s America' 'Sanders is full of it.' Tax burden is 'about the same today' except the rich pay more and the middle class pays less. Military spending cut by 2/3rds. Welfare, education spending way up. [Kevin Williamson, Taxes, Education, Entitlements, Fake News, Sanders]
Apr 23, 2020 ~ Mitch McConnell and GOP correctly refuse to bail out states that were heading to bankruptcy prior to COVID19 due to decades of under funding pensions. 'There's not going to be any desire on the Republican side to bail out state pensions by borrowing money from future generations' [Coronavirus, Economics, Entitlements]
May 11, 2020 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States' Alexander demolishes this common democrat myth. Blue states receive more federal money per capita. And when money does go to 'red states' it goes 'overwhelmingly' to democrats. [Entitlements, Fake News]
Sep 6, 2020 ~ Biden tries to scare seniors with lies about 'Trump's plan' to 'suspend the payment of payroll taxes until the end of the year'. And further claims Trump is doing something to make benefits 'run out in 3 years'. Washington Post rates as 4 Pinocchios. Zero basis in fact. [Biden, Entitlements, Politics]
Nov 29, 2020 ~ National Review, 'Don’t Forgive Student Debt' 'slap in the face to those who paid down their debts early, those who minimized their borrowing by attending cheaper schools or working during their studies, those who forwent college entirely, and those [with] other kinds of debt.' [College, Debt, Entitlements, Student Loans]
Jun 14, 2021 ~ Judge William Griesbach halted the Biden Adminstration's racist farm relief program that included and excluded recipients based on the color of their skin. Clearly illegal, outlawed in the 1960s by Civil Rights. Biden and the Dems want to go back to open racism and discrimination [Entitlements, Racism]
Dec 20, 2021 ~ Just when you thought Democrats couldn't get more racist, they institute the In Her Hands program to give a guaranteed income of $850 a month no strings attached. "Guaranteed income [for black women only] is a step toward creating a more just and equitable economy." [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics, Entitlements, Race, Racism]
Mar 29, 2022 ~ The Paycheck Protection Program is being called "the biggest fraud in a generation." $80 Billion stolen from the PPP. $90-400 billion believed to have been stolen from the Covid unemployment relief program. And another $80 billion from the Covid disaster relief program. [Coronavirus, Entitlements]
Sep 24, 2022 ~ Ben Zeisloft, "'The Myth Of American Income Inequality’: The Federal Government Drastically Overestimates Earnings Disparity" The 'gap' doesn't include transfer payments or account for graduated taxes. Politicians then use the artificial gap to demand more transfer payments. [Economics, Entitlements]
Dec 14, 2022 ~ Washington Examiner: 'San Francisco to hand out $1,200 a month to transgender residents' via the GIFT program : Guaranteed Income for Transgender People. You can't make this up. Requires only a claim of 'identifying as trans.' [Entitlements, Trans]
Jan 19, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson, Illegal immigration taxes Americas to subsidize Mexico. "Frequent subsidized housing, healthcare, legal assistance, education, and food in the United States are often used to free up cash for illegals, who then send it to Mexico." Obrador thrilled. [Entitlements, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jan 30, 2023 ~ National Review, 'Medicare for All Would Worsen Our Existing Health-Care Problems' "The NHS reports that as of November 2022, 2.9M of the 7.2M patients referred for treatment waited more than 18 weeks to start treatment. Over 450,000 patients waited more than a year." [Entitlements, Health Care]
Feb 28, 2023 ~ President Trump continues to make a fool of himself as he damages the Republican party. He attacks 'Ron DeSanctus' for allegedly wanting to raise the Social Security "MINIMUM AGE TO AT LEAST 70." "HE IS A WHEELCHAIR OVER THE CLIFF KIND OF GUY, JUST LIKE HIS HERO, failed politician Paul Ryan." Not only is this false, Trump is truly embarrassing himself. [Entitlements, Politics]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Hey, Uncle Sam: Stop Paying People for Not Working' History of how well welfare reform worked and how all that's out the window now that Biden got rid of the work requirement and now the labor force participation rate is near a record low. [Economics, Entitlements]
Jun 15, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, '$400 billion in COVID relief, vanished to fraud' "That figure is likely to grow, the Associated Press reported." The bigger the gov. program, the more the fraud. 400 BILLION. And 77% of the 'legit' money did not even go to workers. [Coronavirus, Entitlements]
Jul 8, 2024 ~ Senator Marco Rubio points out that the Biden Administration has turned Americans into suckers. "They've worked here their entire lives. They retire. They get $800, $900, a $1,000 a month from Social Security. Somebody who just got here from Cuba 3 months ago is given $1,500 a month." "So imagine if you've been working here for 40 years and your Social Security check is smaller than the benefits going to a 28 year old, able-body person who just got here. That's real. That happens. That's happening every day. That makes no sense." [Biden, Entitlements, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 10, 2024 ~ '5% of all the global Syrian population now lives in Germany, 53% of them are on the public dole' Why is Europe and other western countries importing large amounts of people who don't share western values and go right on welfare? "Germany’s welfare costs are “exploding” while the German citizens bear the brunt—the article reports that the state spent around €50 billion on migrants during 2023, which was a little over 11% of the total annual budget." Madness. [Entitlements, Immigration]
Sep 2, 2024 ~ 'No, illegal immigration does not help the U.S. economy' Article debunks a common Dem talking point. "54% of illegals were receiving handouts vs. 39% of U.S citizens."
"Compared to households headed by the U.S.-born, immigrant-headed households have especially high use of food programs (36% vs. 25% for the U.S.-born), Medicaid (37% vs. 25% for the U.S.-born), and the Earned Income Tax Credit (16% vs. 12% for the U.S.-born)." Source: Center for Immigration Studies [Economy, Entitlements, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 16, 2024 ~ 'How Elon Musk’s DOGE Will Work' Trump appoints Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to lead the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)" DOGE will attempt to cut the 428 government agencies to under 100 cutting trillions from the budget. Balanced budget? [Debt, Deficit, Entitlements, Regulations]