Jul 5, 2019 ~ Race agitators claim that white America has a problem with Halle Berry as Ariel in Little Mermaid. But no one does except a very few unverified Twitter accounts and some of those were trolling. Almost all using the #NotMyAriel were people outraged that people were outraged. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Sheriff David Clarke article, 'Democrats Enjoy Yelling Fire in a Crowded Theater' 'liberals smear everything and everybody with the label of being racist even when it is patently false.' 'Democrats play the race card' and then 'they sit back and watch the feeding frenzy' [Fake Racism]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar busted by the Washington Post for telling a fake story of racist oppression to high school students. 'sweet, old ... African American lady' arrested for stealing a $2 loaf of bread to feed her starving 5-year-old granddaughter and spent the weekend in jail.' Debunked. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Omar]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Pelosi cries racism for why Trump wants the citizen question on the census. 'You know his hat? Make America White Again. They want to make sure that people, certain people, are counted.' Trump has never said any such thing and that is not what the hat says. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Jul 10, 2019 ~ NBA announced they will use the word 'governor' instead of 'owner' to describe a team owner because 'it's racially insensitive in a league where the majority of the players are black'. Sounds like slavery. ESPN host Stephen A. Smith thinks it ridiculous, 'Y'all are smoking crack' [Fake Racism]
Jul 10, 2019 ~ House dems turn into a circular firing squad using their main weapon, fake race cards. AOC accuses Pelosi of racism for 'singling out women of color'. CBC then accuses AOC's Justice Democrats of trying to primary black lawmakers. Fake race cards supposed to be reserved for GOP!! [Fake Racism]
Jul 12, 2019 ~ Washington Post column accuses Disney's Lion King remake of portraying a 'white supremacist's worldview.' And further, Pride Rock is 'a kind of Trump Tower of the African savanna.' This is not a parody or satire. This is the modern left, armed with race cards, afflicted with TDS [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 12, 2019 ~ Dems try to accuse ICE directory Thomas Homan of racism at congressional hearing. Did he not care about the migrant children 'because the children don't look like children that are around you.' Homen called the accusations 'disgusting' and defended himself and his agency. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jul 15, 2019 ~ Trump never mentioned race in his series of 'go back' tweets but he is predictably called a 'racist' for them because the people he was talking about were women of color. His only beef with them is that they seem to hate the United States, not their skin color. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, Fake Racism]
Jul 16, 2019 ~ Liberal activist claims that calling a person of color a 'communist' is code for calling them the n-word. 'Since at least the 1950s, "communist" has become a popular coded word for [n-word].' Similar to Rangel claim 'It's not spic and [n-word] anymore. They say, Let's cut taxes.' [Fake Racism]
Jul 16, 2019 ~ Truth comes out about Harriett Tubman $20 bill. Democrats claimed that Trump 'delayed' the bill for racist reasons. Pelosi called the delay 'unnecessary' and 'an insult'. Turns out 'there was no actual delay.' The bill is ahead of the schedule laid out by the Obama administration. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2019 ~ Justice Department concludes its investigation into the death of Eric Garner. No charges filed against the arresting officer. Officer was also cleared by grand jury in 2014. Garner was not choked to death despite the narrative. He died of an asthma attack while resisting arrest. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2019 ~ Yahoo News smears Actor Chris Pratt with headline, 'Chris Pratt criticized for white supremacist T-shirt'. The shirt simply had the famous 'Don't Tread On Me' Gadsden flag that was a symbol of rebelling against the British. There is nothing the left will not smear as 'racist'. [Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2019 ~ Some black people are saying things like 'Kamala Harris is *not* an American Black. She is half Indian and half Jamaican. I'm so sick of people robbing American Blacks (like myself) of our history. It's disgusting.' All Donald Trump Jr. says is 'Is this true?' and HE'S the racist [Fake Racism, Harris]
Jul 17, 2019 ~ 1200 person survey reveals that a majority of Mexican citizens supports the deportation of Central American migrants who travel through Mexico. But according to dems racism is the only reason to oppose illegal immigration so Mexicans must be racist against brown people. Dem logic [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2019 ~ Kyle Smith, 'Where's the Outrage at the Smear of Roger Scruton?' 'A liberal magazine misrepresented his words and got him fired. Three months later, with the distortion long since exposed, he's still out of the job and the article's author still has his.' [Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Kyle Smith]
