Oct 30, 2018 ~ MSNBC's Political Analyst Heilemann says Trump 'Is Obviously a Racist' - He 'Obviously Condones Anti-Semitism' - Both statements are totally false but typical from the fake news media. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Joe Scarborough and Mika say Trump tweeted about the World Series 'to send a message, as you said, Joe, to his adoring white nationalist fans that the murdering of these worshippers was not even a concern'. A world series tweet was a message to white nationalists condoning murder [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe of GQ makes this preposterous claim on CNN - 'This president has radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did' - totally disgusting - no pushback from CNN. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Chris Cuomo said today that Trump said 'Media is the enemy of the people.' Cuomo said 'That is a phrase propagated by Stalin, used by Hitler.' Trump actually said 'fake news media is the enemy of the people' and Cuomo changed the quote making it ironically... fake news. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Trump declares he is a 'Nationalist'. He was clear in explaining exactly what it means. Looking out for the good of 'your nation' vs. a 'globalist' who is more concerned about the globe. Cries of Hitler, Racist and Nazi. People falsely claimed the N in Nazi was 'Nationalist'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ CNN's Symone Sanders said Trump's remarks about enforcing our borders were a 'Defense of White Supremacy'. Those remarks that had exactly zero to do with white supremacy and are exactly like the comments of Barak Obama's, Bill Clinton and a host of democrats just a few years ago. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ The huge uptick in Jewish Community Center bomb threats after Trump election has been falsely blamed on Trump. 90% were called in by a mentally disturbed American Jewish teenager living in Israel, the other 10% were made by a black radical seeking to frame his ex-girlfriend. [Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe tweets to her 'fellow Jews' who support Trump 'I hope the embassy move over there, where you don't live was worth it.' implying that somehow that was the cause the synagogue shooting. Conservatives don't get to mourn. They always have to defend being falsely blamed. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Rush Limbaugh is 'Fed Up! We Get Blamed for Everything!' - mass shootings, hurricanes, anti-Semitic attacks etc. have all happened for a long time - but now they are Trump and the GOP's fault - There is no connection. Bernie, Hillary not blamed for Hodgkinson, Mateen. [Fake News, Sanders]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ The left blames Trump because an anti-Semitic nut who didn't like Trump attacked Jews - Trump is the most Pro-Israel President in history and his daughter converted to Judaism and his grandchildren and son in law are Jewish. He is a great friend to Israel and the Jewish people. [Fake News, Anti-Semitism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Left's Response to the Mass Shooting of Jews Was an Act of Bad Faith'. Blaming Trump was total BS - Almost all modern anti-Semitism is Islamic or on the left. ADL used misleading stats - uptick in anti-Semitic attacks were a couple of non-Trump supporters. [Fake News, Islam, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ Don Lemon says 'we have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.' Ironically what he just said was not only false but demonized people [Racism, Fake News]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ In the scramble to falsely blame Trump for the Synagogue shooting, democrats can't agree if Trump is to blame because he is too anti-Semitic or too pro-Israel and pro-Jewish people. They are about evenly split proving the reason to blame Trump is irrelevant. TDS inspired hatred. [TDS, Fake News, Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ New York Times launches histrionic alarm over 'white nationalism' conveniently timed days before mid-term elections. Says law enforcement is scrambling to cope with an epidemic' of 'right-wing extremism and violence'. This is as fake as it gets. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Study of 30 Pacific and Indian Ocean atolls including 709 islands - no atoll lost land area - 88.6% of islands were either stable or increased in area- only 11.4% contracted - Kiribati increased size opposite of alarmist predictions. UN said 10 million climate refugees by 2010. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Left-Wing Jews: a Jewish and American Tragedy' 'The current charge that the Pittsburgh massacre was caused by President Trump is one of the greatest libels in American history. Virtually every left-wing columnist and commentator has spread this lie'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ NYT Columnist Paul Krugman says the GOP is 'a party of bad people' - the left has no idea why people on the right believe or vote as they do - the only explanation they can come up with is 'bad people' but that is wrong. [Fake News]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Police are blamed for death of a burglary suspect Demaszjae Miller. Cops did nothing more than show up to a call and turn on their light Miller ran and was hit by a car. A cop was assaulted and a cop car destroyed in 'protest' of them doing their job. [Police, Crime, Fake News]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Jon Cooper, chair of The Democratic Coalition tweeted, 'DC source: Arrest of Donald Trump Jr. is "imminent."' #FakeNews #RussiaHoax [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Daily Beast claims 'White Nationalist' was Guest at the White House to celebrate election victory. They said he was 'escorted by a Trump administration staffer wearing an official badge'. Total fake news. The picture was from a public tour before election. