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Jul 1, 2020 ~ Hardon-Simmons University expels a student for posting a TikTok video explaining that no one cares when black people kill black people or black people kill white people but get outraged at the least common combination of white people killing black people. Univ says 'Unacceptable' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ The Cancel Culture mob has gotten Judge Cormac Carney to step down from his role as chief judge. In praising who he called 'a fabulous clerk of the court in Kiry Gray' he called her 'street smart'. That is 'racist' now even though its always been a compliment. Rules change daily. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Student Ashleigh Brock was expelled from Christian Hardin Simmons University for making truthful videos about #BLM on TikTok. She said "All Lives Matter" and pointed out the hypocrisy of how society treats white on black vs black on white vs black on black crime. Her observations were called 'hate speech' and the cowardly president caved to the mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Bloomberg article on how COVID19 is reaching more older vulnerable Floridians. Vile, hate filled, disgusting New York Times writer Paul Krugman comments on it, 'Reality is coming for white supremacists driving golf carts.' Despicable fake accusations from democrats daily. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Actor Danny Glover says, the police are 'the last line of defense for white supremacy. That's what the police represents. They don't protect African Americans'. Actually they do. Narrative that police are systemically racist has been debunked. They protect the black community. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Dr. Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter LA said, 'We live in a city that is largely liberal white supremacists. So, when you say 'Fuck Donald Trump, make sure you say Fuck Eric Garcetti.' who pledged to defund police $150M. Said Trump a 'white supremacist terrorist' [Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Violent left wing 'protestors' burned down the 120-year-old Thompson Elk Fountain located near a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon'. It was an Elk. Portland is a hotbed for Antifa. They are still rioting every night, throwing bottles, rocks and other projectiles at police.' [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Actress and playwright Sarah Jones said Hollywood 'has been an engine of white supremacist ideology since D.W. Griffith' which was over 100 years ago and that her show was canceled in part due to 'white supremacy'. White supremacy is EVERYWHERE in 2020. [Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Kindness Yoga in Denver closes all 9 studios after activists who happen to be opening competitive yoga studios falsely accuse them of racism in social media cancel campaign. This company could not be more woke and welcoming. Their black customers love it. In business for 19 years [Fake Racism]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Lillian Richard's family is fighting back after Quaker Foods announced Aunt Jemima's face would be removed bc 'racism'. But they don't 'matter'. White liberals are PISSED that any black people can be seen on grocery shelves. If you disagree, you think George Floyd deserved to die [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, George Floyd]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Colin Kaepernick says July 4th is a 'celebration of white supremacy'. Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries... We reject your celebration of white supremacy.' Thinks he speaks for black people but many reject this hate [Loathsome Left, Race, Fake Racism]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Disgusting gaslighting from dems about Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech. Sen. Duckworth, 'He spent all his time talking about dead traitors'. Trump talked about DOZENS of people, NONE traitors. 5 Ex Presidents, MLK, Grant, Harriet Tubman, Jesse Owens, Ali, etc. Dems lie NON STOP. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Robert Costa, WaPo on Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech, 'unyielding push to preserve Confederate symbols and the legacy of white domination' Trump said 'We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Trump supporters have a boat parade to celebrate Independence Day and President Trump in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Democrat 'protesters' unsurprisingly try to 'Shut it Down'. Chant the usual garbage like 'No KKK. No Fascist USA'. There were no fascists or KKK present of course. [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Tom Ciccotta 'College Democrats Leadership Board Resigns After Racism Accusation'. 'nearly the entire executive board of the College Democrats organization was forced to resign last week after' the only black member claimed discrimination.'unequivocally false... claims of racism' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Lloyd Marcus, 'America and the Police Presumed Guilty of Racism' The idea 'that white America and police are harming blacks... that simply is not true.' 'data confirms that the greatest defenders of black lives over the years have been police.' Defund cops equals more dead blacks [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 6, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?' Dems and the left need this to be a racist society for political reasons but Americans are not cooperating. Prager lists over a dozen fabricated hate crimes designed to prove the false narrative. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Oregon politician Jonathan Lopez said he got a letter saying. 'Don't waste your time trying to become anything in this county we will make sure you never win and your family suffers along with all the other fucking Mexicans in the area! Sincerely, America!' Surprise! He wrote it. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes the racist propaganda that Seattle's white employees must endure. They must learn they have 'complicity in the system of white supremacy' that objectivity, individualism, intellectualization, comfort are all examples of 'Internalized Racial Oppression'. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ NYC Council member Thomas Wrocklage brought his friend's nephew, to a meeting. This infuriated Council member Rachel Broshi, 'It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don't know the context. That is harmful.' Broshi called a 'racist'. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Identity Politics]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Joe Biden declares that police have 'become the enemy'. 'Yes, absolutely' cut their funding. As part of the question, the interviewer claimed America has a 'commitment to white supremacy'. Biden gave zero pushback to that disgusting smear of the country he wants to lead. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Police]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Guy Benson points out, 'They can either have "asking to see data is racist" or "we're the pro-science people." They cannot have both.' Dems know the data does not support their positions so the cancel data and anyone who wants to examine it via false racism accusations. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Seattle’s Office of Civil Rights runs very anti-white 'diversity training.' A "program designed to help white workers examine their “complicity in . . . white supremacy." White employees should "practice self-talk that affirms [their] complicity in racism” and work on “undoing [their] own whiteness.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Another hate crime hoax. Texas A&M student Isaih Martin claimed he got racist notes on his car. 'All lives matter' 'You don't belong here' 'n-word' etc. Big headlines. 'Racism is here in college station'. A&M apologized. Video footage reveals he put the notes there himself. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ BLM protests the killing of Hakim Littleton by police. Video shows BLM yelling 'Black Lives Matter', 'No justice, no peace', 'Fire and jail the killer cop!'. Threw bottles and bricks at the police. They called black officers the N-word. Littleton was shooting at the cop's head. [Violent Left, Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Detroit Police released body cam video showing that black man Hakim Littleton fired at officers before they shot and killed him. False claims spread that Littleton was unarmed. Sparked protests with 8 arrested as police were pelted with rocks and other projectiles at the protest. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Frank Camp, 'Why Are We Afraid To Stand Up To The Woke Mob?' Because they've rigged it so that facts no longer matter. "data and reason have been killed by the revolution' Are now 'something that could be used against you, to brand you as a 'racist.'" Like police crime stats. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture being taken to the next level. Jessica Doty Whitaker, white mother of a 3 year old was shot to death by BLM 'protesters' for arguing 'All Lives Matter'. 'Multiple black assailants' shot her in the head. 'Why isn't anybody outraged about this?' her grandfather asks. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jul 12, 2020 ~ NYPD commish Bernard Kerik begs Gov. Cuomo to 'DO SOMETHING!' bc de Blasio is 'endangering the lives of every New York City Police Officer,' Sends videos of officers being attacked by the crowd while they are arresting suspects who are fighting back. De Blasio ties their hands. [Fake Racism, Police, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 12, 2020 ~ John Sexton, 'More than 150 Minneapolis police officers file PTSD claims, prepare to leave the force'. 20% leaving or going on disability. The dems politicians have bought into the false narrative that the police are the enemy. Violent crime skyrocketing as police backing off. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Senator Hirono on 'the racism that is in our country'. Trump's has 'a base of supporters who are very anti-immigrant and white supremacists. That's a lot of his base.' There are 2 kinds of Democrats. Those who knowingly say these smears and those who have no idea they are lies. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Immigration]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Oklahoma State football coach Gundy lost a year of his contract and $1 million a year for wearing an OAN T-Shirt. The cancel culture mob said OAN was 'racist'. No 'evidence' of racism was ever produced. But Gundy on his knees before the mob at least has kept his job for now. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager "5 Arguments Against 'America Is a Racist Country'" The charge that America is systemically racist is 'libel'. Evidence its not: so many hate crime hoaxes and false examples of racism, constant use of slavery, abolished 155 years ago as an example of racism in 2020. [Dennis Prager, Fake Racism]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Endicott Mayor Linda Jackson and Deputy Mayor Cheryl Chapman beg for forgiveness for an 'All Lives Matter' quote on Facebook. Dems release a motion 'The Broome County Democratic Party takes a dim view of such behavior' Demand resignations.The current world doesn't even seem real [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter march in London compares the police to the KKK. 