Apr 15, 2019 ~ Michael Moore about Pelosi, 'White people. Nobody likes giving up power...they and their old tired privileged ways are over.' He applies the democrat rule that criticism of any person of color is racist by definition. It can never be legitimate. Doesn't know dems are exempt. [Fake Racism]
Apr 19, 2019 ~ Multnomah County, Oregon has agreed to pay $100,000 to a black employee because a probation officer co-worker had a 'Blue Lives Matter' flag over his desk. Blue Lives Matter 'denigrates, dilutes, and demeans the purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement' she said. [Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Apr 23, 2019 ~ Trinity College prof. Johnny Williams tweets 'Whiteness is terrorism.' and 'All self-identified white people (no exceptions) are invested in and collude with systemic white racism/white supremacy.' Previously, 'Let Them Fucking Die' after GOP baseball team shot by a violent dem. [Racism, Fake Racism, Violent Left]
Apr 23, 2019 ~ Sonalee Rashatwar who calls herself a 'fat sex therapist' gave a talk at St. Olaf College. Claimed 'a child cannot consent to being on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to having sex' She also insanely and repeatedly connected dieting to 'white supremacy' and 'Nazism' [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ American Icon Kate Smith is the next on the SJW chopping block to erase history. Her 'God Bless America' song was removed from Yankees and Flyers for allegedly racist song in 1930. Song was a parody of racists sung also by black people. Yankees were far more racist in the past. [Fake Racism, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Larry Elder smeared by despicable Media Matters. Have headline that says Elder said 'Black families were better off as slaves.' Elder gave the entire transcript of what he said in case there were actually people stupid enough to believe Media Matters. Smears are what they do. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Larry Elder]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ George Eaton, a deputy editor of the New Statesman tried to smear Sir Roger Scruton as a racist, Islamophobe, homophobe and an anti-Semite. Fired by conservative cowards who did not check the story. Eaton celebrated with champagne. Released interview tapes reveal it was all fake. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Wake Forest is excluding white people from 'listening sessions' that aim to unironically promote 'inclusivity'. 'For staff who identify as staff of color ONLY' Anon prof not allowed to speak openly, 'ridiculous accusation that Wake Forest tolerates or encourages white supremacy' [Racism, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Biden announces he is running for president by exploiting the Charlottesville 'very fine people' hoax that has been debunked many times. Claimed he has to save America from Trump's white supremacy. Candice Owens 'I am SICK to my stomach that they are going to try to use us AGAIN' [Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Flashback. Entire senate including Biden 'unanimously approved the reinstatement of General Robert E. Lee's citizenship to the U.S.' Relevant it was the people wanting to keep the Robert E. Lee statue and park that he said were fine people. Excluded Nazis and White Nationalists. [Fake Racism, Biden]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA) said President Trump's defense of his Charlottesville remarks shows 'an absence of outrage over the rise of white supremacy, and in fact, a president who seems to cheer it on.' Trump cheers on white supremacy. He's condemned it many times. [Fake Racism]
Apr 28, 2019 ~ Columbia Professor John McWhorter says belief that cops kill black people disproportionately 'hasn't really held up to scrutiny'. For every high profile case including Tamir Rice, Sam DuBose, Alton Sterling, there is a white victim killed in 'almost ominously similar conditions'. [Race, Police, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Apr 30, 2019 ~ Columbia students protest play HOME/LAND because white people were cast in the roles of Palestinians even though no Palestinians auditioned. And white people in Latinx roles also necessary to fill roles. And for 'perceived insensitivity when white actors read lines in Spanish'. [Fake Racism]
May 1, 2019 ~ Omar's comments on Venezuela got widespread condemnation from Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Pence, Rubio and others. Much of what we are doing is humanitarian. She immediately plays the race card. 'Women of color have heard this before.' even though many of her critics are women of color. [Omar, Socialism, Fake Racism]
May 3, 2019 ~ White people are often 'unconsciously acting in racist ways' and must be 'healed'. To be cured, you can take Everyday Feminism's seminar 'Healing from Internalized Whiteness' so you can 'connect to the pain of internalized white supremacy' and 'choose to not act in racist ways' [Fake Racism, Race]
May 7, 2019 ~ Pa Rep. Brian Sims bullies and harasses a woman praying outside of an abortion clinic. Yells at her, tries to dox her. Shames her for her age and race, 'she is an old white woman', while falsely calling her a racist. Has called pro-life people 'bigots, sexists, and misogynists'. [Loathsome Left, Abortion, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Racism]
May 7, 2019 ~ Pa Rep. Brian Sims has a history of bullying and harassing behavior. Has videoed teenage girls as he was harassing them and offered cash for their addresses so he could dox them. 'a bunch of white people standing outside a Planned Parenthood' he sniffs. Not all were even white. [Loathsome Left, Abortion, Fake Racism, Racism]