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ PBS Reporter Yamiche Alcindor asks Trump if he called himself a Nationalist to embolden 'White Nationalists' falsely inserting the word 'white' when Trump has already explained Nationalism. Trump called that a 'racist question' and explained nationalism again. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Michael Moore claims the only way Republicans can win is by 'Preventing Black People from Voting' - more nonsense from a man who spews nothing but lies. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Politics]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Georgia Smear' - Dems are trying to falsely claim that Kemp's more than 50,000 vote win is illegitimate - 'There are a number of charges, none of which have merit'. Lowry debunks all of them one by one - rules known ahead of time and they were not unreasonable. [Politics, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Newly elected Republican Dan Crenshaw was accused of 'moderating white supremacist forums' and being a 'member of a Nazi Facebook group' - totally FALSE as usual. This claim got quite a bit of social media traction and also repeated by Newsweek, Huffpost and others. [Fake News, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ One of the most ignorant anti-Trump Stories yet - Trump could not attend commemoration ceremony in France for the end of World War 1 at the American cemetery at Aisne-Marnes - Military confirms that the weather was too bad for helicopter - ignorant libs say they're lying. [TDS, Fake News]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Deadly CA forest fires are not due to climate change despite the fake narratives - 1920s had by far the most acres burned. The record is 5 times higher than 2017. Cause is failure to implement 'proactive forest management practices'. More deadly because more homes in forest areas [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Racist graffiti reported on a car near Kansas State University - 'Go home', 'date your own kind' and 'whites only'. FBI involved. School called emergency meetings, sessions with worried parents. Turns out it was done by the black student, Dauntarius Williams, who owned the car. [Fake News, Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'On Criminal Justice, Trump Embraces the Left's Racism Rhetoric' Sets the record straight. The sentencing disparities between rock and powder cocaine were not due to racism. They were based on greater harm and asked for by inner city black leaders. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Crime]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Honduran Caravan which does not exist according to dems and the FSM arrived in Tijuana - over 6000 - mayor says 'It's a tsunami' - Man in Tijuana says 'Donald Trump was right. It is an invasion'. 90-95% young males, at least 300 criminals despite picture media tried to paint. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ Brian Kemp Did Not Steal the Georgia Governor's Race - David French debunks the claims of voter suppression and fraud - totally bogus - margin of victory too large and several problems they complain about were created by democrats. Democrats keep clinging to this fiction. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ A Chipotle manager is fired for asking a customer show proof that he'll pay. Customer said that's racist because he is black. She did so because she recognized him as having hit them before with 'dine and dash'. His Twitter feed shows him bragging about dine and dash at Chipotle. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ CNN Panel including Kirsten Powers can come to no other conclusion than that white women are racist. The identity politics explanation for why the vote GOP: they are allegedly 'oppressed' but benefit too much from the 'patriarchy' and 'white privilege' to have 'better behavior'. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Nov 28, 2018 ~ Guardian claims Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange of Wikileaks in secret THREE times before the 2016 election - This is the latest in a long list of FAKE stories by the Fake News Media trying to make people think that President Trump colluded with the Russians. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Nov 30, 2018 ~ NPR reported that Donald Trump Jr's testimony to Congress regarding dates of Russian Trump Tower negotiations contradicts Michael Cohen's testimony to the FBI - totally false - NPR retracted finally but CNN ran with it anyway on air. Almost all reporting on Russia is fake news. