Jun 18, 2017 ~ Two black University of Albany students falsely alleged that they were victims of hate crimes on a public bus - 'I just got jumped on a bus while people hit us and called us the n-word' - video shows this was yet another false hate crime hoax. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, College]
Jun 20, 2017 ~ 3 Black U. of Albany Students claimed they were attacked by white people who assaulted them and used the N word. National outrage. Hillary tweeted their story. Recordings show no attack or racists. They were the aggressors. 3 years of probation and 200 hours community service. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, College]
Sep 16, 2017 ~ Michelle Malkin, 'Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes'. Malkin lists many fake hate crimes reported. Examples, 'Indiana State U. professor Azhar Hussain received one year's probation for fabricating anti-Muslim threats and an assault.' 2 Mosque fires done by members of the Mosque. Etc. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Islam]
Oct 8, 2017 ~ A black student reported a 'noose' outside her dorm room at Michigan State University. Caused big uproar. MSU Pres. got involved. Called a 'deplorable act' and 'hateful display'. Police investigation revealed it was a lost shoelace that got put on a doorknob to make easy to find. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, College]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ David French, 'Media Beware: The Southern Poverty Law Center Has Become a Dangerous Joke. Reporters should stop using it as a source.' Used to label real hate groups like the KKK. Now they call almost any peaceful, Christian group like Alliance Defending Freedom a hate group. [Fake Hate Crime]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ Police arrest Eddie Curlin, for spray painting KKK and racist messages 'Leave [N-word]s' at Eastern Michigan University. There were marches and protests. Curlin is black. Another fake hate crime falsely blamed on white racists and Trump supporters. Have any been real yet? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, College]
Nov 18, 2017 ~ 5 black cadets candidates at the Air Force Academy's prep school found racial slurs, 'go home n-word' on message boards outside their rooms. Tons of media stories. Gen. Jay Silveria praised for speech against it. Trump and supporters denounced. Turns out 1 of the victims did it. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, College]
Dec 3, 2017 ~ Supposedly there has been an 'Epidemic of Transgender Deaths' with media implying the deaths are due to transphobic hate crimes. Misleading headlines like 'Violence against transgender people at all-time high' Epidemic is 25 deaths and none were hate crime related. Fake News. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime, Trans]
Dec 10, 2017 ~ Navy sailor Marquie Little posted photos of his personal space trashed and N-word written. Writes 'I proudly serve the Navy and this is what I'm receiving in return.' But once again, 'the alleged victim staged the incident himself'. A similar Air Force hoax happened months ago. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jan 2, 2018 ~ White House intern Jack Breuer is accused of making 'white power' OK gesture in photo with Trump. This idiocy was covered by multiple 'news outlets' that keep falling for a 4chan prank. Also, it makes no sense for Jewish man to support anti-Semitic white nationalists. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Another anti-Muslim 'hate crime' exposed as a hoax - An 11-year-old Toronto girl says a man attempted twice to cut off her hijab. As always, celebs and politicians all in. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his 'heart goes out the young girl who was attacked'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News]
Apr 23, 2018 ~ John Stossel, 'Selling Hate' - Stossel explains how the Southern Poverty Law Center set itself up as the arbiter of what is a hate group - SPLC is itself a hate group that unfairly labels Christians and Conservatives as hate groups. [Fake Hate Crime, John Stossel]
May 16, 2018 ~ KKK Robe Sighting at Oberlin Was Just a cold Student Wearing a Blanket - caused major disruption on campus - classes cancelled etc. Police 'traced the early-morning sighting to someone wearing a blanket' [Fake Racism, College, Fake Hate Crime]
Jun 29, 2018 ~ Israel convicts a Jewish teen for a string of 2000 bomb threats against US Jewish Community Centers. These crimes were all falsely claimed to be evidence of increased hate crime activity by Trump supporters since Trump's Election. As usual, they had nothing to do with Trump. [Fake Hate Crime, Anti-Semitism]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Server faked 'racist receipt'. Causes outrage in Texas. No surprise. Another 'Bigots Left Me No Tip!' restaurant anecdote exposed as a hoax - 'We don't tip terrorist'. Media falls for it again including Washington Post even though it keeps happening. Fake News damage done. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ A waitress at a Freestone County, Texas restaurant claimed that an area law enforcement employee scribbled a racial slur against Mexicans on a meal receipt - another lie - generated outrage - The usual suspects all fell for it again. was sent money etc. Admitted to making it up. