Apr 12, 2019 ~ Trump, 'Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Security personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!' [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 14, 2019 ~ New Climate Change hoax. Walruses falling to their death from a high cliff in northern Russia being blamed on climate change. Also large numbers herding on beaches because not enough ice. Both totally bogus. The cliff diving caused by polar bears and the other always happens. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Apr 15, 2019 ~ Dems and celebs push the false narrative that most Americans did not receive a tax cut. Polls show Americans believing those lies. Yet fact checks show that '80.4% of earners received a tax cut, including 91.3% of the middle class.' 90% of workers received higher take home pay. [Tax Cuts, Fake News]
Apr 15, 2019 ~ More fake news from Kirsten Gillbrand about the NRA. 'Let's be really clear what the issue is. It's the NRA, and it's greed. The NRA is largely funded by the gun manufacturers.' 100% False. Gun manufacturers provide only a small percentage of the NRA funding. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald continues to take the liberal media to the woodshed for pushing the Russia Collusion Hoax. 'MSNBC hosts should collectively go on the air, bow their heads in shame, and apologize to the public for what they've done.' 'steady stream of conspiratorial bullshit.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2019 ~ Ben Shapiro article, 'Criticism of Ilhan Omar Isn't Incitement' 'Speech is not violence - and violence is not speech. Equating the two is the hallmark of a tyrannical worldview: If I can treat your speech as violence, then I am justified in using violence to suppress your speech' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News, Omar, Ben Shapiro]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Mueller report released. Confirms Barr summary. No collusion, No Obstruction. Dems quickly try to move the goalposts to grasp at straws for obstruction of justice, but if there was a case, Mueller would have made it. New York Post full page, 'TRUMP CLEAN Dem Hoax Destroyed.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Barr addresses obstruction despite there being no crime to obstruct about. Though 'the president was frustrated and angered by his sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency', 'the White House fully cooperated with the special counsel's investigation' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Where Does Carter Page Go to Get His Apology?' 'Remember when Carter Page was supposed to be a spy?' 'It'd be nice if all the people who were obsessed with Russia and always suggested the worst acknowledged how wrong they were, but instead it's on to obstruction!' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Apr 20, 2019 ~ Noam Chomsky on the Russia Hoax after the Mueller Report. 'The Democrats invested everything in this issue. Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ The Christopher Steele dossier that was the entire basis for the Russia Hoax was likely filled with Russian 'disinformation' bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Steele admits its very possible. Mueller report suspects Russian 'disinformation' and 'fabrications'. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Larry Elder smeared by despicable Media Matters. Have headline that says Elder said 'Black families were better off as slaves.' Elder gave the entire transcript of what he said in case there were actually people stupid enough to believe Media Matters. Smears are what they do. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Larry Elder]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ George Eaton, a deputy editor of the New Statesman tried to smear Sir Roger Scruton as a racist, Islamophobe, homophobe and an anti-Semite. Fired by conservative cowards who did not check the story. Eaton celebrated with champagne. Released interview tapes reveal it was all fake. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris is a fountain of misinformation and fake news. She starts with the fake wage gap claim, 'Women are paid on average 77% to the dollar? for doing the same work.' And moves to saying 'the majority of women are minimum wage workers.' Both claims are totally false. [Economics, Fake News, Gender Pay Gap, Harris, Minimum Wage]
Apr 28, 2019 ~ Columbia Professor John McWhorter says belief that cops kill black people disproportionately 'hasn't really held up to scrutiny'. For every high profile case including Tamir Rice, Sam DuBose, Alton Sterling, there is a white victim killed in 'almost ominously similar conditions'. [Race, Police, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Apr 29, 2019 ~ New York Times runs blatantly anti-Semitic ad. Depicts historic anti-Jewish stereotyping, showing Jews as dogs but also that Jews are leading the world astray. Cartoon depicts Netanyahu as a dog leading blind Trump . [Anti-Semitism, Fake News]
Apr 29, 2019 ~ Fact Check. AOC claims climate change is a major reason so many people are migrating north to the US. In Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador 'the majority of the top agricultural products have seen production growth in recent years, in some cases tripling or quadrupling in size.' [Climate Change, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake News]
