Mar 31, 2020 ~ Trump tells Yamiche Alcindor 'Be nice. Don't be threatening'. Susan Rice, 'Pathetic when insecure men can't stomach strong black women' Trump JUST went after white man Peter Alexander and MANY others more harshly. But in THIS case, its because she's a 'woman' and a 'black person' [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ Candace Owens on Yamiche Alcindor bringing race into Trump's comment to her. 'Trump has gone to war with nearly every reporter since he has stepped into office... Nothing makes black people look more weak and pathetic than blacks that cry racism when they are treated equally.' [Fake Racism]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Mississippi State head football coach Mike Leach apologized for tweeting, 'After 2 weeks of quarantine with her husband, Gertrude decided to knit him a scarf.' The scarf was in the shape of a noose and some falsely called it a 'lynching joke'. Which of course it was not. [Fake Racism, College]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ More evidence that false charges of racism played a roll in the spread of Coronavirus. Lombardy Gov. Attilio Fontana 'You were the ones who told me that I was racist when I asked for checks on all citizens who came back from China' They chanted 'shame' like US left wing toddlers. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Apr 13, 2020 ~ Anayeli Dominguez Peña is arrested for faking at least 10 hate crime incidents at the University of La Verne. Racial slurs including the n-word, threats of violence, fire started in her car, assault on her that put a noose over her head. Caused fear, marches, protests, demands. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Apr 17, 2020 ~ Biden repeats lies about Trump and then attributes them to Trump supporters. 'They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad'. Trump never said those things and his supporters do not believe them. All dems have are divisive lies. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Biden]
Apr 19, 2020 ~ Bill Maher says 'liberalism lost its way' calls out dems for crying racism regarding naming Covid19. 'You can't yell at someone for breaking a rule you just made up. Scientists have been naming diseases after the places they came from for a very long time' 'We should blame China' [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Apr 19, 2020 ~ Bill Maher on the idea that 'its racist to attack any cultural practice' "I say liberalism lost its way when it started thinking like that. And pretended that forcing a woman to wear this (full body burka) was just a different 'way' instead of an abhorrent human rights violation" [Islam, Fake Racism, Political Correctness]
Apr 21, 2020 ~ Derek Hunter, 'With Coronavirus, Liberals Only Have Racism Left'. MSNBC claims people protesting to end lockdown are doing it because they want black people to die. 'If you want the government to open up, then you want more black and brown people to die.' Ridiculous Fake News. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Derek Hunter]
Apr 22, 2020 ~ Kansas State Prof. Philip Nel said 'Has anyone developed an app to track Republicans & other plague-spreaders?' He also referred to the GOP as a 'death cult'. Nel previously wrote a book claiming 'The Cat in the Hat', 'Grinch' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' are racist. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, College]
Apr 25, 2020 ~ The Syracuse University Student Association passed a resolution trying to silence Ben Shaprio. Again. They condemn his alleged white supremacy, 'hate speech', 'racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, and xenophobia.' All charges are totally absurd and fake as usual. [Ben Shapiro, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Xenophobia, College, Silencing]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ Beto O'Rourke says Trump's immigration restrictions during #COVID19 are racially motivated of course. This clown knows one word: RACISM. Beto knows the restrictions are really an 'effort on the part of the Trump Administration to stop nonwhite immigration into the United States.' [Fake Racism, Immigration, Coronavirus]
Apr 28, 2020 ~ Jemele Hill, who was fired from ESPN for falsely calling people 'white supremacists' including Trump and Jordan Peterson is at it again. She called NFL kicker Justin Rohrwasser a white supremacist for his 3% tattoo. He only knew the original meaning of it which is not racist. [Fake Racism]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ Dems go to the old race card playbook about wanting to end the shutdown. Brittney Cooper, 'Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life, but my most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among them is that they welcome this massive winnowing of Black folks' [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ As De Blasio lets criminals out of jail, he's rounding up Jews attending a funeral for arrest. 'My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest.' [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ GA lawmaker Vernon Jones criticized Biden's lie about the GOP wanting to put black people in chains. 'He likes to talk about Republicans putting you in chains, but Joe Biden did worse. Joe Biden put them in jail? President Trump has come along and let many family members out.' [Biden, Crime, Fake Racism, First Step]
May 3, 2020 ~ Disgusting New York Times article 'The Coronavirus Becomes a Battle Cry for U.S. Extremists' links the shutdown protestors to 'white supremacists'. Firmly establishes the link by noting Hitler's birthday and OK City Bombing (which had 0 to do with white supremacy) were in April. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Fake Racism, Terrorism]