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Black children fabricated the story of a white man in Grand Rapids, Michigan accused of urinating on and verbally abusing a five-year-old black girl with racial slurs - innocent man was arrested - NAACP calls it hate crime. Whole thing was fake. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Sep 18, 2018 ~ A black woman, Adwoa Lewis, was arrested in Long Island for fabricating story of 4 white Trump supporters harassing her, slashing her tires, and putting a note 'Go Home' on her car. She has admitting to making it up. There have been dozens of these hate crime hoaxes. None real. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Sep 28, 2018 ~ Superman Actor Dean Cain Attacked by LGBTQ Mob while promoting his film 'Gosnell' - falsely accused of 'bashing' gay people and making anti-LGBTQ 'remarks' - he never did - no evidence and Cain denying but mob relentless. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Cancel Culture]
Oct 14, 2018 ~ The Ohio University police department arrested student senator Anna Ayers and charged her with three counts of 'making false alarms' - claimed she got death threats and other threats because she was a lesbian. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, College]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ The huge uptick in Jewish Community Center bomb threats after Trump election has been falsely blamed on Trump. 90% were called in by a mentally disturbed American Jewish teenager living in Israel, the other 10% were made by a black radical seeking to frame his ex-girlfriend. [Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Deranged democrat Anthony Derlunas shouted 'Heil Hitler, Heil Trump' and gave nazi salute at a Baltimore theater. Panic ensued. AS USUAL many prominent people on the left falsely blamed Trump and his supporters for the outburst. But the clown says he did it because he hates Trump [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Black Student at Kansas State placed sign outside his dorm room 'Beware [N-words] Live Here!!! Enter at your own risk.' Posted it on social media saying 'everyone needs to get out and vote' against the allegedly the racist GOP. Police investigated, found to be a hoax. He admitted [Fake Hate Crime, College]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Racist graffiti reported on a car near Kansas State University - 'Go home', 'date your own kind' and 'whites only'. FBI involved. School called emergency meetings, sessions with worried parents. Turns out it was done by the black student, Dauntarius Williams, who owned the car. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ 6 nooses were found hanging in trees around the Mississippi state capitol. AP, MSNBC covered the story. FBI called. AS USUAL it was democrats that did it trying to make it look like it was those racist Republicans. They tried to influence the election but thankfully failed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ David Harsanyi 'There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence'. Shows how the narrative is just a bogus political smear. Starting in 2002 to eliminate 9-11, wrongly labelling things like the Vegas shooter as 'right wing' but not labelling the same kinds of crimes if done by the left [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Crime]
Dec 3, 2018 ~ Four racist notes found on the Drake University campus. Police investigation reveals they were not written by a racist. Written by one of the recipients of the notes - hate crime hoax. The faker who was not named by police faces possible expulsion and criminal harassment charges. [Fake Hate Crime, College]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Black Goucher College student Fynn Ajani Arthur is arrested for hate crimes against himself trying to make it look like he was the victim of racism - 'graffiti depicted swastikas, 'KKK' and the last names of 4 black students'. Incident caused a lot of fear on campus. Damage done. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, College]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Antioch, CA city vehicles, City Hall door and a business were spray-painted with racial slurs and swastikas. A black man, Lawrence Phipps is arrested trying to make it look like racists are committing hate crimes. If we're such a racist country, why are all these fakes needed? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Claas Relotius, Award Winning German journalist for Der Spiegel was exposed for fabricating many stories including stories designed to making Trump supporters look like backward racist hicks - signs that said 'Mexicans keep out' and other lies and smears. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 7, 2019 ~ Shooting death of 7 yr-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston set off a media frenzy when her mother thought she was shot by a white man. Shaun King who never tires of spreading fake hate crimes needed 'ALL HANDS ON DECK'. Celebs and politicians got involved. Silence when killer was black. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Snowplow Politics - article by Douglas Murray reviewing the many fake hate crimes that were reported in America after Trump's election supposedly because of Trump - showed the same hate crime hoax crap happened in Europe surrounding Brexit [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Trans Gamestop customer Tiffany Moore claims to be a victim of 'blatant and malicious hate' The clerk who apologized profusely called Moore who looks very masculine, 'sir' accidentally - Moore became extremely abusive and damaged property. [Fake Hate Crime, Trans]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Armstrong Williams devastating piece 'You're Nobody Until Somebody White Kills You'. When the killer of Jazmine Barnes was thought to be white, politicians, BLM, activists, athletes and many celebrities got involved. Yet hundreds of black child gun deaths are ignored each year. [Race, Fake Hate Crime, Guns-Mass Shootings, BLM]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ Covington Catholic High School kids are falsely accused of being racist toward black people and an Indian. Widely condemned on all Fake News channels and all of the usual fools who fall for these things. Full video reveals the opposite. They were the ones approached and harassed. [Covington, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Daily News falsely reported that an old video showed the Covington boys in "blackface" taunting African-American basketball players from an opposing team - Totally false - was school color 'blackout' game - They have done the same thing with blue [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Bill Maher, 'What a little prick. Smirk-face! Like that's not a dick move to stick your face in this elderly man's face' - His 'smirk' was nervous smiling because he didn't understand why a grown man was banging a drum in HIS face - banging a drum in a kid's face is a 'dick move' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Kathy Griffin who called for the innocent 'fuckers' to be 'doxed', later falsely accused them throwing 'nazi signs' while playing a basketball game. Even if you don't know that was a 3 point signal, how stupid do you actually have to be to think this theory is even plausible? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Disney Producer Jack Morrissey advocates for the violent deaths of the Covington kids, '#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the Woodchipper' - Disney, a company created for children now has producers fantasizing about killing kids in woodchippers. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Times Fake News Headline, "Boys in 'Make America Great Again' Hats Mob Native Elder at Indigenous Peoples March" - the rest of the fake news media was no better - at least a dozen false claims made against the boys [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ New York Times Fake News tweet, 'Video showing a group of high school boys, many wearing 'Make America Great Again' gear, surrounding and jeering a Native American elder at the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington, is drawing widespread condemnation.' Fakest of fake news. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ LA DJ Michael Buchanan, stage name 'House Shoes' calls for them to be killed in various ways. 'LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND.' 'If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches' 'Fire on the maga cocksuckers!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers, 'He is deplorable. Some ppl can also be punched in the face.' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Shaun King, 'I am so deeply grieved and angry by this as young kids in MAGA hats surrounded and mocked a beloved Native American elder yesterday. When your power is centered in your whiteness, mocking others who are unlike you makes you feel strong.' Racist garbage and Fake News. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - former CNN host Reza Aslan said 'Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's' - Aslan was previously fired from CNN for calling Trump 'a piece of shit'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Covington Catholic Kids were approached by Black Israelites because of their MAGA hats. Black Israelites, called them 'faggots', 'incest babies', 'school shooters', 'crackers', berated a black Covington student. 'N-word' 'coon' 'Sambo'. Covington kids called bigots by dems, media [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Racism, Homophobia]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - Trevor Noah of the Daily Show, 'everyone that sees that smug look wants to punch that kid. He just looks like an asshole.' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Covington Catholic Kids - it was reported they approached the Indian and surrounded him and threatened him - video showed this to be totally false - he approached them - they thought he was drumming to their school chants so they clapped along. Didn't know what he was doing. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Musician Wheeler Walker Jr., 'If you know this little shit, punch him in the nuts and send me the video of it and I'll send you all my albums on vinyl, autographed.' All of this is just a fraction of the violence demanded by the violent liberal mob against innocent kids. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]