Oct 25, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar spreads fake news, 'A nine month old died as a direct result of Trump's cuts to Medicaid and CHIP. He is one of a million children to lose healthcare.' He lost coverage because his mother did not file the paperwork, not Trump. The boy did not die, was treated anyway. [Fake News, Omar, Entitlements]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Arizona Democrat Party Chairman Felecia Rotellini claims that President Trump 'has aligned himself with ISIS'. 'The other reason why people are going to vote is because Donald Trump is manipulating the White House and has aligned himself with ISIS and Saudi Arabia.' Pure TDS lies [TDS, Fake News, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Two 17 yr old boys of Indian descent commit hate crime against African American middle school girls in NJ. Nell Irvin Painter of the New York Times blames white people 'skin color of the boys... doesn't matter. What matters is that they were... enacting whiteness... acting white' [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Biden fabricates his past as much as Warren. Bizarrely says 'I got started out of an HBCU, Delaware State'. He attended University of Delaware, not Delaware State. Has also falsely claimed several times to have marched in Civil Rights marches. And all the plagiarism... [Biden, Fake News]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Biden fabricates his past as much as Warren. Falsely claimed several times that his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver. Claimed the truck driver 'drank his lunch' but he was not intoxicated. Police ruled not his fault. 'She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.' [Biden, Fake News]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ Prager, The left tells young people, 'Your Past Is Terrible, And Your Future Is Terrible' 'The American past is a story of genocide, slavery, racism, patriarchy and colonialism.' Currently America is racist and sexist. And your future is so bleak you shouldn't even have kids. [Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Brent Bozell, 'Media Can't Stand Trump Winning - Ever'. Gives many examples how they all gushed over Obama's leadership when bin Laden was killed. 'proven master and commander' 'had the courage and the guts and the coolness' But this mission succeeded 'in spite of' Trump. [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Nov 4, 2019 ~ Climate Change is falsely blamed for CA wildfires. Chuck DeVore, 'decades of environmental mismanagement that has created a tinderbox of unharvested timber, dead trees, and thick underbrush.' Greens 'would rather see forests and communities burn than see a logger in the woods.' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 4, 2019 ~ Fake News Media falsely claims that Trump failed to recognize Native American History Month. NBC News 'Trump rejects Native American Heritage Month, proclaims November "National American History and Founders Month".' Others similar. Only a couple kind of retracted after exposed. [Fake News]
Nov 4, 2019 ~ Chad Greene "The Violence 'Epidemic' Against Transgender People Is A Myth" 'no evidence of a pattern or "epidemic" of violence... certainly false that trans women are being "systematically hunted" or that black trans women are specifically targeted' Almost no deaths trans related [Trans, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Nov 5, 2019 ~ Amy Robach was caught on a hot mic saying that ABC Execs killed her Epstein story. 'I've had the story for three years? we would not put it on the air? It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything.' Pavlich says bc Clinton friend Stephanopoulos is ABC 'star anchor' [Epstein, Silencing, Fake News]
Nov 10, 2019 ~ Based on approximately two anecdotal instances that the new Apple Card managed by Goldman Sachs awarded a man 10 to 20 times the credit limit of his wife, sexism is assumed. But the reason can't possibly be gender because the algorithm doesn't even have that piece of information. [Fake News, Fake Sexism]
Nov 13, 2019 ~ Fake outrage of the day. Supposedly a black man was arrested 'for eating a sandwich' on the Bay Area BART. More outrage because cop was white. But this was law passed by dems. Cop just warned him but he didn't stop. Then he refused to give info for a citation. Only then arrested. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Police]
Nov 15, 2019 ~ Flooding in Venice is being predictably blamed on 'climate change' but that is fake news. The flood levels have been higher in the past and Venice's problems are more because it has been sinking over time than sea level rise, the rate of which has not increased in 100 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 18, 2019 ~ Steven Crowder debunks Vox report 'Everything is designed for this man, even drugs'. Almost everything is incorrect like military equipment is only designed for men. The Ambien stories that VOX PICKED were all debunked as misuse. Also the dosage for both men and women was wrong. [Fake News, Fake Sexism]
