Jul 8, 2018 ~ Ivan Couronnem, 'Beware those scientific studies - most are wrong, researcher warns'. Most scientific studies are flawed - most are not repeatable or use too small a sample or have other flaws - 40 out of 50 most popular cooking ingredients supposedly cause cancer for example [Fake News]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ No tornado deaths in May or June, historically the most active months of the year - Alarmist predictions of more tornados and deadlier tornados have never panned out. Just the opposite in fact but the fake news media only hypes alarmist claims. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Roy W. Spencer, 'Summer Causes Climate Change Hysteria' - if look at long term trend since 1894, 'The long-term trend is not statistically different from zero' - heat wave that got media coverage was localized - ignored the low temps elsewhere that balanced it out. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 9, 2018 ~ New York Times and Vanity Fair say Trump Administration is 'against breastfeeding' - Trump calls fake - 'strongly supports breastfeeding' but doesn't want poor or malnourished woman denied access to formula. [Fake News]
Jul 22, 2018 ~ Austin Chronicle hit piece on Steven Crowder - 'JuiceLand Employee Harassed by Right-Wing Comedian' - riddled with inaccuracies not the least of which is the employee posted Crowder's info and told people to slash his tires. [Fake News, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 22, 2018 ~ The Washington Post claims Nikki Haley said there were only 250,000 people in poverty in the US - she did not - she asks them to retract and they say ok but do not - she has to publicly ask a 2nd time before they finally retract their fake news. [Fake News, Poverty]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Kyle Smith, 'No Detectable Lead Poisoning in Flint After All' - Scare not only overblown, it was a non-event - 0 children tested anywhere near the danger zone - water was actually fine - thousands of communities have higher levels as did all in the 70s. [Environment, Fake News, Kyle Smith]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ Morgan Spurlock's famed documentary Supersize Me was a fraud - health problems including liver damage was attributed to McDonalds but now he admits he's been 'drinking since the age of 13. I haven't been sober for more than a week in 30 years' [Fake News, Health]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Server faked 'racist receipt'. Causes outrage in Texas. No surprise. Another 'Bigots Left Me No Tip!' restaurant anecdote exposed as a hoax - 'We don't tip terrorist'. Media falls for it again including Washington Post even though it keeps happening. Fake News damage done. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Fake News Media mistook Alleged Russian spy Maria Butina for Trump staffer in White House photos - Even worse is that in reality she met with Obama officials in 2015 - Another dream shatters for the Trump-haters. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, The decline and endangerment of the honeybee is another fake Environmentalist Scare Story - never held water. [Fake News, Environment]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ A waitress at a Freestone County, Texas restaurant claimed that an area law enforcement employee scribbled a racial slur against Mexicans on a meal receipt - another lie - generated outrage - The usual suspects all fell for it again. was sent money etc. Admitted to making it up. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Associated Press reports that Sean Spicer supposedly called Alex Lombard the N-word. Everyone around at the time said it never happened. So many fake accusations of racism. Story is now discredited. Most people hear the accusations, but not the debunkings. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Jack Hellner, 'Where's the press after a century of bad climate predictions?' Not just decades but more than a century of bad climate predictions. Kept changing and almost none have come true. Big list. Yet its supposed to be a 'science' that can't be 'denied' or even questioned. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Media's double standard concerning 'campaign finance laws'. Interested if Trump covered up a decades ago affair. Ignore Hillary Victory Fund, which collected and then laundered $84 million worth of questionable contributions. Obama and Rosie also had more violations than Trump. [Fake News, Politics]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Quit The Hysterics. America Is Responsible For Almost None Of The Plastic In The Ocean' - Asia and Africa account for 95% of the problem - Europe and the US almost none - banning straws does 0 to help the ocean - facts don't support positions taken by Democrats. [Fake News, Environment]