May 6, 2020 ~ The National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund has endorsed Joe Biden because they say Trump has 'eviscerated so many basic civil rights' because 'he just decides that he's going to appeal to people from white supremacists to homophobic people'. Total and complete BS. [Trans, Biden, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia]
May 10, 2020 ~ Brian Stelter ridiculously says 'It is racist to look at an Asian-American White House correspondent and say, ask China'. Greg Gutfeld responds 'For this to make sense you would have to willfully ignore that 8000 times trump blamed China to reporters of every race, gender.' [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
May 12, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager is smeared again. After being falsely accused of mocking Anne Frank and claiming 'slavery was not that bad', several outlets accuse him of 'bemoaning' that he can 'no longer using racist language coined during eras of slavery and segregation' Totally false as usual. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Slavery]
May 14, 2020 ~ Ann Coulter, 'Liberal Privilege in Two Tweets' Someone tweets 'What would happen if protesters of color acted this way to police?' Yelling. Audra McDonald responded 'We'd all have been shot dead.' Nothing like that has happened since 1965. Police stand by as cities are destroyed. [Fake Racism, Police]
May 14, 2020 ~ Maxine Waters says Trump rallies are 'White Power Rallies' 'Trump doesn't care about the 80,000+ people who've died from #Coronavirus! He only wants to open up the economy so he can go back to having his white power pep rallies!' Constant despicable lies and smears. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, TDS]
May 15, 2020 ~ Leonard Pitts proves that any criticism of Obama will STILL be met with false charges of racism, 'Dear Mitch McConnell: Why don't you just go ahead and call Barack Obama the n-word? You know you want to.' McConnell said Obama shouldn't be criticizing administrations following him [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
May 18, 2020 ~ Ibram X. Kendi says 'Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. They were birthed together from the same unnatural causes, and they shall one day die together from unnatural causes.' Nonsense. Capitalism is simply an economic system based on liberty.[CRT DIE Wokeness, Economics, Fake Racism]
May 20, 2020 ~ Megan Rapinoe, referred to the president as a "white nationalist," during a recent interview. 'We have a white nationalist in the White House'. Absurd. [TDS, Fake Racism]
May 21, 2020 ~ After Ida Bae Wells talks about the concept of being 'politically black', Tim Carney observes, 'When Black is defined to mean something like "liberal" or "center-left" or whatever, then conservative views are de facto racist. It's not a subtle trick, but it's a favorite one.' [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics, Fake Racism]
May 21, 2020 ~ Jennifer Rubin looks ridiculous for the 10,000th time criticizing Rich Lowry for pointing out that Stacey Abrams does not remotely have the experience required to be President. She calls that obvious fact 'racist'. Lowry shows how she said same about Obama who had more experience [Fake Racism, TDS, Rich Lowry]
May 24, 2020 ~ New York Times 'Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?' For almost 50 years, 'white supremacy' was never mentioned except in historical context. Now in 2020, 'white supremacy' IS EVERYWHERE! Except NONE OF IT is real. ONE GUY, 5 years ago, proves its a big problem. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
May 27, 2020 ~ Tony McDade is the latest ridiculous example #BLM is using to prove the police are 'racist.' McDade had just stabbed Malik Jackson to death. Police arrive and McDade has a gun he will not drop despite commands. He raises and points the gun at the officers who of course shoot him. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
May 29, 2020 ~ After the Cancel Culture outrage mob forces Jimmy Fallon to apologize for impersonating his friend Chris Rock 20 years ago, John Malkovich says 'What's funny yesterday becomes illegal today and the person uttering it must be canceled. Outrage culture is as strong as it is toxic.' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
May 29, 2020 ~ Totally absurd story emerges, even by the left's standards, claiming many of the rioters are 'white nationalists'. Fake News of course. The primary perpetrators of violence and destruction are Black Lives Matters and Antifa. Trump declares Antifa to be a Domestic Terrorist Org. [Antifa, BLM, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
May 29, 2020 ~ Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan is one of the fools pushing the ridiculous story that White Supremacists are the rioters. And then tries to tie the non-existent people to Trump. 'White Supremacists=Trump Supporters. These are Trump supporters burning and looting.' Vile smears. [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Fake News, TDS]
May 29, 2020 ~ Maxine Waters blames Trump and 'White Supremacists' for Floyd's death. 'all of the killings of young black men... at the hands of the police and at the hands of these white supremacists.' Trump's 'dog-whistling' makes police think 'they can get away with this kind of treatment.' [George Floyd, Police, TDS, Fake Racism]