Apr 30, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders and other dems make the false claim that Amazon pays no taxes. Amazon has paid billions of dollars in taxes in recent years. In some years it had no profits and can carry losses forward etc. Very standard, legit stuff. Pays billions in a salaries and payroll taxes [Taxes, Fake News, Sanders]
May 1, 2019 ~ After relentlessly pushing the Russia Hoax for 2 years, CNN's prime time ratings dropped 26% after the release of the Mueller report. MSNBC dropped 14%. Fox News did not drop at all. Quite a few people are waking up to who is pushing fake news. [Russia Hoax, Fake News]
May 1, 2019 ~ Mueller sent a letter to Barr complaining that Barr's summary did not 'fully capture the context, nature, and substance' as if a 4 page summary of a 400 page report ever could. Dems act like this is another 'bombshell'. Mueller said nothing in Barr's summary was inaccurate. [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Witch Hunt]
May 1, 2019 ~ Dems falsely claim Barr committed perjury and should be impeached because he said he didn't know why 'members of the special counsel's team are frustrated' with his summary. He didn't understand Mueller's objection and cannot know what unspecified 'members of a team' are thinking [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Witch Hunt]
May 2, 2019 ~ Larry Elder reviews the unhinged predictions of so called economists after Trump's 2016 win. Paul Krugman said 'we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.' Obama advisor Steve Rattner 'you will see a market crash of historic proportions.' [TDS, Economy, Fake News, Larry Elder]
May 3, 2019 ~ Booker and other dems claim falsely that wages are not rising, especially for low income people. 'On the wage front, rising 3.2% overall. The bottom quarter, 4.4% wage increase, the top quarter, 3.5%.' 'It's the blue collar people that have the best wage growth.' and job creation [Trump Win, Economy, Fake News]
May 3, 2019 ~ Democrats have all but given up on democracy. They have never conceded elections well since 2000 but this is a new level. Stacey Abrams says 'We Don't Have to Concede Elections Anymore'. Hillary now claims her election was 'stolen'. 'at least one county in Florida was breached.' [Politics, Fake News, Hillary]
May 7, 2019 ~ New York Times leaks tax information allegedly from Trump's tax returns from 1985 to 1994. Shows Trump lost a lot of money during some of those years. Media acts like it's a big story even though he wrote a book about it. Call him a 'loser' and a 'fraud'. Trump says fake news. [TDS, Fake News]
May 8, 2019 ~ Michelle Malkin exposes the exploitation of children at the border. The famous Time magazine 'crying girl' poster child was fraudulent. Her father said he had a 'good job'. Families are paying to rent kids to get across border. '3,100 fraudulent family claims since April 2018'. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
May 14, 2019 ~ Cory Booker spreads misinformation about guns. 'There is more regulation over toy guns than real ones. ...other consumer products are subject to regulation by the federal government, firearms are exempt.' Totally false. The gun industry 'is the most heavily regulated industry' [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
May 14, 2019 ~ Liberals widely spread fake story that the words of Melania Trump mirrored that of Hitler's wife Eva Braun. Both supposedly said they hate seeing children separated from their families but 'we can hardly blame Hitler/Donald'. Neither quote is remotely real. [Fake News]
May 16, 2019 ~ CNN is spreading fake news about school shootings. 'CNN claims there have already been 15 school shootings in the first 19 weeks of 2019; 336 school shootings since 2008'. According to he FBI, there have been 2 and only 111 in the last 50 YEARS. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
May 16, 2019 ~ In his Immigration Speech, Trump says 'Legitimate asylum seekers are being displaced by those lodging frivolous claims.' CNN's Jim Acosta misquotes, 'Trump in Rose Garden speech paints asylum seekers with broad brush accusing them of misleading immigration authorities at border'. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
May 17, 2019 ~ Patrick Durkin, 'Is Hunting Too White?' White people make up 96% of hunters, Hispanic 3% and Black and Asian less than 1% combined. 'Too White' paints it as a problem that needs to be solved. There are always reasons for racial disparities and those reasons rarely are because of 'racism' in today's world. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 18, 2019 ~ Non-Coverage of prolific serial killer illustrates media bias. Black Illegal Immigrant killed at least 12 elderly white women. Media almost entirely ignores the story. This would be the biggest story in the country for many weeks if it was a white man who killed 12 black women. [Race, Fake News]
May 23, 2019 ~ UN report says climate change could cause a million species to go extinct. Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore testified to Congress that 'As with the manufactured "climate crisis" they are using the specter of mass extinction as a fear tactic to scare the public into compliance' [Climate Change, Fake News]
May 26, 2019 ~ Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer claims Trump said 'Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.' Later admits he made it up after the quote went viral and all the usual fools including Rep. Ted Lieu spread the fake news far and wide. [Fake News, North Korea, Biden]