May 9, 2019 ~ There have been 'at least 2 dozen' very violent anti-Semitic attacks on a Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn in the last year. All or almost all of the perpetrators were black. None were white. Mayor de Blasio explains, 'It's really clear that forces of white supremacy have been unleashed.' [Anti-Semitism, Violent Left, Fake Racism]
May 13, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib is criticized by historians for saying that Palestinians provided a safe haven for Jews after the Holocaust. She goes right to the race card claiming racists don't understand. 'talk like a fourth grader because maybe the racist idiots would understand you better' [Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
May 14, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren says 'I won't do a town hall with Fox News'. 'Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists' Calls Fox a 'hate-for-profit machine'. Ironic that the networks she appears on were wall to wall Russia Hoax conspiracy theory. [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax]
May 17, 2019 ~ Patrick Durkin, 'Is Hunting Too White?' White people make up 96% of hunters, Hispanic 3% and Black and Asian less than 1% combined. 'Too White' paints it as a problem that needs to be solved. There are always reasons for racial disparities and those reasons rarely are because of 'racism' in today's world. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
May 19, 2019 ~ The NYC DOE has spent more than $500M on very divisive training to combat 'white supremacy culture', which doesn't exist anywhere let alone NYC. 'Toxic Whiteness' and 'White supremacy is characterized by a belief in meritocracy' and 'Objectivity'. 'Color Blindness' is now racist. [Fake Racism]
May 21, 2019 ~ United Kingdom proposing to criminalize 'Islamophobia' which they ridiculously claim 'is rooted in racism'. But Islamophobia is impossible to define. And this will end up criminalizing any criticism of a dangerous ideology which has aspects that are necessary to criticize. [Islam, Silencing, Fake Racism]
May 23, 2019 ~ Antioch University Professor Timothy Malone argues that 'Game of Thrones' promotes White Supremacy because of some ridiculous theory in which the 'ice zombies' really represent black people. The left invents fake reasons to scream 'racism' and 'white supremacy' every day. [Fake Racism]
May 28, 2019 ~ Liquor store does not sell to activist Jenni Monet because she was already drunk. She said it was because she is 'a brown woman'. Cops called. Arrested because she refuses to walk line. Screams 'Police brutality! You fucking racist motherfucker. You fucking white supremacist!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
May 28, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar tweets 'A "merit based" immigration policy is fueled by racism toward the Latinx community'. Many people point out her statement is racist including Ted Cruz. 'I'm troubled that Dems seem to believe Hispanic immigrants can't qualify for skills-based legal immigration.' [Fake Racism, Racism, Illegal Immigration, Omar]
May 30, 2019 ~ Selma Blair was accused of 'cultural appropriation' because she wore a head wrap. 'this is serious cultural appropriation' scold the many angry 'woke' liberals who are always wagging their fingers to shame people over fake outrages. 'Scarves have been worn by all colors for ages' [Cultural Appropriation, Fake Racism]
Jun 1, 2019 ~ Complaint against Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Supposedly the guards allow white kids to touch the artifacts but not black kids. And told the black kids no watermelons. Neither claim plausible. Turns out they said 'no water bottles'. Staff NO LONGER ALLOWED TO SAY WATER BOTTLES! [Fake Racism]
Jun 6, 2019 ~ Beto O'Rourke spreads fake news at an Iowa campaign rally in order to stoke more racial animosity in America. O'Rourke claimed that 40% of the incarcerated population in Iowa is black. The actual percentage is 24.5%. [Fake News, Race, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Jonathan Tobin article, 'The Stacey Abrams Myth Becomes the Democratic Catechism'. Biden said, 'voter suppression is the reason why Stacey Abrams isn't governor right now.' Other dems agree. But she lost by 54,000 votes. Her 'easily debunked' claim undermines faith in elections. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ AOC tries to accuse the FBI of racism because they haven't charged white supremacists with 'domestic terrorism.' 'FBI Asst. Director of Counterterrorism Michael McGarrity has to repeatedly explain ... no domestic terrorist statute exists'. Her examples pledged allegiance to ISIS. [Fake Racism, Terrorism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Oberlin College ordered to pay Gibson's Bakery $44 million in damages due to damage done by false charges of racism. Bakery stopped a black student from stealing. Their employee was then physically attacked. Oberlin falsely claimed racism decimating the bakery founded in 1833. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ The lengths Oberlin went to falsely smear Gibson Bakery is astounding. Dean Meredith Raimondo spread flyers 'This is a RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.' Africana studies dept. 'Their food is rotten and they profile black students.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Dem. Rep. Marsha Fudge smears Trump and his voters on the floor of Congress. 