May 29, 2020 ~ Michigan Democrat Party Lavora Barnes smears Trump and his supporters as 'racists'. 'If you support Donald Trump, you are a racist... Donald Trump is a racist, and if being a racist is not a dealbreaker for you, you are the reason Black people are being murdered for being Black.' [George Floyd, Fake Racism]
May 29, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh points out that white Tony Timpa was killed exactly the same way as Floyd. Officer's knee on him, saying he can't breath until dead. No story. White Daniel Shaver is another unjust killing but not a story. The narrative is created by what is shown and what is not shown [George Floyd, Police, Fake Racism]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ Burgess Owens, 'I can't have respect for anyone who truly believes America is more racist than it has been. People who can't see our progress do not know our history. [George Floyd, Police, Fake Racism]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ Candace Owens breaks the internet with a video debunking the racist police narrative 'I've had celebrities and athletes message me from all around the world thanking me-telling me they agree with me, but have to publicly support BLM or risk being labeled as a "racist" by the mob' [George Floyd, Police, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, BLM]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ The Dem mob appears to be serious in their demand to 'Defund the Police' Mayor asked, 'Yes or no? Will you commit to defunding the Minneapolis Police Department?' Mayor said no. The mob vowed to vote him out. 'Get the fuck out of here! No racists! No white supremacists! Go Home!' [George Floyd, Police, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ Brenden O'Neill, 'I did not kill George Floyd' 'The attempt to hold all whites responsible for the death of Floyd' 'Whiteness has become a kind of original sin, an inherited moral defect one must atone for throughout one's life.' Whites are being asked to kneel and atone. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jun 6, 2020 ~ The new orthodoxy which cannot be questioned is that America is a 'white supremacist' society that is 'systemically racist'. Time, 'White people have inherited this house of white supremacy, built by their forebears' Chicago Tribune, 'White people, you are the problem.' [Racism, Fake Racism, Race, Fake News]
Jun 8, 2020 ~ Peter Kirsanow, U.S. Commission On Civil Rights explains the Ferguson Effect which is likely to happen again. The crime rate was steadily decreasing in black neighborhoods over the past 30 years. In the one year after Ferguson, homicides spiked 90%. Double Digit homicide increases in 50 largest cities. [College, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 8, 2020 ~ The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago cut ties with a University of Chicago economics professor Harald Uhlig following his criticism of #BLM. He said BLM 'just torpedoed itself, with its full-fledged support of #defundthepolice' 'Time for sensible adults to enter back into the room' [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ AOC falsely accuses Kayleigh McEnany of racism. Claims she mistakes 'a woman of color for having a lower position or title... I'm a Congresswoman' 'horrendous history of stripping women of color of titles and diminishing them to "the help"' McEnany did call her Congresswoman. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Just when you thought white virtue-signalers could not abase themselves more'. First, white people were asked to kneel before black people to atone for their role in 'systemic racism' and many did. Now white people are washing the feet of black people. [George Floyd, Racism, Fake Racism]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Push at Cornell to fire Prof William Jacobson for writing, 'Reminder: "Hands up, don't shoot" is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case' 'differences of opinion are not tolerated, trying to shut down debate through false accusations of racism... the preferred tactic.' [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Donald Trump Jr. highlights yet another case of extreme cancel culture. 'They're canceling the pastor of the largest (and most racially diverse) church in Alabama just because he liked some of [Charlie Kirk's] @charliekirk11's posts. Absolutely insane.' Kirk is not a racist. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Activists at Louisiana State University are protesting their mascot, a Tiger, demanding it be changed because it represents 'racism' and 'white privilege'. petition 'Change the Racist Mascot of LSU!' You can't make this up. A tiger! Cancel Culture out of control. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ From Tom Ciccotta article, 'Arizona State University revoked a job offer from professor Sonya Forte Duhé after she praised "good police officers"... Duhé was scheduled to assume the role of dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ While democrats are falsely painting all police as racist and evil even though probably less than 1% of them are, Trump has the courage to stand up for them. 'we will make no progress and heal no wounds by falsely labeling tens of millions of decent Americans as racist or bigots' [George Floyd, Police, Fake Racism]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Democrats falsely accusing Trump of EXTREME racism just because he scheduled a rally on June 19 which is Juneteenth. Kamala Harris, 'This isn't just a wink to white supremacists-he's throwing them a welcome home party' Al Green, 'overt racism' Maxine Waters, ' it's a jab at us.' [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left]