Aug 12, 2018 ~ Vijay Jayaraj, Claims that Climate Change is causing 'Disappearing Islands' is totally Fake News - sea level rise has not changed in 100 yrs, 1.5mm per yr, islands in question like Tuvalu are growing not shrinking - sea level in Medieval Warm higher than today. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ The Washington Post writes article called 'The Path to Autocracy is all too familiar' which compares President Trump to Goebbels and includes picture of 'Hitler Youth' burning books. [Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Flashback, In 2013 Dick Durbin said 'What we are seeing in global warming is the evaporation of our Great Lakes' even though the low levels had known causes - and now the lakes are back to near record levels - was typical false alarmism, quickly forgotten. on to the next fake. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Heather Mac Donald, 'The Times Conflates Conservatives with Society's White-Supremacist Fringe' - a literal handful of white supremacists show up for 'Unite the Right 2' but the left is desperate to keep alive the story that conservatives are a hateful group. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ 350 newspapers collude to condemn Trump for saying journalists are the enemy of the people - But he never said that - he said 'fake news is the enemy of the people' so their claim is itself, FAKE NEWS - MAJOR IRONY. [Fake News]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ NY Times columnist Michelle Goldberg said on MSNBC 'He would certainly like to.' after Katy Tur pointed out that Trump 'is not rounding people up and murdering them without any due process.' [TDS, Fake News, Due Process]
Aug 21, 2018 ~ NY Gov Andrew Cuomo peddles the same tired democrat party lies and hatred for America - 'In Mr. Trump's America, the points on the compass are not north, south, east, or west. They are sexism, racism, bigotry, and intolerance'. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ More Fake News Falls Apart - Liberals Vilify ICE for arresting an illegal alien father. The media narrative was that heartless ICE was arresting illegals about to have a baby. Major outrage ginned up. Neglect to mention that he is WANTED FOR MURDER - mother was illegal also. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Black children fabricated the story of a white man in Grand Rapids, Michigan accused of urinating on and verbally abusing a five-year-old black girl with racial slurs - innocent man was arrested - NAACP calls it hate crime. Whole thing was fake. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ After the Mollie Tibbetts murder by an illegal alien, dems keeps insisting that immigrant crime rate is lower than non-immigrant crime rate but as usual they lump legal and illegal immigration together. Illegal immigrant crime rate is much HIGHER than the non-immigrant crime rate [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Fake News, Crime]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Ta-Nehisi Coates makes ridiculous statement, 'when you're white in this country, you're taught that everything belongs to you' - privilege is about being American, living now, having 2 parents, etc. Not about your skin color. [Fake News, Race]
Sep 2, 2018 ~ Another HUGE bombshell goes bust - CNN and many other 'News' orgs. reported that Cohen had personally witnessed Donald Trump Jr. informing Trump Sr. about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting and was willing to testify it to Mueller. All of this was FALSE. Fake News every day. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Sep 2, 2018 ~ DOE Report is released supposedly showing an epidemic in school shootings - 216 in one year! However, most of the school shootings listed in the report never happened. NPR analyzes the data and exposes the truth. It was really only 11, not 216. Sheesh. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ A 2016 University of Alabama study claimed one-third of the mass shootings in the world take place in the US - John Lott found that was not even close to reality - US Ranks 58th in the world and has less than 3% of the world's mass shootings. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Fake News]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Michael Brown, 'Enough with All the Anonymity' - Bob Woodward's book is full of anonymous sources and an anonymous 'senior official' in the white house makes allegations - no way to vet or evaluate an anonymous source and they are usually untruthful. [Fake News]