Jul 17, 2019 ~ A noose like knot was found in a Delaware Home Depot. Two black customers found it and assumed it was a message to them. The women screamed and cursed at the manager. Threats called into the store calling him 'racist'. Culprit was trying decorative canopy knots for a customer. [Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ Yet another 'noose' reported as a hate crime that was not a real noose. Someone was practicing a fishing knot called a 'Uni Knot'. 'This person returned the rope to a storage area with the knot still in tied.' FBI was called and all the usual suspects denounced the 'hate crime'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 18, 2019 ~ College students again shocked by Obama's words. 'We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable.' Assume it was Trump. Call it racist, xenophobic etc. Wait til they find out Obama deported more people... [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Scarborough claims that Trump thinks 'the country needs to be 'ethnically cleansed'. These are disgusting smears that have no basis in reality. No wonder people who watch the Fake News hate Trump and America. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Miss World America stripped Kathy Zhu of Miss Michigan title claiming she's 'racist, Islamophobic and insensitive' because she said the hijab is a tool of oppression which it absolutely is. Women are forced under threat of violence to wear them. And she posted a true crime stat. [TDS, Fake Racism, Silencing, Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Biden claim's that Trump's base is racist. 'This is about dividing and raising the issue of racism across the country. Because that's his base. That's what he's pushing.' Biden then demands Trump condemns white supremacists and the Klan, which Trump has done MANY TIMES. [Fake Racism, Biden]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Georgia State Rep. and Minority Leader Erica Thomas was criticized by a man for having too many items in the 10 item express lane. Said 'racism and hate is getting out of control!' 'a white man' told her 'to go back to where I came from' supposed mimicking Trump's recent rhetoric. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ According to a statement from the Georgia Democratic Party regarding the Erica Thomas hate crime hoax, an express line argument between two liberal democrats proves that 'Trump's racist rhetoric is emboldening hate across Georgia and our country'. Dem logic. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett, TDS]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas hate crime hoax starts to unravel Jussie Smollett style when the supposed white racist shows up at her press conference. He is a Cuban Trump hater who criticized Trump's 'go back' rhetoric. Thomas forced to retract her claim. 'I don't know if he said go back'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas' story made no sense like Jussie Smollett's story. Makes no sense to tell black people to go back where they came from because almost none are immigrants. 'people are getting really out of control with this white privilege stuff.' He says 'I am Cuban. I'm not white' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Jul 21, 2019 ~ Erica Thomas hate crime hoax further unravels when witnesses say SHE was the one who repeatedly told the Cuban man to 'go back where he came from' and he didn't say anything like that. Security vid also proves she was lying about 'I feared for my life!'. She was the aggressor. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Smollett]
Jul 22, 2019 ~ Dems unhinged over the dog Ivanka gave to her daughter. 'Aryan breeder. Does it sit and sieg heil yet?' 'Good thing it's a white dog. Your dad hates the blacks.' Also remarks about 'kids in cages' Another fool posts that white people own dogs because they miss being slave masters [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 22, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar says 'You all should end this charade and accept that this racist president wants every black/brown person deported and Muslims banned'. Status of her two claims: False and False. But woke bonus points for false charges of racism and Islamophobia in the same sentence. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Omar]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ New study confirms what other studies have already found. That 'there is no data to support the idea that white cops are more likely to fatally shoot black or Hispanic suspects than their black and Hispanic law enforcement colleagues.' [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 24, 2019 ~ Cornel West discussing Trump, 'Racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'Hitler' bla bla 'Mussolini' bla bla 'proto-fascist' bla bla 'slave holders' bla bla 'misogynists and homophobes and transphobes' bla bla 'fascism' bla bla 'despot' bla bla 'racist' bla bla 'racist' [Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Holocaust Denial, Slavery]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ A white woman sells NiteCap, 'a washable silk hair wrap that aims to protect both skin and hair' because existing products don't exactly meet her needs. She is accused of cultural appropriation of a bonnet 'invented by Black women.' 'This is erasure' 'audacious culture-vulturing' [Fake Racism, Cultural Appropriation]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ Cardi B. says 'police brutality is going to keep going' as long as Trump is in office. BC of Trump, police say 'I can get away with killing a black man. I can get away with beating the shit out of a black man.' Then calls Trump voters 'motherfuckers' and 'fucking racist rednecks' [TDS, Police, Race, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Predictably, dems and the MSM call Trump's comments 'racist' because criticism of a black person is by definition racist according to dems. They said the word 'infested' was racist even though he was talking about RODENTS. Cummings himself once called Baltimore 'drug infested'. [Fake Racism, Baltimore]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Michelle, a Baltimore resident said 'What he [President Trump] said was definitely true' 'He [Cummings] hasn't done anything for us for the last, I think he's been in office over 20 years?' 