'take it to the streets? fuck the police', 'no justice, no peace', 'The police is no different from the KKK.' Called for the creation of a 'Black Militia'. [Violent Left, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ The cancel culture mob forced Gary Garrels, the 20 yr curator of the San. Fran Museum of Modern Art. Called a 'white supremacist' for saying 'we will definitely still continue to collect white artists.' He clarified that he was just saying white artists should not be excluded. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 14, 2020 ~ Creighton University Professor Zachary Smith said the 'Back the Blue rally in Omaha to show support for law enforcement' is really a 'White supremacist rally in Omaha to showcase Midwestern racism'. False charges of racism every single day from the Loathsome Left. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Police, College]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Trump says more white people are killed by police than black people. NYT attempts to 'fact check'. 'Black Americans are killed at a far higher rate than white' Measured by population which is irrelevant. Measured by crimes committed, and resulting police contacts, they are not. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Teen Vogue, 'Black Power Naps Is Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep' This article is not satire. It's actually claiming black people inherited 'generational fatigue'. 'We're dealing with an inheritance of... hundreds of years of sleep deprivation' 'We inherited this exhaustion.' [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 16, 2020 ~ Washington Post article, 'That sound you're hearing is classical music's long overdue reckoning with racism'. Like the 'Addressing Systemic Racism in Sleep' article, this seems like it has to be satirizing the hysteria of calling literally everything 'racist'. But it's not... [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Kyle Smith, 'The Capitalist Genius of the Anti-Racism Industry' Robin DiAngelo is scamming millions out of corps preaching 'White Fragility'. Does lots of damage. Makes black people feel oppressed, white people feel either resentful for false accusations or undeservingly guilty. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Kyle Smith, Race]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Tiffany Cross said Trump is 'tossing red meat to his Klan-like base' because Trump mentioned that 'more white people' are killed by the cops than black people. Absurd accusation. 2X white people are killed by cops vs. black. Black people are less likely than white by crime stats. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture coming for Marymount Manhattan College Prof Patricia Simon for not being sufficiently attentive during an 'anti-racist' Zoom meeting. The mob claims Simon was sleeping through their re-education camp. Demands she be fired. Simon said she was just resting her eyes. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 17, 2020 ~ Andrew Sullivan 'resigns' from The New Yorker. He explains, 'any writer not actively committed to critical theory in questions of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity is actively, physically harming co-workers merely by existing in the same virtual space.' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 20, 2020 ~ Columbia Prof. John McWhorter, 'The Dehumanizing Condescension of White Fragility'. Calls the book 'racist'. 'The book diminishes Black people in the name of dignifying us' 'numerous obvious flaws.' 'I neither need nor want anyone to muse on how whiteness privileges them over me' [Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 20, 2020 ~ John Lott's book, 'Gun Control Myths', Gun Free Zones pushed by gun control advocates don't prevent mass shootings. They attract them and make them more deadly. US doesn't have a unique problem. Compares well with rest of world. Also 2% of counties responsible for 52% of murders. [Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Fake News NYT Wajahat Ali, 'there are many white Republican voters in this country if they're given a choice between renting a room in their house to a person of color or burning down the house, they will elect to burn down the entire neighborhood. It's not just a small fringe.' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Sen. Duckworth said of Tucker Carlson, 'I think he singled me out because I'm Asian-American.' She's totally lying which ironically is the real reason he singled her out. She claimed Trump spent all of his speech talking about 'dead traitors' when he spent no time doing that. [Fake Racism]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ President Trump is not allowing non-citizens to be counted for representation in Congress. CA Gov. Gavin Newsom said this policy is 'rooted in racism and xenophobia'. False. Its rooted in sanity. No sane country allows non-citizens governmental power over its citizens. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Biden says Trump is the first 'racist' president. Dems still have nothing but the race card. 'The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they're from, is absolutely sickening'. He just described Dems. Fake example was 'China Virus' [Fake Racism, Coronavirus]

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