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ 6 nooses were found hanging in trees around the Mississippi state capitol. AP, MSNBC covered the story. FBI called. AS USUAL it was democrats that did it trying to make it look like it was those racist Republicans. They tried to influence the election but thankfully failed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ David Harsanyi 'There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence'. Shows how the narrative is just a bogus political smear. Starting in 2002 to eliminate 9-11, wrongly labelling things like the Vegas shooter as 'right wing' but not labelling the same kinds of crimes if done by the left [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Crime]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Dawn Hilton-Williams was given a speeding ticket by a white SC officer. She claimed he mistreated her because she was black. Riled up Facebook. Got on the news. Talks about slavery, lynching and how this doesn't happen to white people. Body cam video showed she was totally lying. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Police]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg article, 'The media got it all wrong on the new US climate report'. According to the report itself we are not experiencing 'unprecedented weather extremes' despite CNN and NPR claims. The GDP claim is meaningless. Costs of action outweigh benefits. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Ivanka Trump used a private email account for some govt emails. Dems try to claim its just like Hillary. But there's no comparison. Hillary setup a server in secret with classified information on it then deleted subpoenaed emails to cover it up. Ivanka followed all the rules [Fake News, Hillary Emails]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Mob of Honduran caravan members storm the border fence throwing rocks etc. Agents forced to use tear gas and pepper spray to stop. Dems and media go nuts saying this is unprecedented barbarism. Having not a single clue that tear gas was used once a month at border under Obama. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ Amber Athey 'DHS Shuts Down Fake News From CNN's Jim Sciutto' who said Trump was lying. 'DHS prevented 3,755 known or suspected terrorists from traveling to or entering the US in FY 17. That's in addition to 17,526 criminals, 1,019 gang members, and 3,028 special interest aliens' [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 17, 2018 ~ Tim Ball, 'Extreme Wildfires Caused By Extreme Stupidity, not Global Warming' - Stopping most forest fires has allowed the underbrush to build up very thick - we've turned what used to be 'crown fires' into 'base fires' which are much harder to put out. [Climate Change, Environment, Fake News]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ Climatologist Judith Curry says alarming sea level rise projections are 'very weakly justified to borderline impossible... worst-case scenarios strain credulity'. Recall James Hansen warned in 1988 that New York City's West Side Highway would be underwater in 20-40 years. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ Marina Medvin, SDNY 'DOJ Prosecutors Wrongfully Accuse Trump of Campaign Finance Crimes'. Not campaign money used. Payoffs to extortionists are not campaign donations. John Edwards case proved it. If it were, 100s in congress are guilty with 268 hush money payments, $17 million. [Fake News, Politics]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ NBC News misleadingly asserts 'United States added to list of most dangerous countries for journalists for first time' Article implies this has something to do with Trump. .Facts, 6 died, 4 due to a work related violence event and 2 from a falling tree. NOTHING to do with Trump [TDS, Fake News]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Washington Post and Time headlines imply that Border Patrol caused the death of a 7-Year-Old Migrant Girl. Lie got widely spread by the liberal bubblesphere before the truth came out. The girls' own father says Border Patrol not at fault. She was very sick when she got here. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Joe Simonson, 'The Internet As We Know It Supposedly Ended A Year Ago, According To CNN And Other Outlets'. Seton Motley, 'One Year Later, The Left's Net Neutrality Freak Out and Lies Look Even Dumber'. None of their apocalyptic visons happened. Its even better. Speeds up 40%. [Net Neutrality, Fake News]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Claas Relotius, Award Winning German journalist for Der Spiegel was exposed for fabricating many stories including stories designed to making Trump supporters look like backward racist hicks - signs that said 'Mexicans keep out' and other lies and smears. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Dec 28, 2018 ~ CNN claimed Trump lied about stopping terrorists from entering - DHS replied 'DHS prevented 3,755 known or suspected terrorists from traveling to or entering the U.S. in FY 17. That's in addition to 17,526 criminals, 1,019 gang members' [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ 2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes in the United States - As usual, the reality is the exact opposite of the alarmist narrative which continues to claim we are experiencing more extreme weather than in the past. [Climate Change, Fake News]