Jun 7, 2020 ~ New York Times smears Senator Tom Cotton saying he 'called for military force against protesters in American cities.' Cotton, 'I called for using military force as a backup only if police are overwhelmed to stop riots, not to be used against protesters... retract this smear.' [George Floyd, Police, Silencing, Fake News]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Aaron Maté, 'Dem Cyber-Firm's Sworn Testimony It Had No Proof of Russian Hack of DNC' First dems said all Intel agencies determined Russia hacked DNC. Then they said well CrowdStrike determined that for us. Now, CrowdStrike President under oath, 'We just don’t have the evidence.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 17, 2020 ~ A 'noose' was supposedly found in the Marcus Garvey park in Harlem. Much outrage. Governor Cuomo was 'disgusted' by it. Investigated by the New York Police Department's Hate Crimes Task Force which determined it was a scaffold hoist rope left over from construction in the area. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 17, 2020 ~ Because Dems can never put down America too much, Sen. Tim Kaine makes one of the most absurd statements of all time, 'The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it' Totally false. Slavery was pervasive throughout all of human history until the US ended it. [Fake News, Slavery]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ More 'nooses' found, this time in Oakland. The mayor denounces, 'Several nooses found on trees around Lake Merritt were removed and will be investigated as hate crimes. Symbols of racial violence have no place in Oakland.' They were swings put there by a black man Victor Sengbe. [Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jun 19, 2020 ~ Rep. Donna Edwards claimed on MSNBC that Trump scheduled his rally on Juneteeth and 'so near the Greenwood massacre' as a message 'to his hardcore white supremacist base' saying what? That he likes slavery and massacres of black people? These unhinged smears are disgusting. #TDS [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro calls out what he calls the 'incredible racism' of The Chicago Sun-Times because they will now capitalize the 'B' in Black and Brown, i.e. 'Black and Brown communities' but will continue to use a lowercase 'w' when talking about white people. No possible justification [Racism, Fake News, Ben Shapiro]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ Fake news from NPR to smear the right. 'Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons'. A picture is shown of a mob surrounding a car apparently driven by a 'right-wing extremist' about to drive forward into them. In reality, the mob OPENED THE DOOR & JUMPED ON THE CAR. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ The Ferguson effect is ramping up again. As police are not allowed or motivated to do their jobs by politicians bowing to the 'abolish the police' mob, shootings are skyrocketing. 55 shootings in one week in NY compared to 12 last year. Chicago, 102 shot, 14 killed in one weekend [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ Another Fake Hate Crime becomes a HUGE story. A 'noose' was supposedly left in black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace's garage. NASCAR releases statement 'despicable act of racism and hatred? how much farther we have to go as a society'. Bubba on talk shows. Was a garage hand pull. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh 'There Has Been A Slew Of Violent Attacks Against White People. None Have Been Prosecuted As Hate Crimes. Why Not?' Walsh lists many recent crimes where black people violently attacked white people. Each would be huge stories and hate crimes if the races were reversed. [Racism, Fake News]
Jun 23, 2020 ~ After the fake Bubba Wallace noose was used to vilify the US and NASCAR, Horace Cooper screams, 'America isn't a racist country' 'Grand delusion that racism is running rampant in this country' Jussie Smollett 'had to hire foreigners to do the racism that Americans just won't do!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Smollett]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Professor Noam Chomsky said President Donald Trump is 'undeniably' the 'worst criminal in human history.' That means worse than Hitler, worse than Stalin, Worse than Mao, worse than Pol Pot, etc. These people are so unhinged by hatred, they have no remaining contact with reality. [TDS, Fake News, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ NYT, 'With Tweets, Videos and Rhetoric, Trump Pushes Anew to Divide Americans by Race' Proof: EO 'to protect national monuments at a time when statues of Confederate generals are being torn down' But EO is after they started tearing down Lincoln, Washington, Columbus etc. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Jemele Hill who 'sees' 'white supremacy' literally everywhere insists 'It. Was. A. Noose' after the FBI debunked the Bubba Wallace noose hate crime hoax. After trashing NASCAR 'inside job' and all its fans, she can't back down. 'I agree with Jemele.' says actor Jussie Smollett. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Smollett]