'He's more worried about them [illegal aliens] than his own people' 'Trump is not racist' [Fake Racism, Baltimore, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Trump is called racist for pointing out facts about Baltimore, saying nothing about race. Bernie Sanders said 'You would think that you were in a Third World country' Bernie not called racist. Highest crime and murder rate. Murder rate higher than Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala [Fake Racism, Baltimore, Sanders]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Dems keep insisting Trump is a racist for calling Baltimore 'rat infested' when that is well known. Last year Mayor Catherine Pugh said, 'Whoa, you can smell the rats.' The schools 'misplaced' $tens of millions. 50% don't graduate. 13 high schools had 0 math proficient students. [Fake Racism, Baltimore]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Chris Mathews and guest make Holocaust references because Trump said Baltimore was rat infested. 'Trump's use of the word infested to describe Congressman Cummings' Baltimore district'. 'It's a Hitlerian term.' 'Goebbels' 'Exterminate them.' Guest says 'This is the Nazi playbook' [Fake Racism, Baltimore, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 28, 2019 ~ Mick Mulvaney defends charges that Trump is being racist by criticizing AOC and Cummings. 'When the president attacks "The Squad" he gets accused of being a racist. When Nancy Pelosi does it a few days later. It couldn't possibly be racist. She was simply attacking their ideas.' [Fake Racism, Baltimore, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Antifa uses AOC's false 'concentration camp' accusations to say their 'anti-fascist' violence should not be criminalized. 'We, the undersigned, wholly condemn any attempt to criminalize community efforts to stop white supremacist assaults and close concentration camps.' [Antifa, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Violent Left]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Mass shooting in Gilroy. Gunman kills 3. Some conclude mass shooters are all white people. 'Every mass shooting in the US is carried out by a white supremacist. Every. Single. One.' Not even close. Colin Flaherty lists 34 mass shootings by black people in the last 2 weeks alone. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Race, Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Rob Reiner says Trump 'is a racist. He's made it abundantly clear his re-election is based on white nationalism. If you support him, there can be no distinction between you being a racist and a racist enabler. They are the same.' Dems are desperate to make this fake smear stick. [TDS, Fake Racism]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ Democratic Virginia delegate Ibraheem Samirah disrupted a Trump speech to accuse Trump of 'racism and bigotry'. Ironically, he then had to apologize for several anti-Semitic tweets like saying donating money to Israel is like 'sending money to the KKK.' [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Fake Racism]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ Actress Rosanna Arquette responded to the Gilroy Garlic Festival by tweeting 'All of the shooters in America have been White males. White terrorists . The end.' Its not possible to be more wrong. Also, the FBI corrected fake news claims that the shooter was a white supremacist. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ The dems are not running out of ways to falsely accuse Trump of racism. According to Elizabeth Warren, 'the president is advancing environmental racism, economic racism, criminal justice racism, health care racism.' How can he keep all of his racisms straight? [Fake Racism]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ Martin Luther King's niece Alveda King says the accusations that Trump is a racist is fake news. 'All of that news is absolutely fake.' 'he's not a racist, absolutely is not, and the programs that he has moved forward... is helping African Americans.' Economy and criminal justice [Fake Racism]
Jul 31, 2019 ~ Heather Mac Donald 'There Is No Epidemic of Racist Police Shootings' A new study 'published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demolishes the Democratic narrative regarding race and police shootings' 'white officers are no more likely... shoot black civilians' [Police, Fake Racism]
Aug 1, 2019 ~ CNN runs a non-parody story about how robots tend to be white due to racism. 'Have you ever noticed the popularity of white robots? The reason for these shades of technological white may be racism'. If the robots were black that would be called racism too, guaranteed. [Fake Racism]
Aug 1, 2019 ~ NY Post, 'The facts say: Do not fire Daniel Pantaleo', Eric Garner arresting officer. 'The police weren't harassing him, they weren't acting with bias, they were responding to a call.' A 350 pound man with 'heart disease, asthma and obesity' 'refused to be taken into custody.' [Fake Racism, Police]
Aug 1, 2019 ~ The FBI corrects the record on the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting. The media widely reported that the shooter was a White Supremacist and that type of material was found at his house. FBI says that was all incorrect and based on fake news. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]