Nov 19, 2019 ~ @AFP, @Reuters, @NPR and other 'news' reported that the US 'has world's highest rate of children in detention.' Over 100,000 children! DNC says 'This is a disgusting result of Trump's white nationalist bla bla bla' Many blame 'racist' Trump. Report was from 2015! Keeps happening! [Fake News, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson debunks new book 'Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay' which claims to show that rich and poor pay the same average tax rate. Many problems with the analysis. One big one is they don't include transfer payments as income. [Economics, Taxes, Fake News]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Washington Examiner 'Elise Stefanik is a perfect case-study in media double standards' Elizabeth Warren was praised for breaking Senate rules. Glowing articles by NYT, Wash Post re: 'Nevertheless, she persisted' But @EliseStefanik trying to speak is just a 'gender-centric stunt' [Fake News, Fake Sexism]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Devin Nunes is suing CNN and The Daily Beast for spreading fake news about him regarding the Ukraine Hoax. 'These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth.' [Fake News, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'Media's Latest Anti-Nunes Smear Is Michael-Cohen-In-Prague All Over Again'. Hemingway recounts how the fake new media refused to retract their story after it was clear Cohen was never in Prague. This story is just as 'objectively stupid.' #FakeNewsMedia [Fake News, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ Newsweek headline, 'How is Trump Spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, Golfing and more'. Totally fake article. In reality, Trump spent Thanksgiving with the troops in Afghanistan. Donald Trump Jr., 'Fake news gonna fake!' Donald Trump, 'I thought Newsweek was out of business?' [Fake News]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Multiple historians are slamming the NYT 1619 Project. Brown University historian Gordon Wood said 'it is so wrong in so many ways' American Civil War historian and Pulitzer Prize winner James McPherson, 'a very unbalanced, one-sided account, which lacked context and perspective' [Slavery, Race, Fake News]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ Sharyl Attkisson adds to the running list, '101 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List'. She kindly calls them 'media mistakes' instead of 'Fake News', however mere 'mistakes' would go randomly in both directions. These, tellingly go 100% against President Trump. [Fake News]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders pushes the totally bogus claim, 'Nearly half our college students are going hungry'. Based on phony 'food insecure' concept that is not actual 'hunger'. But even so, the claim is 762% more food insecure than the general pop. Total hoax. Obesity is the real problem. [Fake News, Sanders]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris drops out and the MSM and dems can only explain it by racism and sexism. Even though black people and women support Biden much more. Tucker Carlson, 'For the left there are now only 3 possible explanations for why things on earth happen: racism, sexism and Russia' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris, Russia Hoax]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Lauren Duca falsely blames 'White Supremacy' for the fact that Booker and Castro did not qualify for the next Democrat debate and Kamala Harris dropped out. She throws in a false smear of Fox News for good measure. 'White supremacy is not just a Fox News problem, folks.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Harris]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Trump Admin enacts new food stamp rules requiring work when possible similar to the successful Clinton welfare reform. AOC lies saying it applies to families with children and the disabled when it applies to neither. Says 'many people will' 'starve'. Her fake news goes viral. [Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Entitlements]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ CNN writes story 'Trump still uses his personal cell phone despite warnings and increased call scrutiny'. Trump calls fake news, 'I haven't had a personal cell phone for years. Only use government approved and issued phones.' CNN admits that's true but 'stands by' fake story. [Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ IG Report showed that the Steele Dossier was 'central and essential' to obtaining FISA warrants. Devin Nunes said this in a 2018 memo. Adam Schiff released a memo claiming otherwise which the MSM ran with as 'the truth'. IG Report showed Nunes was right, Schiff, who knew, lied. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies'. Shows point by point how the Nunes memo was true and the Schiff memo was false. Devastating piece that exposes how all the big names in the Fake News Media insisted the opposite was true. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'One of the most interesting things to come out of this report is that the FBI and the DOJ knew by January 2017 that the dossier was complete rubbish.' But used it to spy on the Trump administration anyway. 'This is the greatest scandal of this generation.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, 'The culmination of this IG report is that the FBI played fast and loose with the FISA court, and violated policy and procedures six ways from Sunday.' 'it's really hard... to not believe that the FBI did have it in for Donald Trump.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Attorney General Barr, 'The FBI ignores it... withholds critical exculpatory information from the court... It also withholds from the court clear cut evidence that the dossier that they ultimately relied on to get the FISA warrant was a complete sham... that's hard to explain.