Jun 24, 2020 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Great Moments in Racism: The Dash Cam Tapes'. Coulter details many high profile examples of supposed police racism that were disproven by dash or body cams. They were big international stories. The vilified officers all behaved respectfully and professionally. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 27, 2020 ~ David Litt in The Atlantic,'The Senate Filibuster Is Another Monument to White Supremacy'. The filibuster requires a 60 vote super majority to make sure anything passed has bipartisan support. The dem playbook: if you don't like something, label it 'white supremacy'. FAKE NEWS! [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jun 28, 2020 ~ More Fake News about Russia. New York Times reports, anon sources again, that Russia has been paying the Taliban bounties to kill US soldiers. People outraged Trump did nothing. Catherine Herridge debunks. Intel agencies found claims to be not credible so did not even brief Trump [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Ryan Lizza, Politico's chief Washington correspondent asked White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: 'Does President Trump believe that it was a good thing that the south lost the Civil War?' Its not possible for the media to be more biased, more embarrassing or more fake. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Slavery]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Hurtado Ibarra was shot by police. Witnesses said he was unarmed and shot in the back. Outrage started to ensue but the police released the video which showed that not only was he armed but he pulled a gun on the cops. Not uncommon for video to contradict witness claims. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ A mob of BLM protestors broke down an iron gate to enter Mark McCloskey's private property. Someone in the mob "pulls out two loaded pistol magazines, snaps them in front of my face and says, 'You're next.'" McCloskey is vilified as a 'racist' defending his home with a rifle. [Violent Left, Fake Racism, Fake News, BLM]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Washington Post editor Karen Attiah posted a list of crimes committed by white women against black people including 'voting for Trump.' She said, 'White women are lucky that we are just calling them 'Karen's'. And not calling for revenge.' Better vote how she demands white women. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ NYT editor Nikole Hannah-Jones article 'What is Owed' She lies that police think 'white patrollers have the legal right to kill black people deemed to have committed minor infractions' That 'broken windows' policing and 'qualified immunity' are racist against black people. False. [Fake Racism, Police, Fake News]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Mike Shellenberger, 'On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologise for the Climate Scare' 'Climate change is real but it's not the end of the world. It's not even our most important environmental problem'. Debunks many myths, 'Climate change is not making natural disasters worse'. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Forbes deleted Mike Shellenberger article, 'On Behalf of Environmentalists, I Apologise for the Climate Scare' giving into pressure by the left wing cancel culture mob. The mob decides what can and can't be said and the more true your article is, the faster it gets canceled. [Climate Change, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Fake News NYT lumps America in with Nazi Germany in article, 'America's Enduring Caste System' 'Throughout human history, three caste systems have stood out. The lingering, millenniums-long caste system of India... Nazi Germany. And... the United States.' [Fake News, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Bloomberg article on how COVID19 is reaching more older vulnerable Floridians. Vile, hate filled, disgusting New York Times writer Paul Krugman comments on it, 'Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts.' Despicable fake accusations from democrats daily. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ A large In a peer-reviewed study of 2,541 patients hospitalized at Michigan's 6 Henry Ford hospitals found that hydroxychloroquine helped Covid-19 patients better survive in the hospital. The fake news said Trump was killing people by touting it and was making money from it. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Fake News CNN described Mt. Rushmore as 'majestic' when Obama visited it, but now they call it 'A monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans.' Fake News NYT said 'President Trump delivered a dark and divisive speech at Mount Rushmore'. #FakeNews. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Slavery]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ The lying left is sharing a deceptively edited clip appearing to show that Trump said Desert Storm happened in Vietnam. This lie is debunked by the actual video but as usual, the fake news goes far and wide. [Fake News]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Disgusting gaslighting from dems about Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech. Sen. Duckworth, 'He spent all his time talking about dead traitors'. Trump talked about DOZENS of people, NONE traitors. 5 Ex Presidents, MLK, Grant, Harriet Tubman, Jesse Owens, Ali, etc. Dems lie NON STOP. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Robert Costa, WaPo on Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech, 'unyielding push to preserve Confederate symbols and the legacy of white domination' Trump said 'We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Bode Lang, 'How the Left Creates Fake Studies to Fabricate Right-Wing Terrorism' Lang exposes in great detail how these fake reports make it look like right wing terrorism is a problem when in reality left wing and Islamic terrorism are far far bigger problems. Massive dishonesty [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Two BLM protesters hit by a car, one dead, one in critical condition. Dems blamed Trump supporters and 'right wing Nazis' for intentionally targeting BLM protesters. But driver was a black man. Accident. Protesters in the middle of I-5 at night dressed in black around a curve. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, BLM]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Cher is ready for the loony bin. 'WHAT IF trump DOESNT WANT 2 SAVE"EVERYONE"FROM THE VIRUS??.NO BLUE STATES,NO PPL OF COLOR,NO POOR, WHITE LIBERALS.WHAT IF trump ONLY WANTS WHITES & WHITE SUPREMACIST' Dem Govs Cuomo and Newsome praised Trump for his response to their needs. #TDS [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jul 6, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?' Dems and the left need this to be a racist society for political reasons but Americans are not cooperating. Prager lists over a dozen fabricated hate crimes designed to prove the false narrative. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'Brazen Lying Is Media's Latest Escalation In Campaign Against Trump' and Michael Barone, 'The most dishonest, biased news coverage of our lifetimes' 2 articles show how the media coverage of Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech doesn't even resemble the truth. Typical. [Fake News]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Another fake story about Trump goes poof. His niece Mary Trump claimed that Trump paid friend Joe Shapiro to take his SAT so he could get into The Wharton School of business. Shapiro's wife confirms that Trump met Shapiro in that very school where he was already in. [Fake News, TDS]
Jul 12, 2020 ~ Fake News getting Faker. USA Today 'Fact Checked' 'The claim: Trump campaign shirts feature imperial eagle, a Nazi symbol. Our ruling: True' The Bald Eagle used in the shirt is the US National Bird used all over the place long before to WWII including money, USMC, Pelosi etc. [Fake News]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Bari Weiss resigns from New York Times. 'Truth' has become 'an orthodoxy', i.e. fake news. 'constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist' 'publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot' Harassment from intolerant left wing bullies. [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Trump says more white people are killed by police than black people. NYT attempts to 'fact check'. 'Black Americans are killed at a far higher rate than white' Measured by population which is irrelevant. Measured by crimes committed, and resulting police contacts, they are not. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan commenting on the resignation of Bari Weiss from the NYT. 'The mob bullied and harassed a young woman for thoughtcrimes. And her editors stood by and watched.' Sullivan also just announced he is resigning from New York Magazine. No free thinkers allowed. [Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Roslyn La Liberte sues Joy Reid of MSNBC for libel. Reid claimed La Liberte screamed racist slurs at a 14-year-old boy and called him 'a dirty Mexican' 'going to be the first deported' 'Hate is real, y'all.' says Fake News Reid. All of this was false. No not 'real'. As usual... [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Teen Vogue, 'Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep' This article is not satire. It's actually claiming black people inherited 'generational fatigue'. 'We're dealing with an inheritance of... hundreds of years of sleep deprivation' 'We inherited this exhaustion.' [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Washington Post article, 'That sound you're hearing is classical music's long overdue reckoning with racism'. Like the 'Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep' article, this seems like it has to be satirizing the hysteria of calling literally everything 'racist'. But it's not... [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ NYT Feb 14, 2017 article, 'Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence' proven to be Fake News even further by newly released Strzok memos. 'misleading and inaccurate? no evidence [of this].' Comey and the FBI had also denied this story at the time. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ All the big 'News' Orgs misrepresent what Kailey McEnany said about opening schools. They report that she said 'The science should not stand in the way of this' making it sound like she means ignore the science. Leave out 'The science is on our side here... follow the science.' [Coronavirus, Fake News, Education]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Derecka Purnell in the Atlantic, 'How I Became a Police Abolitionist'. Purnell tells an implausible story of how she saw a cop shoot a kid at a rec. center for not signing the b-ball sign-in sheet. The story is debunked by The Federalist and others. No such incident occurred. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Police]
Jul 20, 2020 ~ After many real historians debunked the lies of in the #FakeNews New York Times 1619 Project, fake historian Nicole Hannah Jones readily admits "I’ve always said that the 1619 Project is not a history." "It never pretended to be a history." You don't say... [Fake News, Slavery]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ More NYT Fake News. 'Gov. Gavin Newsom of California was 'told that if he wanted the federal government to help obtain the swabs needed to test for the virus, he would have to ask Mr. Trump himself - and thank him.' Newsome, 'Not true. No one told me that. No one asked me that. [Coronavirus, Fake News]