'many who support the president's administration are either racists, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, just plain dumb.' Calls Trump a 'gangster' and 'mobster'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jun 16, 2019 ~ New York Times claims the Trump Administration is needlessly delaying the Harriet Tubman $20 bill due to racism. Dept. of Treasury immediately debunks. 'timetable is consistent with the previous administration' 'suggestion that the process is being delayed is completely erroneous' [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Scott Morefield 'Democrats Weaponize Race And Immigration In Their Quest For A Permanent Democratic Majority' 'this new crop of immigrants.. are coming here for the free stuff, stuff Democrats are all-too-willing to give in exchange for reliable votes' You're racist if you oppose [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Rep. Rashida Tlaib who can't let a day go by without false claims of racism said the reason AOC is being criticized for comparing detention facilities to Nazi concentration camps is because she is a woman of color. 'bullying by Liz and her crew of the WOC members of Congress' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial, Tlaib, Fake Racism]
Jun 21, 2019 ~ Economist Walter Williams says de Blasio is blaming the wrong thing, racism, for why blacks underperform on 'the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test'. Williams and Sowell point out blacks used to perform competitively but scores steadily declined as black culture changed [Race, Fake Racism, Walter Williams, Education]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ Black Lives Matter is upset with Pete Buttigieg because a white officer killed a black man. The officer says the man approaching him with a knife and would not drop it. Buttigieg throws his police department under the bus, 'systemic racism', to remain a viable democrat candidate [Race, Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ Antifa doxes Tucker Carlson and Stephen Miller. Put up posters in DC with home addresses. Posters say about Carlson 'Racist with a huge following and platform, uses it to promote racist dogwhistles.' Tucker has already had violent leftists show up at his house cracking his door. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ Knitting web site Ravelry bans support for Trump on their platform. They declare it to be equivalent to 'white supremacy'. 'We cannot ... allow support for open white supremacy. Support of the Trump administration is undeniably support for white supremacy.' Disgusting accusations. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ CNN's Angela Rye does not think detention centers exist to process an overwhelming influx of migrants. Its really because of 'a fear that white people are losing their power in this country.' 'It is white fear. That is what is driving this. It is racism at its core.' Fake News. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ George Washington University diversity training module warns of many 'problematic' situations. They scold 'whitesplaining is a form of racism'. Based on their example, 'whitesplaing' means giving an opinion while having white skin. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Joy Reid compared Trump to infamous segregationist Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace. 'He's just Republican George Wallace.' ' a 3rd of the country that does not like the idea that we're becoming a more multiracial society. Where women have a lot of asserted rights' [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Jun 28, 2019 ~ Dems are falsely trying to paint Biden as a racist because he talked to segregationists 30 yrs ago. Karma because Biden said Republicans want to put black people 'back in chains' and he just falsely said that Trump has yet to 'criticize the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacists' [Fake Racism, Biden]
Jul 1, 2019 ~ Nike cancels July 4th shoes bc Colin Kaepernick thinks 'the Betsy Ross flag is an offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery'. Obama had that flag at his inauguration. Ross was an abolitionist. Michael Eric Dyson compares it to a 'swastika', a 'cross burning' [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris claims to support bussing so she can accuse Biden of racism for opposing it 40 yrs ago. 'I support busing', 'That little girl was me'. But Biden was right. Bussing didn't work. It has very little current support. Harris just used it as a race card to hit Biden with. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Tulsi Gabbard calls out Harris and other dems for their 'false accusation that Joe Biden is a racist.' regarding bussing and segregationists. 'His critics have unfairly misrepresented his important message to score cheap political points.' But the fake race card is what dems do. [Biden, Fake Racism, Harris]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Democrat TJ Helmstetter bragged about harassing a Trump supporters in a DC restaurant. Guy with gf was having lunch with MAGA hat on. TJ informs him 'we don't tolerate racism in this city'. Also says they are 'Nazis' and 'racist pieces of shit' based on nothing but his own TDS. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Salon covers Trump's July 4th speech. 'Goebbels bla bla fascist bla bla white supremacy and male domination bla bla bigotry bla bla Fox News-watching yokels bla bla racist bla bla kids in cages bla bla white supremacists bla bla racism bla bla white supremacy' 100% straight trash [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Holocaust Denial]