Sep 9, 2018 ~ Many dems moronically thought it was entirely plausible that Zina Bash was flashing 'white power' signs behind Kavanaugh in his hearing - ironically the OK symbol is not even a white power symbol - 4chan invented it to prank gullible liberals which wasn't difficult apparently. [Fake Racism, Kavanaugh, Fake News]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ NYT smears Nikki Haley over a $53,000 UN curtains purchase that was made during the Obama administration - Haley had nothing to do with - some idiots on the left demand that Haley resign - the left constantly fuels their hatred with fake news stories. [Fake News]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Climate Alarmists and Fake News Media politicize hurricane Florence. Washington Post says Trump 'Complicit' in a hurricane well within historical norms and had nothing to do with climate change or Trump. US has had the biggest reduction in CO2 emissions of anyone in Paris Accord. [TDS, Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace writes 'Twelve Invisible Eco-Catastrophes and Threats of Doom That are Actually Fake' including man made climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton Peddles Thoroughly Debunked Claim About Kavanaugh and Birth Control first peddled by Kamala Harris - claims he thinks birth control is abortion - Washington Post rates the lie at 4 Pinocchios - desperate and despicable. [Abortion, Fake News, Harris, Kavanaugh]
Sep 17, 2018 ~ The death toll for hurricane Maria was 64 for many months after the storm. Puerto Rico Governor Rosselló praised Trump and said they got everything they asked for. Then people put out 'computer estimates' claiming 3000. Fake. Hurricane deaths have NEVER been counted this way. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 17, 2018 ~ Climate Change activists and Trump critics are manipulating the Hurricane Maria death toll. Toll was 64 until computer estimates started claiming 1000s. Deaths even months afterward said to be Maria deaths. No other hurricane has ever been counted that way. Politically motivated. [Fake News, Climate Change]
Sep 18, 2018 ~ A black woman, Adwoa Lewis, was arrested in Long Island for fabricating story of 4 white Trump supporters harassing her, slashing her tires, and putting a note 'Go Home' on her car. She has admitting to making it up. There have been dozens of these hate crime hoaxes. None real. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Sep 19, 2018 ~ Stormy Daniels describes Trump's Penis. CNN decides this is an important story for a 'news organization' to cover. Jake Tapper dedicates an entire segment to Trump's penis and how it's 'distinctive in a certain way'. Democrats are riveted but the network's ratings keep dropping. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Sep 26, 2018 ~ Paul Krugman of the totally 'real news' New York Times, 'Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps.' You couldn't make up Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled fake news like this. [TDS, Fake News]
Sep 29, 2018 ~ It has become fashionable to blame hurricanes like Florence on global warming - hurricanes have not gotten worse in frequency or intensity over the past 70 years - not unusual - 'We've seen this many, many, many times' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 30, 2018 ~ Chelsea Handler spews a bunch of accusations, ALL FALSE. 'Republican Party=white male party. They don't care about women and they don't care about the future. They care about the past where all white men are in power. Rape is fine. Keep minorities and women down.' [Fake News]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Yet another failed climate change alarmist prediction - The Canberra Times, 'A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover' the Maldives 'islands within the next 30 years' it was reported 30 years ago - never happened, no change 30 years later. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Unhinged and lying MSNBC Panelist Elie Mystal says 'Trump has delivered for these people on the things that they care about most; he has delivered racism for these people. He has delivered misogyny for these people'. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Oct 14, 2018 ~ NBC News posts 'Trump says 'Robert E. Lee was a great general' during Ohio rally, calling the Confederate leader 'incredible'' - He actually said Grant was incredible - He only said Lee was great to praise Grant. The Fake News is always trying to falsely paint Trump as a racist. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 17, 2018 ~ Kanye West's support for Trump gets him called token negro, Uncle Tom, white supremacist. CNN commentator Bakari Sellers says 'Kanye West is what happens when Negros don't read.' Tara Setmayer calls West a 'token negro'. Don Lemon laughs. Herschel Walker calls this 'bullying'. [Racism, Silencing, TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ It's nutty enough that some on the left are blaming Trump for Khashoggi's death but Representative Joaquin Castro, D-TX claimed he heard the hit was ordered Jared Kushner - Khashoggi was killed by Saudis in Turkey. [TDS, Fake News]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Ann Coulter does a 'Fake News Autopsy' to illustrate how they falsely smear and purposefully divide us. Trump says 'It's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of'. CNN inserts the word 'white' into his quote! [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 22, 2018 ~ Trump talks about 'VOTER FRAUD' - 'Cheat at your own peril. Violators will be subject to maximum penalties, both civil and criminal!' - dems lie saying he is trying to 'to suppress and intimidate voters' and 'good citizens'. [Fake News]