May 28, 2019 ~ Last November Trump claimed he could not attend WW1 memorial at the US cemetery in France because Navy cancelled flight due to rain. Trump was widely criticized by dems and the media saying he was lying. Buzzfeed filed a FOIA request and found out Trump was telling the truth. [Fake News]
May 28, 2019 ~ It is often claimed that white people are responsible for most 'mass shootings' which is defined by a shooting incident with 4 or more casualties. A 2016 New York Times analysis of 358 mass shootings showed black people were responsible for 73% of the mass shootings. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
May 29, 2019 ~ Michael Wolff who was proven a liar in his last smear job book but then claimed his job 'has nothing to do with truth' is spreading fake news again. Wolff claimed that Mueller drafted an obstruction of justice indictment against Trump but Mueller's office flatly denies it. [Witch Hunt, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
May 30, 2019 ~ David Harsanyi article, 'Sorry, Democrats, There Is No Climate Chaos'. Storms not really increasing in number or severity. Tornado deaths upticked only because 2018 was a record low since records started in 1875. Similarly, '9 years without a single major hurricane in the US'. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Joe Biden stokes fears by falsely accusing Trump of murder, 'We've already had five, just this year, five black transgender women killed violently in 2019, That's outrageous. It must, it must, it must end. And the fastest way to end it is, end the Trump administration.' [TDS, Fake News, Fake Homophobia, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Biden]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Some guy made a video that made it look like Nancy Pelosi was drunk. It was shared on social media. Media acted like this was a very important story and labelled it 'fake news' even though 'some guy' is not a news organization. Daily Beast investigated and bravely doxed the guy. [Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Obama in Brazil fits an impressive amount of lies into one paragraph. 'Our gun laws in the United States don't make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon, any time without much, if any, regulation. They buy it over the internet. They can buy machine guns.' ALL Entirely False. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jun 3, 2019 ~ Bette Midler spreads fake quote about Trump. She claimed in 1998 he said Republicans are 'the dumbest group of voters in the country.' She said it was plausible because Republicans ARE dumb and 'it sounded so much like "All Mexicans are rapists"'. Which is ANOTHER FAKE QUOTE! [Fake News, TDS]
Jun 6, 2019 ~ Beto O'Rourke spreads fake news at an Iowa campaign rally in order to stoke more racial animosity in America. O'Rourke claimed that 40% of the incarcerated population in Iowa is black. The actual percentage is 24.5%. [Fake News, Race, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Jonathan Tobin article, 'The Stacey Abrams Myth Becomes the Democratic Catechism'. Biden said, 'voter suppression is the reason why Stacey Abrams isn't governor right now.' Other dems agree. But she lost by 54,000 votes. Her 'easily debunked' claim undermines faith in elections. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Gillibrand continues to spread fake news about guns. 'Remember after the shooting in Las Vegas, he said, 'Yeah, yeah, we're going to ban the bump stocks.' Did he ban the bump stocks? No, because the NRA bla bla bla'. False, he did ban bump stocks. Not that it matters to killers. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
Jun 10, 2019 ~ Signs put up in the Obama administration at Glacier National Park saying to take pictures because the glaciers would 'all be gone' by 2020 were quietly removed as it became clear that they were another failed prediction of climate alarmists. The glaciers have grown 30% since 2009 [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Paul Curry article, 'A Brief History of Hoaxes'. Just within the last year, dems fall for the Russia Hoax, Kavanaugh, the Covington Kids, Jussie Smollett and dozens of fake hate crimes. They keep falling for ridiculous implausible stories because their entire worldview is fake. [Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ The left is claiming that the Trump administration is anti-lgbt because it won't fly the rainbow flag on the main flagpole at US Embassies around the world. But only the American flag is flown on that pole or their would be other flag demands. There are no restrictions elsewhere. [LGBT, Fake News]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ Tulsi Gabbard goes off on fake news and especially George Stephanopoulos who repeated a Buzzfeed smear that 'Putin supports your campaign'. She says that 'baseless' report is based on 'nothing' and she is the subject of 'very intentional smear efforts'. [Russia, Fake News]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post falsely reported that the papers Trump claimed were the tariff resolution agreement with Mexico were blank. Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler backs him up. USA Today Steve Reilly screen shot proves the pages were not blank. [Fake News]