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Jim Jordan, 'Didn't tell the Court the guy who wrote the dossier was desperate to stop Trump. Didn't tell the Court the guy who wrote the dossier was working for the Clinton campaign' 'The president was told he wasn't under investigation, when in fact they were investigating him' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Chuck Grassley, 'there's a lot of constitutional rights that were compromised to get reasons from the court to spy on the Trump campaign. And if it could happen to Trump, it could happen to... anybody else in America.' 'Even after he became president, finding ways to get him' out [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Dan Bongino, 'The FBI knowingly lying and manipulating about Carter Page pretending he wasn't an asset for the CIA, but an asset for the Russians.' 'they manipulate the email. Carter Page was a CIA asset. Let's insert the word "not" in there. Carter Page was not a CIA asset.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Washington Post goes point by point through Nunes and Schiff memos and admits Schiff lied about everything. Schiff said 'FBI and DOJ officials did not abuse the FISA process, omit material information' Also said they used multiple sources and relied on dossier narrowly. All false [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Carter Page WSJ article, 'FBI Spying Ruined My Good Name' 'From the day news of the investigation broke, I have faced threats to my life and have been forced to live like a fugitive.' The FBI doctored FISA evidence to allow them to use Page as a pretext to spy on the Trump admin. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Details on the evidence doctoring to secure the FISA warrant against Page. The exculpatory evidence showed Page's work for the CIA explained his Russian contacts. FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith allegedly falsely inserted the words 'Not a source' to negate that and secure the warrant [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Joy Behar blames 'white nationalists' and TRUMP for the Black Hebrew Israelite Anti-Semitic Jewish grocery shooting, 'these white nationalists have been let out of their holes? The liar in chief is the one who's spouting all of this stuff. He's the one? He's the worst one.' [Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, TDS, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib blames 'white supremacy' for the Black Hebrew Israelite Anti-Semitic Jewish grocery shooting, 'White supremacy kills.' Similar to Bill De Blasio who has blamed dozens of violent Anti-Semitic attacks in NYC on 'white supremacy', when none of the attackers were white. [Terrorism, Anti-Semitism, Tlaib, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald article 'The Inspector General's Report on 2016 FBI Spying Reveals a Scandal of Historic Magnitude: Not Only for the FBI but Also the U.S. Media'. Very comprehensive analysis of all of the deceit used to spy on the Trump Admin and the media's dutiful enabling. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald 'the FBI's gross abuse of its power, its serial deceit, is so grave and manifest that it requires little effort to demonstrate it.' 'so much of what the U.S. media has authoritatively claimed about all of these matters for more than two years is completely false.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept 'Any of the national security journalists & security state cable stars who spent 3 years falsely smearing Carter Page as a criminal & Kremlin agent - all based on doctored FBI submissions to a court - feel like apologizing to him?' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Molly Hemmingway of The Federalist, 'It's not just that these "journalists" were blatantly lying. It's how smug they are while lying and how much they mock those who pushed back on their false and republic-threatening propaganda. STUNNING to watch. There must be accountability.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ New York Times lies about Trump's Anti-Semitism EO. 'President Trump will sign an executive order defining Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion'. The EO does no such thing but the fake news spreads far and wide and generates copious amounts of unhinged outrage. [Fake News, Anti-Semitism]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Democrats continue to lie about the phone call before vote on Impeachment Articles. Veronica Escobar and others misquote Trump 'I want you to do ME a favor' Actual quote, 'I would like you to do US a favor though because OUR COUNTRY has been through a lot.' Totally different. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 14, 2019 ~ Tucker Carlson, 'The Media Has Some Apologizing to Do After the IG Report' Goes through source after source showing how the IG Report shows that the MSM misled the American people for years on the Russia Hoax. Fake story after fake story but no apologies for getting it wrong. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 14, 2019 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'An apology to Carter Page' 'Someone needs to apologize to Page.' 'soon after the investigation was opened, it became clear that Page had been wrongly accused and was, in fact, working for the CIA, not the Russians.' However, 'his guilt had to be indisputable.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 14, 2019 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'An apology to Carter Page' 'Page himself later said he was working with the CIA, yet the media not only dismissed his claim but was very openly dismissive while portraying him as a bumbling fool.' Page was called 'A LITERAL ACTUAL RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ASSET' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]